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Unity Protobuf+RPC+UniTask

Unity Protobuf+RPC+UniTask


远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call,简称RPC)是一种网络通信协议,允许程序在不同的地址空间(通常在不同的物理计算机上)中调用彼此的方法,好像它们是在本地执行的一样。RPC隐藏了底层的网络通信细节,使开发人员能够像调用本地函数一样简单地调用远程服务。










protoc.exe 生成C#文件


@echo off

rem 设置路径变量
set PROTOC_PATH="protoc.exe"
set PROTO_DIR="Protos"
set OUTPUT_DIR="ProtocolCodes"

rem 创建日志头
echo .......................proto2C#.......................

rem 检查目录是否存在
if not exist %PROTO_DIR% (
    echo Error: Protocols directory does not exist.
    echo Please create the Protocols directory and place your .proto files in it.
    exit /b

rem 创建输出目录
if not exist %OUTPUT_DIR% mkdir %OUTPUT_DIR%

rem 批量处理 .proto 文件
for %%f in (%PROTO_DIR%\*.proto) do (
    echo %%f complete
    %PROTOC_PATH% --proto_path=%PROTO_DIR% --csharp_out=%OUTPUT_DIR% %%f

echo code generation complete. Press any key to close.
pause > nul

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1.使用反射自动获取所有RPC函数, 对其进行Hash绑定

函数的定义 RPCMsgHandles.cs

public sealed class RPCMsgHandles
    private static void ReqMove(int unitId, Move move)


    private static void RecvAttack(int skillid, Attack attack, ItemList itemList)
        LogHelper.Log($"Recv: skillid = {attack.Id}, targetId = {attack.TargetId}, itemList.Count = {itemList.Items.Count}");

    private static void RecvDelete(int msg)
        LogHelper.Log($"Recv: state = {msg}");

    private static void RecvReflectMove(Move move)
        LogHelper.Log($"move reflect sync: x:{move.X}, y:{move.Y}, speed:{move.Speed}, dir:{move.Dir}");
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使用反射进行函数绑定 RPCMoudle.cs

public sealed class RPCMoudle
    private static Dictionary<int, IRPC> _msg = new Dictionary<int, IRPC>();

    public static void Init()
        System.Type type = typeof(RPCMsgHandles);
        MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods)
            RPC method = new RPC(methodInfo);
            int index = 0;
            ParameterInfo[] infos = methodInfo.GetParameters();
            foreach (var info in infos)
                if (typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(info.ParameterType))
                    IMessage message = Activator.CreateInstance(info.ParameterType) as IMessage;
                    method.AddParam(index, message);
                    DateType dateType = GetDateType(info.ParameterType);


            int hash = Globals.Hash(methodInfo.Name);
            if (_msg.ContainsKey(hash))
                throw new Exception("AddParamType rpc _method hash conflict: " + methodInfo.Name);

            _msg.Add(hash, method);
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泛型类进行函数绑定 RPCMoudle.cs

public static void Register<T>(string methodName, Action<T> action) where T : class, IMessage, new()
    int id = Globals.Hash(methodName);
    RPCStatic<T> method = new RPCStatic<T>();
    method.Register(action, new T());

    if (_msg.ContainsKey(id))
        LogHelper.LogError($"repeat id, id = {id}");

    _msg[id] = method;

public static void Unregister(string methodName)
    int id = Globals.Hash(methodName);
    if (_msg.ContainsKey(id))
        LogHelper.LogError($"no find method, id = {id}");
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Call的实现, encode数据到byte[],第一个参数必须为远程函数名字, 用于将函数名字的hashid写入数据头中, 这样远程服务器在解析数据的时候会先解析4字节的数据头表示函数的hashid

Call中的Send函数 是Socket发送协议, Send函数中会在数据头中写入数据的长度, 在接收方根据数据的长度接收完整数据 防止粘包

Call函数有多个方法重载, 根据业务需求使用
1.public static void Call(string methodName, IMessage message) 类型安全, 类型固定
2.public static void Call(string id, params object[] args) 类型不安全, 可以传入任何参数, 使用更加方便快捷

Move move = new Move();
move.X = 10;
move.Y = 20;
move.Speed = 100;
move.Dir = 20;

