- Linux Asynchronous I/O Explained (Last updated: 13 Apr 2012)
- *******************************************************************************
- by Vasily Tarasov <tarasov AT vasily dot name>
- Asynchronoes I/O (AIO) is a method for performing I/O operations so that the
- process that issued an I/O request is not blocked till the data is available.
- Instead, after an I/O request is submitted, the process continues to execute
- its code and can later check the status of the submitted request.
- Linux kernel provides only *5* system calls for performing asynchronoes I/O.
- Other AIO functions commonly descibed in the literature are implemented in the
- user space libraries and use the system calls internally. Some libraries can
- also emulate AIO functionality entirely in the user space without any kernel
- support.
- There are two main libraries in Linux that facilitate AIO, we will refer to
- them as *libaio* and *librt* (the latter one is a part of libc).
- In this text, I first discuss system calls, then libaio, and finaly librt.
- AIO System Calls
- *******************************************************************************
- based on Linux 3.2.1 kernel
- AIO system call entry points are located in "fs/aio.c" file in the kernel's
- source code. Types and constants exported to the user space reside in
- "/usr/include/linux/aio_abi.h" header file.
- There are only 5 AIO system calls:
- * int io_setup(unsigned nr_events, aio_context_t *ctxp);
- * int io_destroy(aio_context_t ctx);
- * int io_submit(aio_context_t ctx, long nr, struct iocb *cbp[]);
- * int io_cancel(aio_context_t ctx, struct iocb *, struct io_event *result);
- * int io_getevents(aio_context_t ctx, long min_nr, long nr,
- struct io_event *events, struct timespec *timeout);
- I will demonstrate the usage of these system calls using a sequence of programs
- in the increasing order of their complexity.
- Program 1:
- >> snip start: 1.c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- 00 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* syscall() is not POSIX */
- 01
- 02 #include <stdio.h> /* for perror() */
- 03 #include <unistd.h> /* for syscall() */
- 04 #include <sys/syscall.h> /* for __NR_* definitions */
- 05 #include <linux/aio_abi.h> /* for AIO types and constants */
- 06
- 07 inline int io_setup(unsigned nr, aio_context_t *ctxp)
- 08 {
- 09 return syscall(__NR_io_setup, nr, ctxp);
- 10 }
- 11
- 12 inline int io_destroy(aio_context_t ctx)
- 13 {
- 14 return syscall(__NR_io_destroy, ctx);
- 15 }
- 16
- 17 int main()
- 18 {
- 19 aio_context_t ctx;
- 20 int ret;
- 21
- 22 ctx = 0;
- 23
- 24 ret = io_setup(128, &ctx);
- 25 if (ret < 0) {
- 26 perror("io_setup error");
- 27 return -1;
- 28 }
- 29
- 30 ret = io_destroy(ctx);
- 31 if (ret < 0) {
- 32 perror("io_destroy error");
- 33 return -1;
- 34 }
- 35
- 36 return 0;
- 37 }
- << snip end: 1.c <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- For now, ignore first 17 lines of the code and look at main() function. In line
- 24 we call io_setup() system call to create so called "AIO context" in the
- kernel. AIO context is a set of data structures that the kernel supports to
- perform AIO. Every process can have multiple AIO contextes and as such one
- needs an identificator for every AIO context in a process (XXX: come up with a
- handy example how it can be used). Ctx variable of type aio_context_t defined in
- line 19 stores such an identificator in our example. A pointer to ctx variable
- is passed to io_setup() as a second argument and kernel fills this variable
- with a context identifier. Interestingly, aio_context_t is actually just an
- unsigned long defined in the kernel ("linux/aio_abi.h") like that:
- typedef unsigned long aio_context_t;
- In line 22 we set ctx to 0 which is required by kernel or io_setup() fails with
- -EINVAL error.
- The first argument of io_setup() function - 128 in our case - is the maximum
- number of requests that can simultaneously reside in the context. This will be
- explained in more details in the next examples.
- In line 30 we destroy just created AIO context by calling io_destroy() system
- call with ctx as an argument.
- The lines above 17 are just helpers that allow to call system calls directly. We
- use glibc's syscall() function that invokes any system call by its number. It
- is only required if one wants to call system calls directly without using AIO
- libraries' wrapper functions (provided by libaio and librt). Notice, that
- syscall() functions's return value follows the usual conventions for indicating
- an error: -1, with errno set to a positive value that indicates the error.
- So, we check if the values returned by io_setup() and io_destroy() are less than
- zero to detect the error, and then use perror() function that will print the
- errno.
- In the last example we did a minimal thing: created an AIO context and then
- destroyed it immediatelly. In the next example we submit one request to the
- context and then query its status later.
