Zookeeper 是如何保证数据一致性的?
(1)Prepare: Proposer生成全局唯一且递增的Proposal ID,向所有Acceptor发送Propose请求,这里无需携带提案内容,只携带Proposal ID即可。
(2)Promise: Acceptor收到Propose请求后,做出“两个承诺,一个应答”。
(3)Propose: Proposer收到多数Acceptor的Promise应答后,从应答中选择Proposal ID最大的提案的Value,作为本次要发起的提案。如果所有应答的提案Value均为空值,则可以自己随意决定提案Value。然后携带当前Proposal ID,向所有Acceptor发送Propose请求。
(4)Accept: Acceptor收到Propose请求后,在不违背自己之前做出的承诺下,接受并持久化当前Proposal ID和提案Value。
(5)Learn: Proposer收到多数Acceptor的Accept后,决议形成,将形成的决议发送给所有Learner。
下面我们针对上述描述做三种情况的推演举例,为了简化流程,我们这里不设置 Learner。
有A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 5位议员,就税率问题进行决议。
现在我们假设在A1提出提案的同时, A5决定将税率定为20%
Paxos 算法缺陷:在网络复杂的情况下,一个应用 Paxos 算法的分布式系统,可能很久无法收敛,甚至陷入活锁的情况。
现在我们假设在A1提出提案的同时, A5决定将税率定为20%
造成这种情况的原因是系统中有一个以上的 Proposer,多个 Proposers 相互争夺 Acceptor,造成迟迟无法达成一致的情况。针对这种情况,一种改进的 Paxos 算法被提出:从系统中选出一个节点作为 Leader,只有 Leader 能够发起提案。这样,一次 Paxos 流程中只有一个Proposer,不会出现活锁的情况,此时只会出现例子中第一种情况。
Zab 借鉴了 Paxos 算法,是特别为 Zookeeper 设计的支持崩溃恢复的原子广播协议。基于该协议,Zookeeper 设计为只有一台客户端(Leader)负责处理外部的写事务请求,然后Leader 客户端将数据同步到其他 Follower 节点。即 Zookeeper 只有一个 Leader 可以发起提案。
Zab 协议包括两种基本的模式:消息广播、崩溃恢复。
(2)Leader服务器将客户端的请求转化为事务Proposal 提案,同时为每个Proposal 分配一个全局的ID,即zxid。
(3)Leader服务器为每个Follower服务器分配一个单独的队列,然后将需要广播的 Proposal依次放到队列中去,并且根据FIFO策略进行消息发送。
(6)Leader向所有Follower广播commit消息,同时自身也会完成事务提交。Follower 接收到commit消息后,会将上一条事务提交。
(1)Leader发起一个事务Proposal1后就宕机 , Follower都没有Proposal1
一旦Leader服务器出现崩溃或者由于网络原因导致Leader服务器失去了与过半 Follower的联系,那么就会进入崩溃恢复模式。
(1)确保已经被Leader提交的提案Proposal,必须最终被所有的Follower服务器提交。 (已经产生的提案,Follower必须执行)
(1)完成Leader选举后,在正式开始工作之前(接收事务请求,然后提出新的Proposal),Leader服务器会首先确认事务日志中的所有的Proposal 是否已经被集群中过半的服务器Commit。
3)分区容错性(P:Partition Tolerance)
Leader 和 Follower 中的数据会在内存和磁盘中各保存一份。所以需要将内存中的数据持久化到磁盘中。
在 org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence
public interface SnapShot { // 反序列化方法 long deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException; // 序列化方法 void serialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, File name) throws IOException; /** * find the most recent snapshot file * 查找最近的快照文件 */ File findMostRecentSnapshot() throws IOException; // 释放资源 void close() throws IOException; }
public interface TxnLog { // 设置服务状态 void setServerStats(ServerStats serverStats); // 滚动日志 void rollLog() throws IOException; // 追加 boolean append(TxnHeader hdr, Record r) throws IOException; // 读取数据 TxnIterator read(long zxid) throws IOException; // 获取最后一个 zxid long getLastLoggedZxid() throws IOException; // 删除日志 boolean truncate(long zxid) throws IOException; // 获取 DbId long getDbId() throws IOException; // 提交 void commit() throws IOException; // 日志同步时间 long getTxnLogSyncElapsedTime(); // 关闭日志 void close() throws IOException; // 读取日志的接口 public interface TxnIterator { // 获取头信息 TxnHeader getHeader(); // 获取传输的内容 Record getTxn(); // 下一条记录 boolean next() throws IOException; // 关闭资源 void close() throws IOException; // 获取存储的大小 long getStorageSize() throws IOException; } }
代码是关于 Zookeeper 序列化相关源码
public interface Record {
// 序列化方法
public void serialize(OutputArchive archive, String tag)
throws IOException;
// 反序列化方法
public void deserialize(InputArchive archive, String tag)
throws IOException;
public interface Index {
// 结束
public boolean done();
// 下一个
public void incr();
/** * Interface that alll the serializers have to implement. */ public interface OutputArchive { public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException; public void writeBuffer(byte buf[], String tag) throws IOException; public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException; public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException; public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException; public void startVector(List<?> v, String tag) throws IOException; public void endVector(List<?> v, String tag) throws IOException; public void startMap(TreeMap<?, ?> v, String tag) throws IOException; public void endMap(TreeMap<?, ?> v, String tag) throws IOException; }
/** * Interface that all the Deserializers have to implement. */ public interface InputArchive { public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException; public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException; public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException; public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException; public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException; public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException; public String readString(String tag) throws IOException; public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException; public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException; public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException; public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException; public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException; public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException; public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException; public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException; }
1)Zookeeper 服务的启动命令是 zkServer.sh start
#!/usr/bin/env bash # use POSTIX interface, symlink is followed automatically ZOOBIN="${BASH_SOURCE-$0}" ZOOBIN="$(dirname "${ZOOBIN}")" ZOOBINDIR="$(cd "${ZOOBIN}"; pwd)" if [ -e "$ZOOBIN/../libexec/zkEnv.sh" ]; then . "$ZOOBINDIR"/../libexec/zkEnv.sh else . "$ZOOBINDIR"/zkEnv.sh //相当于获取 zkEnv.sh 中的环境变量(ZOOCFG="zoo.cfg") fi # See the following page for extensive details on setting # up the JVM to accept JMX remote management: # http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/management/agent.html # by default we allow local JMX connections if [ "x$JMXLOCALONLY" = "x" ] then JMXLOCALONLY=false fi if [ "x$JMXDISABLE" = "x" ] || [ "$JMXDISABLE" = 'false' ] then echo "ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default" >&2 if [ "x$JMXPORT" = "x" ] then # for some reason these two options are necessary on jdk6 on Ubuntu # accord to the docs they are not necessary, but otw jconsole cannot # do a local attach ZOOMAIN="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote - Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=$JMXLOCALONLY org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" else if [ "x$JMXAUTH" = "x" ] then JMXAUTH=false fi if [ "x$JMXSSL" = "x" ] then JMXSSL=false fi if [ "x$JMXLOG4J" = "x" ] then JMXLOG4J=true fi echo "ZooKeeper remote JMX Port set to $JMXPORT" >&2 echo "ZooKeeper remote JMX authenticate set to $JMXAUTH" >&2 echo "ZooKeeper remote JMX ssl set to $JMXSSL" >&2 echo "ZooKeeper remote JMX log4j set to $JMXLOG4J" >&2 ZOOMAIN="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote - Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=$JMXPORT - Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=$JMXAUTH - Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=$JMXSSL - Dzookeeper.jmx.log4j.disable=$JMXLOG4J org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" fi else echo "JMX disabled by user request" >&2 ZOOMAIN="org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" fi if [ "x$SERVER_JVMFLAGS" != "x" ] then JVMFLAGS="$SERVER_JVMFLAGS $JVMFLAGS" fi … … case $1 in start) echo -n "Starting zookeeper ... " if [ -f "$ZOOPIDFILE" ]; then if kill -0 `cat "$ZOOPIDFILE"` > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo $command already running as process `cat "$ZOOPIDFILE"`. exit 1 fi fi nohup "$JAVA" $ZOO_DATADIR_AUTOCREATE "- Dzookeeper.log.dir=${ZOO_LOG_DIR}" \ "-Dzookeeper.log.file=${ZOO_LOG_FILE}" "- Dzookeeper.root.logger=${ZOO_LOG4J_PROP}" \ -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill -9 %p' \ -cp "$CLASSPATH" $JVMFLAGS $ZOOMAIN "$ZOOCFG" > "$_ZOO_DAEMON_OUT" 2>&1 < /dev/null & … … ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping zookeeper ... " if [ ! -f "$ZOOPIDFILE" ] then echo "no zookeeper to stop (could not find file $ZOOPIDFILE)" else $KILL $(cat "$ZOOPIDFILE") rm "$ZOOPIDFILE" sleep 1 echo STOPPED fi exit 0 ;; restart) shift "$0" stop ${@} sleep 3 "$0" start ${@} ;; status) … … ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [--config <conf-dir>] {start|start-foreground|stop|restart|status|printcmd}" >&2 esac
2)zkServer.sh start
nohup "$JAVA"
+ 一堆提交参数
+ $ZOOMAIN(org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain)
+ "$ZOOCFG" (zkEnv.sh 文件中 ZOOCFG="zoo.cfg")
3)所以程序的入口是 QuorumPeerMain.java
public static void main(String[]args){
// 创建了一个 zk 节点
QuorumPeerMain main=new QuorumPeerMain();
// 初始化节点并运行,args 相当于提交参数中的 zoo.cfg
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
LOG.info("Exiting normally");
protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args) throws ConfigException, IOException, AdminServerException { // 管理 zk 的配置信息 QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig(); if (args.length == 1) { // 1 解析参数,zoo.cfg 和 myid config.parse(args[0]); } // 2 启动定时任务,对过期的快照,执行删除(默认该功能关闭) // Start and schedule the the purge task DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(config .getDataDir(), config.getDataLogDir(), config .getSnapRetainCount(), config.getPurgeInterval()); purgeMgr.start(); if (args.length == 1 && config.isDistributed()) { // 3 启动集群 runFromConfig(config); } else { LOG.warn("Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running " + " in standalone mode"); // there is only server in the quorum -- run as standalone ZooKeeperServerMain.main(args); } }
public void parse(String path) throws ConfigException { LOG.info("Reading configuration from: " + path); try { // 校验文件路径及是否存在 File configFile = (new VerifyingFileFactory.Builder(LOG) .warnForRelativePath() .failForNonExistingPath() .build()).create(path); Properties cfg = new Properties(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile); try { // 加载配置文件 cfg.load(in); configFileStr = path; } finally { in.close(); } // 解析配置文件 parseProperties(cfg); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigException("Error processing " + path, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ConfigException("Error processing " + path, e); } ... ... }
public void parseProperties(Properties zkProp) throws IOException, ConfigException { int clientPort = 0; int secureClientPort = 0; String clientPortAddress = null; String secureClientPortAddress = null; VerifyingFileFactory vff = new VerifyingFileFactory.Builder(LOG).warnForRelativePath().build(); // 读取 zoo.cfg 文件中的属性值,并赋值给 QuorumPeerConfig 的类对象 for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : zkProp.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().toString().trim(); String value = entry.getValue().toString().trim(); if (key.equals("dataDir")) { dataDir = vff.create(value); } else if (key.equals("dataLogDir")) { dataLogDir = vff.create(value); } else if (key.equals("clientPort")) { clientPort = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (key.equals("localSessionsEnabled")) { localSessionsEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else if (key.equals("localSessionsUpgradingEnabled")) { localSessionsUpgradingEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else if (key.equals("clientPortAddress")) { clientPortAddress = value.trim(); } else if (key.equals("secureClientPort")) { secureClientPort = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (key.equals("secureClientPortAddress")) { secureClientPortAddress = value.trim(); } else if (key.equals("tickTime")) { tickTime = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (key.equals("maxClientCnxns")) { maxClientCnxns = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (key.equals("minSessionTimeout")) { minSessionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(value); } ... ... } ... ... if (dynamicConfigFileStr == null) { setupQuorumPeerConfig(zkProp, true); if (isDistributed() && isReconfigEnabled()) { // we don't backup static config for standalone mode. // we also don't backup if reconfig feature is disabled. backupOldConfig(); } } }
void setupQuorumPeerConfig(Properties prop, boolean configBackwardCompatibilityMode)
throws IOException, ConfigException {
quorumVerifier = parseDynamicConfig(prop, electionAlg, true,
private void setupMyId() throws IOException { File myIdFile = new File(dataDir, "myid"); // standalone server doesn't need myid file. if (!myIdFile.isFile()) { return; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myIdFile)); String myIdString; try { myIdString = br.readLine(); } finally { br.close(); } try { // 将解析 myid 文件中的 id 赋值给 serverId serverId = Long.parseLong(myIdString); MDC.put("myid", myIdString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("serverid " + myIdString + " is not a number"); } }
protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args) throws ConfigException, IOException, AdminServerException { // 管理 zk 的配置信息 QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig(); if (args.length == 1) { // 1 解析参数,zoo.cfg 和 myid config.parse(args[0]); } // 2 启动定时任务,对过期的快照,执行删除(默认是关闭) // config.getSnapRetainCount() = 3 最少保留的快照个数 // config.getPurgeInterval() = 0 默认 0 表示关闭 // Start and schedule the the purge task DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(config .getDataDir(), config.getDataLogDir(), config .getSnapRetainCount(), config.getPurgeInterval()); purgeMgr.start(); if (args.length == 1 && config.isDistributed()) { // 3 启动集群 runFromConfig(config); } else { LOG.warn("Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running " + " in standalone mode"); // there is only server in the quorum -- run as standalone ZooKeeperServerMain.main(args); } } protected int snapRetainCount = 3; protected int purgeInterval = 0;
public void start() { if (PurgeTaskStatus.STARTED == purgeTaskStatus) { LOG.warn("Purge task is already running."); return; } // 默认情况 purgeInterval=0,该任务关闭,直接返回 // Don't schedule the purge task with zero or negative purge interval. if (purgeInterval <= 0) { LOG.info("Purge task is not scheduled."); return; } // 创建一个定时器 timer = new Timer("PurgeTask", true); // 创建一个清理快照任务 TimerTask task = new PurgeTask(dataLogDir, snapDir, snapRetainCount); // 如果 purgeInterval 设置的值是 1,表示 1 小时检查一次,判断是否有过期快照, 有则删除 timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(purgeInterval)); purgeTaskStatus = PurgeTaskStatus.STARTED; } static class PurgeTask extends TimerTask { private File logsDir; private File snapsDir; private int snapRetainCount; public PurgeTask(File dataDir, File snapDir, int count) { logsDir = dataDir; snapsDir = snapDir; snapRetainCount = count; } @Override public void run() { LOG.info("Purge task started."); try { // 清理过期的数据 PurgeTxnLog.purge(logsDir, snapsDir, snapRetainCount); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error occurred while purging.", e); } LOG.info("Purge task completed."); } } public static void purge(File dataDir, File snapDir, int num) throws IOException { if (num < 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(COUNT_ERR_MSG); } FileTxnSnapLog txnLog = new FileTxnSnapLog(dataDir, snapDir); List<File> snaps = txnLog.findNRecentSnapshots(num); int numSnaps = snaps.size(); if (numSnaps > 0) { purgeOlderSnapshots(txnLog, snaps.get(numSnaps - 1)); } }
protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args) throws ConfigException, IOException, AdminServerException { // 管理 zk 的配置信息 QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig(); if (args.length == 1) { // 1 解析参数,zoo.cfg 和 myid config.parse(args[0]); } // 2 启动定时任务,对过期的快照,执行删除(默认是关闭) // config.getSnapRetainCount() = 3 最少保留的快照个数 // config.getPurgeInterval() = 0 默认 0 表示关闭 // Start and schedule the the purge task DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(config .getDataDir(), config.getDataLogDir(), config .getSnapRetainCount(), config.getPurgeInterval()); purgeMgr.start(); if (args.length == 1 && config.isDistributed()) { // 3 启动集群(集群模式) runFromConfig(config); } else { LOG.warn("Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running " + " in standalone mode"); // there is only server in the quorum -- run as standalone // 本地模式 ZooKeeperServerMain.main(args); } }
