ROS(indigo) 安装和使用更新版本的Gazebo,本文以7为例。
~$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo apt-get remove ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo/ubuntu-stable `lsb_release -cs` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list'
- ~$ wget http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -
- --2016-11-24 12:39:26-- http://packages.osrfoundation.org/gazebo.key
- Resolving packages.osrfoundation.org (packages.osrfoundation.org)...
- Connecting to packages.osrfoundation.org (packages.osrfoundation.org)||:80... [sudo] password for relaybot: connected.
- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
- Length: 1772 (1.7K) [application/pgp-keys]
- Saving to: ‘STDOUT’
- 100%[======================================>] 1,772 --.-K/s in 0s
- 2016-11-24 12:39:26 (7.08 MB/s) - written to stdout [1772/1772]
- OK
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gazebo gazebo2 gazebo5-plugin-base-prerelease gazebo2-dbg gazebo5-prerelease gazebo3 gazebo6 gazebo3-common gazebo6-common gazebo3-dbg gazebo6-common-prerelease gazebo3-doc gazebo6-dbg gazebo3-plugin-base gazebo6-dbg-prerelease gazebo4 gazebo6-doc gazebo4-common gazebo6-doc-prerelease gazebo4-common-prerelease gazebo6-plugin-base gazebo4-dbg gazebo6-plugin-base-prerelease gazebo4-dbg-prerelease gazebo6-prerelease gazebo4-doc gazebo6-robocup3ds gazebo4-doc-prerelease gazebo6-robocup3ds-common gazebo4-plugin-base gazebo7 gazebo4-plugin-base-prerelease gazebo7-common gazebo4-prerelease gazebo7-dbg gazebo5 gazebo7-doc gazebo5-build-deps gazebo7-haptix gazebo5-common gazebo7-haptix-common gazebo5-common-prerelease gazebo7-haptix-dbg gazebo5-dbg gazebo7-haptix-doc gazebo5-dbg-prerelease gazebo7-haptix-plugin-base gazebo5-doc gazebo7-plugin-base gazebo5-doc-prerelease gazebo7-robocup3ds gazebo5-plugin-base gazebo7-robocup3ds-common
- ~$ sudo apt-get install libgazebo
- libgazebo3 libgazebo6-dev
- libgazebo4 libgazebo6-dev-prerelease
- libgazebo4-dev libgazebo6-prerelease
- libgazebo4-dev-prerelease libgazebo6-robocup3ds
- libgazebo4-prerelease libgazebo7
- libgazebo5 libgazebo7-dev
- libgazebo5-dbg libgazebo7-haptix
- libgazebo5-dev libgazebo7-haptix-dev
- libgazebo5-dev-prerelease libgazebo7-robocup3ds
- libgazebo5-prerelease libgazebo-dev
- libgazebo6
sudo apt-get install gazebo7
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop
- :~$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo7-
- ros-indigo-gazebo7-msgs ros-indigo-gazebo7-ros-control
- ros-indigo-gazebo7-plugins ros-indigo-gazebo7-ros-pkgs
- ros-indigo-gazebo7-ros
- ~$ roslaunch robot1_gazebo gazebo_wg.launch
- ... logging to /home/relaybot/.ros/log/247f85e8-b203-11e6-85e0-0811968dc4b0/roslaunch-relay-ThinkPad-T420s-4397.log
- Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
- Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
- Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
- started roslaunch server http://relay-ThinkPad-T420s:59553/
- ========
- * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
- * /rosdistro: indigo
- * /rosversion: 1.11.20
- * /use_sim_time: True
- /
- gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver)
- gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient)
- robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
- urdf_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model)
- auto-starting new master
- process[master]: started with pid [4412]
- ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
- setting /run_id to 247f85e8-b203-11e6-85e0-0811968dc4b0
- process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4425]
- started core service [/rosout]
- process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [4432]
- process[gazebo_gui-3]: started with pid [4441]
- process[robot_state_publisher-4]: started with pid [4449]
- process[urdf_spawner-5]: started with pid [4457]
- spawn_model script started
- [ INFO] [1479963726.738918650]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
- [ INFO] [1479963726.740184907]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
- [INFO] [WallTime: 1479963726.793513] [0.000000] Loading model xml from ros parameter
- [INFO] [WallTime: 1479963726.796361] [0.000000] Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
- [INFO] [WallTime: 1479963727.401217] [0.000000] Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
- [ INFO] [1479963727.884869698, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
- [ INFO] [1479963727.891392402, 0.001000000]: Laser Plugin (robotNamespace = /), Info: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
- [ INFO] [1479963727.891614468, 0.001000000]: Starting Laser Plugin (ns = /)!
