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1. 索引

UNIX 文件I/O系统调用),主要包括:

  • open (推荐仅仅用于打开文件)
  • creat (用于创建文件)
  • close
  • lseek
  • read
  • write
  • dup
  • dup2
  • truncate
  • ftruncate
  • sync
  • fsync
  • fdatasync
  • fcntl

2. open/creat/close

  • open
int open(const char *path, int oflag, ...);
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>


       O_EXEC        Open for execute only (non-directory files).  The  result
                     is unspecified if this flag is applied to a directory.

       O_RDONLY      Open for reading only.

       O_RDWR        Open  for reading and writing. The result is undefined if
                     this flag is applied to a FIFO.

       O_SEARCH      Open directory for search only. The result is unspecified
                     if this flag is applied to a non-directory file.

       O_WRONLY      Open for writing only.

       Any combination of the following may be used:

       O_APPEND      If  set,  the  file offset shall be set to the end of the
                     file prior to each write.

       O_CLOEXEC     If set, the FD_CLOEXEC flag for the new  file  descriptor
                     shall be set.

       O_CREAT       If  the  file  exists,  this flag has no effect except as
                     noted under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the  file  shall  be
                     created;  the  user  ID  of  the file shall be set to the
                     effective user ID of the process; the  group  ID  of  the
                     file  shall  be  set to the group ID of the file's parent
                     directory or to the effective group ID  of  the  process;
                     and  the access permission bits (see <sys/stat.h>) of the
                     file mode shall be set to the value of the argument  fol‐
                     lowing  the  oflag argument taken as type mode_t modified
                     as follows: a bitwise AND is performed on  the  file-mode
                     bits  and the corresponding bits in the complement of the
                     process' file mode creation mask. Thus, all bits  in  the
                     file  mode  whose corresponding bit in the file mode cre‐
                     ation mask is set are cleared. When bits other  than  the
                     file  permission bits are set, the effect is unspecified.
                     The argument following the oflag argument does not affect
                     whether  the  file  is  open for reading, writing, or for
                     both. Implementations shall provide a way  to  initialize
                     the  file's group ID to the group ID of the parent direc‐
                     tory. Implementations  may,  but  need  not,  provide  an
                     implementation-defined way to initialize the file's group
                     ID to the effective group ID of the calling process.
              If the file does not exist, it will be created.  The owner (user
              ID) of the file is set to the effective user ID of the  process.
              The  group  ownership  (group ID) is set either to the effective
              group ID of the process or to the group ID of the parent  direc‐
              tory  (depending  on  filesystem type and mount options, and the
              mode of the parent directory; see the  mount  options  bsdgroups
              and sysvgroups described in mount(8)).

              mode  specifies  the  mode to use in case a new file is created.
              This argument must be supplied  when  O_CREAT  or  O_TMPFILE  is
              specified  in  flags; if neither O_CREAT nor O_TMPFILE is speci‐
              fied, then mode is ignored.  The effective mode is  modified  by
              the  process's  umask  in  the  usual  way:  in the absence of a
              default ACL, the mode of the created  file  is  (mode & ~umask).
              Note that this mode applies only to future accesses of the newly
              created file; the open() call that creates a read-only file  may
              well return a read/write file descriptor.

              The following symbolic constants are provided for mode:

              S_IRWXU  00700  user  (file  owner) has read, write, and execute

              S_IRUSR  00400 user has read permission

              S_IWUSR  00200 user has write permission

              S_IXUSR  00100 user has execute permission

              S_IRWXG  00070 group has read, write, and execute permission

              S_IRGRP  00040 group has read permission

              S_IWGRP  00020 group has write permission

              S_IXGRP  00010 group has execute permission

              S_IRWXO  00007 others have read, write, and execute permission

              S_IROTH  00004 others have read permission

              S_IWOTH  00002 others have write permission

              S_IXOTH  00001 others have execute permission

              According to POSIX, the effect when other bits are set  in  mode
              is  unspecified.   On Linux, the following bits are also honored
              in mode:

              S_ISUID  0004000 set-user-ID bit

              S_ISGID  0002000 set-group-ID bit (see stat(2))

              S_ISVTX  0001000 sticky bit (see stat(2))                     

       O_DIRECTORY   If path resolves to a non-directory file,  fail  and  set
                     errno to [ENOTDIR].

