RPC 【Remote Procedure Call】是指远程过程调用,是一种进程间通信方式,是一种技术思想,而不是规范。它允许程序调用另一个地址空间(网络的另一台机器上)的过程或函数,而不用开发人员显式编码这个调用的细节。调用本地方法和调用远程方法一样。
Dubbo、gRPC、gRPC、Apache Thrift、RMI…等
/** * @Author Lijl * @AnnotationTypeName Service * @Description 被该注解标记的服务可提供远程访问的能力 * @Date 2022/2/14 14:32 * @Version 1.0 */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) @Component @Inherited public @interface Service { String value() default ""; String version() default ""; long timeout() default 0L; }
/** * @Author Lijl * @InterfaceName ServiceRegister * @Description 定义服务注册 * @Date 2022/2/15 15:14 * @Version 1.0 */ public interface ServiceRegister { void register(List<ServiceObject> so) throws Exception; ServiceObject getServiceObject(String name) throws Exception; } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName DefaultServiceRegister * @Description 默认服务注册 * @Date 2022/2/15 15:19 * @Version 1.0 */ public abstract class DefaultServiceRegister implements ServiceRegister{ private Map<String, ServiceObject> serviceMap = new HashMap<>(); protected String protocol; protected int port; /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName register * @Description 缓存服务持有对象 * @Date 16:10 2022/3/11 * @Version 1.0 * @param soList * @return: void **/ @Override public void register(List<ServiceObject> soList) throws Exception { if (soList==null&&soList.size()>0){ throw new IllegalAccessException("Service object information cannot be empty"); } soList.forEach(so -> this.serviceMap.put(so.getName(), so)); } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName getServiceObject * @Description 获取服务持有对象 * @Date 16:11 2022/3/11 * @Version 1.0 * @param name * @return: com.huawei.rpc.server.register.ServiceObject **/ @Override public ServiceObject getServiceObject(String name) { return this.serviceMap.get(name); } } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName ZookeeperExportServiceRegister * @Description Zookeeper服务注册,提供服务注册、服务暴露 * @Date 2022/2/15 15:26 * @Version 1.0 */ public class ZookeeperExportServiceRegister extends DefaultServiceRegister { /** * zk客户端 */ private ZkClient client; public ZookeeperExportServiceRegister(String zkAddress, int port, String protocol){ this.client = new ZkClient(zkAddress); this.client.setZkSerializer(new ZookeeperSerializer()); this.port = port; this.protocol = protocol; } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName register * @Description 缓存服务持有对象,并注册服务 * @Date 15:38 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param soList 服务持有者集合 * @return: void **/ @Override public void register(List<ServiceObject> soList) throws Exception { super.register(soList); for (ServiceObject so : soList) { ServiceInfo serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(); String host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); String address = host + ":" + port; serviceInfo.setAddress(address); serviceInfo.setName(so.getName()); serviceInfo.setProtocol(protocol); this.exportService(serviceInfo); } } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName exportService * @Description 暴露服务 * @Date 15:38 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param serviceInfo 需要暴露的服务信息 * @return: void **/ private void exportService(ServiceInfo serviceInfo) { String serviceName = serviceInfo.getName(); String uri = JSON.toJSONString(serviceInfo); try { uri = URLEncoder.encode(uri, CommonConstant.UTF_8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String servicePath = CommonConstant.ZK_SERVICE_PATH + CommonConstant.PATH_DELIMITER + serviceName + CommonConstant.PATH_DELIMITER + "service"; if (!client.exists(servicePath)){ client.createPersistent(servicePath,true); } String uriPath = servicePath + CommonConstant.PATH_DELIMITER + uri; if (client.exists(uriPath)){ client.delete(uriPath); } client.createEphemeral(uriPath); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName RpcService * @Description RPC抽象服务端 * @Date 2022/2/15 16:09 * @Version 1.0 */ public abstract class RpcServer { /** * 服务端口 */ protected int port; /** * 服务协议 */ protected String protocol; /** * 请求处理者 */ protected RequestHandler handler; public RpcServer(int port, String protocol, RequestHandler handler){ super(); this.port = port; this.protocol = protocol; this.handler = handler; } /** * 开启服务 */ public abstract void start(); /** * 停止服务 */ public abstract void stop(); } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName NettyRpcService * @Description Netty RPC服务端,提供Netty网络服务开启、关闭,接收客户端请求及消息后的处理 * @Date 2022/2/15 16:28 * @Version 1.0 */ @Slf4j public class NettyRpcServer extends RpcServer{ private Channel channel; public NettyRpcServer(int port, String protocol, RequestHandler handler){ super(port,protocol,handler); } @Override public void start() { EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1); NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); try { ServerBootstrap sb = new ServerBootstrap(); sb.group(bossGroup,workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG,100) .handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)) .