- [INFO] [WallTime: 1479963727.899568] [0.001000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
- [ INFO] [1479963727.910095653, 0.001000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
- [ INFO] [1479963727.915187439, 0.001000000]: Laser Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
- [ INFO] [1479963727.948279641, 0.001000000]: Loading gazebo_ros_control plugin
- [ INFO] [1479963727.948487708, 0.001000000]: Starting gazebo_ros_control plugin in namespace: /robot
- [ INFO] [1479963727.950724362, 0.001000000]: gazebo_ros_control plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [/robot_description] on the ROS param server.
- [urdf_spawner-5] process has finished cleanly
- log file: /home/relaybot/.ros/log/247f85e8-b203-11e6-85e0-0811968dc4b0/urdf_spawner-5*.log
- [ INFO] [1479963728.200219231, 0.001000000]: Loaded gazebo_ros_control.
- [ INFO] [1479963728.205156602, 0.001000000]: Starting GazeboRosSkidSteerDrive Plugin (ns = /)!
- [ INFO] [1479963728.242052698, 0.022000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
- [ INFO] [1479963728.346945001, 0.110000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready

~$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py Reading from the keyboard and Publishing to Twist! --------------------------- Moving around: u i o j k l m , . For Holonomic mode (strafing), hold down the shift key: --------------------------- U I O J K L M < > t : up (+z) b : down (-z) anything else : stop q/z : increase/decrease max speeds by 10% w/x : increase/decrease only linear speed by 10% e/c : increase/decrease only angular speed by 10% CTRL-C to quit currently: speed 0.5 turn 1
China Robot Competition Middle Size Simulation League (With English User Manual)
Two options:
1. 优酷Youku
2. Youtube
1. 比赛不分上下半场,一共15分钟左右;
2. 任何利用自动裁判盒(auto_referee)的漏洞获取比赛中的优势将视为作弊行为,比赛成绩无效;
3. 比赛时候可能会对gazebo_visual部分作一定的改动,比如根据真实机器人的一般情况限制机器人的平移速度、旋转速度等,这些改动将通知到每一个队伍。所以请参赛队伍记住自己的代码也要考虑真实世界的情况,不要太理想;
4. 比赛过程中是否对机器人获取的信息加入适当的噪声以及加入多少看比赛情况而定,会及时通知参赛队伍;
5. 比赛前可能会有一次“热身”,主要看看本次比赛参赛队伍的整体水平从而或许对规则作相应的改动,最终目的在于促进机器人技术的发展,鼓励大家积极参与;
6. 机器人不得恶意碰撞其他机器人,需要考虑避障;
假设服务器(即运行Gazebo的由比赛方提供的主机)的IP地址为IpA,主机名(hostname)为hostA; cyan方参赛队主机的IP地址为IpB,主机名为hostB; magenta方参赛队主机的IP地址为IpC,主机名为hostC,那么相应的配置如下:
$ roslaunch nubot_gazebo game_ready.launch
$ rosrun auto_referee auto_referee -1
代表cyan发球$ rosrun auto_referee auto_referee 1
本软件使用git作为版本控制,托管于GitHub网站。如果想共同开发该软件包,请fork一下该软件包(首先你要注册一个GitHub帐号),然后git clone到自己的电脑去,改进完代码后,可以git push上来,然后再在GitHub里面发一个pull request。
- 软件编程:
- robot_code: ROS, C++
- gazebo_visual: ROS, C++, Gazebo插件以及编程实现
- coach4sim: ROS, C++, Qt
- 配置文件: Linux bash或其他
- 其他方面
- 使用说明: txt,Markdown
- 软件文档: Doxygen或其他
2. 然后点进README.md文件,就可以编辑了。把自己遇到的问题和解决部分写在这里questions & answers如下图:
3. 最后创建一个pull request如下图所示,这样我就能够审批通过你的编辑了
软件维护者(Maitainer): abcgarden@126.com
Nubot队伍(RoboCup team): nubot.nudt@outlook.com
NOTE: If you want to have a basic understanding of how Gazebo and ROS combines to work for robots, it is recommended to check out the repository 'single_nubot_gazebo'.This contains how to configure the environment, how to run the simulation, and how the robot is simulated. You could run the ROS tool 'rqt_graph' tounderstand the basic messages and service flow.