       O_DSYNC       Write  I/O  operations  on the file descriptor shall com‐
                     plete as defined by synchronized I/O data integrity  com‐

       O_EXCL        If  O_CREAT  and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the
                     file exists. The check for the existence of the file  and
                     the  creation  of  the file if it does not exist shall be
                     atomic with respect to  other  threads  executing  open()
                     naming  the  same  filename  in  the  same directory with
                     O_EXCL and O_CREAT set. If O_EXCL and  O_CREAT  are  set,
                     and path names a symbolic link, open() shall fail and set
                     errno to [EEXIST], regardless of the contents of the sym‐
                     bolic  link. If O_EXCL is set and O_CREAT is not set, the
                     result is undefined.

       O_NOCTTY      If set and path  identifies  a  terminal  device,  open()
                     shall  not  cause  the terminal device to become the con‐
                     trolling terminal for the process. If path does not iden‐
                     tify a terminal device, O_NOCTTY shall be ignored.

       O_NOFOLLOW    If  path  names  a  symbolic  link, fail and set errno to

       O_NONBLOCK    When opening a FIFO with O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY set:

                      *  If O_NONBLOCK is  set,  an  open()  for  reading-only
                         shall  return  without  delay. An open() for writing-
                         only shall return an error if  no  process  currently
                         has the file open for reading.

                      *  If  O_NONBLOCK  is  clear, an open() for reading-only
                         shall block the calling thread until a  thread  opens
                         the  file  for  writing.  An  open() for writing-only
                         shall block the calling thread until a  thread  opens
                         the file for reading.

                     When  opening  a  block special or character special file
                     that supports non-blocking opens:

                      *  If O_NONBLOCK  is  set,  the  open()  function  shall
                         return without blocking for the device to be ready or
                         available.  Subsequent  behavior  of  the  device  is

                      *  If  O_NONBLOCK  is  clear,  the open() function shall
                         block the calling thread until the device is ready or
                         available before returning.

                     Otherwise,  the O_NONBLOCK flag shall not cause an error,
                     but it is unspecified whether the file status flags  will
                     include the O_NONBLOCK flag.

       O_RSYNC       Read I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete
                     at the same  level  of  integrity  as  specified  by  the
                     O_DSYNC and O_SYNC flags. If both O_DSYNC and O_RSYNC are
                     set in oflag, all I/O operations on the  file  descriptor
                     shall  complete  as  defined  by  synchronized  I/O  data
                     integrity completion. If both O_SYNC and O_RSYNC are  set
                     in flags, all I/O operations on the file descriptor shall
                     complete as defined by synchronized  I/O  file  integrity

       O_SYNC        Write  I/O  operations  on the file descriptor shall com‐
                     plete as defined by synchronized I/O file integrity  com‐

                     The  O_SYNC  flag  shall  be supported for regular files,
                     even if the Synchronized Input and Output option  is  not

       O_TRUNC       If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is
                     successfully opened O_RDWR or O_WRONLY, its length  shall
                     be  truncated  to  0,  and  the  mode  and owner shall be
                     unchanged. It shall have no effect on FIFO special  files
                     or  terminal device files. Its effect on other file types
                     is implementation-defined. The result  of  using  O_TRUNC
                     without either O_RDWR or O_WRONLY is undefined.

       O_TTY_INIT    If path identifies a terminal device other than a pseudo-
                     terminal, the device is not already open in any  process,
                     and  either  O_TTY_INIT is set in oflag or O_TTY_INIT has
                     the value zero, open() shall set any non-standard termios
                     structure  terminal  parameters  to a state that provides
                     conforming behavior; see the Base Definitions  volume  of
                     POSIX.1‐2008,  Section  11.2, Parameters that Can be Set.
                     It is unspecified whether O_TTY_INIT has  any  effect  if
                     the  device is already open in any process. If path iden‐
                     tifies the slave side of a pseudo-terminal  that  is  not
                     already  open  in  any process, open() shall set any non-
                     standard termios structure terminal parameters to a state
                     that  provides conforming behavior, regardless of whether
                     O_TTY_INIT is set. If path does not identify  a  terminal
                     device, O_TTY_INIT shall be ignored.