1)通信协议默认 NIO(可以支持 Netty)
public void runFromConfig(QuorumPeerConfig config) throws IOException, AdminServerException { ...... LOG.info("Starting quorum peer"); try { ServerCnxnFactory cnxnFactory = null; ServerCnxnFactory secureCnxnFactory = null; // 通信组件初始化,默认是 NIO 通信 if (config.getClientPortAddress() != null) { cnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(); cnxnFactory.configure(config.getClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), false); } if (config.getSecureClientPortAddress() != null) { secureCnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(); secureCnxnFactory.configure(config.getSecureClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), true); } // 把解析的参数赋值给该 zookeeper 节点 quorumPeer = getQuorumPeer(); quorumPeer.setTxnFactory(new FileTxnSnapLog( config.getDataLogDir(), config.getDataDir())); quorumPeer.enableLocalSessions(config.areLocalSessionsEnabled()); quorumPeer.enableLocalSessionsUpgrading( config.isLocalSessionsUpgradingEnabled()); //quorumPeer.setQuorumPeers(config.getAllMembers()); quorumPeer.setElectionType(config.getElectionAlg()); quorumPeer.setMyid(config.getServerId()); quorumPeer.setTickTime(config.getTickTime()); quorumPeer.setMinSessionTimeout(config.getMinSessionTimeout()); quorumPeer.setMaxSessionTimeout(config.getMaxSessionTimeout()); quorumPeer.setInitLimit(config.getInitLimit()); quorumPeer.setSyncLimit(config.getSyncLimit()); quorumPeer.setConfigFileName(config.getConfigFilename()); // 管理 zk 数据的存储 quorumPeer.setZKDatabase(new ZKDatabase(quorumPeer.getTxnFactory())); quorumPeer.setQuorumVerifier(config.getQuorumVerifier(), false); if (config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() != null) { quorumPeer.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(), false); } quorumPeer.initConfigInZKDatabase(); // 管理 zk 的通信 quorumPeer.setCnxnFactory(cnxnFactory); quorumPeer.setSecureCnxnFactory(secureCnxnFactory); quorumPeer.setSslQuorum(config.isSslQuorum()); quorumPeer.setUsePortUnification(config.shouldUsePortUnification()); quorumPeer.setLearnerType(config.getPeerType()); quorumPeer.setSyncEnabled(config.getSyncEnabled()); quorumPeer.setQuorumListenOnAllIPs(config.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()); if (config.sslQuorumReloadCertFiles) { quorumPeer.getX509Util().enableCertFileReloading(); } ...... quorumPeer.setQuorumCnxnThreadsSize(config.quorumCnxnThreadsSize); quorumPeer.initialize(); // 启动 zk quorumPeer.start(); quorumPeer.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // warn, but generally this is ok LOG.warn("Quorum Peer interrupted", e); } } static public ServerCnxnFactory createFactory() throws IOException { String serverCnxnFactoryName = System.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_CNXN_FACTORY); if (serverCnxnFactoryName == null) { serverCnxnFactoryName = NIOServerCnxnFactory.class.getName(); } try { ServerCnxnFactory serverCnxnFactory = (ServerCnxnFactory) Class.forName(serverCnxnFactoryName) .getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); LOG.info("Using {} as server connection factory", serverCnxnFactoryName); return serverCnxnFactory; } catch (Exception e) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Couldn't instantiate " + serverCnxnFactoryName); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } } public static final String ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_CNXN_FACTORY = "zookeeper.serverCnxnFactory";
zookeeperAdmin.md 文件
* *serverCnxnFactory* :
(Java system property: **zookeeper.serverCnxnFactory**)
Specifies ServerCnxnFactory implementation.
This should be set to `NettyServerCnxnFactory` in order to use TLS based server
Default is `NIOServerCnxnFactory`.
2)初始化 NIO 服务端 Socket(并未启动)
public void configure(InetSocketAddress addr, int maxcc, boolean secure) throws IOException { if (secure) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SSL isn't supported in NIOServerCnxn"); } configureSaslLogin(); maxClientCnxns = maxcc; sessionlessCnxnTimeout = Integer.getInteger( ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SESSIONLESS_CNXN_TIMEOUT, 10000); // We also use the sessionlessCnxnTimeout as expiring interval for // cnxnExpiryQueue. These don't need to be the same, but the expiring // interval passed into the ExpiryQueue() constructor below should be // less than or equal to the timeout. cnxnExpiryQueue = new ExpiryQueue<NIOServerCnxn>(sessionlessCnxnTimeout); expirerThread = new ConnectionExpirerThread(); int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); // 32 cores sweet spot seems to be 4 selector threads numSelectorThreads = Integer.getInteger( ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_SELECTOR_THREADS, Math.max((int) Math.sqrt((float) numCores / 2), 1)); if (numSelectorThreads < 1) { throw new IOException("numSelectorThreads must be at least 1"); } numWorkerThreads = Integer.getInteger( ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, 2 * numCores); workerShutdownTimeoutMS = Long.getLong( ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, 5000); ... ... for (int i = 0; i < numSelectorThreads; ++i) { selectorThreads.add(new SelectorThread(i)); } // 初始化 NIO 服务端 socket,绑定 2181 端口,可以接收客户端请求 this.ss = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ss.socket().setReuseAddress(true); LOG.info("binding to port " + addr); // 绑定 2181 端口 ss.socket().bind(addr); ss.configureBlocking(false); acceptThread = new AcceptThread(ss, addr, selectorThreads); }
(1)zk 中的数据模型,是一棵树,DataTree,每个节点,叫做 DataNode
(2)zk 集群中的 DataTree 时刻保持状态同步
(3)Zookeeper 集群中每个 zk 节点中,数据在内存和磁盘中都有一份完整的数据。
public void runFromConfig(QuorumPeerConfig config) throws IOException, AdminServerException { ...... LOG.info("Starting quorum peer"); try { ServerCnxnFactory cnxnFactory = null; ServerCnxnFactory secureCnxnFactory = null; // 通信组件初始化,默认是 NIO 通信 if (config.getClientPortAddress() != null) { cnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(); cnxnFactory.configure(config.getClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), false); } if (config.getSecureClientPortAddress() != null) { secureCnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory(); secureCnxnFactory.configure(config.getSecureClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), true); } // 把解析的参数赋值给该 Zookeeper 节点 quorumPeer = getQuorumPeer(); quorumPeer.setTxnFactory(new FileTxnSnapLog( config.getDataLogDir(), config.getDataDir())); quorumPeer.enableLocalSessions(config.areLocalSessionsEnabled()); quorumPeer.enableLocalSessionsUpgrading( config.isLocalSessionsUpgradingEnabled()); //quorumPeer.setQuorumPeers(config.getAllMembers()); quorumPeer.setElectionType(config.getElectionAlg()); quorumPeer.setMyid(config.getServerId()); quorumPeer.setTickTime(config.getTickTime()); quorumPeer.setMinSessionTimeout(config.getMinSessionTimeout()); quorumPeer.setMaxSessionTimeout(config.getMaxSessionTimeout()); quorumPeer.setInitLimit(config.getInitLimit()); quorumPeer.setSyncLimit(config.getSyncLimit()); quorumPeer.setConfigFileName(config.getConfigFilename()); // 管理 zk 数据的存储 quorumPeer.setZKDatabase(new ZKDatabase(quorumPeer.getTxnFactory())); quorumPeer.setQuorumVerifier(config.getQuorumVerifier(), false); if (config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() != null) { quorumPeer.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(), false); } quorumPeer.initConfigInZKDatabase(); // 管理 zk 的通信 quorumPeer.setCnxnFactory(cnxnFactory); quorumPeer.setSecureCnxnFactory(secureCnxnFactory); quorumPeer.setSslQuorum(config.isSslQuorum()); quorumPeer.setUsePortUnification(config.shouldUsePortUnification()); quorumPeer.setLearnerType(config.getPeerType()); quorumPeer.setSyncEnabled(config.getSyncEnabled()); quorumPeer.setQuorumListenOnAllIPs(config.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()); if (config.sslQuorumReloadCertFiles) { quorumPeer.getX509Util().enableCertFileReloading(); } quorumPeer.setQuorumCnxnThreadsSize(config.quorumCnxnThreadsSize); quorumPeer.initialize(); // 启动 zk quorumPeer.start(); quorumPeer.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // warn, but generally this is ok LOG.warn("Quorum Peer interrupted", e); } }
public synchronized void start() { if (!getView().containsKey(myid)) { throw new RuntimeException("My id " + myid + " not in the peer list"); } // 冷启动数据恢复 loadDataBase(); startServerCnxnFactory(); try { // 启动通信工厂实例对象 adminServer.start(); } catch (AdminServerException e) { LOG.warn("Problem starting AdminServer", e); System.out.println(e); } // 准备选举环境 startLeaderElection(); // 执行选举 super.start(); }
private void loadDataBase() { try { // 加载磁盘数据到内存,恢复 DataTree // zk 的操作分两种:事务操作和非事务操作 // 事务操作:zk.cteate();都会被分配一个全局唯一的 zxid,zxid 组成:64 位: //(前 32 位:epoch 每个 leader 任期的代号;后 32 位:txid 为事务 id) // 非事务操作:zk.getData() // 数据恢复过程: // (1)从快照文件中恢复大部分数据,并得到一个 lastProcessZXid // (2)再从编辑日志中执行 replay,执行到最后一条日志并更新 lastProcessZXid // (3)最终得到,datatree 和 lastProcessZXid,表示数据恢复完成 zkDb.loadDataBase(); // load the epochs long lastProcessedZxid = zkDb.getDataTree().lastProcessedZxid; long epochOfZxid = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(lastProcessedZxid); try { currentEpoch = readLongFromFile(CURRENT_EPOCH_FILENAME); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // pick a reasonable epoch number // this should only happen once when moving to a // new code version currentEpoch = epochOfZxid; LOG.info(CURRENT_EPOCH_FILENAME + " not found! Creating with a reasonable default of {}. This should only happen when you are upgrading your installation", currentEpoch); writeLongToFile(CURRENT_EPOCH_FILENAME, currentEpoch); } if (epochOfZxid > currentEpoch) { throw new IOException("The current epoch, " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(currentEpoch) + ", is older than the last zxid, " + lastProcessedZxid); } try { acceptedEpoch = readLongFromFile(ACCEPTED_EPOCH_FILENAME); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // pick a reasonable epoch number // this should only happen once when moving to a // new code version acceptedEpoch = epochOfZxid; LOG.info(ACCEPTED_EPOCH_FILENAME + " not found! Creating with a reasonable default of {}. This should only happen when you are upgrading your installation", acceptedEpoch); writeLongToFile(ACCEPTED_EPOCH_FILENAME, acceptedEpoch); } if (acceptedEpoch < currentEpoch) { throw new IOException("The accepted epoch, " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(acceptedEpoch) + " is less than the current epoch, " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(currentEpoch)); } } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.error("Unable to load database on disk", ie); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to run quorum server ", ie); } } public long loadDataBase() throws IOException { long zxid = snapLog.restore(dataTree, sessionsWithTimeouts, commitProposalPlaybackListener); initialized = true; return zxid; } public long restore(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException { // 恢复快照文件数据到 DataTree long deserializeResult = snapLog.deserialize(dt, sessions); FileTxnLog txnLog = new FileTxnLog(dataDir); RestoreFinalizer finalizer = () -> { // 恢复编辑日志数据到 DataTree long highestZxid = fastForwardFromEdits(dt, sessions, listener); return highestZxid; }; if (-1L == deserializeResult) { /* this means that we couldn't find any snapshot, so we need to * initialize an empty database (reported in ZOOKEEPER-2325) */ if (txnLog.getLastLoggedZxid() != -1) { // ZOOKEEPER-3056: provides an escape hatch for users upgrading // from old versions of zookeeper (3.4.x, pre 3.5.3). if (!trustEmptySnapshot) { throw new IOException(EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_WARNING + "Something is broken!"); } else { LOG.warn("{}This should only be allowed during upgrading.", EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_WARNING); return finalizer.run(); } } /* TODO: (br33d) we should either put a ConcurrentHashMap on restore() * or use Map on save() */ save(dt, (ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>) sessions); /* return a zxid of zero, since we the database is empty */ return 0; } return finalizer.run(); }
deserialize 实现类 FileSnap.java
public long deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException { // we run through 100 snapshots (not all of them) // if we cannot get it running within 100 snapshots // we should give up List<File> snapList = findNValidSnapshots(100); if (snapList.size() == 0) { return -1L; } File snap = null; boolean foundValid = false; // 依次遍历每一个快照的数据 for (int i = 0, snapListSize = snapList.size(); i < snapListSize; i++) { snap = snapList.get(i); LOG.info("Reading snapshot " + snap); // 反序列化环境准备 try (InputStream snapIS = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(snap)); CheckedInputStream crcIn = new CheckedInputStream(snapIS, new Adler32())) { InputArchive ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(crcIn); // 反序列化,恢复数据到 DataTree deserialize(dt, sessions, ia); long checkSum = crcIn.getChecksum().getValue(); long val = ia.readLong("val"); if (val != checkSum) { throw new IOException("CRC corruption in snapshot : " + snap); } foundValid = true; break; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("problem reading snap file " + snap, e); } } if (!foundValid) { throw new IOException("Not able to find valid snapshots in " + snapDir); } dt.lastProcessedZxid = Util.getZxidFromName(snap.getName(), SNAPSHOT_FILE_PREFIX); return dt.lastProcessedZxid; } public void deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, InputArchive ia) throws IOException { FileHeader header = new FileHeader(); header.deserialize(ia, "fileheader"); if (header.getMagic() != SNAP_MAGIC) { throw new IOException("mismatching magic headers " + header.getMagic() + " != " + FileSnap.SNAP_MAGIC); } // 恢复快照数据到 DataTree SerializeUtils.deserializeSnapshot(dt, ia, sessions); } public static void deserializeSnapshot(DataTree dt, InputArchive ia, Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException { int count = ia.readInt("count"); while (count > 0) { long id = ia.readLong("id"); int to = ia.readInt("timeout"); sessions.put(id, to); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK, "loadData --- session in archive: " + id + " with timeout: " + to); } count--; } // 恢复快照数据到 DataTree dt.deserialize(ia, "tree"); } public void deserialize(InputArchive ia, String tag) throws IOException { aclCache.deserialize(ia); nodes.clear(); pTrie.clear(); String path = ia.readString("path"); // 从快照中恢复每一个 datanode 节点数据到 DataTree while (!"/".equals(path)) { // 每次循环创建一个节点对象 DataNode node = new DataNode(); ia.readRecord(node, "node"); // 将 DataNode 恢复到 DataTree nodes.put(path, node); synchronized (node) { aclCache.addUsage(node.acl); } int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash == -1) { root = node; } else { // 处理父节点 String parentPath = path.substring(0, lastSlash); DataNode parent = nodes.get(parentPath); if (parent == null) { throw new IOException("Invalid Datatree, unable to find " + "parent " + parentPath + " of path " + path); } // 处理子节点 parent.addChild(path.substring(lastSlash + 1)); // 处理临时节点和永久节点 long eowner = node.stat.getEphemeralOwner(); EphemeralType ephemeralType = EphemeralType.get(eowner); if (ephemeralType == EphemeralType.CONTAINER) { containers.add(path); } else if (ephemeralType == EphemeralType.TTL) { ttls.add(path); } else if (eowner != 0) { HashSet<String> list = ephemerals.get(eowner); if (list == null) { list = new HashSet<String>(); ephemerals.put(eowner, list); } list.add(path); } } path = ia.readString("path"); } nodes.put("/", root); // we are done with deserializing the // the datatree // update the quotas - create path trie // and also update the stat nodes setupQuota(); aclCache.purgeUnused(); }