这里使用的是object[] args 类型不安全, 也会有装箱拆箱的开销, 使用这用方式需要前后端统一类型
使用起来简单方便, 业务逻辑开发上使用较为方便
比如请求领取奖励 RPCMoudle.Call("ReqAward", 传入表奖励id);
比如请求保存勾选 RPCMoudle.Call("Save", true);
RPCMoudle.Call("ReqMove", 10016, move);

这样是类型安全的, 也不会存在装箱拆箱的开销
更加高效, 战斗场景较为适合
RPCMoudle.Call("ReqMove", move);
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Call的实现, 将数据进行Encode转换成二进制

public static void Call(string methodName, IMessage message)
    if (message == null) 


        int id = Globals.Hash(methodName);
        int offset = 0;
        BuffMessage msg = GameFrame.message.GetBuffMessage();
        BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(msg.bytes.AsSpan(offset), id);
        offset += sizeof(int);

        BitConverterHelper.WriteString(msg.bytes, ref offset, GameFrame.myRole.Id);
        BitConverterHelper.WriteMessage(msg.bytes, ref offset, message);

        msg.length = offset;
    catch(Exception ex)

public static void Call(string id, params object[] args)
        Profiler.BeginSample("rpc call");
        int hash = Globals.Hash(id);
        BuffMessage msg = Encode(hash, args);
    catch(Exception ex)
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private static BuffMessage Encode(int id, params object[] args)
  int offset = 0;
  BuffMessage msg = GameFrame.message.GetBuffMessage();
  BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(msg.bytes.AsSpan(offset), id);
  offset += sizeof(int);
  BitConverterHelper.WriteString(msg.bytes, ref offset, GameFrame.myRole.Id);

  foreach (object arg in args)
          System.Type type = arg.GetType();
          switch (arg)
              case IMessage:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteMessage(msg.bytes, ref offset, (IMessage)arg);
              case Int16:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteInt16(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Int16)arg);
              case Int32:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteInt32(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Int32)arg);
              case Int64:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteInt64(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Int64)arg);
              case UInt16:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteUInt16(msg.bytes, ref offset, (UInt16)arg);
              case UInt32:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteUInt32(msg.bytes, ref offset, (UInt32)arg);
              case UInt64:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteUInt64(msg.bytes, ref offset, (UInt64)arg);
              case bool:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteBool(msg.bytes, ref offset, (bool)arg);
              case Byte:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteByte(msg.bytes, ref offset, (byte)arg);
              case SByte:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteByte(msg.bytes, ref offset, (byte)arg);
              case Char:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteChar(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Char)arg);
              case Single:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteSingle(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Single)arg);
              case Double:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteDouble(msg.bytes, ref offset, (Double)arg);
              case string:
                  BitConverterHelper.WriteString(msg.bytes, ref offset, (string)arg);
      catch(Exception ex)
          LogHelper.LogError($"id: {id}, " + ex.ToString());
          return msg;

  msg.length = offset;
  return msg;
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namespace Game
    public static class BitConverterHelper
        private static readonly int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
        private static readonly byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        private static CodedOutputStream _stream;
        private static Stopwatch _watch;

        public static void Init()
            _watch = new Stopwatch();

        private static void CreateStream()
            if (_stream != null)

            if (_watch != null)
                LogHelper.LogWarning($"create stream interval time: {_watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f} s");

            _stream = new CodedOutputStream(buffer);

        private static Span<byte> ToByteArray(IMessage message)
            if (message == null)
                return new byte[0];

            int length = message.CalculateSize();
            if (length == 0)
                return new byte[0];

            if (length >= BUFFER_SIZE)
                throw new Exception($"overflow: message length >= {BUFFER_SIZE}");

            if (_stream.Position + length >= BUFFER_SIZE)

            int position = (int)_stream.Position;
            return buffer.AsSpan(position, length);

        public static void WriteInt16(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Int16 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Int16;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Int16));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Int16);

        public static void WriteInt32(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Int32 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Int32;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Int32));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Int32);

        public static void WriteInt64(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Int64 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Int64;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Int64));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Int64);

        public static void WriteUInt16(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, UInt16 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.UInt16;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(UInt16));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(UInt16);

        public static void WriteUInt32(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, UInt32 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.UInt32;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(UInt32));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(UInt32);