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  • creat 一般来讲是对open的封装,示例如下

       creat — create a new file or rewrite an existing one

       #include <sys/stat.h>
       #include <fcntl.h>

       int creat(const char *path, mode_t mode);
       The creat() function shall behave as if it is implemented as follows:

           int creat(const char *path, mode_t mode)
               return open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, mode);
              If the file does not exist, it will be created.  The owner (user
              ID) of the file is set to the effective user ID of the  process.
              The  group  ownership  (group ID) is set either to the effective
              group ID of the process or to the group ID of the parent  direc‐
              tory  (depending  on  filesystem type and mount options, and the
              mode of the parent directory; see the  mount  options  bsdgroups
              and sysvgroups described in mount(8)).

              mode  specifies  the  mode to use in case a new file is created.
              This argument must be supplied  when  O_CREAT  or  O_TMPFILE  is
              specified  in  flags; if neither O_CREAT nor O_TMPFILE is speci‐
              fied, then mode is ignored.  The effective mode is  modified  by
              the  process's  umask  in  the  usual  way:  in the absence of a
              default ACL, the mode of the created  file  is  (mode & ~umask).
              Note that this mode applies only to future accesses of the newly
              created file; the open() call that creates a read-only file  may
              well return a read/write file descriptor.

              The following symbolic constants are provided for mode:

              S_IRWXU  00700  user  (file  owner) has read, write, and execute

              S_IRUSR  00400 user has read permission

              S_IWUSR  00200 user has write permission

              S_IXUSR  00100 user has execute permission

              S_IRWXG  00070 group has read, write, and execute permission

              S_IRGRP  00040 group has read permission

              S_IWGRP  00020 group has write permission

              S_IXGRP  00010 group has execute permission

              S_IRWXO  00007 others have read, write, and execute permission

              S_IROTH  00004 others have read permission

              S_IWOTH  00002 others have write permission

              S_IXOTH  00001 others have execute permission

              According to POSIX, the effect when other bits are set  in  mode
              is  unspecified.   On Linux, the following bits are also honored
              in mode:

              S_ISUID  0004000 set-user-ID bit

              S_ISGID  0002000 set-group-ID bit (see stat(2))

              S_ISVTX  0001000 sticky bit (see stat(2))

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  • close
       close — close a file descriptor

       #include <unistd.h>

       int close(int fildes);
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3. lseek


       lseek — move the read/write file offset

       #include <unistd.h>

       off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int whence);

       The lseek() function shall set  the  file  offset  for  the  open  file
       description associated with the file descriptor fildes, as follows:

        *  If  whence  is  SEEK_SET,  the  file  offset shall be set to offset

        *  If whence is SEEK_CUR, the file offset shall be set to its  current
           location plus offset.

        *  If  whence is SEEK_END, the file offset shall be set to the size of
           the file plus offset.

       The symbolic constants SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END are defined  in

       The  behavior  of  lseek() on devices which are incapable of seeking is
       implementation-defined.  The value of the file offset  associated  with
       such a device is undefined.

       The  lseek()  function shall allow the file offset to be set beyond the
       end of the existing data in the file. If data is later written at  this
       point,  subsequent reads of data in the gap shall return bytes with the
       value 0 until data is actually written into the gap.

       The lseek() function shall not, by itself, extend the size of a file.

       If fildes refers to a shared memory object, the result of  the  lseek()
       function is unspecified.

       If  fildes  refers  to a typed memory object, the result of the lseek()
       function is unspecified.

       Upon successful completion, the resulting offset, as measured in  bytes
       from  the beginning of the file, shall be returned. Otherwise, −1 shall
       be returned, errno shall be set to indicate the  error,  and  the  file
       offset shall remain unchanged.
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4. read

       pread, read — read from a file

       #include <unistd.h>

       ssize_t pread(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset);
       ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte);

       The read() function shall attempt to read nbyte  bytes  from  the  file
       associated  with  the  open  file  descriptor,  fildes, into the buffer
       pointed to by buf.  The behavior of multiple concurrent  reads  on  the
       same pipe, FIFO, or terminal device is unspecified.

       Before  any  action described below is taken, and if nbyte is zero, the
       read() function may detect and return errors as described below. In the
       absence  of  errors, or if error detection is not performed, the read()
       function shall return zero and have no other results.