回到 FileTxnSnapLog.java 类中的 restore 方法
public long restore(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException { // 恢复快照文件数据到 DataTree long deserializeResult = snapLog.deserialize(dt, sessions); FileTxnLog txnLog = new FileTxnLog(dataDir); RestoreFinalizer finalizer = () -> { // 恢复编辑日志数据到 DataTree long highestZxid = fastForwardFromEdits(dt, sessions, listener); return highestZxid; }; ... ... return finalizer.run(); } public long fastForwardFromEdits(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException { // 在此之前,已经从快照文件中恢复了大部分数据,接下来只需从快照的 zxid + 1位置开始恢复 TxnIterator itr = txnLog.read(dt.lastProcessedZxid + 1); // 快照中最大的 zxid,在执行编辑日志时,这个值会不断更新,直到所有操作执行完 long highestZxid = dt.lastProcessedZxid; TxnHeader hdr; try { // 从 lastProcessedZxid 事务编号器开始,不断的从编辑日志中恢复剩下的还没有恢复的数据 while (true) { // iterator points to // the first valid txn when initialized // 获取事务头信息(有 zxid) hdr = itr.getHeader(); if (hdr == null) { //empty logs return dt.lastProcessedZxid; } if (hdr.getZxid() < highestZxid && highestZxid != 0) { LOG.error("{}(highestZxid) > {}(next log) for type {}", highestZxid, hdr.getZxid(), hdr.getType()); } else { highestZxid = hdr.getZxid(); } try { // 根据编辑日志恢复数据到 DataTree,每执行一次,对应的事务 id, highestZxid + 1 processTransaction(hdr, dt, sessions, itr.getTxn()); } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to process transaction type: " + hdr.getType() + " error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } listener.onTxnLoaded(hdr, itr.getTxn()); if (!itr.next()) break; } } finally { if (itr != null) { itr.close(); } } return highestZxid; } public void processTransaction(TxnHeader hdr, DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, Record txn) throws KeeperException.NoNodeException { ProcessTxnResult rc; switch (hdr.getType()) { case OpCode.createSession: sessions.put(hdr.getClientId(), ((CreateSessionTxn) txn).getTimeOut()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK, "playLog --- create session in log: 0x" + Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId()) + " with timeout: " + ((CreateSessionTxn) txn).getTimeOut()); } // give dataTree a chance to sync its lastProcessedZxid rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn); break; case OpCode.closeSession: sessions.remove(hdr.getClientId()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK, "playLog --- close session in log: 0x" + Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId())); } rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn); break; default: // 创建节点、删除节点和其他的各种事务操作等 rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn); } /** * Snapshots are lazily created. So when a snapshot is in progress, * there is a chance for later transactions to make into the * snapshot. Then when the snapshot is restored, NONODE/NODEEXISTS * errors could occur. It should be safe to ignore these. */ if (rc.err != Code.OK.intValue()) { LOG.debug( "Ignoring processTxn failure hdr: {}, error: {}, path: {}", hdr.getType(), rc.err, rc.path); } } public ProcessTxnResult processTxn(TxnHeader header, Record txn, boolean isSubTxn) { ProcessTxnResult rc = new ProcessTxnResult(); try { rc.clientId = header.getClientId(); rc.cxid = header.getCxid(); rc.zxid = header.getZxid(); rc.type = header.getType(); rc.err = 0; rc.multiResult = null; switch (header.getType()) { case OpCode.create: CreateTxn createTxn = (CreateTxn) txn; rc.path = createTxn.getPath(); createNode( createTxn.getPath(), createTxn.getData(), createTxn.getAcl(), createTxn.getEphemeral() ? header.getClientId() : 0, createTxn.getParentCVersion(), header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), null); break; case OpCode.create2: CreateTxn create2Txn = (CreateTxn) txn; rc.path = create2Txn.getPath(); Stat stat = new Stat(); createNode( create2Txn.getPath(), create2Txn.getData(), create2Txn.getAcl(), create2Txn.getEphemeral() ? header.getClientId() : 0, create2Txn.getParentCVersion(), header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat); rc.stat = stat; break; case OpCode.createTTL: CreateTTLTxn createTtlTxn = (CreateTTLTxn) txn; rc.path = createTtlTxn.getPath(); stat = new Stat(); createNode( createTtlTxn.getPath(), createTtlTxn.getData(), createTtlTxn.getAcl(), EphemeralType.TTL.toEphemeralOwner(createTtlTxn.getTtl()), createTtlTxn.getParentCVersion(), header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat); rc.stat = stat; break; case OpCode.createContainer: CreateContainerTxn createContainerTxn = (CreateContainerTxn) txn; rc.path = createContainerTxn.getPath(); stat = new Stat(); createNode( createContainerTxn.getPath(), createContainerTxn.getData(), createContainerTxn.getAcl(), EphemeralType.CONTAINER_EPHEMERAL_OWNER, createContainerTxn.getParentCVersion(), header.getZxid(), header.getTime(), stat); rc.stat = stat; break; case OpCode.delete: case OpCode.deleteContainer: DeleteTxn deleteTxn = (DeleteTxn) txn; rc.path = deleteTxn.getPath(); deleteNode(deleteTxn.getPath(), header.getZxid()); break; case OpCode.reconfig: case OpCode.setData: SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) txn; rc.path = setDataTxn.getPath(); rc.stat = setData(setDataTxn.getPath(), setDataTxn .getData(), setDataTxn.getVersion(), header .getZxid(), header.getTime()); break; case OpCode.setACL: SetACLTxn setACLTxn = (SetACLTxn) txn; rc.path = setACLTxn.getPath(); rc.stat = setACL(setACLTxn.getPath(), setACLTxn.getAcl(), setACLTxn.getVersion()); break; case OpCode.closeSession: killSession(header.getClientId(), header.getZxid()); break; case OpCode.error: ErrorTxn errTxn = (ErrorTxn) txn; rc.err = errTxn.getErr(); break; case OpCode.check: CheckVersionTxn checkTxn = (CheckVersionTxn) txn; rc.path = checkTxn.getPath(); break; case OpCode.multi: MultiTxn multiTxn = (MultiTxn) txn; List<Txn> txns = multiTxn.getTxns(); rc.multiResult = new ArrayList<ProcessTxnResult>(); boolean failed = false; for (Txn subtxn : txns) { if (subtxn.getType() == OpCode.error) { failed = true; break; } } ... ... } } catch (KeeperException e) { ... ... } catch (IOException e) { ... ... } ... ... return rc; }
(1,8,1) | (1,8,2) | (1,7,4) |
选举Leader规则: ①EPOCH大的直接胜出 ②EPOCH相同,事务id大的胜出 ③事务id相同,服务器id大的胜出
public synchronized void start() { if (!getView().containsKey(myid)) { throw new RuntimeException("My id " + myid + " not in the peer list"); } loadDataBase(); startServerCnxnFactory(); try { adminServer.start(); } catch (AdminServerException e) { LOG.warn("Problem starting AdminServer", e); System.out.println(e); } // 选举准备 startLeaderElection(); super.start(); } synchronized public void startLeaderElection() { try { if (getPeerState() == ServerState.LOOKING) { // 创建选票 // (1)选票组件:epoch(leader 的任期代号)、zxid(某个leader 当选期间执行的事务编号)、myid(serverid) // (2)开始选票时,都是先投自己 currentVote = new Vote(myid, getLastLoggedZxid(), getCurrentEpoch()); } } catch (IOException e) { RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); re.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); throw re; } // if (!getView().containsKey(myid)) { // throw new RuntimeException("My id " + myid + " not in the peer list"); //} if (electionType == 0) { try { udpSocket = new DatagramSocket(getQuorumAddress().getPort()); responder = new ResponderThread(); responder.start(); } catch (SocketException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // 创建选举算法实例 this.electionAlg = createElectionAlgorithm(electionType); } protected Election createElectionAlgorithm(int electionAlgorithm) { Election le = null; //TODO: use a factory rather than a switch switch (electionAlgorithm) { case 0: le = new LeaderElection(this); break; case 1: le = new AuthFastLeaderElection(this); break; case 2: le = new AuthFastLeaderElection(this, true); break; case 3: // 1 创建 QuorumCnxnManager,负责选举过程中的所有网络通信 QuorumCnxManager qcm = createCnxnManager(); QuorumCnxManager oldQcm = qcmRef.getAndSet(qcm); if (oldQcm != null) { LOG.warn("Clobbering already-set QuorumCnxManager (restarting leader election ?) "); oldQcm.halt(); } QuorumCnxManager.Listener listener = qcm.listener; if (listener != null) { // 2 启动监听线程 listener.start(); // 3 准备开始选举 FastLeaderElection fle = new FastLeaderElection(this, qcm); fle.start(); le = fle; } else { LOG.error("Null listener when initializing cnx manager"); } break; default: assert false; } return le; }
public QuorumCnxManager createCnxnManager() { return new QuorumCnxManager(this, this.getId(), this.getView(), this.authServer, this.authLearner, this.tickTime * this.syncLimit, this.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs(), this.quorumCnxnThreadsSize, this.isQuorumSaslAuthEnabled()); } public QuorumCnxManager(QuorumPeer self, final long mySid, Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> view, QuorumAuthServer authServer, QuorumAuthLearner authLearner, int socketTimeout, boolean listenOnAllIPs, int quorumCnxnThreadsSize, boolean quorumSaslAuthEnabled) { // 创建各种队列 this.recvQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Message>(RECV_CAPACITY); this.queueSendMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer>>(); this.senderWorkerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, SendWorker>(); this.lastMessageSent = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ByteBuffer>(); String cnxToValue = System.getProperty("zookeeper.cnxTimeout"); if (cnxToValue != null) { this.cnxTO = Integer.parseInt(cnxToValue); } this.self = self; this.mySid = mySid; this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout; this.view = view; this.listenOnAllIPs = listenOnAllIPs; initializeAuth(mySid, authServer, authLearner, quorumCnxnThreadsSize, quorumSaslAuthEnabled); // Starts listener thread that waits for connection requests listener = new Listener(); listener.setName("QuorumPeerListener"); }
QuorumCnxManager.Listener对应的 run 方法
public void run() { int numRetries = 0; InetSocketAddress addr; Socket client = null; Exception exitException = null; while ((!shutdown) && (portBindMaxRetry == 0 || numRetries < portBindMaxRetry)) { try { if (self.shouldUsePortUnification()) { LOG.info("Creating TLS-enabled quorum server socket"); ss = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), true); } else if (self.isSslQuorum()) { LOG.info("Creating TLS-only quorum server socket"); ss = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), false); } else { ss = new ServerSocket(); } ss.setReuseAddress(true); if (self.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()) { int port = self.getElectionAddress().getPort(); addr = new InetSocketAddress(port); } else { // Resolve hostname for this server in case the // underlying ip address has changed. self.recreateSocketAddresses(self.getId()); addr = self.getElectionAddress(); } LOG.info("My election bind port: " + addr.toString()); setName(addr.toString()); // 绑定服务器地址 ss.bind(addr); // 死循环 while (!shutdown) { try { // 阻塞,等待处理请求 client = ss.accept(); setSockOpts(client); LOG.info("Received connection request " + formatInetAddr((InetSocketAddress) client.getRemoteSocketAddress())); // Receive and handle the connection request // asynchronously if the quorum sasl authentication is // enabled. This is required because sasl server // authentication process may take few seconds to finish, // this may delay next peer connection requests. if (quorumSaslAuthEnabled) { receiveConnectionAsync(client); } else { receiveConnection(client); } numRetries = 0; } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { LOG.warn("The socket is listening for the election accepted " + "and it timed out unexpectedly, but will retry." + "see ZOOKEEPER-2836"); } } } catch (IOException e) { ... ... closeSocket(client); } } ... ... }
public FastLeaderElection(QuorumPeer self, QuorumCnxManager manager) {
this.stop = false;
this.manager = manager;
starter(self, manager);
private void starter(QuorumPeer self, QuorumCnxManager manager) {
this.self = self;
proposedLeader = -1;
proposedZxid = -1;
// 初始化队列和信息
sendqueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ToSend>();
recvqueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Notification>();
this.messenger = new Messenger(manager);
public synchronized void start() { if (!getView().containsKey(myid)) { throw new RuntimeException("My id " + myid + " not in the peer list"); } // 冷启动数据恢复 loadDataBase(); startServerCnxnFactory(); try { // 启动通信工厂实例对象 adminServer.start(); } catch (AdminServerException e) { LOG.warn("Problem starting AdminServer", e); System.out.println(e); } // 准备选举环境 startLeaderElection(); // 执行选举 super.start(); }
1)执行 super.start();就相当于执行 QuorumPeer.java 类中的 run()方法
当 Zookeeper 启动后,首先都是 Looking 状态,通过选举,让其中一台服务器成为 Leader,其他的服务器成为 Follower。
public void run() { updateThreadName(); LOG.debug("Starting quorum peer"); try { jmxQuorumBean = new QuorumBean(this); MBeanRegistry.getInstance().register(jmxQuorumBean, null); for (QuorumServer s : getView().values()) { ZKMBeanInfo p; if (getId() == s.id) { p = jmxLocalPeerBean = new LocalPeerBean(this); try { MBeanRegistry.getInstance().register(p, jmxQuorumBean); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to register with JMX", e); jmxLocalPeerBean = null; } } else { RemotePeerBean rBean = new RemotePeerBean(this, s); try { MBeanRegistry.getInstance().register(rBean, jmxQuorumBean); jmxRemotePeerBean.put(s.id, rBean); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to register with JMX", e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to register with JMX", e); jmxQuorumBean = null; } try { /* * Main loop */ while (running) { switch (getPeerState()) { case LOOKING: LOG.info("LOOKING"); if (Boolean.getBoolean("readonlymode.enabled")) { LOG.info("Attempting to start ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer"); // Create read-only server but don't start it immediately final ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer roZk = new ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer(logFactory, this, this.zkDb); // Instead of starting roZk immediately, wait some grace // period before we decide we're partitioned. // // Thread is used here because otherwise it would require // changes in each of election strategy classes which is // unnecessary code coupling. Thread roZkMgr = new Thread() { public void run() { try { // lower-bound grace period to 2 secs sleep(Math.max(2000, tickTime)); if (ServerState.LOOKING.equals(getPeerState())) { roZk.startup(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.info("Interrupted while attempting to start ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer, not started"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("FAILED to start ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer", e); } } }; try { roZkMgr.start(); reconfigFlagClear(); if (shuttingDownLE) { shuttingDownLE = false; startLeaderElection(); } // 进行选举,选举结束,返回最终成为 Leader 胜选的那张选票 setCurrentVote(makeLEStrategy().lookForLeader()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); setPeerState(ServerState.LOOKING); } finally { // If the thread is in the the grace period, interrupt // to come out of waiting. roZkMgr.interrupt(); roZk.shutdown(); } } else { try { reconfigFlagClear(); if (shuttingDownLE) { shuttingDownLE = false; startLeaderElection(); } setCurrentVote(makeLEStrategy().lookForLeader()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); setPeerState(ServerState.LOOKING); } } break; case OBSERVING: try { LOG.info("OBSERVING"); setObserver(makeObserver(logFactory)); observer.observeLeader(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); } finally { observer.shutdown(); setObserver(null); updateServerState(); } break; case FOLLOWING: try { LOG.info("FOLLOWING"); setFollower(makeFollower(logFactory)); follower.followLeader(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); } finally { follower.shutdown(); setFollower(null); updateServerState(); } break; case LEADING: LOG.info("LEADING"); try { setLeader(makeLeader(logFactory)); leader.lead(); setLeader(null); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); } finally { if (leader != null) { leader.shutdown("Forcing shutdown"); setLeader(null); } updateServerState(); } break; } start_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); } } finally { ... ... } }