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = socketChannel.pipeline(); pipeline.addLast(new ChannelRequestHandler()); } }); //启动服务 ChannelFuture future = sb.bind(port).sync(); log.info("Server starteed successfully."); channel = future.channel(); //等待服务通道关闭 future.channel().closeFuture().sync(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { //释放资源 bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); workerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } } @Override public void stop() { if (this.channel!=null){ this.channel.close(); } } private class ChannelRequestHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter{ @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { log.info("Channel active: {}",ctx); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { log.info("The server receives a message: {}",msg); ByteBuf msgBuf = (ByteBuf) msg; byte[] req = new byte[msgBuf.readableBytes()]; msgBuf.readBytes(req); byte[] res = handler.handleRequest(req); log.info("Send response: {}",msg); ByteBuf respBuf = Unpooled.buffer(res.length); respBuf.writeBytes(res); ctx.write(respBuf); } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.flush(); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { cause.printStackTrace(); log.error("Exception occurred: {}",cause.getMessage()); ctx.close(); } } } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName RequestHandler * @Description 请求处理器,提供解组请求,编组响应操作 * @Date 2022/2/15 16:10 * @Version 1.0 */ public class RequestHandler { private MessageProtocol protocol; private ServiceRegister serviceRegister; public RequestHandler(MessageProtocol protocol,ServiceRegister serviceRegister){ super(); this.protocol = protocol; this.serviceRegister = serviceRegister; } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName handleRequest * @Description 处理客户端请求参数,调用本地服务 * @Date 16:26 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param data * @return: byte[] **/ public byte[] handleRequest(byte[] data) throws Exception{ //1.解组消息 Request request = this.protocol.unmarshallingRequest(data); //2. 查找服务对象 ServiceObject so = this.serviceRegister.getServiceObject(request.getServiceName()); Response response = null; if (so==null){ response = Response.builder().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build(); }else{ try { //3.反射调用对应的过程方法 Method method = so.getClazz().getMethod(request.getMethod(), request.getParameterTypes()); Object returnVal = method.invoke(so.getObj(), request.getParameters()); response = Response.builder() .status(Status.SUCCESS) .returnValue(returnVal) .build(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { response = Response.builder() .status(Status.ERROR) .exception(e) .build(); } } return this.protocol.marshallingResponse(response); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName DefaultRpcProcessor * @Description rcp监听处理器 负责暴露服务、自动注入 * @Date 2022/2/26 20:43 * @Version 1.0 */ @Slf4j public class DefaultRpcProcessor implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent>, DisposableBean { @Autowired private ClientProxyFactory clientProxyFactory; @Autowired private ServiceRegister serviceRegister; @Autowired private RpcServer rpcService; @SneakyThrows @Override public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) { ApplicationContext applicationContext = event.getApplicationContext(); if (Objects.isNull(applicationContext.getParent())){ //开启服务 startServer(applicationContext); //注入Service injectService(applicationContext); } } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName startServer * @Description 扫描服务注册注解,调用服务注册将服务注册到zookeeper中 * @Date 18:44 2022/2/26 * @Version 1.0 * @param applicationContext * @return: void **/ private void startServer(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws Exception { //过滤出带有服务注册注解的实例 Map<String, Object> beans = applicationContext.getBeansWithAnnotation(Service.class); if (beans.size()!