       On files that support seeking (for example, a regular file), the read()
       shall  start at a position in the file given by the file offset associ‐
       ated with fildes.  The file offset shall be incremented by  the  number
       of bytes actually read.

       Files  that  do  not support seeking—for example, terminals—always read
       from the current position. The value of a file offset  associated  with
       such a file is undefined.

       No  data  transfer  shall  occur  past  the current end-of-file. If the
       starting position is at or after the end-of-file, 0 shall be  returned.
       If  the  file refers to a device special file, the result of subsequent
       read() requests is implementation-defined.

       If the value of nbyte is greater than {SSIZE_MAX}, the result is imple‐

       When attempting to read from an empty pipe or FIFO:

        *  If  no process has the pipe open for writing, read() shall return 0
           to indicate end-of-file.

        *  If some process has the pipe open for  writing  and  O_NONBLOCK  is
           set, read() shall return −1 and set errno to [EAGAIN].

        *  If  some  process  has  the pipe open for writing and O_NONBLOCK is
           clear, read() shall block the calling thread  until  some  data  is
           written  or  the  pipe is closed by all processes that had the pipe
           open for writing.

       When attempting to read a file (other than a pipe or  FIFO)  that  sup‐
       ports non-blocking reads and has no data currently available:

        *  If  O_NONBLOCK  is  set,  read()  shall  return −1 and set errno to

        *  If O_NONBLOCK is clear, read() shall block the calling thread until
           some data becomes available.

        *  The  use of the O_NONBLOCK flag has no effect if there is some data

       The read() function reads data previously written to  a  file.  If  any
       portion  of  a regular file prior to the end-of-file has not been writ‐
       ten, read() shall return bytes  with  value  0.  For  example,  lseek()
       allows the file offset to be set beyond the end of existing data in the
       file. If data is later written at this point, subsequent reads  in  the
       gap  between  the previous end of data and the newly written data shall
       return bytes with value 0 until data is written into the gap.

       Upon successful completion, where nbyte is greater than 0, read() shall
       mark  for  update the last data access timestamp of the file, and shall
       return the number of bytes read.  This number shall  never  be  greater
       than nbyte.  The value returned may be less than nbyte if the number of
       bytes left in the file is less than nbyte, if the  read()  request  was
       interrupted  by  a  signal, or if the file is a pipe or FIFO or special
       file and has fewer than nbyte bytes immediately available for  reading.
       For example, a read() from a file associated with a terminal may return
       one typed line of data.

       If a read() is interrupted by a signal before it  reads  any  data,  it
       shall return −1 with errno set to [EINTR].

       If  a  read() is interrupted by a signal after it has successfully read
       some data, it shall return the number of bytes read.

       For regular files, no data transfer shall occur past the offset maximum
       established in the open file description associated with fildes.

       If fildes refers to a socket, read() shall be equivalent to recv() with
       no flags set.

       If the O_DSYNC and O_RSYNC bits have been set, read I/O  operations  on
       the  file descriptor shall complete as defined by synchronized I/O data
       integrity completion. If the O_SYNC and O_RSYNC  bits  have  been  set,
       read I/O operations on the file descriptor shall complete as defined by
       synchronized I/O file integrity completion.

       If fildes refers to a shared memory object, the result  of  the  read()
       function is unspecified.

       If  fildes  refers  to  a typed memory object, the result of the read()
       function is unspecified.

       A read() from a STREAMS file can read data in  three  different  modes:
       byte-stream  mode,  message-nondiscard  mode, and message-discard mode.
       The default shall be byte-stream mode.  This can be changed  using  the
       I_SRDOPT  ioctl() request, and can be tested with I_GRDOPT ioctl().  In
       byte-stream mode, read() shall retrieve data from the STREAM  until  as
       many bytes as were requested are transferred, or until there is no more
       data to be retrieved.  Byte-stream mode ignores message boundaries.

       In STREAMS message-nondiscard mode, read() shall retrieve data until as
       many bytes as were requested are transferred, or until a message bound‐
       ary is reached. If read() does not retrieve all the data in a  message,
       the remaining data shall be left on the STREAM, and can be retrieved by
       the next read() call. Message-discard mode also retrieves data until as
       many  bytes as were requested are transferred, or a message boundary is
       reached.  However, unread data remaining in a message after the  read()
       returns shall be discarded, and shall not be available for a subsequent
       read(), getmsg(), or getpmsg() call.