2)lookForLeader()的实现类 FastLeaderElection.java
public Vote lookForLeader() throws InterruptedException { try { self.jmxLeaderElectionBean = new LeaderElectionBean(); MBeanRegistry.getInstance().register( self.jmxLeaderElectionBean, self.jmxLocalPeerBean); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to register with JMX", e); self.jmxLeaderElectionBean = null; } if (self.start_fle == 0) { self.start_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); } try { // 正常启动中,所有其他服务器,都会给我发送一个投票 // 保存每一个服务器的最新合法有效的投票 HashMap<Long, Vote> recvset = new HashMap<Long, Vote>(); // 存储合法选举之外的投票结果 HashMap<Long, Vote> outofelection = new HashMap<Long, Vote>(); // 一次选举的最大等待时间,默认值是 0.2s int notTimeout = finalizeWait; // 每发起一轮选举,logicalclock++ // 在没有合法的 epoch 数据之前,都使用逻辑时钟代替 // 选举 leader 的规则:依次比较 epoch(任期) zxid(事务 id) serverid(myid)谁大谁当选 leader synchronized (this) { // 更新逻辑时钟,每进行一次选举,都需要更新逻辑时钟 // logicalclock = epoch logicalclock.incrementAndGet(); // 更新选票(serverid, zxid, epoch), updateProposal(getInitId(), getInitLastLoggedZxid(), getPeerEpoch()); } LOG.info("New election. My id = " + self.getId() + ", proposed zxid=0x" + Long.toHexString(proposedZxid)); // 广播选票,把自己的选票发给其他服务器 sendNotifications(); /* * Loop in which we exchange notifications until we find a leader */ // 一轮一轮的选举直到选举成功 while ((self.getPeerState() == ServerState.LOOKING) && (!stop)) { ...... } return null; } finally { ...... } }
private void sendNotifications() { // 遍历投票参与者,给每台服务器发送选票 for (long sid : self.getCurrentAndNextConfigVoters()) { QuorumVerifier qv = self.getQuorumVerifier(); // 创建发送选票 ToSend notmsg = new ToSend(ToSend.mType.notification, proposedLeader, proposedZxid, logicalclock.get(), QuorumPeer.ServerState.LOOKING, sid, proposedEpoch, qv.toString().getBytes()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sending Notification: " + proposedLeader + " (n.leader), 0x" + Long.toHexString(proposedZxid) + " (n.zxid), 0x" + Long.toHexString(logicalclock.get()) + " (n.round), " + sid + " (recipient), " + self.getId() + " (myid), 0x" + Long.toHexString(proposedEpoch) + " (n.peerEpoch)"); } // 把发送选票放入发送队列 sendqueue.offer(notmsg); } }
4) FastLeaderElection.java 类中 WorkerSender 线程
class WorkerSender extends ZooKeeperThread { volatile boolean stop; QuorumCnxManager manager; WorkerSender(QuorumCnxManager manager) { super("WorkerSender"); this.stop = false; this.manager = manager; } public void run() { while (!stop) { try { // 队列阻塞,时刻准备接收要发送的选票 ToSend m = sendqueue.poll(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (m == null) continue; // 处理要发送的选票 process(m); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } LOG.info("WorkerSender is down"); } /** * Called by run() once there is a new message to send. * * @param m message to send */ void process(ToSend m) { ByteBuffer requestBuffer = buildMsg(m.state.ordinal(), m.leader, m.zxid, m.electionEpoch, m.peerEpoch, m.configData); // 发送选票 manager.toSend(m.sid, requestBuffer); } } public void toSend(Long sid, ByteBuffer b) { /* * If sending message to myself, then simply enqueue it (loopback). */ // 判断如果是发给自己的消息,直接进入自己的 RecvQueue if (this.mySid == sid) { b.position(0); addToRecvQueue(new Message(b.duplicate(), sid)); /* * Otherwise send to the corresponding thread to send. */ } else { /* * Start a new connection if doesn't have one already. */ // 如果是发给其他服务器,创建对应的发送队列或者获取已经存在的发送队列 // 并把要发送的消息放入该队列 ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer>( SEND_CAPACITY); ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> oldq = queueSendMap.putIfAbsent(sid, bq); if (oldq != null) { addToSendQueue(oldq, b); } else { addToSendQueue(bq, b); } // 将选票发送出去 connectOne(sid); } }
public void addToRecvQueue(Message msg) { synchronized (recvQLock) { if (recvQueue.remainingCapacity() == 0) { try { recvQueue.remove(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { // element could be removed by poll() LOG.debug("Trying to remove from an empty " + "recvQueue. Ignoring exception " + ne); } } try { // 将发送给自己的选票添加到 recvQueue 队列 recvQueue.add(msg); } catch (IllegalStateException ie) { // This should never happen LOG.error("Unable to insert element in the recvQueue " + ie); } } }
private void addToSendQueue(ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> queue, ByteBuffer buffer) { if (queue.remainingCapacity() == 0) { try { queue.remove(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { // element could be removed by poll() LOG.debug("Trying to remove from an empty " + "Queue. Ignoring exception " + ne); } } try { // 将要发送的消息添加到发送队列 queue.add(buffer); } catch (IllegalStateException ie) { // This should never happen LOG.error("Unable to insert an element in the queue " + ie); } }
synchronized void connectOne(long sid) { if (senderWorkerMap.get(sid) != null) { LOG.debug("There is a connection already for server " + sid); return; } synchronized (self.QV_LOCK) { boolean knownId = false; // Resolve hostname for the remote server before attempting to // connect in case the underlying ip address has changed. self.recreateSocketAddresses(sid); Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> lastCommittedView = self.getView(); QuorumVerifier lastSeenQV = self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(); Map<Long, QuorumPeer.QuorumServer> lastProposedView = lastSeenQV.getAllMembers(); if (lastCommittedView.containsKey(sid)) { knownId = true; if (connectOne(sid, lastCommittedView.get(sid).electionAddr)) return; } if (lastSeenQV != null && lastProposedView.containsKey(sid) && (!knownId || (lastProposedView.get(sid).electionAddr != lastCommittedView.get(sid).electionAddr))) { knownId = true; if (connectOne(sid, lastProposedView.get(sid).electionAddr)) return; } if (!knownId) { LOG.warn("Invalid server id: " + sid); return; } } } synchronized private boolean connectOne(long sid, InetSocketAddress electionAddr) { if (senderWorkerMap.get(sid) != null) { LOG.debug("There is a connection already for server " + sid); return true; } Socket sock = null; try { LOG.debug("Opening channel to server " + sid); if (self.isSslQuorum()) { SSLSocket sslSock = self.getX509Util().createSSLSocket(); setSockOpts(sslSock); sslSock.connect(electionAddr, cnxTO); sslSock.startHandshake(); sock = sslSock; LOG.info("SSL handshake complete with {} - {} - {}", sslSock.getRemoteSocketAddress(), sslSock.getSession().getProtocol(), sslSock.getSession().getCipherSuite()); } else { sock = new Socket(); setSockOpts(sock); sock.connect(electionAddr, cnxTO); } LOG.debug("Connected to server " + sid); // Sends connection request asynchronously if the quorum // sasl authentication is enabled. This is required because // sasl server authentication process may take few seconds to // finish, this may delay next peer connection requests. if (quorumSaslAuthEnabled) { initiateConnectionAsync(sock, sid); } else { // 处理连接 initiateConnection(sock, sid); } return true; } catch (UnresolvedAddressException e) { ... ... } } public void initiateConnection(final Socket sock, final Long sid) { try { startConnection(sock, sid); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception while connecting, id: {}, addr: {}, closing learner connection", new Object[]{sid, sock.getRemoteSocketAddress()}, e); closeSocket(sock); return; } }
private boolean startConnection(Socket sock, Long sid) throws IOException { DataOutputStream dout = null; DataInputStream din = null; try { // Use BufferedOutputStream to reduce the number of IP packets. This is // important for x-DC scenarios. // 通过输出流,向服务器发送数据 BufferedOutputStream buf = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); dout = new DataOutputStream(buf); // Sending id and challenge // represents protocol version (in other words - message type) dout.writeLong(PROTOCOL_VERSION); dout.writeLong(self.getId()); String addr = formatInetAddr(self.getElectionAddress()); byte[] addr_bytes = addr.getBytes(); dout.writeInt(addr_bytes.length); dout.write(addr_bytes); dout.flush(); // 通过输入流读取对方发送过来的选票 din = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring exception reading or writing challenge: ", e); closeSocket(sock); return false; } // authenticate learner QuorumPeer.QuorumServer qps = self.getVotingView().get(sid); if (qps != null) { // TODO - investigate why reconfig makes qps null. authLearner.authenticate(sock, qps.hostname); } // If lost the challenge, then drop the new connection // 如果对方的 id 比我的大,我是没有资格给对方发送连接请求的,直接关闭自己的客户端 if (sid > self.getId()) { LOG.info("Have smaller server identifier, so dropping the " + "connection: (" + sid + ", " + self.getId() + ")"); closeSocket(sock); // Otherwise proceed with the connection } else { // 初始化,发送器 和 接收器 SendWorker sw = new SendWorker(sock, sid); RecvWorker rw = new RecvWorker(sock, din, sid, sw); sw.setRecv(rw); SendWorker vsw = senderWorkerMap.get(sid); if (vsw != null) vsw.finish(); senderWorkerMap.put(sid, sw); queueSendMap.putIfAbsent(sid, new ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer>( SEND_CAPACITY)); // 启动发送器线程和接收器线程 sw.start(); rw.start(); return true; } return false; }
9)SendWorker类下的 run 方法
public void run() { threadCnt.incrementAndGet(); try { /** * If there is nothing in the queue to send, then we * send the lastMessage to ensure that the last message * was received by the peer. The message could be dropped * in case self or the peer shutdown their connection * (and exit the thread) prior to reading/processing * the last message. Duplicate messages are handled correctly * by the peer. * * If the send queue is non-empty, then we have a recent * message than that stored in lastMessage. To avoid sending * stale message, we should send the message in the send queue. */ ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = queueSendMap.get(sid); if (bq == null || isSendQueueEmpty(bq)) { ByteBuffer b = lastMessageSent.get(sid); if (b != null) { LOG.debug("Attempting to send lastMessage to sid=" + sid); send(b); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to send last message. Shutting down thread.", e); this.finish(); } try { // 只要连接没有断开 while (running && !shutdown && sock != null) { ByteBuffer b = null; try { ArrayBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bq = queueSendMap .get(sid); if (bq != null) { // 不断从发送队列 SendQueue 中,获取发送消息,并执行发送 b = pollSendQueue(bq, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { LOG.error("No queue of incoming messages for " + "server " + sid); break; } if (b != null) { // 更新对于 sid 这台服务器的最近一条消息 lastMessageSent.put(sid, b); // 执行发送 send(b); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for message on queue", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception when using channel: for id " + sid + " my id = " + QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid + " error = " + e); } this.finish(); LOG.warn("Send worker leaving thread " + " id " + sid + " my id = " + self.getId()); } synchronized void send(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { byte[] msgBytes = new byte[b.capacity()]; try { b.position(0); b.get(msgBytes); } catch (BufferUnderflowException be) { LOG.error("BufferUnderflowException ", be); return; } // 输出流向外发送 dout.writeInt(b.capacity()); dout.write(b.array()); dout.flush(); }
10)RecvWorker类下的 run 方法
public void run() { threadCnt.incrementAndGet(); try { // 只要连接没有断开 while (running && !shutdown && sock != null) { /** * Reads the first int to determine the length of the * message */ int length = din.readInt(); if (length <= 0 || length > PACKETMAXSIZE) { throw new IOException( "Received packet with invalid packet: " + length); } /** * Allocates a new ByteBuffer to receive the message */ byte[] msgArray = new byte[length]; // 输入流接收消息 din.readFully(msgArray, 0, length); ByteBuffer message = ByteBuffer.wrap(msgArray); // 接收对方发送过来的选票 addToRecvQueue(new Message(message.duplicate(), sid)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Connection broken for id " + sid + ", my id = " + QuorumCnxManager.this.mySid + ", error = ", e); } finally { LOG.warn("Interrupting SendWorker"); sw.finish(); closeSocket(sock); } } public void addToRecvQueue(Message msg) { synchronized (recvQLock) { if (recvQueue.remainingCapacity() == 0) { try { recvQueue.remove(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { // element could be removed by poll() LOG.debug("Trying to remove from an empty " + "recvQueue. Ignoring exception " + ne); } } try { // 将接收到的消息,放入接收消息队列 recvQueue.add(msg); } catch (IllegalStateException ie) { // This should never happen LOG.error("Unable to insert element in the recvQueue " + ie); } } }
11) FastLeaderElection.java 类中 WorkerReceiver 线程。
class WorkerReceiver extends ZooKeeperThread { volatile boolean stop; QuorumCnxManager manager; WorkerReceiver(QuorumCnxManager manager) { super("WorkerReceiver"); this.stop = false; this.manager = manager; } public void run() { Message response; while (!stop) { // Sleeps on receive try { // 从 RecvQueue 中取出选举投票消息(其他服务器发送过来的) response = manager.pollRecvQueue(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); ...... } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted Exception while waiting for new message" + e.toString()); } } LOG.info("WorkerReceiver is down"); } }
当选举结束后,每个节点都需要根据自己的角色更新自己的状态。选举出的 Leader 更新自己状态为 Leader,其他节点更新自己状态为 Follower。
Leader 更新状态入口:leader.lead()
Follower 更新状态入口:follower.followerLeader()
(1)follower 必须要让 leader 知道自己的状态:epoch、zxid、sid 必须要找出谁是 leader;
发起请求连接 leader;
发送自己的信息给 leader;
leader 接收到信息,必须要返回对应的信息给 follower。
(4)当 leader 接收到超过半数 follower 的 ack 之后,进入正常工作状态,集群启动完成了
(1)DIFF 咱两一样,不需要做什么
(2)TRUNC follower 的 zxid 比 leader 的 zxid 大,所以 Follower 要回滚
(3)COMMIT leader 的 zxid 比 follower 的 zxid 大,发送 Proposal 给 foloower 提交执行
(4)如果 follower 并没有任何数据,直接使用 SNAP 的方式来执行数据同步(直接把数据全部序列到 follower)
1) Leader.java 中 lead()方法
void lead() throws IOException, InterruptedException { self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle; self.setElectionTimeTaken(electionTimeTaken); LOG.info("LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken, QuorumPeer.FLE_TIME_UNIT); self.start_fle = 0; self.end_fle = 0; zk.registerJMX(new LeaderBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean); try { self.tick.set(0); // 恢复数据到内存,启动时,其实已经加载过了 zk.loadData(); leaderStateSummary = new StateSummary(self.getCurrentEpoch(), zk.getLastProcessedZxid()); // Start thread that waits for connection requests from // new followers. // 等待其他 follower 节点向 leader 节点发送同步状态 cnxAcceptor = new LearnerCnxAcceptor(); cnxAcceptor.start(); long epoch = getEpochToPropose(self.getId(), self.getAcceptedEpoch()); ...... } finally { zk.unregisterJMX(this); } }