        public static void WriteUInt64(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, UInt64 arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.UInt64;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(UInt64));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(UInt64);

        public static void WriteBool(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, bool arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Boolean;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(bool));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(bool);

        public static void WriteByte(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, byte arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Byte;
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = arg;

        public static void WriteChar(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Char arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Char;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Char));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Char);

        public static void WriteSingle(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Single arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Single;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Single));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Single);

        public static void WriteDouble(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, Double arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Double;
            Check(buffer, offset + sizeof(Double));
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), arg);
            offset += sizeof(Double);

        public static void WriteString(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, string arg)
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.String;
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(arg);
            Check(buffer, offset + bytes.Length);
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), bytes.Length);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            Span<byte> target = new Span<byte>(buffer, offset, buffer.Length - offset);
            offset += bytes.Length;

        public static void WriteMessage(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, IMessage arg)
            IMessage message = arg;
            Span<byte> bytes = ToByteArray(message);
            Check(buffer, offset + 1);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)DateType.Message;
            Check(buffer, offset + bytes.Length);
            BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(buffer.AsSpan(offset), bytes.Length);
            offset += sizeof(int);
            Span<byte> target = new Span<byte>(buffer, offset, bytes.Length);
            offset += bytes.Length;

        private static void Check(byte[] buffer, int offset)
            if (offset >= buffer.Length)
                throw new Exception($"date length: {offset} > {Globals.DATA_SZIE}, Invalid data!!");

        public static void Dispose()
            _stream = null;
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Decode 数据解析,调用本地方法

public static void OnRPC(BuffMessage msg)
    if(msg == null)
        LogHelper.LogError("socket recv error, msg == null");

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private static void Decode(byte[] buffer)
    if (buffer == null || buffer.Length < sizeof(int))
        LogHelper.LogError("Invalid buffer received");

    int protoId = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
    if (!_msg.TryGetValue(protoId, out IRPC method))
        LogHelper.LogError($"Method not found for protoId: {protoId}");

    BuffMessage buffMessage = GameFrame.message.GetBuffMessage();
        Array.Copy(buffer, sizeof(int), buffMessage.bytes, 0, buffer.Length - sizeof(int));
    catch (Exception ex)
        LogHelper.LogError($"Error invoking method for protoId {protoId}: {ex.Message}");
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namespace Game
    public interface IRPC : IDisposable
        public void Decode(byte[] buffer);

    public abstract class RPCBase : IRPC
        protected byte[] buffer;
        public abstract void Decode(byte[] buffer);

        protected ReadOnlySpan<byte> ReadData(DateType type, ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = null;
            int length = GetLength(type);
            if (length > 0)
                data = new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(buffer, offset, length);
                offset += length;

            return data;

        protected bool ToBoolean(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Boolean, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToBoolean(data);

        protected Byte ToByte(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Char, ref offset);
            return data[0];

        protected char ToChar(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Char, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToChar(data);

        protected Int16 ToInt16(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Int16, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToInt16(data);

        protected UInt16 ToUInt16(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.UInt16, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToUInt16(data);

        protected Int32 ToInt32(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Int32, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToInt32(data);

        protected UInt32 ToUInt32(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.UInt32, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToUInt32(data);

        protected Int64 ToInt64(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Int64, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToInt64(data);

        protected UInt64 ToUInt64(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.UInt64, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToUInt64(data);

        protected Single ToSingle(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Single, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToSingle(data);

        protected Double ToDouble(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Double, ref offset);
            return BitConverter.ToDouble(data);

        protected string ToString(ref int offset)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.String, ref offset);
            return DecodeString(ref offset);

        protected IMessage ToMessage(ref int offset, IMessage message)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> data = ReadData(DateType.Message, ref offset);
            return DecodeMessage(ref offset, message);

        private IMessage DecodeMessage(ref int offset, IMessage message)
            int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            ReadOnlySpan<byte> messageData = new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(buffer, offset, length);
            offset += length;

            return message.Descriptor.Parser.ParseFrom(messageData)!;

        private string DecodeString(ref int offset)
            int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
            offset += sizeof(int);

            ReadOnlySpan<byte> messageData = new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(buffer, offset, length);
            offset += length;