       How read() handles zero-byte STREAMS messages is determined by the cur‐
       rent  read  mode setting. In byte-stream mode, read() shall accept data
       until it has read nbyte bytes, or until there is no more data to  read,
       or  until a zero-byte message block is encountered. The read() function
       shall then return the number of bytes read,  and  place  the  zero-byte
       message  back  on  the  STREAM  to  be  retrieved  by  the next read(),
       getmsg(), or getpmsg().  In message-nondiscard mode or  message-discard
       mode,  a  zero-byte  message  shall  return  0 and the message shall be
       removed from the STREAM. When a zero-byte message is read as the  first
       message on a STREAM, the message shall be removed from the STREAM and 0
       shall be returned, regardless of the read mode.

       A read() from a STREAMS file shall return the data in  the  message  at
       the  front  of  the  STREAM head read queue, regardless of the priority
       band of the message.

       By default, STREAMs are in control-normal mode, in which a read()  from
       a  STREAMS  file can only process messages that contain a data part but
       do not contain a control part. The read() shall fail if a message  con‐
       taining  a control part is encountered at the STREAM head. This default
       action can be changed by placing the STREAM in either control-data mode
       or  control-discard mode with the I_SRDOPT ioctl() command. In control-
       data mode, read() shall convert any control part to data and pass it to
       the  application before passing any data part originally present in the
       same message.  In control-discard mode, read()  shall  discard  message
       control parts but return to the process any data part in the message.

       In  addition,  read()  shall  fail  if the STREAM head had processed an
       asynchronous error before the call. In this case, the  value  of  errno
       shall not reflect the result of read(), but reflect the prior error. If
       a hangup occurs on the STREAM being  read,  read()  shall  continue  to
       operate normally until the STREAM head read queue is empty. Thereafter,
       it shall return 0.

       The pread() function shall be equivalent  to  read(),  except  that  it
       shall  read from a given position in the file without changing the file
       pointer. The first three arguments to pread() are the  same  as  read()
       with  the addition of a fourth argument offset for the desired position
       inside the file. An attempt to perform a pread()  on  a  file  that  is
       incapable of seeking shall result in an error.

       Upon successful completion, these functions shall return a non-negative
       integer indicating the number of bytes actually  read.  Otherwise,  the
       functions shall return −1 and set errno to indicate the error.

       These functions shall fail if:

       EAGAIN The file is neither a pipe, nor a FIFO, nor a socket, the O_NON‐
              BLOCK flag is set for the file descriptor, and the thread  would
              be delayed in the read operation.

       EBADF  The  fildes  argument  is  not  a valid file descriptor open for

              The file is a STREAM file that is set to control-normal mode and
              the message waiting to be read includes a control part.

       EINTR  The  read  operation was terminated due to the receipt of a sig‐
              nal, and no data was transferred.

       EINVAL The  STREAM  or  multiplexer  referenced  by  fildes  is  linked
              (directly or indirectly) downstream from a multiplexer.

       EIO    The process is a member of a background process group attempting
              to read from its controlling terminal, and  either  the  calling
              thread is blocking SIGTTIN or the process is ignoring SIGTTIN or
              the process group of the process is  orphaned.  This  error  may
              also be generated for implementation-defined reasons.

       EISDIR The fildes argument refers to a directory and the implementation
              does not allow the directory to be read using read() or pread().
              The readdir() function should be used instead.

              The  file is a regular file, nbyte is greater than 0, the start‐
              ing position is before the end-of-file, and the  starting  posi‐
              tion  is greater than or equal to the offset maximum established
              in the open file description associated with fildes.

       The pread() function shall fail if:

       EINVAL The file is a regular file or block special file, and the offset
              argument is negative. The file pointer shall remain unchanged.

       ESPIPE The file is a pipe, FIFO, or socket.

       The read() function shall fail if:

       EAGAIN The  file  is a pipe or FIFO, the O_NONBLOCK flag is set for the
              file descriptor, and the thread would be  delayed  in  the  read

              The  file  is  a socket, the O_NONBLOCK flag is set for the file
              descriptor, and the thread would be delayed in the  read  opera‐

              A read was attempted on a socket and the connection was forcibly
              closed by its peer.