=0){ //遍历服务组装服务注册信息 for (Object o : beans.values()) { List<ServiceObject> soList = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> clazz = o.getClass(); Service service = clazz.getAnnotation(Service.class); String version = service.version(); Class<?>[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length>1){ //相同接口存在不同版本号,则分别注册 for (Class<?> aClass : interfaces) { String aClassName = aClass.getName(); if (StringUtils.hasLength(version)){ aClassName +=":"+version; } soList.add(new ServiceObject(aClassName,aClass,o)); } }else{ Class<?> superClass = interfaces[0]; String aClassName = superClass.getName(); if (StringUtils.hasLength(version)){ aClassName +=":"+version; } soList.add(new ServiceObject(aClassName, superClass, o)); } //调用服务注册 this.serviceRegister.register(soList); } rpcService.start(); } } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName injectService * @Description 注入远程调用服务 * @Date 19:20 2022/2/26 * @Version 1.0 * @param applicationContext * @return: void **/ private void injectService(ApplicationContext applicationContext) { //... } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName destroy * @Description 关闭服务 * @Date 19:35 2022/2/26 * @Version 1.0 * @param * @return: void **/ @Override public void destroy() { log.info("The application will stop and the zookeeper connection will be closed"); rpcService.stop(); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @InterfaceName IDiscovererService * @Description 服务发现,定义服务发现规范 * @Date 2022/2/14 14:29 * @Version 1.0 */ public interface IDiscovererService { List<ServiceInfo> getService(String name); } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName ZookeeperServiceDiscoverer * @Description 服务发现,定义以zookeeper为注册中心的服务发现 * @Date 2022/2/14 16:00 * @Version 1.0 */ public class ZookeeperServiceDiscoverer implements IDiscovererService{ private ZkClient zkClient; public ZookeeperServiceDiscoverer(String zkAddress){ zkClient = new ZkClient(zkAddress); zkClient.setZkSerializer(new ZookeeperSerializer()); } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName getService * @Description 使用Zookeeper客户端,通过服务名获取服务列表 * @Date 17:07 2022/3/11 * @Version 1.0 * @param name 服务名->接口全路径 * @return: java.util.List<com.huawei.rpc.common.info.ServiceInfo> 服务列表 **/ @Override public List<ServiceInfo> getService(String name) { // /simple-rpc/接口全路径/service //从zk中获取已注册的服务 String servicePath = CommonConstant.ZK_SERVICE_PATH+CommonConstant.PATH_DELIMITER+name+CommonConstant.PATH_DELIMITER+"service"; List<String> children = zkClient.getChildren(servicePath); return Optional.ofNullable(children).orElse(new ArrayList<>()).stream().map(str -> { String deCh = null; try { deCh = URLDecoder.decode(str,CommonConstant.UTF_8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return JSON.parseObject(deCh, ServiceInfo.class); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @InterfaceName NetWorkClient * @Description 网络请求客户端,定义网络请求规范 * @Date 2022/2/14 16:34 * @Version 1.0 */ public interface NetWorkClient { byte[] sendRequest(byte[] data, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) throws InterruptedException; } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName NettyNetWorkClient * @Description Netty网络请求客户端,定义通过Netty实现网络请求 * @Date 2022/2/14 16:35 * @Version 1.0 */ @Slf4j public class NettyNetWorkClient implements NetWorkClient{ /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName sendRequest * @Description 发送请求 * @Date 16:36 2022/2/14 * @Version 1.0 * @param data 请求数据 * @param serviceInfo 服务信息 * @return: byte[] 响应数据 **/ @Override public byte[] sendRequest(byte[] data, ServiceInfo serviceInfo) throws InterruptedException { String[] addrInfoArray = serviceInfo.getAddress().split(":"); String serverAddress = addrInfoArray[0]; String serverPort = addrInfoArray[1]; SendHandler sendHandler = new SendHandler(data); byte[] respData; NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup(); try { Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY,true) .handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = socketChannel.pipeline(); pipeline.addLast(sendHandler); } }); bootstrap.connect(serverAddress,Integer.parseInt(serverPort)).sync(); respData = (byte[]) sendHandler.rspData(); log.info("SendRequest get reply: {}",respData); } finally { //释放线程组资源 group.shutdownGracefully(); } return respData; } } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName SendHandler * @Description 发送处理类,定义Netty入站处理 * @Date 2022/2/14 16:53 * @Version 1.0 */ @Slf4j public class SendHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { private CountDownLatch cdl; private Object readMsg = null; private byte[] data; public SendHandler(byte[] data){ this.cdl = new CountDownLatch(1); this.data = data; } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName channelActive * @Description 当连接服务段成功后,发送请求数据 * @Date 16:56 2022/2/14 * @Version 1.0 * @param ctx 通道上下文 * @return: void **/ @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { log.info("Successful connection to server: {}",ctx); ByteBuf buffer = Unpooled.buffer(data.length); buffer.writeBytes(data); log.info("Client sends message: {}",buffer); ctx.writeAndFlush(buffer); } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName channelRead * @Description 读取数据,数据读取完毕释放CD锁 * @Date 16:59 2022/2/14 * @Version 1.0 * @param ctx 上下文 * @param msg 字节流 * @return: void **/ @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { log.info("Client reads message: {}",msg); ByteBuf msgBuf = (ByteBuf) msg; byte[] resp = new byte[msgBuf.readableBytes()]; msgBuf.readBytes(resp); readMsg = resp; cdl.countDown(); } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName rspData * @Description 等待读取数据完成 * @Date 17:02 2022/2/14 * @Version 1.0 * @param * @return: java.lang.Object **/ public Object rspData() throws InterruptedException { cdl.await(); return readMsg; } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.flush(); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { cause.printStackTrace(); log.error("Exception occurred: {}",cause.getMessage()); ctx.close(); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName ClientProxyFactory * @Description 客户端代理工厂:用于创建远程服务代理类;封装编组请求、请求发送、编组响应等操作 * @Date 2022/2/14 17:13 * @Version 1.0 */ public class ClientProxyFactory { @Getter @Setter private IDiscovererService iDiscovererService; @Getter @Setter private Map<String, MessageProtocol> supportMessageProtocols; @Getter @Setter private NetWorkClient netWorkClient; /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName getProxy * @Description 通过Java动态代理获取服务代理类 * @Date 14:14 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param clazz 被代理类Class * @return: T 服务代理类 **/ public <T> T getProxy(Class<T> clazz,String version){ return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(clazz.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{clazz}, new ClientInvocationHandler(clazz,version)); } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName ClientProxyFactory * @Description 客户端服务代理类invoke函数细节实现 * @Date 2022/2/15 14:31 * @Version 1.0 */ private class ClientInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { private Class<?> aClass; private String version; public ClientInvocationHandler(Class<?> aClass,String version){ super(); this.aClass = aClass; this.version = version; } private Random random = new Random(); @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { String methodName = method.getName(); if ("toString".equals(methodName)){ return proxy.getClass().toString(); } if (("hashCode").equals(methodName)){ return 0; } //1、获取服务信息 String serviceName = this.aClass.getName(); if (StringUtils.hasLength(this.version)){ serviceName += ":"+version; } List<ServiceInfo> serviceInfoList = iDiscovererService.getService(serviceName); if (serviceInfoList==null||serviceInfoList.isEmpty()){ throw new ClassCastException("No provider available"); } //多个服务的话随机获取一个 ServiceInfo serviceInfo = serviceInfoList.get(random.nextInt(serviceInfoList.size())); //2、构造request对象 Request request = new Request(); request.setServiceName(serviceInfo.getName()); request.setMethod(methodName); request.setParameterTypes(method.getParameterTypes()); request.setParameters(args); //3、请求协议编组 //获取该方法对应的协议 MessageProtocol messageProtocol = supportMessageProtocols.get(serviceInfo.getProtocol()); //编组请求 byte[] data = messageProtocol.marshallingRequest(request); //4、条用网络层发送请求 byte[] requestData = netWorkClient.sendRequest(data, serviceInfo); //5、解组响应信息 Response response = messageProtocol.unmarshallingResponse(requestData); // 6、处理结果 if (response.getException()!=null){ throw response.getException(); } return response.getReturnValue(); } } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @AnnotationTypeName Reference * @Description 用于注入远程服务 * @Date 2022/2/14 14:37 * @Version 1.0 */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.FIELD}) @Inherited public @interface Reference { String value() default ""; String version() default ""; long timeout() default 0L; }