class LearnerCnxAcceptor extends ZooKeeperCriticalThread { private volatile boolean stop = false; public LearnerCnxAcceptor() { super("LearnerCnxAcceptor-" + ss.getLocalSocketAddress(), zk .getZooKeeperServerListener()); } @Override public void run() { try { while (!stop) { Socket s = null; boolean error = false; try { // 等待接收 follower 的状态同步申请 s = ss.accept(); // start with the initLimit, once the ack is processed // in LearnerHandler switch to the syncLimit s.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.initLimit); s.setTcpNoDelay(nodelay); BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( s.getInputStream()); // 一旦接收到 follower 的请求,就创建 LearnerHandler 对象,处理请求 LearnerHandler fh = new LearnerHandler(s, is, Leader.this); // 启动线程 fh.start(); } catch (SocketException e) { ... ... } ... ... } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception while accepting follower", e.getMessage()); handleException(this.getName(), e); } } public void halt() { stop = true; } }
其中 ss 的初始化是在创建 Leader 对象时,创建的 socket
private final ServerSocket ss; Leader(QuorumPeer self, LeaderZooKeeperServer zk) throws IOException { this.self = self; this.proposalStats = new BufferStats(); try { if (self.shouldUsePortUnification() || self.isSslQuorum()) { boolean allowInsecureConnection = self.shouldUsePortUnification(); if (self.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()) { ss = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), allowInsecureConnection, self.getQuorumAddress().getPort()); } else { ss = new UnifiedServerSocket(self.getX509Util(), allowInsecureConnection); } } else { if (self.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()) { ss = new ServerSocket(self.getQuorumAddress().getPort()); } else { ss = new ServerSocket(); } } ss.setReuseAddress(true); if (!self.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs()) { ss.bind(self.getQuorumAddress()); } } catch (BindException e) { ... ... } this.zk = zk; this.learnerSnapshotThrottler = createLearnerSnapshotThrottler( maxConcurrentSnapshots, maxConcurrentSnapshotTimeout); }
1)Follower.java 中 followLeader()方法
void followLeader() throws InterruptedException { self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle; self.setElectionTimeTaken(electionTimeTaken); LOG.info("FOLLOWING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken, QuorumPeer.FLE_TIME_UNIT); self.start_fle = 0; self.end_fle = 0; fzk.registerJMX(new FollowerBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean); try { // 查找 leader QuorumServer leaderServer = findLeader(); try { // 连接 leader connectToLeader(leaderServer.addr, leaderServer.hostname); // 向 leader 注册 long newEpochZxid = registerWithLeader(Leader.FOLLOWERINFO); if (self.isReconfigStateChange()) throw new Exception("learned about role change"); //check to see if the leader zxid is lower than ours //this should never happen but is just a safety check long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(newEpochZxid); if (newEpoch < self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { LOG.error("Proposed leader epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(newEpochZxid) + " is less than our accepted epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(self.getAcceptedEpoch())); throw new IOException("Error: Epoch of leader is lower"); } syncWithLeader(newEpochZxid); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); while (this.isRunning()) { readPacket(qp); processPacket(qp); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception when following the leader", e); try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // clear pending revalidations pendingRevalidations.clear(); } } finally { zk.unregisterJMX((Learner) this); } } /** * Returns the address of the node we think is the leader. */ protected QuorumServer findLeader() { QuorumServer leaderServer = null; // Find the leader by id // 选举投票的时候记录的,最后推荐的 leader 的 sid Vote current = self.getCurrentVote(); // 如果这个 sid 在启动的所有服务器范围中 for (QuorumServer s : self.getView().values()) { if (s.id == current.getId()) { // Ensure we have the leader's correct IP address before // attempting to connect. // 尝试连接 leader 的正确 IP 地址 s.recreateSocketAddresses(); leaderServer = s; break; } } if (leaderServer == null) { LOG.warn("Couldn't find the leader with id = " + current.getId()); } return leaderServer; } protected void connectToLeader(InetSocketAddress addr, String hostname) throws IOException, InterruptedException, X509Exception { this.sock = createSocket(); int initLimitTime = self.tickTime * self.initLimit; int remainingInitLimitTime = initLimitTime; long startNanoTime = nanoTime(); for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) { try { // recalculate the init limit time because retries sleep for 1000 milliseconds remainingInitLimitTime = initLimitTime - (int) ((nanoTime() - startNanoTime) / 1000000); if (remainingInitLimitTime <= 0) { LOG.error("initLimit exceeded on retries."); throw new IOException("initLimit exceeded on retries."); } sockConnect(sock, addr, Math.min(self.tickTime * self.syncLimit, remainingInitLimitTime)); if (self.isSslQuorum()) { ((SSLSocket) sock).startHandshake(); } sock.setTcpNoDelay(nodelay); break; } catch (IOException e) { ... ... } Thread.sleep(1000); } self.authLearner.authenticate(sock, hostname); leaderIs = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(new BufferedInputStream( sock.getInputStream())); bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); leaderOs = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bufferedOutput); }
void lead() throws IOException, InterruptedException { self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle; self.setElectionTimeTaken(electionTimeTaken); LOG.info("LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken, QuorumPeer.FLE_TIME_UNIT); self.start_fle = 0; self.end_fle = 0; zk.registerJMX(new LeaderBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean); try { self.tick.set(0); zk.loadData(); leaderStateSummary = new StateSummary(self.getCurrentEpoch(), zk.getLastProcessedZxid()); // Start thread that waits for connection requests from // new followers. cnxAcceptor = new LearnerCnxAcceptor(); cnxAcceptor.start(); ...... } finally { zk.unregisterJMX(this); } } class LearnerCnxAcceptor extends ZooKeeperCriticalThread { private volatile boolean stop = false; ...... @Override public void run() { try { while (!stop) { Socket s = null; boolean error = false; try { s = ss.accept(); // start with the initLimit, once the ack is processed // in LearnerHandler switch to the syncLimit s.setSoTimeout(self.tickTime * self.initLimit); s.setTcpNoDelay(nodelay); BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream( s.getInputStream()); LearnerHandler fh = new LearnerHandler(s, is, Leader.this); fh.start(); } catch (SocketException e) { ... ... } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception while accepting follower", e.getMessage()); handleException(this.getName(), e); } } public void halt() { stop = true; } }
由于 public class LearnerHandler extends ZooKeeperThread{},说明 LearnerHandler 是一个线程。所以 fh.start()执行的是 LearnerHandler 中的 run()方法。
public void run() { try { leader.addLearnerHandler(this); // 心跳处理 tickOfNextAckDeadline = leader.self.tick.get() + leader.self.initLimit + leader.self.syncLimit; ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bufferedInput); bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); oa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bufferedOutput); // 从网络中接收消息,并反序列化为 packet QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); // 选举结束后,observer 和 follower 都应该给 leader 发送一个标志信息: FOLLOWERINFO 或者 OBSERVERINFO if (qp.getType() != Leader.FOLLOWERINFO && qp.getType() != Leader.OBSERVERINFO) { LOG.error("First packet " + qp.toString() + " is not FOLLOWERINFO or OBSERVERINFO!"); return; } byte learnerInfoData[] = qp.getData(); if (learnerInfoData != null) { ByteBuffer bbsid = ByteBuffer.wrap(learnerInfoData); if (learnerInfoData.length >= 8) { this.sid = bbsid.getLong(); } if (learnerInfoData.length >= 12) { this.version = bbsid.getInt(); // protocolVersion } if (learnerInfoData.length >= 20) { long configVersion = bbsid.getLong(); if (configVersion > leader.self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion()) { throw new IOException("Follower is ahead of the leader (has a later activated configuration) "); } } } else { this.sid = leader.followerCounter.getAndDecrement(); } if (leader.self.getView().containsKey(this.sid)) { LOG.info("Follower sid: " + this.sid + " : info : " + leader.self.getView().get(this.sid).toString()); } else { LOG.info("Follower sid: " + this.sid + " not in the current config " + Long.toHexString(leader.self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion())); } if (qp.getType() == Leader.OBSERVERINFO) { learnerType = LearnerType.OBSERVER; } // 读取 Follower 发送过来的 lastAcceptedEpoch // 选举过程中,所使用的 epoch,其实还是上一任 leader 的 epoch long lastAcceptedEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(qp.getZxid()); long peerLastZxid; StateSummary ss = null; // 读取 follower 发送过来的 zxid long zxid = qp.getZxid(); // Leader 根据从 Follower 获取 sid 和旧的 epoch,构建新的 epoch long newEpoch = leader.getEpochToPropose(this.getSid(), lastAcceptedEpoch); long newLeaderZxid = ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0); if (this.getVersion() < 0x10000) { // we are going to have to extrapolate the epoch information long epoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(zxid); ss = new StateSummary(epoch, zxid); // fake the message leader.waitForEpochAck(this.getSid(), ss); } else { byte ver[] = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer.wrap(ver).putInt(0x10000); // Leader 向 Follower 发送信息(包含:zxid 和 newEpoch) QuorumPacket newEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(Leader.LEADERINFO, newLeaderZxid, ver, null); oa.writeRecord(newEpochPacket, "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); QuorumPacket ackEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(ackEpochPacket, "packet"); if (ackEpochPacket.getType() != Leader.ACKEPOCH) { LOG.error(ackEpochPacket.toString() + " is not ACKEPOCH"); return; } ByteBuffer bbepoch = ByteBuffer.wrap(ackEpochPacket.getData()); ss = new StateSummary(bbepoch.getInt(), ackEpochPacket.getZxid()); leader.waitForEpochAck(this.getSid(), ss); } peerLastZxid = ss.getLastZxid(); // Take any necessary action if we need to send TRUNC or DIFF // startForwarding() will be called in all cases boolean needSnap = syncFollower(peerLastZxid, leader.zk.getZKDatabase(), leader); /* if we are not truncating or sending a diff just send a snapshot */ if (needSnap) { boolean exemptFromThrottle = getLearnerType() != LearnerType.OBSERVER; LearnerSnapshot snapshot = leader.getLearnerSnapshotThrottler().beginSnapshot(exemptFromThrottle); try { long zxidToSend = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid(); oa.writeRecord(new QuorumPacket(Leader.SNAP, zxidToSend, null, null), "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); LOG.info("Sending snapshot last zxid of peer is 0x{}, zxid of leader is 0x { }," + "send zxid of db as 0x{}, {} concurrent snapshots, " + "snapshot was {} from throttle", Long.toHexString(peerLastZxid), Long.toHexString(leaderLastZxid), Long.toHexString(zxidToSend), snapshot.getConcurrentSnapshotNumber(), snapshot.isEssential() ? "exempt" : "not exempt"); // Dump data to peer leader.zk.getZKDatabase().serializeSnapshot(oa); oa.writeString("BenWasHere", "signature"); bufferedOutput.flush(); } finally { snapshot.close(); } } LOG.debug("Sending NEWLEADER message to " + sid); // the version of this quorumVerifier will be set by leader.lead() in case // the leader is just being established. waitForEpochAck makes sure that readyToStart is true if // we got here, so the version was set if (getVersion() < 0x10000) { QuorumPacket newLeaderQP = new QuorumPacket(Leader.NEWLEADER, newLeaderZxid, null, null); oa.writeRecord(newLeaderQP, "packet"); } else { QuorumPacket newLeaderQP = new QuorumPacket(Leader.NEWLEADER, newLeaderZxid, leader.self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() .toString().getBytes(), null); queuedPackets.add(newLeaderQP); } bufferedOutput.flush(); // Start thread that blast packets in the queue to learner startSendingPackets(); /* * Have to wait for the first ACK, wait until * the leader is ready, and only then we can * start processing messages. */ qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); if (qp.getType() != Leader.ACK) { LOG.error("Next packet was supposed to be an ACK," + " but received packet: {}", packetToString(qp)); return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received NEWLEADER-ACK message from " + sid); } leader.waitForNewLeaderAck(getSid(), qp.getZxid()); syncLimitCheck.start(); // now that the ack has been processed expect the syncLimit sock.setSoTimeout(leader.self.tickTime * leader.self.syncLimit); /* * Wait until leader starts up */ synchronized (leader.zk) { while (!leader.zk.isRunning() && !this.isInterrupted()) { leader.zk.wait(20); } } // Mutation packets will be queued during the serialize, // so we need to mark when the peer can actually start // using the data // LOG.debug("Sending UPTODATE message to " + sid); queuedPackets.add(new QuorumPacket(Leader.UPTODATE, -1, null, null)); while (true) { qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); long traceMask = ZooTrace.SERVER_PACKET_TRACE_MASK; if (qp.getType() == Leader.PING) { traceMask = ZooTrace.SERVER_PING_TRACE_MASK; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logQuorumPacket(LOG, traceMask, 'i', qp); } tickOfNextAckDeadline = leader.self.tick.get() + leader.self.syncLimit; ByteBuffer bb; long sessionId; int cxid; int type; switch (qp.getType()) { case Leader.ACK: if (this.learnerType == LearnerType.OBSERVER) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received ACK from Observer " + this.sid); } } syncLimitCheck.updateAck(qp.getZxid()); leader.processAck(this.sid, qp.getZxid(), sock.getLocalSocketAddress()); break; case Leader.PING: // Process the touches ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(qp .getData()); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis); while (dis.available() > 0) { long sess = dis.readLong(); int to = dis.readInt(); leader.zk.touch(sess, to); } break; case Leader.REVALIDATE: bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(qp.getData()); dis = new DataInputStream(bis); long id = dis.readLong(); int to = dis.readInt(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); dos.writeLong(id); boolean valid = leader.zk.checkIfValidGlobalSession(id, to); if (valid) { try { //set the session owner // as the follower that // owns the session leader.zk.setOwner(id, this); } catch (SessionExpiredException e) { LOG.error("Somehow session " + Long.toHexString(id) + " expired right after being renewed! (impossible)", e); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK, "Session 0x" + Long.toHexString(id) + " is valid: " + valid); } dos.writeBoolean(valid); qp.setData(bos.toByteArray()); queuedPackets.add(qp); break; case Leader.REQUEST: bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(qp.getData()); sessionId = bb.getLong(); cxid = bb.getInt(); type = bb.getInt(); bb = bb.slice(); Request si; if (type == OpCode.sync) { si = new LearnerSyncRequest(this, sessionId, cxid, type, bb, qp.getAuthinfo()); } else { si = new Request(null, sessionId, cxid, type, bb, qp.getAuthinfo()); } si.setOwner(this); leader.zk.submitLearnerRequest(si); break; default: LOG.warn("unexpected quorum packet, type: {}", packetToString(qp)); break; } } } catch (IOException e) { ... ... } finally { ... ... } }