              A read was attempted on a socket that is not connected.

              A read was attempted on a  socket  and  a  transmission  timeout

       These functions may fail if:

       EIO    A physical I/O error has occurred.

              Insufficient  resources  were available in the system to perform
              the operation.

       ENOMEM Insufficient memory was available to fulfill the request.

       ENXIO  A request was made of a nonexistent device, or the  request  was
              outside the capabilities of the device.

       The following sections are informative.

   Reading Data into a Buffer
       The following example reads data from the file associated with the file
       descriptor fd into the buffer pointed to by buf.

           #include <sys/types.h>
           #include <unistd.h>
           char buf[20];
           size_t nbytes;
           ssize_t bytes_read;
           int fd;
           nbytes = sizeof(buf);
           bytes_read = read(fd, buf, nbytes);

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5. write

       write - write to a file descriptor

       #include <unistd.h>

       ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

       write()  writes  up  to  count bytes from the buffer pointed buf to the
       file referred to by the file descriptor fd.

       The number of bytes written may be less than  count  if,  for  example,
       there  is  insufficient space on the underlying physical medium, or the
       RLIMIT_FSIZE resource limit is encountered (see setrlimit(2)),  or  the
       call was interrupted by a signal handler after having written less than
       count bytes.  (See also pipe(7).)

       For a seekable file (i.e., one to which lseek(2) may  be  applied,  for
       example,  a  regular file) writing takes place at the current file off‐
       set, and the file offset is incremented by the number of bytes actually
       written.   If  the file was open(2)ed with O_APPEND, the file offset is
       first set to the end of the file before writing.  The adjustment of the
       file offset and the write operation are performed as an atomic step.

       POSIX  requires  that  a  read(2)  which can be proved to occur after a
       write() has returned returns the new data.  Note that not all  filesys‐
       tems are POSIX conforming.

       On  success,  the  number  of bytes written is returned (zero indicates
       nothing was written).  It is not an error if  this  number  is  smaller
       than the number of bytes requested; this may happen for example because
       the disk device was filled.  See also NOTES.

       On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.

       If count is zero and fd refers to a  regular  file,  then  write()  may
       return  a failure status if one of the errors below is detected.  If no
       errors are detected, or error detection is not  performed,  0  will  be
       returned  without  causing  any  other effect.  If count is zero and fd
       refers to a file other than a regular file, the results are not  speci‐

       EAGAIN The  file descriptor fd refers to a file other than a socket and
              has been marked nonblocking (O_NONBLOCK), and  the  write  would
              block.  See open(2) for further details on the O_NONBLOCK flag.

              The  file  descriptor  fd refers to a socket and has been marked
              nonblocking   (O_NONBLOCK),   and   the   write   would   block.
              POSIX.1-2001  allows  either error to be returned for this case,
              and does not require these constants to have the same value,  so
              a portable application should check for both possibilities.

       EBADF  fd is not a valid file descriptor or is not open for writing.

              fd  refers to a datagram socket for which a peer address has not
              been set using connect(2).

       EDQUOT The user's quota of disk blocks on the filesystem containing the
              file referred to by fd has been exhausted.

       EFAULT buf is outside your accessible address space.

       EFBIG  An attempt was made to write a file that exceeds the implementa‐
              tion-defined maximum file size or the process's file size limit,
              or to write at a position past the maximum allowed offset.

       EINTR  The  call  was interrupted by a signal before any data was writ‐
              ten; see signal(7).

       EINVAL fd is attached to an object which is unsuitable for writing;  or
              the  file  was  opened  with  the  O_DIRECT flag, and either the
              address specified in buf, the value specified in count,  or  the
              current file offset is not suitably aligned.

       EIO    A low-level I/O error occurred while modifying the inode.

       ENOSPC The device containing the file referred to by fd has no room for
              the data.

       EPERM  The operation was prevented by a file seal; see fcntl(2).

       EPIPE  fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed.
              When  this  happens the writing process will also receive a SIG‐
              PIPE signal.  (Thus, the write return value is seen only if  the
              program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)

       Other errors may occur, depending on the object connected to fd.