/** * @Author lijl * @MethodName injectService * @Description 注入远程调用服务 * @Date 16:52 2022/3/11 * @Version 1.0 * @param applicationContext * @return: void **/ private void injectService(ApplicationContext applicationContext) { String[] beanNames = applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames(); for (String beanName : beanNames) { Class<?> clazz = applicationContext.getType(beanName); if (Objects.isNull(clazz)){ continue; } Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { Reference reference = field.getAnnotation(Reference.class); if (Objects.isNull(reference)){ continue; } Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType(); Object bean = applicationContext.getBean(beanName); field.setAccessible(true); String version = reference.version(); try { field.set(bean,clientProxyFactory.getProxy(fieldClass,version)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName MessageProtocol * @Description 消息协议,定义编组请求、解组请求、编组响应、解组响应规范 * @Date 2022/2/14 17:26 * @Version 1.0 */ public interface MessageProtocol { /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName marshallingRequest * @Description 编组请求 * @Date 13:44 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param request 请求信息 * @return: byte[] 请求字节 **/ byte[] marshallingRequest(Request request) throws Exception; /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName unmarshallingRequest * @Description 解组请求 * @Date 13:45 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param data 请求字节 * @return: com.huawei.rpc.common.prorocol.Request 请求信息 **/ Request unmarshallingRequest(byte[] data) throws Exception; /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName marshallingResponse * @Description 编组响应 * @Date 13:46 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param response 响应信息 * @return: byte[] 响应字节 **/ byte[] marshallingResponse(Response response) throws Exception; /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName unmarshallingResponse * @Description 解组响应 * @Date 13:47 2022/2/15 * @Version 1.0 * @param data 响应字节 * @return: com.huawei.rpc.common.prorocol.Response 响应信息 **/ Response unmarshallingResponse(byte[] data) throws Exception; } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName HessianSerializeMessageProrocol * @Description Hessian 序列化信息 * @Date 2022/2/17 15:16 * @Version 1.0 */ public class HessianSerializeMessageProrocol implements MessageProtocol{ /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName serialize * @Description Hessian实现序列化 * @Date 15:23 2022/2/17 * @Version 1.0 * @param object * @return: byte[] **/ public byte[] serialize(Object object) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = null; HessianOutput hessianOutput = null; try { byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Hessian的序列化输出 hessianOutput = new HessianOutput(byteArrayOutputStream); hessianOutput.writeObject(object); return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } finally { try { if (byteArrayOutputStream!=null){ byteArrayOutputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } try { if (hessianOutput!=null){ hessianOutput.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } } } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName deserialize * @Description Hessian实现反序列化 * @Date 15:29 2022/2/17 * @Version 1.0 * @param employeeArray * @return: java.lang.Object **/ public Object deserialize(byte[] employeeArray) throws Exception { ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = null; HessianInput hessianInput = null; try { byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(employeeArray); // Hessian的反序列化读取对象 hessianInput = new HessianInput(byteArrayInputStream); return hessianInput.readObject(); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } finally { try { if (byteArrayInputStream!=null){ byteArrayInputStream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } try { if (hessianInput!=null){ hessianInput.