void followLeader() throws InterruptedException { self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle; self.setElectionTimeTaken(electionTimeTaken); LOG.info("FOLLOWING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken, QuorumPeer.FLE_TIME_UNIT); self.start_fle = 0; self.end_fle = 0; fzk.registerJMX(new FollowerBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean); try { // 查找 leader QuorumServer leaderServer = findLeader(); try { // 连接 leader connectToLeader(leaderServer.addr, leaderServer.hostname); // 向 leader 注册 long newEpochZxid = registerWithLeader(Leader.FOLLOWERINFO); if (self.isReconfigStateChange()) throw new Exception("learned about role change"); //check to see if the leader zxid is lower than ours //this should never happen but is just a safety check long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(newEpochZxid); if (newEpoch < self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { LOG.error("Proposed leader epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(newEpochZxid) + " is less than our accepted epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(self.getAcceptedEpoch())); throw new IOException("Error: Epoch of leader is lower"); } syncWithLeader(newEpochZxid); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); // 循环等待接收消息 while (this.isRunning()) { // 读取 packet 信息 readPacket(qp); // 处理 packet 消息 processPacket(qp); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception when following the leader", e); try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // clear pending revalidations pendingRevalidations.clear(); } } finally { zk.unregisterJMX((Learner) this); } } protected long registerWithLeader(int pktType) throws IOException { /* * Send follower info, including last zxid and sid */ long lastLoggedZxid = self.getLastLoggedZxid(); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); qp.setType(pktType); qp.setZxid(ZxidUtils.makeZxid(self.getAcceptedEpoch(), 0)); /* * Add sid to payload */ LearnerInfo li = new LearnerInfo(self.getId(), 0x10000, self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion()); ByteArrayOutputStream bsid = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryOutputArchive boa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bsid); boa.writeRecord(li, "LearnerInfo"); qp.setData(bsid.toByteArray()); // 发送 FollowerInfo 给 Leader writePacket(qp, true); // 读取 Leader 返回的结果:LeaderInfo readPacket(qp); final long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(qp.getZxid()); // 如果接收到 LeaderInfo if (qp.getType() == Leader.LEADERINFO) { // we are connected to a 1.0 server so accept the new epoch and read the next packet leaderProtocolVersion = ByteBuffer.wrap(qp.getData()).getInt(); byte epochBytes[] = new byte[4]; final ByteBuffer wrappedEpochBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(epochBytes); // 接收 leader 的 epoch if (newEpoch > self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { // 把自己原来的 epoch 保存在 wrappedEpochBytes 里 wrappedEpochBytes.putInt((int) self.getCurrentEpoch()); // 把 leader 发送过来的 epoch 保存起来 self.setAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch); } else if (newEpoch == self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { // since we have already acked an epoch equal to the leaders, we cannot ack // again, but we still need to send our lastZxid to the leader so that we can // sync with it if it does assume leadership of the epoch. // the -1 indicates that this reply should not count as an ack for the new epoch wrappedEpochBytes.putInt(-1); } else { throw new IOException("Leaders epoch, " + newEpoch + " is less than accepted epoch, " + self.getAcceptedEpoch()); } // 发送 ackepoch 给 leader(包含了自己的:epoch 和 zxid) QuorumPacket ackNewEpoch = new QuorumPacket(Leader.ACKEPOCH, lastLoggedZxid, epochBytes, null); writePacket(ackNewEpoch, true); return ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0); } else { if (newEpoch > self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { self.setAcceptedEpoch(newEpoch); } if (qp.getType() != Leader.NEWLEADER) { LOG.error("First packet should have been NEWLEADER"); throw new IOException("First packet should have been NEWLEADER"); } return qp.getZxid(); } }
public void run() { try { leader.addLearnerHandler(this); // 心跳处理 tickOfNextAckDeadline = leader.self.tick.get() + leader.self.initLimit + leader.self.syncLimit; ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bufferedInput); bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); oa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(bufferedOutput); // 从网络中接收消息,并反序列化为 packet QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(qp, "packet"); // 选举结束后,observer 和 follower 都应该给 leader 发送一个标志信息:FOLLOWERINFO 或者 OBSERVERINFO if (qp.getType() != Leader.FOLLOWERINFO && qp.getType() != Leader.OBSERVERINFO) { LOG.error("First packet " + qp.toString() + " is not FOLLOWERINFO or OBSERVERINFO!"); return; } byte learnerInfoData[] = qp.getData(); if (learnerInfoData != null) { ByteBuffer bbsid = ByteBuffer.wrap(learnerInfoData); if (learnerInfoData.length >= 8) { this.sid = bbsid.getLong(); } if (learnerInfoData.length >= 12) { this.version = bbsid.getInt(); // protocolVersion } if (learnerInfoData.length >= 20) { long configVersion = bbsid.getLong(); if (configVersion > leader.self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion()) { throw new IOException("Follower is ahead of the leader (has a later activated configuration) "); } } } else { this.sid = leader.followerCounter.getAndDecrement(); } if (leader.self.getView().containsKey(this.sid)) { LOG.info("Follower sid: " + this.sid + " : info : " + leader.self.getView().get(this.sid).toString()); } else { LOG.info("Follower sid: " + this.sid + " not in the current config " + Long.toHexString(leader.self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion())); } if (qp.getType() == Leader.OBSERVERINFO) { learnerType = LearnerType.OBSERVER; } // 读取 Follower 发送过来的 lastAcceptedEpoch // 选举过程中,所使用的 epoch,其实还是上一任 leader 的 epoch long lastAcceptedEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(qp.getZxid()); long peerLastZxid; StateSummary ss = null; // 读取 follower 发送过来的 zxid long zxid = qp.getZxid(); // 获取 leader 的最新 epoch // 新的 leader 会构建一个新的 epoch long newEpoch = leader.getEpochToPropose(this.getSid(), lastAcceptedEpoch); long newLeaderZxid = ZxidUtils.makeZxid(newEpoch, 0); if (this.getVersion() < 0x10000) { // we are going to have to extrapolate the epoch information long epoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(zxid); ss = new StateSummary(epoch, zxid); // fake the message leader.waitForEpochAck(this.getSid(), ss); } else { byte ver[] = new byte[4]; ByteBuffer.wrap(ver).putInt(0x10000); // Leader 向 Follower 发送信息(包含:zxid 和 newEpoch) QuorumPacket newEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(Leader.LEADERINFO, newLeaderZxid, ver, null); oa.writeRecord(newEpochPacket, "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); // 接收到 Follower 应答的 ackepoch QuorumPacket ackEpochPacket = new QuorumPacket(); ia.readRecord(ackEpochPacket, "packet"); if (ackEpochPacket.getType() != Leader.ACKEPOCH) { LOG.error(ackEpochPacket.toString() + " is not ACKEPOCH"); return; } ByteBuffer bbepoch = ByteBuffer.wrap(ackEpochPacket.getData()); // 保存了对方 follower 或者 observer 的状态:epoch 和 zxid ss = new StateSummary(bbepoch.getInt(), ackEpochPacket.getZxid()); leader.waitForEpochAck(this.getSid(), ss); } peerLastZxid = ss.getLastZxid(); // Take any necessary action if we need to send TRUNC or DIFF // startForwarding() will be called in all cases // 方法判断 Leader 和 Follower 是否需要同步 boolean needSnap = syncFollower(peerLastZxid, leader.zk.getZKDatabase(), leader); /* if we are not truncating or sending a diff just send a snapshot */ if (needSnap) { boolean exemptFromThrottle = getLearnerType() != LearnerType.OBSERVER; LearnerSnapshot snapshot = leader.getLearnerSnapshotThrottler().beginSnapshot(exemptFromThrottle); try { long zxidToSend = leader.zk.getZKDatabase().getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid(); oa.writeRecord(new QuorumPacket(Leader.SNAP, zxidToSend, null, null), "packet"); bufferedOutput.flush(); ... ... // Dump data to peer leader.zk.getZKDatabase().serializeSnapshot(oa); oa.writeString("BenWasHere", "signature"); bufferedOutput.flush(); } finally { snapshot.close(); } } if (getVersion() < 0x10000) { QuorumPacket newLeaderQP = new QuorumPacket(Leader.NEWLEADER, newLeaderZxid, null, null); oa.writeRecord(newLeaderQP, "packet"); } else { QuorumPacket newLeaderQP = new QuorumPacket(Leader.NEWLEADER, newLeaderZxid, leader.self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() .toString().getBytes(), null); queuedPackets.add(newLeaderQP); } ... ... while (true) { ... ... } } catch (IOException e) { ... ... } finally { ... ... } } public boolean syncFollower(long peerLastZxid, ZKDatabase db, Leader leader) { /* * When leader election is completed, the leader will set its * lastProcessedZxid to be (epoch < 32). There will be no txn associated * with this zxid. * * The learner will set its lastProcessedZxid to the same value if * it get DIFF or SNAP from the leader. If the same learner come * back to sync with leader using this zxid, we will never find this * zxid in our history. In this case, we will ignore TRUNC logic and * always send DIFF if we have old enough history */ boolean isPeerNewEpochZxid = (peerLastZxid & 0xffffffffL) == 0; // Keep track of the latest zxid which already queued long currentZxid = peerLastZxid; boolean needSnap = true; boolean txnLogSyncEnabled = db.isTxnLogSyncEnabled(); ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = db.getLogLock(); ReadLock rl = lock.readLock(); try { rl.lock(); long maxCommittedLog = db.getmaxCommittedLog(); long minCommittedLog = db.getminCommittedLog(); long lastProcessedZxid = db.getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid(); LOG.info("Synchronizing with Follower sid: {} maxCommittedLog=0x{}" + " minCommittedLog=0x{} lastProcessedZxid=0x{}" + " peerLastZxid=0x{}", getSid(), Long.toHexString(maxCommittedLog), Long.toHexString(minCommittedLog), Long.toHexString(lastProcessedZxid), Long.toHexString(peerLastZxid)); if (db.getCommittedLog().isEmpty()) { /* * It is possible that committedLog is empty. In that case * setting these value to the latest txn in leader db * will reduce the case that we need to handle * * Here is how each case handle by the if block below * 1. lastProcessZxid == peerZxid -> Handle by (2) * 2. lastProcessZxid < peerZxid -> Handle by (3) * 3. lastProcessZxid > peerZxid -> Handle by (5) */ minCommittedLog = lastProcessedZxid; maxCommittedLog = lastProcessedZxid; } /* * Here are the cases that we want to handle * * 1. Force sending snapshot (for testing purpose) * 2. Peer and leader is already sync, send empty diff * 3. Follower has txn that we haven't seen. This may be old leader * so we need to send TRUNC. However, if peer has newEpochZxid, * we cannot send TRUNC since the follower has no txnlog * 4. Follower is within committedLog range or already in-sync. * We may need to send DIFF or TRUNC depending on follower's zxid * We always send empty DIFF if follower is already in-sync * 5. Follower missed the committedLog. We will try to use on-disk * txnlog + committedLog to sync with follower. If that fail, * we will send snapshot */ if (forceSnapSync) { // Force leader to use snapshot to sync with follower LOG.warn("Forcing snapshot sync - should not see this in production"); } else if (lastProcessedZxid == peerLastZxid) { // Follower is already sync with us, send empty diff LOG.info("Sending DIFF zxid=0x" + Long.toHexString(peerLastZxid) + " for peer sid: " + getSid()); queueOpPacket(Leader.DIFF, peerLastZxid); needOpPacket = false; needSnap = false; } else if (peerLastZxid > maxCommittedLog && !isPeerNewEpochZxid) { // Newer than committedLog, send trunc and done LOG.debug("Sending TRUNC to follower zxidToSend=0x" + Long.toHexString(maxCommittedLog) + " for peer sid:" + getSid()); queueOpPacket(Leader.TRUNC, maxCommittedLog); currentZxid = maxCommittedLog; needOpPacket = false; needSnap = false; } else if ((maxCommittedLog >= peerLastZxid) && (minCommittedLog <= peerLastZxid)) { // Follower is within commitLog range LOG.info("Using committedLog for peer sid: " + getSid()); Iterator<Proposal> itr = db.getCommittedLog().iterator(); currentZxid = queueCommittedProposals(itr, peerLastZxid, null, maxCommittedLog); needSnap = false; } else if (peerLastZxid < minCommittedLog && txnLogSyncEnabled) { // Use txnlog and committedLog to sync // Calculate sizeLimit that we allow to retrieve txnlog from disk long sizeLimit = db.calculateTxnLogSizeLimit(); // This method can return empty iterator if the requested zxid // is older than on-disk txnlog Iterator<Proposal> txnLogItr = db.getProposalsFromTxnLog( peerLastZxid, sizeLimit); if (txnLogItr.hasNext()) { LOG.info("Use txnlog and committedLog for peer sid: " + getSid()); currentZxid = queueCommittedProposals(txnLogItr, peerLastZxid, minCommittedLog, maxCommittedLog); LOG.debug("Queueing committedLog 0x" + Long.toHexString(currentZxid)); Iterator<Proposal> committedLogItr = db.getCommittedLog().iterator(); currentZxid = queueCommittedProposals(committedLogItr, currentZxid, null, maxCommittedLog); needSnap = false; } // closing the resources if (txnLogItr instanceof TxnLogProposalIterator) { TxnLogProposalIterator txnProposalItr = (TxnLogProposalIterator) txnLogItr; txnProposalItr.close(); } } else { LOG.warn("Unhandled scenario for peer sid: " + getSid()); } LOG.debug("Start forwarding 0x" + Long.toHexString(currentZxid) + " for peer sid: " + getSid()); leaderLastZxid = leader.startForwarding(this, currentZxid); } finally { rl.unlock(); } if (needOpPacket && !needSnap) { // This should never happen, but we should fall back to sending // snapshot just in case. LOG.error("Unhandled scenario for peer sid: " + getSid() + " fall back to use snapshot"); needSnap = true; } return needSnap; }
protected void processPacket(QuorumPacket qp) throws Exception { switch (qp.getType()) { case Leader.PING: ping(qp); break; case Leader.PROPOSAL: TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(); Record txn = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(qp.getData(), hdr); if (hdr.getZxid() != lastQueued + 1) { LOG.warn("Got zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(hdr.getZxid()) + " expected 0x" + Long.toHexString(lastQueued + 1)); } lastQueued = hdr.getZxid(); if (hdr.getType() == OpCode.reconfig) { SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) txn; QuorumVerifier qv = self.configFromString(new String(setDataTxn.getData())); self.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(qv, true); } fzk.logRequest(hdr, txn); break; case Leader.COMMIT: fzk.commit(qp.getZxid()); break; ... ... case Leader.UPTODATE: LOG.error("Received an UPTODATE message after Follower started"); break; case Leader.REVALIDATE: revalidate(qp); break; case Leader.SYNC: fzk.sync(); break; default: LOG.warn("Unknown packet type: {}", LearnerHandler.packetToString(qp)); break; } } public void commit(long zxid) { if (pendingTxns.size() == 0) { LOG.warn("Committing " + Long.toHexString(zxid) + " without seeing txn"); return; } long firstElementZxid = pendingTxns.element().zxid; if (firstElementZxid != zxid) { LOG.error("Committing zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(zxid) + " but next pending txn 0x" + Long.toHexString(firstElementZxid)); System.exit(12); } Request request = pendingTxns.remove(); commitProcessor.commit(request); }
由于 public class LearnerHandler extends ZooKeeperThread{},说明 LearnerHandler 是一个线程。所以 fh.start()执行的是 LearnerHandler 中的 run()方法。
public void run() {
... ...