NOTE: Concerning how to install appropriate gazebo_ros_pkgs, please read the following according to your own situation:
$ sudo apt-get remove gazebo2*
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo5-ros-pkgs ros-indigo-gazebo5-ros-control
$ sudo gedit /opt/ros/jade/lib/gazebo_ros/gazebo
setup_path=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix gazebo)/share/gazebo/
setup_path=$(pkg-config --variable=prefix gazebo)/share/gazebo
$ sudo apt-get install gazebo5
$ sudo cp -r /usr/share/gazebo-5.0/* /usr/share/gazebo-5.1
$ sudo apt-get install ros-jade-gazebo7-ros-pkgs
Since auto_referee depends on ncurses, if you would like to use it to debug your code, please run this command:
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
And then you are good to compile as follows:
1. $ sudo chmod +x configure
2. $ ./configure
3. $ catkin_make
Compile Error Solution:
1) Cannot find cmake file related to Qt and therefore cannot complie coach4sim.
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} "/opt/Qt5.3.2/5.3/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets/")
- rostopic pub -r 1 /nubot/receive_from_coach nubot_common/CoachInfo "
- MatchMode: 10
- MatchType: 0"
Indeed, when you input until nubot_common/CoachInfo, you could press 'Tab' twice and then the whole definition of the message would show up. Then you could fill up the message. However, you only need to fill in two fields: 'MatchMode' and 'MatchType', where 'MatchMode' is the current game command, 'MatchType' is the previous game command. The coding of the game commands is in core.hpp. For quick reference:
- enum MatchMode {
- DROPBALL = 13,
- TEST = 27
- };

2) When catkin_make, if it shows "fatal error: Eigen/Eigen: No such file or directory"
$ sudo ln -s /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen /usr/include/Eigen
3) if you come across other problems, you could refer to doc/ folder.
You could run the robot_code, gazebo_visal and coach4sim in one computer. However, the simulation speed would be low. So you could also run them with several computers to decrease the burden of one single computer.
Assuming you are in the root directory of 'simatch',
If you want to run those modules in one launch, you could
1 $ source devel/setup.bash
You could write this line into ~/.bashrc file so that you don't have to source it every time you open a terminal.
2 $ roslaunch simatch_cyan.launch
or $ roslaunch simatch_magenta.launch
If you want to run those modules seperatly, you could
1 $ source devel/setup.bash
You could write this line into ~/.bashrc file so that you don't have to source it every time you open a terminal.
2 To run gazebo_visual,$ roslaunch nubot_gazebo game_ready.launch
3 To run robot_code for cyan or magenta robots:$ rosrun nubot_common cyan_robot.sh
or $ rosrun nubot_common magenta_robot.sh
4 To run coach4sim,rosrun coach4sim cyan_coach.sh
or rosrun coach4sim magenta_coach.sh
1. You could change some parameters in sim_config(see "Change game parameters" part below) file and relaunch all modules again.