       SVr4, 4.3BSD, POSIX.1-2001.

       Under  SVr4  a  write may be interrupted and return EINTR at any point,
       not just before any data is written.

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  • 父子进程共享
  • 非父子进程 打开同一个文件

7、dup dup2 dup3

       dup, dup2, dup3 - duplicate a file descriptor

       #include <unistd.h>

       int dup(int oldfd);
       int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);

       #define _GNU_SOURCE             /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
       #include <fcntl.h>              /* Obtain O_* constant definitions */
       #include <unistd.h>

       int dup3(int oldfd, int newfd, int flags);

       The  dup()  system  call  creates  a copy of the file descriptor oldfd,
       using the lowest-numbered unused descriptor for the new descriptor.

       After a successful return, the old and new file descriptors may be used
       interchangeably.   They  refer  to  the same open file description (see
       open(2)) and thus share file offset and file status flags; for example,
       if the file offset is modified by using lseek(2) on one of the descrip‐
       tors, the offset is also changed for the other.

       The two descriptors do not share file descriptor flags  (the  close-on-
       exec  flag).  The close-on-exec flag (FD_CLOEXEC; see fcntl(2)) for the
       duplicate descriptor is off.

       The dup2() system call performs the same task as dup(), but instead  of
       using  the lowest-numbered unused file descriptor, it uses the descrip‐
       tor number specified in newfd.  If the descriptor newfd was  previously
       open, it is silently closed before being reused.

       The  steps  of  closing  and reusing the file descriptor newfd are per‐
       formed atomically.  This is  important,  because  trying  to  implement
       equivalent  functionality  using close(2) and dup() would be subject to
       race conditions, whereby newfd might be reused between the  two  steps.
       Such  reuse  could  happen because the main program is interrupted by a
       signal handler that allocates a file descriptor, or because a  parallel
       thread allocates a file descriptor.

       Note the following points:

       *  If  oldfd  is  not a valid file descriptor, then the call fails, and
          newfd is not closed.

       *  If oldfd is a valid file descriptor, and newfd has the same value as
          oldfd, then dup2() does nothing, and returns newfd.

       dup3() is the same as dup2(), except that:

       *  The  caller  can  force the close-on-exec flag to be set for the new
          file descriptor by specifying O_CLOEXEC in flags.  See the  descrip‐
          tion of the same flag in open(2) for reasons why this may be useful.

       *  If oldfd equals newfd, then dup3() fails with the error EINVAL.

       On success, these system calls return the new descriptor.  On error, -1
       is returned, and errno is set appropriately.

       EBADF  oldfd isn't an open file descriptor.

       EBADF  newfd is out of the allowed range for file descriptors (see  the
              discussion of RLIMIT_NOFILE in getrlimit(2)).

       EBUSY  (Linux  only)  This may be returned by dup2() or dup3() during a
              race condition with open(2) and dup().

       EINTR  The dup2() or dup3() call was interrupted by a signal; see  sig‐

       EINVAL (dup3()) flags contain an invalid value.

       EINVAL (dup3()) oldfd was equal to newfd.

       EMFILE The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has
              been reached (see  the  discussion  of  RLIMIT_NOFILE  in  getr‐

       dup3() was added to Linux in version 2.6.27; glibc support is available
       starting with version 2.9.

       dup(), dup2(): POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, SVr4, 4.3BSD.

       dup3() is Linux-specific.

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8、truncate ftruncate

       truncate, ftruncate - truncate a file to a specified length

       #include <unistd.h>
       #include <sys/types.h>

       int truncate(const char *path, off_t length);
       int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

           _BSD_SOURCE || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500 ||
           || /* Since glibc 2.12: */ _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L

           _BSD_SOURCE || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500 ||
           || /* Since glibc 2.3.5: */ _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L

       The  truncate()  and ftruncate() functions cause the regular file named
       by path or referenced by fd to be truncated  to  a  size  of  precisely
       length bytes.

       If  the  file  previously  was larger than this size, the extra data is
       lost.  If the file previously was shorter,  it  is  extended,  and  the
       extended part reads as null bytes ('\0').

       The file offset is not changed.