            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(messageData);

        private static int GetLength(DateType type)
            switch (type)
                case DateType.Boolean:
                    return sizeof(bool);
                case DateType.Char:
                    return sizeof(char);
                case DateType.SByte:
                case DateType.Byte:
                    return sizeof(byte);
                case DateType.Int16:
                    return sizeof(Int16);
                case DateType.UInt16:
                    return sizeof(UInt16);
                case DateType.Int32:
                    return sizeof(Int32);
                case DateType.UInt32:
                    return sizeof(UInt32);
                case DateType.Int64:
                    return sizeof(Int64);
                case DateType.UInt64:
                    return sizeof(UInt64);
                case DateType.Single:
                    return sizeof(Single);
                case DateType.Double:
                    return sizeof(double);

            return -1;

        public virtual void Dispose()
            buffer = null;
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Decode数据到对象列表, 然后Invoke

namespace Game
    public class RPC : RPCBase
        private MethodInfo _method;
        private List<DateType> _types;
        private List<object> _params;
        private Dictionary<int, IMessage> _param;
        private int _paramIndex;

        public RPC(MethodInfo method)
            this._method = method;
            _types = new List<DateType>();
            _params = new List<object>();
            _param = new Dictionary<int, IMessage>();

        public void AddParamType(DateType type)

        public void AddParam(int index, IMessage message)
            _param[index] = message;

        public override void Decode(byte[] buffer)
            base.buffer = buffer;
            _paramIndex = 0;
            int offset = 0;

            foreach (DateType type in _types)
                DateType dateType = (DateType)buffer[offset++];
                if (dateType != type)
                    LogHelper.LogError($"dateType bo equals, recv: {Enum.GetName(typeof(DateType), type)} != local: {Enum.GetName(typeof(DateType), dateType)}");

                object obj = ToObject(dateType, ref offset);

            _method?.Invoke(null, _params.ToArray());

        private object ToObject(DateType type, ref int offset)
            switch (type)
                case DateType.Message:
                    IMessage message = null;
                    if (!_param!.TryGetValue(_paramIndex, out message))
                        LogHelper.LogError("no find message");
                        return null;
                    return ToMessage(ref offset, message);
                case DateType.Boolean:
                    return ToBoolean(ref offset);
                case DateType.Char:
                    return ToChar(ref offset);
                case DateType.SByte:
                case DateType.Byte:
                    return ToByte(ref offset);
                case DateType.Int16:
                    return ToInt16(ref offset);
                case DateType.UInt16:
                    return ToUInt16(ref offset);
                case DateType.Int32:
                    return ToInt32(ref offset);
                case DateType.UInt32:
                    return ToUInt32(ref offset);
                case DateType.Int64:
                    return ToInt64(ref offset);
                case DateType.UInt64:
                    return ToUInt64(ref offset);
                case DateType.Single:
                    return ToSingle(ref offset);
                case DateType.Double:
                    return ToDouble(ref offset);
                case DateType.String:
                    return ToString(ref offset);
                    LogHelper.LogError("no find dateType: " + type);

            return null;

        public override void Dispose()
            _method = null;
            _types = null;
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namespace Game
    public class RPCStatic<T> : RPCBase
        private Action<T> _action;
        private IMessage _message;

        public RPCStatic()

        public virtual void Register(Action<T> action, IMessage message)
            this._message = message;
            this._action = action;

        public override void Decode(byte[] buffer)
            base.buffer = buffer;
            int offset = 0;
            DateType dateType = (DateType)buffer[offset++];

                if (dateType == DateType.Message)
                    IMessage arg = ToMessage(ref offset, _message);
                    LogHelper.LogError($"invoke error, type != DateType.Message, type = {dateType}");
            catch (Exception ex)

        public override void Dispose()
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namespace Game
    public enum SocketState
        None = 0,
        Connected = 1,
        Disconnected = 2,
        Connecting = 3,
        ConnectFailed = 4,
        Close = 5,
        Dispose = 6,

    public class Tcp
        private ConcurrentQueue<BuffMessage> _sendMsgs;
        private ConcurrentQueue<BuffMessage> _receiveMsgs;
        private TcpClient _tcpClient;

        private SocketState _socketState;
        private byte[] _recvBuff;
        private int _recvOffset;
        private int _delay = 10;
        private CancellationTokenSource _recvCancelToken;
        private CancellationTokenSource _sendCancelToken;