LOG.debug("Sending UPTODATE message to " + sid);
queuedPackets.add(new QuorumPacket(Leader.UPTODATE, -1, null, null));
while (true) {
... ...
} catch (IOException e) {
... ...
} finally {
... ...
void lead() throws IOException, InterruptedException { ... ... // 启动 zookeeper 服务 startZkServer(); ... ... } final LeaderZooKeeperServer zk; private synchronized void startZkServer() { ... ... // 启动 Zookeeper zk.startup(); ... ... } LeaderZooKeeperServer.java @Override public synchronized void startup() { super.startup(); if (containerManager != null) { containerManager.start(); } }
public synchronized void startup() { if (sessionTracker == null) { createSessionTracker(); } startSessionTracker(); // setupRequestProcessors(); registerJMX(); setState(State.RUNNING); notifyAll(); } protected void setupRequestProcessors() { RequestProcessor finalProcessor = new FinalRequestProcessor(this); RequestProcessor syncProcessor = new SyncRequestProcessor(this, finalProcessor); ((SyncRequestProcessor) syncProcessor).start(); firstProcessor = new PrepRequestProcessor(this, syncProcessor); ((PrepRequestProcessor) firstProcessor).start(); }
PrepRequestProcessor的 run 方法
public void run() { try { while (true) { Request request = submittedRequests.take(); long traceMask = ZooTrace.CLIENT_REQUEST_TRACE_MASK; if (request.type == OpCode.ping) { traceMask = ZooTrace.CLIENT_PING_TRACE_MASK; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { ZooTrace.logRequest(LOG, traceMask, 'P', request, ""); } if (Request.requestOfDeath == request) { break; } pRequest(request); } } catch (RequestProcessorException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof XidRolloverException) { LOG.info(e.getCause().getMessage()); } handleException(this.getName(), e); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(this.getName(), e); } LOG.info("PrepRequestProcessor exited loop!"); } protected void pRequest(Request request) throws RequestProcessorException { // LOG.info("Prep>>> cxid = " + request.cxid + " type = " + // request.type + " id = 0x" + Long.toHexString(request.sessionId)); request.setHdr(null); request.setTxn(null); try { switch (request.type) { case OpCode.createContainer: case OpCode.create: case OpCode.create2: CreateRequest create2Request = new CreateRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, create2Request, true); break; case OpCode.createTTL: CreateTTLRequest createTtlRequest = new CreateTTLRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, createTtlRequest, true); break; case OpCode.deleteContainer: case OpCode.delete: DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, deleteRequest, true); break; case OpCode.setData: SetDataRequest setDataRequest = new SetDataRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, setDataRequest, true); break; case OpCode.reconfig: ReconfigRequest reconfigRequest = new ReconfigRequest(); ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(request.request, reconfigRequest); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, reconfigRequest, true); break; case OpCode.setACL: SetACLRequest setAclRequest = new SetACLRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, setAclRequest, true); break; case OpCode.check: CheckVersionRequest checkRequest = new CheckVersionRequest(); pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, checkRequest, true); break; case OpCode.multi: MultiTransactionRecord multiRequest = new MultiTransactionRecord(); try { ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(request.request, multiRequest); } catch (IOException e) { request.setHdr(new TxnHeader(request.sessionId, request.cxid, zks.getNextZxid(), Time.currentWallTime(), OpCode.multi)); throw e; } List<Txn> txns = new ArrayList<Txn>(); //Each op in a multi-op must have the same zxid! long zxid = zks.getNextZxid(); KeeperException ke = null; //Store off current pending change records in case we need to rollback Map<String, ChangeRecord> pendingChanges = getPendingChanges(multiRequest); for (Op op : multiRequest) { Record subrequest = op.toRequestRecord(); int type; Record txn; /* If we've already failed one of the ops, don't bother * trying the rest as we know it's going to fail and it * would be confusing in the logfiles. */ if (ke != null) { type = OpCode.error; txn = new ErrorTxn(Code.RUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY.intValue()); } /* Prep the request and convert to a Txn */ else { try { pRequest2Txn(op.getType(), zxid, request, subrequest, false); type = request.getHdr().getType(); txn = request.getTxn(); } catch (KeeperException e) { ke = e; type = OpCode.error; txn = new ErrorTxn(e.code().intValue()); if (e.code().intValue() > Code.APIERROR.intValue()) { LOG.info("Got user-level KeeperException when processing { } aborting " + " remaining multi ops. Error Path:{} Error:{}", request.toString(), e.getPath(), e.getMessage()); } request.setException(e); /* Rollback change records from failed multi-op */ rollbackPendingChanges(zxid, pendingChanges); } } //FIXME: I don't want to have to serialize it here and then // immediately deserialize in next processor. But I'm // not sure how else to get the txn stored into our list. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryOutputArchive boa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(baos); txn.serialize(boa, "request"); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray()); txns.add(new Txn(type, bb.array())); } request.setHdr(new TxnHeader(request.sessionId, request.cxid, zxid, Time.currentWallTime(), request.type)); request.setTxn(new MultiTxn(txns)); break; //create/close session don't require request record case OpCode.createSession: case OpCode.closeSession: if (!request.isLocalSession()) { pRequest2Txn(request.type, zks.getNextZxid(), request, null, true); } break; //All the rest don't need to create a Txn - just verify session case OpCode.sync: case OpCode.exists: case OpCode.getData: case OpCode.getACL: case OpCode.getChildren: case OpCode.getChildren2: case OpCode.ping: case OpCode.setWatches: case OpCode.checkWatches: case OpCode.removeWatches: zks.sessionTracker.checkSession(request.sessionId, request.getOwner()); break; default: LOG.warn("unknown type " + request.type); break; } } catch (KeeperException e) { ... ... } catch (Exception e) { ... ... } request.zxid = zks.getZxid(); nextProcessor.processRequest(request); }
void followLeader() throws InterruptedException { self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime(); long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle; self.setElectionTimeTaken(electionTimeTaken); LOG.info("FOLLOWING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken, QuorumPeer.FLE_TIME_UNIT); self.start_fle = 0; self.end_fle = 0; fzk.registerJMX(new FollowerBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean); try { QuorumServer leaderServer = findLeader(); try { connectToLeader(leaderServer.addr, leaderServer.hostname); long newEpochZxid = registerWithLeader(Leader.FOLLOWERINFO); if (self.isReconfigStateChange()) throw new Exception("learned about role change"); //check to see if the leader zxid is lower than ours //this should never happen but is just a safety check long newEpoch = ZxidUtils.getEpochFromZxid(newEpochZxid); if (newEpoch < self.getAcceptedEpoch()) { LOG.error("Proposed leader epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(newEpochZxid) + " is less than our accepted epoch " + ZxidUtils.zxidToString(self.getAcceptedEpoch())); throw new IOException("Error: Epoch of leader is lower"); } syncWithLeader(newEpochZxid); QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(); while (this.isRunning()) { readPacket(qp); processPacket(qp); } } catch (Exception e) { ... ... } } finally { zk.unregisterJMX((Learner) this); } } void readPacket(QuorumPacket pp) throws IOException { synchronized (leaderIs) { leaderIs.readRecord(pp, "packet"); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { final long traceMask = (pp.getType() == Leader.PING) ? ZooTrace.SERVER_PING_TRACE_MASK : ZooTrace.SERVER_PACKET_TRACE_MASK; ZooTrace.logQuorumPacket(LOG, traceMask, 'i', pp); } } protected void processPacket(QuorumPacket qp) throws Exception { switch (qp.getType()) { case Leader.PING: ping(qp); break; case Leader.PROPOSAL: TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(); Record txn = SerializeUtils.deserializeTxn(qp.getData(), hdr); if (hdr.getZxid() != lastQueued + 1) { LOG.warn("Got zxid 0x" + Long.toHexString(hdr.getZxid()) + " expected 0x" + Long.toHexString(lastQueued + 1)); } lastQueued = hdr.getZxid(); if (hdr.getType() == OpCode.reconfig) { SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) txn; QuorumVerifier qv = self.configFromString(new String(setDataTxn.getData())); self.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(qv, true); } fzk.logRequest(hdr, txn); break; case Leader.COMMIT: fzk.commit(qp.getZxid()); break; case Leader.COMMITANDACTIVATE: // get the new configuration from the request Request request = fzk.pendingTxns.element(); SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) request.getTxn(); QuorumVerifier qv = self.configFromString(new String(setDataTxn.getData())); // get new designated leader from (current) leader's message ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(qp.getData()); long suggestedLeaderId = buffer.getLong(); boolean majorChange = self.processReconfig(qv, suggestedLeaderId, qp.getZxid(), true); // commit (writes the new config to ZK tree (/zookeeper/config) fzk.commit(qp.getZxid()); if (majorChange) { throw new Exception("changes proposed in reconfig"); } break; case Leader.UPTODATE: LOG.error("Received an UPTODATE message after Follower started"); break; case Leader.REVALIDATE: revalidate(qp); break; case Leader.SYNC: fzk.sync(); break; default: LOG.warn("Unknown packet type: {}", LearnerHandler.packetToString(qp)); break; } }
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ZOOBIN="$(dirname "${ZOOBIN}")"
ZOOBINDIR="$(cd "${ZOOBIN}"; pwd)"
if [ -e "$ZOOBIN/../libexec/zkEnv.sh" ]; then
. "$ZOOBINDIR"/../libexec/zkEnv.sh
. "$ZOOBINDIR"/zkEnv.sh
"$JAVA" "-Dzookeeper.log.dir=${ZOO_LOG_DIR}" "-
Dzookeeper.root.logger=${ZOO_LOG4J_PROP}" "-
Dzookeeper.log.file=${ZOO_LOG_FILE}" \
org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeperMain "$@"
在 ZkCli.sh 启动 Zookeeper 时,会调用 ZooKeeperMain.java
public static void main(String args[]) throws CliException, IOException, InterruptedException {
ZooKeeperMain main = new ZooKeeperMain(args);
连接 zk
public ZooKeeperMain(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException { cl.parseOptions(args); System.out.println("Connecting to " + cl.getOption("server")); connectToZK(cl.getOption("server")); } protected void connectToZK(String newHost) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (zk != null && zk.getState().isAlive()) { zk.close(); } host = newHost; boolean readOnly = cl.getOption("readonly") != null; if (cl.getOption("secure") != null) { System.setProperty(ZKClientConfig.SECURE_CLIENT, "true"); System.out.println("Secure connection is enabled"); } zk = new ZooKeeperAdmin(host, Integer.parseInt(cl.getOption("timeout")), new MyWatcher(), readOnly); }
创建 ZooKeeperAdmin 对象
public ZooKeeperAdmin(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly) throws IOException { super(connectString, sessionTimeout, watcher, canBeReadOnly); } public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly) throws IOException { this(connectString, sessionTimeout, watcher, canBeReadOnly, createDefaultHostProvider(connectString)); } public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider) throws IOException { this(connectString, sessionTimeout, watcher, canBeReadOnly, aHostProvider, null); }
public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig) throws IOException { LOG.info("Initiating client connection, connectString=" + connectString + " sessionTimeout=" + sessionTimeout + " watcher=" + watcher); if (clientConfig == null) { clientConfig = new ZKClientConfig(); } this.clientConfig = clientConfig; watchManager = defaultWatchManager(); // 赋值 watcher 给默认的 defaultWatcher watchManager.defaultWatcher = watcher; ConnectStringParser connectStringParser = new ConnectStringParser( connectString); hostProvider = aHostProvider; // 客户端与服务器端通信的终端 cnxn = createConnection(connectStringParser.getChrootPath(), hostProvider, sessionTimeout, this, watchManager, getClientCnxnSocket(), canBeReadOnly); cnxn.start(); }
public ConnectStringParser(String connectString) { // connectString = "hadoop102:2181,hadoop103:2181,hadoop104:2181" // parse out chroot, if any int off = connectString.indexOf('/'); if (off >= 0) { String chrootPath = connectString.substring(off); // ignore "/" chroot spec, same as null if (chrootPath.length() == 1) { this.chrootPath = null; } else { PathUtils.validatePath(chrootPath); this.chrootPath = chrootPath; } connectString = connectString.substring(0, off); } else { this.chrootPath = null; } // "hadoop102:2181,hadoop103:2181,hadoop104:2181"用逗号切割 List<String> hostsList = split(connectString, ","); for (String host : hostsList) { int port = DEFAULT_PORT; int pidx = host.lastIndexOf(':'); if (pidx >= 0) { // otherwise : is at the end of the string, ignore if (pidx < host.length() - 1) { port = Integer.parseInt(host.substring(pidx + 1)); } host = host.substring(0, pidx); } serverAddresses.add(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(host, port)); } } private final ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> serverAddresses = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>(); public class InetSocketAddress extends SocketAddress { // Private implementation class pointed to by all public methods. private static class InetSocketAddressHolder { // The hostname of the Socket Address 主机名称 private String hostname; // The IP address of the Socket Address 通信地址 private InetAddress addr; // The port number of the Socket Address 端口号 private int port; ...... } ...... }