       If  the  size  changed,  then the st_ctime and st_mtime fields (respec‐
       tively, time of last status change and time of last  modification;  see
       stat(2)) for the file are updated, and the set-user-ID and set-group-ID
       mode bits may be cleared.

       With ftruncate(), the file must be open for writing;  with  truncate(),
       the file must be writable.

       On  success,  zero is returned.  On error, -1 is returned, and errno is
       set appropriately.

       For truncate():

       EACCES Search permission is denied for a component of the path  prefix,
              or  the  named  file  is  not  writable  by the user.  (See also

       EFAULT The argument path points outside the process's allocated address

       EFBIG  The argument length is larger than the maximum file size. (XSI)

       EINTR  While blocked waiting to complete, the call was interrupted by a
              signal handler; see fcntl(2) and signal(7).

       EINVAL The argument length is negative or larger than the maximum  file

       EIO    An I/O error occurred updating the inode.

       EISDIR The named file is a directory.

       ELOOP  Too  many  symbolic  links  were  encountered in translating the

              A component of a pathname exceeded 255 characters, or an  entire
              pathname exceeded 1023 characters.

       ENOENT The named file does not exist.

              A component of the path prefix is not a directory.

       EPERM  The  underlying  filesystem  does  not  support extending a file
              beyond its current size.

       EPERM  The operation was prevented by a file seal; see fcntl(2).

       EROFS  The named file resides on a read-only filesystem.

              The file is a pure procedure (shared text) file  that  is  being

       For  ftruncate()  the same errors apply, but instead of things that can
       be wrong with path, we now have things that can be wrong with the  file
       descriptor, fd:

       EBADF  fd is not a valid descriptor.

       EBADF or EINVAL
              fd is not open for writing.

       EINVAL fd does not reference a regular file.

       EINVAL or EBADF
              The  file descriptor fd is not open for writing.  POSIX permits,
              and portable applications should handle, either error  for  this
              case.  (Linux produces EINVAL.)

       POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, 4.4BSD, SVr4 (these calls first appeared in

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9、sync fsync fdatasync

       sync — schedule file system updates

       #include <unistd.h>

       void sync(void);

       The sync() function shall cause all information in memory that  updates
       file systems to be scheduled for writing out to all file systems.

       The  writing,  although  scheduled,  is  not  necessarily complete upon
       return from sync().

       The sync() function shall not return a value.

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fsync 与fdatasync

       fsync,  fdatasync  -  synchronize  a  file's in-core state with storage

       #include <unistd.h>

       int fsync(int fd);

       int fdatasync(int fd);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

       fsync(): _BSD_SOURCE || _XOPEN_SOURCE
                || /* since glibc 2.8: */ _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L
       fdatasync(): _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500

       fsync() transfers ("flushes") all modified in-core data of (i.e., modi‐
       fied  buffer cache pages for) the file referred to by the file descrip‐
       tor fd to the disk device (or other permanent storage device)  so  that
       all  changed information can be retrieved even after the system crashed
       or was rebooted.  This includes writing  through  or  flushing  a  disk
       cache  if  present.   The call blocks until the device reports that the
       transfer has completed.  It also flushes metadata  information  associ‐
       ated with the file (see stat(2)).

       Calling  fsync()  does  not  necessarily  ensure  that the entry in the
       directory containing the file has  also  reached  disk.   For  that  an
       explicit fsync() on a file descriptor for the directory is also needed.

       fdatasync() is similar to fsync(), but does not flush modified metadata
       unless that metadata is needed in order  to  allow  a  subsequent  data
       retrieval to be correctly handled.  For example, changes to st_atime or
       st_mtime (respectively, time of last access and time of last  modifica‐
       tion;  see stat(2)) do not require flushing because they are not neces‐
       sary for a subsequent data read to be handled correctly.  On the  other
       hand, a change to the file size (st_size, as made by say ftruncate(2)),
       would require a metadata flush.

       The aim of fdatasync() is to reduce disk activity for applications that
       do not require all metadata to be synchronized with the disk.

       On  success, these system calls return zero.  On error, -1 is returned,
       and errno is set appropriately.

       EBADF  fd is not a valid open file descriptor.

       EIO    An error occurred during synchronization.

              fd is bound to a special file which does  not  support  synchro‐

       POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008, 4.3BSD.
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