        public SocketState State { get { return _socketState; } }
        public string IP { get; set; }
        public int Port { get; set; }

        public NetworkStream Stream
            get { return _tcpClient.GetStream(); }

        public Tcp()
            _sendMsgs = new ConcurrentQueue<BuffMessage>();
            _receiveMsgs = new ConcurrentQueue<BuffMessage>();
            _recvBuff = new byte[Globals.BUFFER_SIZE];

        private void InitTcpClient()
            _tcpClient = new TcpClient();
            _recvCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _sendCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

        public void Update()
            Profiler.BeginSample("on tcp rpc");
            if (_receiveMsgs.TryDequeue(out BuffMessage msg))

        public void Connect(string ip, int port)
            IP = ip;
            Port = port;

        public async void Connect()
                await _tcpClient.ConnectAsync(IP, Port);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void OnConnect()
                if (_tcpClient.Connected)
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogHelper.LogError("连接或通信发生错误:{0}" + ex.Message);

        private void StartAsyncTasks()
            UniTask send = UniTask.Create(SendThread);
            UniTask recv = UniTask.Create(RecvThread);

        private async UniTask SendThread()
            await UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool();
            while (_socketState == SocketState.Connected)
                while (true)
                    if (!_sendMsgs.TryDequeue(out BuffMessage msg))

                    var timeoutToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    var linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_sendCancelToken.Token, timeoutToken.Token);


                        await Stream.WriteAsync(msg.bytes, 0, msg.length, linkedCts.Token);
                        LogHelper.Log($"发送完成: {msg.length} byte");
                    catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
                        if (timeoutToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            LogHelper.LogWarning("消息发送超时, 添加到队列末尾, 等待发送...");
                            await UniTask.Delay(10);

                        LogHelper.LogWarning("发送操作被终止..." + ex.Message);
                    catch (IOException ex) when (ex.InnerException is SocketException socketEx && socketEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionAborted)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogHelper.LogError("发送错误: " + ex.Message);

                await UniTask.Delay(_delay);

        private async UniTask RecvThread()
            await UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool();
            while (_socketState == SocketState.Connected)
                    if (_recvCancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) 

                    int length = await Stream.ReadAsync(_recvBuff, _recvOffset, _recvBuff.Length - _recvOffset, _recvCancelToken.Token);
                    if (length == 0)
                        LogHelper.Log("connect failed...");

                    _recvOffset += length;
                    int offset = 0;
                    while (true)
                        if (_recvOffset - offset < sizeof(int))
                            // 没有足够的数据读取下一个消息的长度

                        int dataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(_recvBuff, offset);
                        if (_recvOffset - offset < dataLength + sizeof(int))
                            // 没有足够的数据读取完整的消息

                        // 读取完整消息
                        BuffMessage msg = GameFrame.message.GetBuffMessage();
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(_recvBuff, offset + sizeof(int), msg.bytes, 0, dataLength);

                        // 移动偏移量到下一个消息
                        offset += sizeof(int) + dataLength;

                    // 将未处理的数据移到缓冲区开头
                    if (_recvOffset - offset > 0)
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(_recvBuff, offset, _recvBuff, 0, _recvOffset - offset);

                    _recvOffset -= offset;
                catch(OperationCanceledException ex)
                    LogHelper.Log("读取操作被终止: " + ex.Message);
                catch (IOException ex) when (ex.InnerException is SocketException socketEx && socketEx.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.OperationAborted)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogHelper.LogError("读取错误: " + ex.ToString());

                await UniTask.Delay(_delay);

        private void SetSocketState(SocketState state)
            _socketState = state;

        public void Send(BuffMessage message)
            if (message.length > 0)
                int headLength = sizeof(int);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(message.bytes, 0, message.bytes, headLength, message.length);
                BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(message.bytes.AsSpan(0), message.length);
                message.length += headLength;

        public void Close()
            if (_tcpClient == null)

                if (_tcpClient.Connected)
            catch (Exception ex)

        public void Dispose()
            if (_tcpClient != null)
                _tcpClient = null;

            if (_sendMsgs != null)
                _sendMsgs = null;

            if (_receiveMsgs != null)
                _receiveMsgs = null;

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