public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, boolean canBeReadOnly, HostProvider aHostProvider, ZKClientConfig clientConfig) throws IOException { LOG.info("Initiating client connection, connectString=" + connectString + " sessionTimeout=" + sessionTimeout + " watcher=" + watcher); if (clientConfig == null) { clientConfig = new ZKClientConfig(); } this.clientConfig = clientConfig; watchManager = defaultWatchManager(); // 赋值 watcher 给默认的 defaultWatcher watchManager.defaultWatcher = watcher; ConnectStringParser connectStringParser = new ConnectStringParser( connectString); hostProvider = aHostProvider; // 客户端与服务器端通信的终端 cnxn = createConnection(connectStringParser.getChrootPath(), hostProvider, sessionTimeout, this, watchManager, getClientCnxnSocket(), canBeReadOnly); cnxn.start(); } private ClientCnxnSocket getClientCnxnSocket() throws IOException { String clientCnxnSocketName = getClientConfig().getProperty( ZKClientConfig.ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_CNXN_SOCKET); if (clientCnxnSocketName == null) { clientCnxnSocketName = ClientCnxnSocketNIO.class.getName(); } try { // 通过反射获取 clientCxnSocket 对象 Constructor<?> clientCxnConstructor = Class.forName(clientCnxnSocketName).getDeclaredConstructor(ZKClientConfig.class); ClientCnxnSocket clientCxnSocket = (ClientCnxnSocket) clientCxnConstructor.newInstance(getClientConfig()); return clientCxnSocket; } catch (Exception e) { IOException ioe = new IOException("Couldn't instantiate " + clientCnxnSocketName); ioe.initCause(e); throw ioe; } } public static final String ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_CNXN_SOCKET = ZooKeeper.ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_CNXN_SOCKET; public static final String ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_CNXN_SOCKET = "zookeeper.clientCnxnSocket"; protected ClientCnxn createConnection(String chrootPath, HostProvider hostProvider, int sessionTimeout, ZooKeeper zooKeeper, ClientWatchManager watcher, ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket, boolean canBeReadOnly) throws IOException { return new ClientCnxn(chrootPath, hostProvider, sessionTimeout, this, watchManager, clientCnxnSocket, canBeReadOnly); } public ClientCnxn(String chrootPath, HostProvider hostProvider, int sessionTimeout, ZooKeeper zooKeeper, ClientWatchManager watcher, ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket, boolean canBeReadOnly) throws IOException { this(chrootPath, hostProvider, sessionTimeout, zooKeeper, watcher, clientCnxnSocket, 0, new byte[16], canBeReadOnly); } public ClientCnxn(String chrootPath, HostProvider hostProvider, int sessionTimeout, ZooKeeper zooKeeper, ClientWatchManager watcher, ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket, long sessionId, byte[] sessionPasswd, boolean canBeReadOnly) { this.zooKeeper = zooKeeper; this.watcher = watcher; this.sessionId = sessionId; this.sessionPasswd = sessionPasswd; this.sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout; this.hostProvider = hostProvider; this.chrootPath = chrootPath; connectTimeout = sessionTimeout / hostProvider.size(); readTimeout = sessionTimeout * 2 / 3; readOnly = canBeReadOnly; // 创建了两个线程 sendThread = new SendThread(clientCnxnSocket); eventThread = new EventThread(); this.clientConfig = zooKeeper.getClientConfig(); initRequestTimeout(); } public void start() { sendThread.start(); eventThread.start(); } SendThread(ClientCnxnSocket clientCnxnSocket) { super(makeThreadName("-SendThread()")); state = States.CONNECTING; this.clientCnxnSocket = clientCnxnSocket; setDaemon(true); } public ZooKeeperThread(String threadName) { super(threadName); setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionalHandler); } public class ZooKeeperThread extends Thread { } // ZooKeeperThread 是一个线程,执行它的 run()方法 public void run() { clientCnxnSocket.introduce(this, sessionId, outgoingQueue); clientCnxnSocket.updateNow(); clientCnxnSocket.updateLastSendAndHeard(); int to; long lastPingRwServer = Time.currentElapsedTime(); final int MAX_SEND_PING_INTERVAL = 10000; //10 seconds InetSocketAddress serverAddress = null; // 在循环里面,循环发送,循环接收 while (state.isAlive()) { try { if (!clientCnxnSocket.isConnected()) { // don't re-establish connection if we are closing if (closing) { break; } if (rwServerAddress != null) { serverAddress = rwServerAddress; rwServerAddress = null; } else { serverAddress = hostProvider.next(1000); } // 启动连接服务端 startConnect(serverAddress); clientCnxnSocket.updateLastSendAndHeard(); } if (state.isConnected()) { ... ... to = readTimeout - clientCnxnSocket.getIdleRecv(); } else { to = connectTimeout - clientCnxnSocket.getIdleRecv(); } if (to <= 0) { String warnInfo; warnInfo = "Client session timed out, have not heard from server in " + clientCnxnSocket.getIdleRecv() + "ms" + " for sessionid 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId); LOG.warn(warnInfo); throw new SessionTimeoutException(warnInfo); } if (state.isConnected()) { //1000(1 second) is to prevent race condition missing to send the second ping //also make sure not to send too many pings when readTimeout is small int timeToNextPing = readTimeout / 2 - clientCnxnSocket.getIdleSend() - ((clientCnxnSocket.getIdleSend() > 1000) ? 1000 : 0); //send a ping request either time is due or no packet sent out within MAX_SEND_PING_INTERVAL if (timeToNextPing <= 0 || clientCnxnSocket.getIdleSend() > MAX_SEND_PING_INTERVAL) { sendPing(); clientCnxnSocket.updateLastSend(); } else { if (timeToNextPing < to) { to = timeToNextPing; } } } // If we are in read-only mode, seek for read/write server if (state == States.CONNECTEDREADONLY) { long now = Time.currentElapsedTime(); int idlePingRwServer = (int) (now - lastPingRwServer); if (idlePingRwServer >= pingRwTimeout) { lastPingRwServer = now; idlePingRwServer = 0; pingRwTimeout = Math.min(2 * pingRwTimeout, maxPingRwTimeout); pingRwServer(); } to = Math.min(to, pingRwTimeout - idlePingRwServer); } // 接收服务端响应,并处理 clientCnxnSocket.doTransport(to, pendingQueue, ClientCnxn.this); } catch (Throwable e) { ... ... } } synchronized (state) { // When it comes to this point, it guarantees that later queued // packet to outgoingQueue will be notified of death. cleanup(); } clientCnxnSocket.close(); if (state.isAlive()) { eventThread.queueEvent(new WatchedEvent(Event.EventType.None, Event.KeeperState.Disconnected, null)); } eventThread.queueEvent(new WatchedEvent(Event.EventType.None, Event.KeeperState.Closed, null)); ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.getTextTraceLevel(), "SendThread exited loop for session: 0x" + Long.toHexString(getSessionId())); } private void startConnect(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException { // initializing it for new connection saslLoginFailed = false; if (!isFirstConnect) { try { Thread.sleep(r.nextInt(1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception", e); } } state = States.CONNECTING; String hostPort = addr.getHostString() + ":" + addr.getPort(); MDC.put("myid", hostPort); setName(getName().replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "(" + hostPort + ")")); if (clientConfig.isSaslClientEnabled()) { try { if (zooKeeperSaslClient != null) { zooKeeperSaslClient.shutdown(); } zooKeeperSaslClient = new ZooKeeperSaslClient(SaslServerPrincipal.getServerPrincipal(addr, clientConfig), clientConfig); } catch (LoginException e) { ... ... } } logStartConnect(addr); // 建立连接 clientCnxnSocket.connect(addr); }
connect 实现类,ClientCnxnSocketNIO.java
void connect(InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException { SocketChannel sock = createSock(); try { registerAndConnect(sock, addr); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to open socket to " + addr); sock.close(); throw e; } initialized = false; /* * Reset incomingBuffer */ lenBuffer.clear(); incomingBuffer = lenBuffer; } void registerAndConnect(SocketChannel sock, InetSocketAddress addr) throws IOException { sockKey = sock.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); boolean immediateConnect = sock.connect(addr); if (immediateConnect) { sendThread.primeConnection(); } } void primeConnection() throws IOException { LOG.info("Socket connection established, initiating session, client: {}, server: {}", clientCnxnSocket.getLocalSocketAddress(), clientCnxnSocket.getRemoteSocketAddress()); // 标记不是第一次连接 isFirstConnect = false; ... ... }
doTransport 实现类,ClientCnxnSocketNIO.java
void doTransport(int waitTimeOut, List<Packet> pendingQueue, ClientCnxn cnxn) throws IOException, InterruptedException { selector.select(waitTimeOut); Set<SelectionKey> selected; synchronized (this) { selected = selector.selectedKeys(); } // Everything below and until we get back to the select is // non blocking, so time is effectively a constant. That is // Why we just have to do this once, here updateNow(); for (SelectionKey k : selected) { SocketChannel sc = ((SocketChannel) k.channel()); if ((k.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) { if (sc.finishConnect()) { updateLastSendAndHeard(); updateSocketAddresses(); sendThread.primeConnection(); } } else if ((k.readyOps() & (SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)) != 0) { doIO(pendingQueue, cnxn); } } if (sendThread.getZkState().isConnected()) { if (findSendablePacket(outgoingQueue, sendThread.tunnelAuthInProgress()) != null) { enableWrite(); } } selected.clear(); } void doIO(List<Packet> pendingQueue, ClientCnxn cnxn) throws InterruptedException, IOException { SocketChannel sock = (SocketChannel) sockKey.channel(); if (sock == null) { throw new IOException("Socket is null!"); } if (sockKey.isReadable()) { int rc = sock.read(incomingBuffer); if (rc < 0) { throw new EndOfStreamException( "Unable to read additional data from server sessionid 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionId) + ", likely server has closed socket"); } if (!incomingBuffer.hasRemaining()) { incomingBuffer.flip(); if (incomingBuffer == lenBuffer) { recvCount.getAndIncrement(); readLength(); } else if (!initialized) { readConnectResult(); enableRead(); if (findSendablePacket(outgoingQueue, sendThread.tunnelAuthInProgress()) != null) { // Since SASL authentication has completed (if client is configured to do so), // outgoing packets waiting in the outgoingQueue can now be sent. enableWrite(); } lenBuffer.clear(); incomingBuffer = lenBuffer; updateLastHeard(); initialized = true; } else { // 读取服务端应答 sendThread.readResponse(incomingBuffer); lenBuffer.clear(); incomingBuffer = lenBuffer; updateLastHeard(); } } } if (sockKey.isWritable()) { Packet p = findSendablePacket(outgoingQueue, sendThread.tunnelAuthInProgress()); if (p != null) { updateLastSend(); // If we already started writing p, p.bb will already exist if (p.bb == null) { if ((p.requestHeader != null) && (p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.ping) && (p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.auth)) { p.requestHeader.setXid(cnxn.getXid()); } p.createBB(); } sock.write(p.bb); if (!p.bb.hasRemaining()) { sentCount.getAndIncrement(); outgoingQueue.removeFirstOccurrence(p); if (p.requestHeader != null && p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.ping && p.requestHeader.getType() != OpCode.auth) { synchronized (pendingQueue) { pendingQueue.add(p); } } } } if (outgoingQueue.isEmpty()) { // No more packets to send: turn off write interest flag. // Will be turned on later by a later call to enableWrite(), // from within ZooKeeperSaslClient (if client is configured // to attempt SASL authentication), or in either doIO() or // in doTransport() if not. disableWrite(); } else if (!initialized && p != null && !p.bb.hasRemaining()) { // On initial connection, write the complete connect request // packet, but then disable further writes until after // receiving a successful connection response. If the // session is expired, then the server sends the expiration // response and immediately closes its end of the socket. If // the client is simultaneously writing on its end, then the // TCP stack may choose to abort with RST, in which case the // client would never receive the session expired event. See //http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/net/articles/connection_release.html disableWrite(); } else { // Just in case enableWrite(); } } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws CliException, IOException, InterruptedException { ZooKeeperMain main = new ZooKeeperMain(args); main.run(); } void run() throws CliException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (cl.getCommand() == null) { System.out.println("Welcome to ZooKeeper!"); boolean jlinemissing = false; // only use jline if it's in the classpath try { Class<?> consoleC = Class.forName("jline.console.ConsoleReader"); Class<?> completorC = Class.forName("org.apache.zookeeper.JLineZNodeCompleter"); System.out.println("JLine support is enabled"); Object console = consoleC.getConstructor().newInstance(); Object completor = completorC.getConstructor(ZooKeeper.class).newInstance(zk); Method addCompletor = consoleC.getMethod("addCompleter", Class.forName("jline.console.completer.Completer")); addCompletor.invoke(console, completor); String line; Method readLine = consoleC.getMethod("readLine", String.class); while ((line = (String) readLine.invoke(console, getPrompt())) != null) { executeLine(line); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { ... ... } if (jlinemissing) { System.out.println("JLine support is disabled"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // 一行一行读取命令 executeLine(line); } } } else { // Command line args non-null. Run what was passed. processCmd(cl); } System.exit(exitCode); } public void executeLine(String line) throws CliException, InterruptedException, IOException { if (!line.equals("")) { cl.parseCommand(line); addToHistory(commandCount, line); // 处理客户端命令 processCmd(cl); commandCount++; } } protected boolean processCmd(MyCommandOptions co) throws CliException, IOException, InterruptedException { boolean watch = false; try { // 解析命令 watch = processZKCmd(co); exitCode = 0; } catch (CliException ex) { exitCode = ex.getExitCode(); System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } return watch; } protected boolean processZKCmd(MyCommandOptions co) throws CliException, IOException, InterruptedException { String[] args = co.getArgArray(); String cmd = co.getCommand(); if (args.length < 1) { usage(); throw new MalformedCommandException("No command entered"); } if (!commandMap.containsKey(cmd)) { usage(); throw new CommandNotFoundException("Command not found " + cmd); } boolean watch = false; LOG.debug("Processing " + cmd); if (cmd.equals("quit")) { zk.close(); System.exit(exitCode); } else if (cmd.equals("redo") && args.length >= 2) { Integer i = Integer.decode(args[1]); if (commandCount <= i || i < 0) { // don't allow redoing this redo throw new MalformedCommandException("Command index out of range"); } cl.parseCommand(history.get(i)); if (cl.getCommand().equals("redo")) { throw new MalformedCommandException("No redoing redos"); } history.put(commandCount, history.get(i)); processCmd(cl); } else if (cmd.equals("history")) { for (int i = commandCount - 10; i <= commandCount; ++i) { if (i < 0) continue; System.out.println(i + " - " + history.get(i)); } } else if (cmd.equals("printwatches")) { if (args.length == 1) { System.out.println("printwatches is " + (printWatches ? "on" : "off")); } else { printWatches = args[1].equals("on"); } } else if (cmd.equals("connect")) { if (args.length >= 2) { connectToZK(args[1]); } else { connectToZK(host); } } // Below commands all need a live connection if (zk == null || !zk.getState().isAlive()) { System.out.println("Not connected"); return false; } // execute from commandMap CliCommand cliCmd = commandMapCli.get(cmd); if (cliCmd != null) { cliCmd.setZk(zk); watch = cliCmd.parse(args).exec(); } else if (!commandMap.containsKey(cmd)) { usage(); } return watch; }
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