- Program 2:
- >> snip start: 2.c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- 00 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* syscall() is not POSIX */
- 01
- 02 #include <stdio.h> /* for perror() */
- 03 #include <unistd.h> /* for syscall() */
- 04 #include <sys/syscall.h> /* for __NR_* definitions */
- 05 #include <linux/aio_abi.h> /* for AIO types and constants */
- 06 #include <fcntl.h> /* O_RDWR */
- 07 #include <string.h> /* memset() */
- 08 #include <inttypes.h> /* uint64_t */
- 09
- 10 inline int io_setup(unsigned nr, aio_context_t *ctxp)
- 11 {
- 12 return syscall(__NR_io_setup, nr, ctxp);
- 13 }
- 14
- 15 inline int io_destroy(aio_context_t ctx)
- 16 {
- 17 return syscall(__NR_io_destroy, ctx);
- 18 }
- 19
- 20 inline int io_submit(aio_context_t ctx, long nr, struct iocb **iocbpp)
- 21 {
- 22 return syscall(__NR_io_submit, ctx, nr, iocbpp);
- 23 }
- 24
- 25 inline int io_getevents(aio_context_t ctx, long min_nr, long max_nr,
- 26 struct io_event *events, struct timespec *timeout)
- 27 {
- 28 return syscall(__NR_io_getevents, ctx, min_nr, max_nr, events, timeout);
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 int main()
- 32 {
- 33 aio_context_t ctx;
- 34 struct iocb cb;
- 35 struct iocb *cbs[1];
- 36 char data[4096];
- 37 struct io_event events[1];
- 38 int ret;
- 39 int fd;
- 40
- 41 fd = open("/tmp/testfile", O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
- 42 if (fd < 0) {
- 43 perror("open error");
- 44 return -1;
- 45 }
- 46
- 47 ctx = 0;
- 48
- 49 ret = io_setup(128, &ctx);
- 50 if (ret < 0) {
- 51 perror("io_setup error");
- 52 return -1;
- 53 }
- 54
- 55 /* setup I/O control block */
- 56 memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(cb));
- 57 cb.aio_fildes = fd;
- 58 cb.aio_lio_opcode = IOCB_CMD_PWRITE;
- 59
- 60 /* command-specific options */
- 61 cb.aio_buf = (uint64_t)data;
- 62 cb.aio_offset = 0;
- 63 cb.aio_nbytes = 4096;
- 64
- 65 cbs[0] = &cb;
- 66
- 67 ret = io_submit(ctx, 1, cbs);
- 68 if (ret != 1) {
- 69 if (ret < 0)
- 70 perror("io_submit error");
- 71 else
- 72 fprintf(stderr, "could not sumbit IOs");
- 73 return -1;
- 74 }
- 75
- 76 /* get the reply */
- 77 ret = io_getevents(ctx, 1, 1, events, NULL);
- 78 printf("%d\n", ret);
- 79
- 80 ret = io_destroy(ctx);
- 81 if (ret < 0) {
- 82 perror("io_destroy error");
- 83 return -1;
- 84 }
- 85
- 86 return 0;
- 87 }
- << snip end: 2.c <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Every I/O request that is submitted to an AIO context is represented by an I/O
- control block structure - struct iocb - declared in line 34. We initialize this
- structure in lines 55-63. First, the whole structure is zeroed, then file
- descriptor (aio_fildes) and command (aio_lio_opcode) fields are set.
- File descriptor corresponds to a previously opened file, in our example we
- open "/tmp/testfile" file in line 41.
- AIO commands currently supported by Linux kernel are:
- positioned read; corresponds to pread() system call.
- positioned write; corresponds to pwrite() system call.
- sync file's data and metadata with disk; corresponds to fsync() system call.
- sync file's data and metadata with disk, but only metadata needed to access
- modified file data is written; corresponds to fdatasync() system call.
- vectored positioned read, sometimes called "scattered input";
- corresponds to pread() system call.
- vectored positioned write, sometimes called "gathered output";
- corresponds to pwrite() system call.
- defined in the header file, but is not used anywhere else in the kernel.
- The semantics of other fields in the iocb structure depends on the command
- specified. For now, we will limit our discussion to IOCB_CMD_PREAD and
- IOCB_CMD_PWRITE commands. After understanding AIO interface for these two
- commands, we will look into the remaining ones.
- In lines 60-63 of our running example we set command-specific fields of iocb
- structure: aio_buf and aio_nbytes corresond to a region in memory to which
- data should be read or written to; aio_offset is an absolute offset in a file.
