有的时候, 我们把一个在windows上修改过的文件拿到linux上用vim打开之后,每行末尾会出现多余的字符 "^M",这是怎么回事呢?
Linux(unix) 和 mac 默认使用 "\n" 作为换行符;
"\n" 在 ACSII表中 对应 LF , ACSII值为 10 ,即0x0a (16进制)
"\r" 在ACSII表中对应 "CR", ACSII值为 13 ,即0x0d (16进制) 。
下载windows版本的 dos2unix/unix2dos,
dos2unix - Browse /dos2unix/7.5.1 at SourceForge.net
比如说 VsCode, 在右下角可以选择 LF 或者CRLF;
core.safecrlf 选项用于防止混合换行符的错误。它有三个可选值:
- # 查看 git config 配置
- git config -l
- # 查看 git config 配置具体位置
- git config --list --show-origin
- # 全局配置
- git config --global core.autocrlf true
建议配置 : core.autocrlf = false (保持默认配置)
针对在linux环境提交的bat脚本,手动转换为 CRLF格式。
- Read input from 'stdin' and write output to 'stdout':
- dos2unix < a.txt
- cat a.txt | dos2unix
- Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace b.txt:
- dos2unix a.txt b.txt
- dos2unix -o a.txt b.txt
- Convert and replace a.txt in ascii conversion mode:
- dos2unix a.txt
- Convert and replace a.txt in ascii conversion mode, convert and replace
- b.txt in 7bit conversion mode:
- dos2unix a.txt -c 7bit b.txt
- dos2unix -c ascii a.txt -c 7bit b.txt
- dos2unix -ascii a.txt -7 b.txt
- Convert a.txt from Mac to Unix format:
- dos2unix -c mac a.txt
- mac2unix a.txt
- Convert a.txt from Unix to Mac format:
- unix2dos -c mac a.txt
- unix2mac a.txt
- Convert and replace a.txt while keeping original date stamp:
- dos2unix -k a.txt
- dos2unix -k -o a.txt
- Convert a.txt and write to e.txt:
- dos2unix -n a.txt e.txt
- Convert a.txt and write to e.txt, keep date stamp of e.txt same as
- a.txt:
- dos2unix -k -n a.txt e.txt
- Convert and replace a.txt, convert b.txt and write to e.txt:
- dos2unix a.txt -n b.txt e.txt
- dos2unix -o a.txt -n b.txt e.txt
- Convert c.txt and write to e.txt, convert and replace a.txt, convert and
- replace b.txt, convert d.txt and write to f.txt:
- dos2unix -n c.txt e.txt -o a.txt b.txt -n d.txt f.txt
- In a Unix shell the find(1) and xargs(1) commands can be used to run
- dos2unix recursively over all text files in a directory tree. For
- instance to convert all .txt files in the directory tree under the
- current directory type:
- find . -name '*.txt' -print0 |xargs -0 dos2unix
- The find(1) option "-print0" and corresponding xargs(1) option -0 are
- needed when there are files with spaces or quotes in the name. Otherwise
- these options can be omitted. Another option is to use find(1) with the
- "-exec" option:
- find . -name '*.txt' -exec dos2unix {} \;
- In a Windows Command Prompt the following command can be used:
- for /R %G in (*.txt) do dos2unix "%G"
- PowerShell users can use the following command in Windows PowerShell:
- get-childitem -path . -filter '*.txt' -recurse | foreach-object {dos2unix $_.Fullname}

【git系列4/4】如何设置core.autocrlf | core.safecrlf (配置值的含义及最佳实践)
【git系列4/4】如何设置core.autocrlf | core.safecrlf (配置值的含义及最佳实践)-CSDN博客
Git 自动换行符 (autocrlf) 输入是将换行符从 LF 转换为 CRLF 吗
Git 自动换行符 (autocrlf) 输入是将换行符从 LF 转换为 CRLF 吗|极客笔记
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