- from collections import deque
- #输初始化数据
- maps = []
- q = deque()
- direct={(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)}#草能蔓延的四个方向
- #读入数据
- n,m=map(int,input().strip().split())
- for _ in range(n):
- maps.append(list(input()))
- k=int(input())
- #遍历maps,如果有草则添加进队列
- for i in range(n):
- for j in range(m):
- if maps[i][j]=='g':
- q.append((i,j))
- #bfs广度优先遍历
- def bfs():
- t=len(q)
- #遍历当前队列里所有存储有草的地方
- while t>0:
- temp=q.popleft()
- x,y=temp[0],temp[1]#当前有草的坐标
- for dx,dy in direct:
- #有草的地方像四处蔓延
- nx=x+dx
- ny=y+dy
- if nx>=0 and ny>=0 and nx<n and ny<m and maps[nx][ny]=='.':
- #判断是否越界或者是否有草
- #没越界或是空地则添加进队列好下一次遍历并种上草
- maps[nx][ny]='g'
- q.append((nx,ny))
- t-=1
- #调用bfs的次数,既是长草几个月
- for _ in range(k):
- bfs()
- for i in maps:
- print(''.join(i))
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