- Now, when one I/O control block is ready, we put a pointer to it in an array
- (line 65) and then pass this array to the io_submit() system call (line 67).
- io_submit() takes AIO context ID, size of the array and the array itself as the
- arguments. Notice, that array should contain *pointers* to the iocb structures,
- not the structures themself.
- io_submit()'s return code can be one of the following values:
- A) ret = (number of iocbs sumbmitted)
- Ideal case, all iocbs were accepted for processing.
- B) 0 < ret < (number of iocbs sumbmitted)
- io_submit() system call processes iocbs one by one starting from
- the first entry in the passed array. If submission of some iocb fails,
- it stops at this point and returns the index of iocb that failed.
- There is no way to know what is the exact reason of a failure.
- However, if the very first iocb submission fails, see point C.
- C) ret < 0
- There are two reasons why this could happen:
- 1) Some error happened even before io_submit() started to iterate
- over iocbs in the array (e.g., AIO context was invalid).
- 2) The submission of the very first iocb (cbx[0]) failed).
- So, in our example, we handle io_submit()'s return code in an unusual way. If
- return code is not equal to the number of iocbs, then that is a clear error but
- we don't know its reason (errno is not set). Consequently, we use
- fprintf(stderr, ...) function to print error notification on the screen.
- Otherwise, if return code is less than zero, then we know the error (errno is
- set) and use perror() function instead. Notice, that in case of a single iocb
- in the array (as in our example) such a complex error handling makes less sense:
- if the first (and only) iocb fails, we are guaranteed to get an error
- information (see point C above). We handle error in a more complex way in this
- example only to reuse the same code later, when we submit multiple iocbs in a
- single io_submit() call.
- After iocb is submitted we can perform any other actions without waiting for I/O
- to complete. For every completed I/O request (successfully or unsuccessfully)
- kernel creates an io_event structure. To obtain the list of io_events (and
- consequently all completed iocbs) io_getevent() system call should be used (line
- 77). When calling io_getevents(), one needs to specify:
- a) which AIO context to get events from (ctx variable)
- b) a buffer where the kernel should load events to (events varaiable)
- c) minimal number of events one wants to get (first 1 in our program).
- If less then this number of iocbs are currently completed,
- io_getevents() will block till enough events appear. See point e)
- for more details on how to control blocking time.
- d) maximum number of events one wants to get. This usually is
- the size of the events buffer (second 1 in our program)
- e) If not enough events are available, we don't want to wait forever.
- One can specify a relative deadline as the last argument.
- NULL in this case means to wait infinitely.
- If one wants io_getevents() not to block at all then
- timespec timeout structure need to be initialzed to zero
- seconds and zero nanoseconds.
- The return code of io_getevents can be:
- A) ret = (max number of events)
- All events that fit in the user provided buffer were obtained
- from the kernel. There might be more pending events in the kernel.
- B) (min number of events) <= ret <= (max number of events)
- All currently available events were read from the kernel and no
- blocking happened.
- C) 0 < ret < (min number of events)
- All currently available events were read from the kernel and
- we blocked to wait for the time user has specified.
- E) ret = 0
- no events are available XXX:? does blocking happen in this case?..
- F) ret < 0
- an error happened
- /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr
- /proc/sys/fs/aio-nr
- Note that timeout is relative and will be updated if not NULL and the operation
- blocks
- Check how vectors a provide to vectored PREADV and PWRITEV commands.
- Other fields to fill/explain:
- /* these are internal to the kernel/libc. */
- __u64 aio_data; /* data to be returned in event's data */
- __u32 PADDED(aio_key, aio_reserved1);
- /* the kernel sets aio_key to the req # */
- /* common fields */
- +++ __u16 aio_lio_opcode; /* see IOCB_CMD_ above */
- __s16 aio_reqprio;
- __u32 aio_fildes;
- __u64 aio_buf;
- __u64 aio_nbytes;
- __s64 aio_offset;
- /* extra parameters */
- __u64 aio_reserved2; /* TODO: use this for a (struct sigevent *) */
- /* flags for the "struct iocb" */
- __u32 aio_flags;
- /*
- * if the IOCB_FLAG_RESFD flag of "aio_flags" is set, this is an
- * eventfd to signal AIO readiness to
- */
- __u32 aio_resfd;
- sync file's data and metadata with disk; corresponds to fsync() system call.
- sync file's data and metadata with disk, but only metadata needed to access
- modified file data is written; corresponds to fdatasync() system call.
- vectored positioned read, sometimes called "scattered input";
- corresponds to pread() system call.
- vectored positioned write, sometimes called "gathered output";
- corresponds to pwrite() system call.