2. You might not watch the robots doing anything because the movement part in 'nubot_control' package is removed. You might need to write some codes by yourself.
Configuration of computer A and computer B
The recommended way to run simulation is with two computers running nubot_ws and gazebo_visual seperately.
For example,computer A runs gazebo_visual to display the movement of robots. Computer B runs nubot_ws to calculate and send movement commands to robots. In addition, computer B should also run coach to send game command such as game start.
The communication between computer A and computer B is via ROS master. The following is the configuration steps:
$ sudo gedit /etc/hosts and add " Maggie"
In computer B, $ sudo gedit /etc/hosts and add " Bart"
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://Bart:11311
You could change some parameters in "sim_config", which is a symbolic link to global_config.yaml. The content of this file is:
# Uses ISO units. For example, use 'm' for length.
dribble_distance_thres: 0.47 # theshold distance between nubot and football below which dribble ball
dribble_angle_thres: 15.0 # kicking mechanism aligning with football; allowed maximum angle error in degrees
noise_scale: 0.00 # the scale of gaussian noise (m)
noise_rate: 0.01 # how frequent the noise is generated
prefix: "nubot" # Nubot name prefix.
num: 3
prefix: "rival" # Rival name prefix.
num: 3
length: 18 # Use integer! used in spawn_model_script
width: 12 # Use integer! used in spawn_model_script
name: "football" # football model name
chassis_link: "football::chassis" # football body link name
There are 5 parts: "general", "cyan", "magenta", "field" and "football". If you just want to test your code, you are free to change any parameter in these 5 parts. However, in the competition, the parameters of "general", "field", "football" and the number of robots would not be changed by players. However, players are still free to change the prefix of "cyan" or "magenta" robots to reprepsent their own teams but they need to report to the TC staff.
The robot movement is realized by a Gazebo model plugin which is called "NubotGazebo" generated by source files "nubot_gazebo.cc" and "nubot_gazebo.hh". Basically the essential part of the plugin is realizing basic motions: omnidirectional locomotion, ball-dribbling and ball-kicking.
The gazebo plugin subscribes to topic "nubotcontrol/velcmd" for omnidirecitonal movement and "omnivision/OmniVisionInfo" which contains messages about the soccer ball and all the robots' information such as position, velocity and etc. like the functions of an omnivision camera. For services, it subscribes to service "BallHandle" and "Shoot" for ball-dribbling and ball-kicking respectively. Since there may be multiple robots, these topics or services names should be prefixed with the robot model names in order to distinguish between each other. For example, if your robot model's name is "nubot1", then the topic names are "/nubot1/nubotcontrol/velcmd" and "/nubot1/omnivision/OmniVisionInfo" and the service names would be changed to "/nubot1/BallHandle" and "/nubot1/Shoot" accordingly. You can customize this code for your robot based on these messages and services as a convenient interface. The types and definitions of the topics and servivces are listed in the following table:
Topic/Service | Type | Definition |
/nubot1/nubotcontrol/velcmd | nubot_common/VelCmd | float32 Vx float32 Vy float32 w |
/nubot1/omnivision/OmniVisionInfo | ubot_common/OminiVisionInfo | Header header BallInfo ballinfo ObstaclesInfo obstacleinfo RobotInfo[] robotinfo |
/nubot1/BallHandle | nubot_common/BallHandle | int64 enable --- int64 BallIsHolding |
/nubot1/Shoot | nubot_common/Shoot | int64 strength int64 ShootPos --- int64 ShootIsDone |
For the definition of /BallHandle service, when "enable" equals to a non-zero number, a dribble request would be sent. If the robot meets the conditions to dribble the ball, the service response "BallIsHolding" is true.
For the definition of /Shoot service, when "ShootPos" equals to 1, this is a ground pass. In this case, "strength" is the inital speed you would like the soccer ball to have. When "ShootPos" equals to -1, this is a lob shot. In this case, "strength" is useless since the strength is calculated by the Gazebo plugin automatically and the soccer ball would follow a parabola path to enter the goal area. If the robot successfully kicks the ball out even if it failed to goal, the service response "ShootIsDone" is true.