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } } @Override public byte[] marshallingRequest(Request request) throws Exception { return serialize(request); } @Override public Request unmarshallingRequest(byte[] data) throws Exception { return (Request) deserialize(data); } @Override public byte[] marshallingResponse(Response response) throws Exception { return serialize(response); } @Override public Response unmarshallingResponse(byte[] data) throws Exception { return (Response) deserialize(data); } } /** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName JavaSerializeMessageProtocol * @Description java序列化信息 * @Date 2022/2/15 13:52 * @Version 1.0 */ public class JavaSerializeMessageProtocol implements MessageProtocol{ private byte[] serialize(Object obj) throws Exception{ try(ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);) { oos.writeObject(obj); return baos.toByteArray(); } } private Object deserialize(byte[] data)throws Exception{ try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))) { return ois.readObject(); } } @Override public byte[] marshallingRequest(Request request) throws Exception { return this.serialize(request); } @Override public Request unmarshallingRequest(byte[] data) throws Exception { return (Request) this.deserialize(data); } @Override public byte[] marshallingResponse(Response response) throws Exception { return this.serialize(response); } @Override public Response unmarshallingResponse(byte[] data) throws Exception { return (Response) this.deserialize(data); } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName AutoConfiguration * @Description 自动装配 * @Date 2022/2/16 9:25 * @Version 1.0 */ @Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties({ProtocolProperties.class,RegistryProperties.class}) public class AutoConfiguration { private ProtocolProperties protocolProperties; private RegistryProperties registryProperties; public AutoConfiguration(ProtocolProperties protocolProperties,RegistryProperties registryProperties){ this.protocolProperties = protocolProperties; this.registryProperties = registryProperties; } @Bean public DefaultRpcProcessor defaultRpcProcessor(){ return new DefaultRpcProcessor(); } /** * @Author lijl * @MethodName clientProxyFactory * @Description 注册客户端动态代理 * @Date 20:50 2022/2/26 * @Version 1.0 * @param * @return: com.huawei.rpc.client.ClientProxyFactory **/ @Bean public ClientProxyFactory clientProxyFactory(){ ClientProxyFactory clientProxyFactory = new ClientProxyFactory(); //设置服务发现者 String address = registryProperties.getAddress(); int port = registryProperties.getPort(); clientProxyFactory.setIDiscovererService(new ZookeeperServiceDiscoverer(address+":"+port)); //设置支持的协议 Map<String, MessageProtocol> supportMessageProtocols = new HashMap<>(16); supportMessageProtocols.put(protocolProperties.getName(), protocolProperties.getMessageProtocol()); clientProxyFactory.setSupportMessageProtocols(supportMessageProtocols); //设置网络层实现 clientProxyFactory.setNetWorkClient(new NettyNetWorkClient()); return clientProxyFactory; } /** * @Author lijiale * @MethodName serviceRegister * @Description 服务注册 * @Date 20:52 2022/2/26 * @Version 1.0 * @param * @return: com.huawei.rpc.server.register.ServiceRegister **/ @Bean public ServiceRegister serviceRegister(){ String address = registryProperties.getAddress(); int port = registryProperties.getPort(); return new ZookeeperExportServiceRegister(address+":"+port, protocolProperties.getPort(), protocolProperties.getName()); } @Bean public RequestHandler requestHandler(ServiceRegister serviceRegister){ return new RequestHandler(protocolProperties.getMessageProtocol(), serviceRegister); } @Bean public RpcServer rpcServer(RequestHandler requestHandler){ return new NettyRpcServer(protocolProperties.getPort(), protocolProperties.getName(), requestHandler); } }
port: 2181
port: 12138
port: 2181
port: 12138
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName TestServiceImpl * @Description 测试 * @Date 2022/2/16 13:52 * @Version 1.0 */ @Service(version = "1.0") public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService, ITestService { @Override public TestDto getTestData() { System.out.println("远程调用."); TestDto testDto = new TestDto(); testDto.setId(1); testDto.setData("测试远程调用"); return testDto; } @Override public TestDto getTestDtoData() { System.out.println("远程调用....."); TestDto testDto = new TestDto(); testDto.setId(2); testDto.setData("测试远程调用"); return testDto; } }
/** * @Author Lijl * @ClassName TestController * @Description 测试 * @Date 2022/2/16 14:07 * @Version 1.0 */ @RestController public class TestController { @Reference(version = "1.0") private TestService testService; @Reference(version = "1.0") private ITestService iTestService; @PostMapping(value = "/test") public void test(){ TestDto testData = this.testService.getTestData(); TestDto testDtoData = this.iTestService.getTestDtoData(); System.out.println(testData.toString()+"------"+testDtoData.toString()); } }
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