- defined in the header file, but is not used anywhere else in the kernel.
- XXX: May be discass Poll and other semi-existing commands here?...
- *********************************************************
- ********************* LIBAIO LIBRARY ********************
- *********************************************************
- libaio:
- /lib64/libaio.so.1 (shared library)
- libaio-devel:
- /usr/include/libaio.h (header library)
- /usr/lib64/libaio.a (static library)
- Functions:
- a) Actual system call wrappers:
- int io_setup(int maxevents, io_context_t *ctxp);
- int io_destroy(io_context_t ctx);
- int io_submit(io_context_t ctx, long nr, struct iocb *ios[]);
- int io_cancel(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, struct io_event *evt);
- io_getevents(io_context_t ctx_id, long min_nr, long nr, struct io_event *events, struct timespec *timeout);
- io_context_t is a pointer to an non-existing stucture:
- typedef struct io_context *io_context_t;
- Not a single line of code in any user tool or in the libaio library looks at the
- members of 'struct io_context'. So, gcc happily compiles the code even though
- struct io_context is not defined. This structure is probably defined just for
- type checking. The rule of thumb when using libaio is just to declare all
- variables as io_context_t and forget that it actually is a pointer!
- b) Convenient macroses:
- static inline void io_prep_pread(struct iocb *iocb, int fd, void *buf, size_t count, long long offset)
- static inline void io_prep_pwrite(struct iocb *iocb, int fd, void *buf, size_t count, long long offset)
- static inline void io_prep_preadv(struct iocb *iocb, int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, long long offset)
- static inline void io_prep_pwritev(struct iocb *iocb, int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt, long long offset)
- static inline void io_prep_poll(struct iocb *iocb, int fd, int events)
- static inline void io_prep_fsync(struct iocb *iocb, int fd)
- static inline void io_prep_fdsync(struct iocb *iocb, int fd)
- static inline int io_poll(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, io_callback_t cb, int fd, int events)
- static inline int io_fsync(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, io_callback_t cb, int fd)
- static inline int io_fdsync(io_context_t ctx, struct iocb *iocb, io_callback_t cb, int fd)
- static inline void io_set_eventfd(struct iocb *iocb, int eventfd);
- *********************************************************
- *********************************************************
- libaio.h redefines some of the kernel definitions (god know why),
- but they match at the binary level. E.g., this is kernel
- exported definition of iocb:
- struct iocb {
- /* these are internal to the kernel/libc. */
- __u64 aio_data; /* data to be returned in event's data */
- __u32 PADDED(aio_key, aio_reserved1);
- /* the kernel sets aio_key to the req # */
- /* common fields */
- __u16 aio_lio_opcode; /* see IOCB_CMD_ above */
- __s16 aio_reqprio;
- __u32 aio_fildes;
- __u64 aio_buf;
- __u64 aio_nbytes;
- __s64 aio_offset;
- /* extra parameters */
- __u64 aio_reserved2; /* TODO: use this for a (struct sigevent *) */
- /* flags for the "struct iocb" */
- __u32 aio_flags;
- /*
- * if the IOCB_FLAG_RESFD flag of "aio_flags" is set, this is an
- * eventfd to signal AIO readiness to
- */
- __u32 aio_resfd;
- }; /* 64 bytes */
- And this is definition of iocb by libaio.h:
- struct io_iocb_common {
- PADDEDptr(void *buf, __pad1);
- PADDEDul(nbytes, __pad2);
- long long offset;
- long long __pad3;
- unsigned flags;
- unsigned resfd;
- }; /* result code is the amount read or -'ve errno */
- struct iocb {
- PADDEDptr(void *data, __pad1); /* Return in the io completion event */
- PADDED(unsigned key, __pad2); /* For use in identifying io requests */
- short aio_lio_opcode;
- short aio_reqprio;
- int aio_fildes;
- union {
- struct io_iocb_common c;
- struct io_iocb_vector v;
- struct io_iocb_poll poll;
- struct io_iocb_sockaddr saddr;
- } u;
- };
- ****** AIO LIBRARY *****
- glibc:
- /lib64/librt.so.1
- glibc-headers:
- /usr/include/aio.h
- Provide POSIX-defined interface for async I/O.
- aio_read()
- aio_write()
- aio_cancel()
- aio_error()
- aio_fsync()
- aio_suspend()
- aio_return()
- lio_listio
- ****** To discover ****
- XXX: see if these are implemented in some other kernels:
- /* These two are experimental.
- * IOCB_CMD_POLL = 5,
- */
- XXX: potential resubmittion of the wrong iocb, knowing its index.
- XXX: two AIO contextes per process?

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