For the definition of the "omnivision/OmniVisionInfo" topic, there are three new message types: "BallInfo", "ObstaclesInfo" and "RoboInfo". The field "robotinfo" is a vector. Before introducing the format of these new messages, three other message types "Point2d", "PPoint" and "Angle" are used in their definitions:
# Point2d.msg, reperesenting a 2-D point.
float32 x # x component
float32 y # y component
# PPoint.msg, representing a 2-D point in polar coordinates.
float32 angle # angle against polar axis
float32 radius # distance from the origin
# Angle.msg, representing the angle
float32 theta # angle of rotation
# BallInfo.msg, representing the information about the ball
Header header # a ROS header message defined by ROS package std_msgs
int32 ballinfostate # the state of the ball information;
Point2d pos # ball position in global reference frame; the origin of the frame is the center of
# the soccer field; x-axis pointed horizentally towards the opponet's center of the
# goal area and y-axis vertiacal to the x-axis using the right-hand rule
PPoint real_pos # ball relative position in robot body frame; the origin of the body frame is the
# center of the robot base; x-axis along the kicking-mechanism and y-axis vertical
# to the x-axis using the right-hand rule
Point2d velocity # ball velocity in global reference frame
bool pos_known # ball position is known(1) or not(0)
bool velocity_known # ball velocity is known(1) or not(0)
# ObstaclesInfo.msg, representing the information about obstacles
Header header # a ROS header message defined by ROS package std_msgs
Point2d[] pos # obstacle position in global reference frame
PPoint[] polar_pos # obstable position in the polar frame of which the origin is the center of the
# robot and the polar axis is along the kicking mechanism
# RobotInfo.msg, representing teammates' information
Header header # a ROS header message defined by ROS package std_msgs
int32 AgentID # ID of the robot
int32 targetNum1 # robot ID to be assigned target position 1
int32 targetNum2 # robot ID to be assigned target position 2
int32 targetNum3 # robot ID to be assigned target position 3
int32 targetNum4 # robot ID to be assigned target position 4
int32 staticpassNum # in static pass, the passer's ID
int32 staticcatchNum # in static pass, the catcher's ID
Point2d pos # robot position in global reference frame
Angle heading # robot heading in global reference frame
float32 vrot # the rotational velcoity in global reference frame
Point2d vtrans # the linear velocity in global reference frame
bool iskick # robot kicks the ball(1) or not(0)
bool isvalid # robot is valid(1) or not(0)
bool isstuck # robot is stuck(1) or not(0)
bool isdribble # robot dribbles the ball(1) or not(0)
char current_role # the current role
float32 role_time # time that the robot keeps the role unchanged
Point2d target # target position
The units of these elements are cm, cm/s, rad and rad/s.
This is a sample code from nubot_control.cpp. It realizes basic functions such as moving to a target position or a target orientation, dribbling the ball and shooting the goal. It is almost the simpliest version without any use of PID control or other control methods. Anyone should try to improve this code instead of using it directly.
However, the code related to receiving game comamnds and doing corresponding actions should be kept. For example, your code should be able to judge what to do when receiving different game commands such as 'START', 'FREEKICK' or 'PARKING'.
Note: Please take care of the transformation between the global reference frame and the robot body reference frame!
/** 主要的控制框架位于这里*/
loopControl(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
match_mode_ = world_model_info_.CoachInfo_.MatchMode; //! 当前比赛模式
pre_match_mode_ = world_model_info_.CoachInfo_.MatchType; //! 上一个比赛模式
robot_pos_ = world_model_info_.RobotInfo_[world_model_info_.AgentID_-1].getLocation();
robot_ori_ = world_model_info_.RobotInfo_[world_model_info_.AgentID_-1].getHead();
ball_pos_ = world_model_info_.BallInfo_[world_model_info_.AgentID_-1].getGlobalLocation();
ball_vel_ = world_model_info_.BallInfo_[world_model_info_.AgentID_-1].getVelocity();
nubot_common::VelCmd vel;
nubot_common::Shoot shoot;
nubot_common::BallHandle dribble;
if(match_mode_ == STOPROBOT )
vel.Vx = 0;
vel.Vy = 0;
vel.w = 0;
shoot.request.strength = 0;
dribble.request.enable = 0;
/** 机器人在开始之前的跑位. 开始静态传接球的目标点计算*/
else if(match_mode_ > STOPROBOT && match_mode_ <= DROPBALL)
else if(match_mode_==PARKINGROBOT)
else// 机器人正式比赛了,进入start之后的机器人状态
} // start部分结束
pubStrategyInfo(); // 发送策略消息让其他机器人看到,这一部分一般用于多机器人之间的协同
void positioning()
DPoint br = ball_pos_ - robot_pos_;
switch(world_model_info_.AgentID_) // 十分简单的实现,固定的站位,建议动态调整站位,写入staticpass.cpp中
{ // 站位还需要考虑是否犯规,但是现在这个程序没有考虑。
case 1:
if(move2target(DPoint(-850.0, 0.0), robot_pos_))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
case 2:
if(move2target(DPoint(-150.0, 100.0), robot_pos_))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
case 3:
if(move2target(DPoint(-150.0, -100.0), robot_pos_))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
case 4:
if(move2target(DPoint(-450.0, 200.0), robot_pos_))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
case 5:
if(move2target(DPoint(-450.0, -200.0), robot_pos_))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
void parking()
static double parking_y=-580.0;
DPoint parking_target;
float tar_ori = SINGLEPI_CONSTANT/2.0;
parking_target.x_= -120.0 * world_model_info_.AgentID_;
if(world_model_info_.AgentID_ == 1)
parking_target.x_ = -700;//守门员站在离球门最近的地方
parking_target.y_ = parking_y;
if(move2target(parking_target, robot_pos_)) //停到目标点10cm附近就不用动了,只需调整朝向
move2ori(tar_ori, robot_ori_.radian_);
void normalGame()
if(world_model_info_.AgentID_ != 1 && isNearestRobot())
nubot_common::BallHandle dribble;
DPoint br = ball_pos_ - robot_pos_;
if(move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_)) // 先往足球靠近
if(move2target(ball_pos_, robot_pos_, 50.0))
dribble.request.enable = 1;
if(dribble.response.BallIsHolding != true)
if(move2target(ball_pos_, robot_pos_, 40.0))
move2ori(br.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_);
else // 带上球了
DPoint tmp(200.0,300.0);
DPoint dirc = DPoint(900.0 ,0.0) - tmp; // 对准 (900.0 ,0.0)
if(move2target(tmp, robot_pos_) &&
move2ori(dirc.angle().radian_, robot_ori_.radian_, 5.0*DEG2RAD)) // 跑到位以及转到位
nubot_common::Shoot shoot;
shoot.request.ShootPos = FLY;
shoot.request.strength = 1.0; // 在FLY模式下,strength不重要,只要非零就行
bool isNearestRobot() //找到距离足球最近的机器人
float distance_min = 2000.0;
float distance = distance_min;
int robot_id = -1;
for(int i=1;i<OUR_TEAM;i++) // 排除守门员
distance = ball_pos_.distance(world_model_info_.RobotInfo_[i].getLocation());
if(distance < distance_min)
robot_id = i;
if(robot_id+1 == world_model_info_.AgentID_)
return true;
return false;
bool move2target(DPoint target, DPoint pos, double distance_thres=10.0) // 一个十分简单的实现,可以用PID
static nubot_common::VelCmd vel;
DPoint tmp = target - pos;
float tar_theta = tmp.angle().radian_;
if(tmp.norm() > distance_thres)
vel.Vx = tmp.norm()*0.7*cos(tar_theta - robot_ori_.radian_); // 注意将全局坐标系下的期望速度转换为在机器人体坐标系下
vel.Vy = tmp.norm()*0.7*sin(tar_theta - robot_ori_.radian_);
vel.w = 0;
return false;
vel.Vx = 0.0;
vel.Vy = 0.0;
vel.w = 0;
return true;
bool move2ori(double target, double angle, double angle_thres = 8.0*DEG2RAD) // 一个十分简单的实现,可以用PID
static nubot_common::VelCmd vel;
double tmp = target - angle;
if(fabs(tmp) > angle_thres) // 容许误差为5度
vel.Vx = 0;
vel.Vy = 0;
vel.w = tmp;
return false;
vel.Vx = 0.0;
vel.Vy = 0.0;
vel.w = 0;
return true;
void pubStrategyInfo()
nubot_common::StrategyInfo strategy_info; // 这个消息的定义可以根据个人需要进行修改
strategy_info.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
strategy_info.AgentID = world_model_info_.AgentID_;
Basically, robot communicates via topic "nubotcontrol/strategy". So you could change the message file StrategyInfo.msg and add anything you want to share among robots. Then you could fill thoes fields in the functino pubStrategyInfo() from nubot_control.cpp:
void pubStrategyInfo()
nubot_common::StrategyInfo strategy_info; // 这个消息的定义可以根据个人需要进行修改
strategy_info.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
strategy_info.AgentID = world_model_info_.AgentID_;
The messages flow is as follows:Here, nubot_strategy_pub subscribes to all strategy infomation from all robots such as nubot1~nubot5, and then combines these messages and publishes messages on a new topic named "/nubot/nubotcontrol/strategy". If you robot prefix is not "nubot" but "something" for example, this node would publish messages on a new topic named "/somthing/nubotcontrol/strategy". And then world_model.cpp receives and processes these messages, for example:
/** 仿真程序更新所有的机器人的策略信息,在实际比赛中通过RTDB进行传输,现在采用topic传输*/
nubot::World_Model::updateStrategyinfo(const nubot_common::simulation_strategy &_strategyinfo)
int nums_robots = _strategyinfo.strategy_msgs.size();
for(int i =0 ; i < nums_robots; i++)
nubot_common::StrategyInfo strategyinfo = _strategyinfo.strategy_msgs[i];
int AgentId = strategyinfo.AgentID;
if(AgentId < 1 || AgentId >OUR_TEAM)
PassCommands & pass_cmd_ = teammatesinfo_[AgentId-1].pass_cmds_;
pass_cmd_.catchrobot_id = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.catch_id;
pass_cmd_.passrobot_id = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.pass_id;
pass_cmd_.is_dynamic_pass = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.is_dynamic_pass;
pass_cmd_.is_static_pass = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.is_static_pass;
pass_cmd_.is_passout = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.is_passout;
pass_cmd_.pass_pt = DPoint(strategyinfo.pass_cmd.pass_pt.x,strategyinfo.pass_cmd.pass_pt.y);
pass_cmd_.catch_pt = DPoint(strategyinfo.pass_cmd.catch_pt.x,strategyinfo.pass_cmd.catch_pt.y);
pass_cmd_.isvalid = strategyinfo.pass_cmd.is_valid;
So you should also write some code to world_model.cpp.
rosrun nubot_common cyan_robot.sh
和 rosrun nubot_common magente_robot.sh
都要运行,下面两个coach命令也都要运行,rosrun coach4sim cyan_coach.sh
rosrun coach4sim magenta_coach.sh
,分别开始双方比赛。如果不想运行两个coach来发指令的话,也可以运行自动裁判盒,也就是rosrun auto_referee auto_referee -1
,最后一个参数如果是-1代表cyan发球,如果是1代表magenta发球。sudo apt-get upgrade
。rosdep install --from-path src/ -y -i
sudo apt-get install ubiquity-frontend-gtk
sudo remastersys clean
sudo remastersys backup
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