- <Image
- ohos:id="$+id:image_message"
- ohos:width="match_content"
- ohos:image_src="$media:rick_c137"
- ohos:height="match_content"
- ohos:scale_mode="zoom_center"
- ohos:background_element="$graphic:message_background"
- ohos:left_margin="15vp"
- ohos:left_padding="15vp"
- ohos:right_padding="15vp"
- ohos:right_margin="15vp"
- ohos:top_margin="15vp"
- ohos:top_padding="15vp"
- ohos:bottom_margin="15vp"
- ohos:bottom_padding="15vp"
- ohos:margin="5vp"/>

- Component container = LayoutScatter.getInstance(context).parse(ResourceTable.Layout_image_message_list_item, null, false);
- Image image = (Image) container.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_image_message);
- DataAbilityHelper helper=DataAbilityHelper.creator(context);
- ImageSource imageSource;
- Uri uri = Uri.parse(aMessage.getMessage());
- FileDescriptor fd = null;
- try {
- fd = helper.openFile(uri, "r");
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException | FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- //创建位图
- PixelMap pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- imageSource.release();
- helper.release();
- return container;

Uri.appendEncodedPathToUri(AVStorage.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_DATA_ABILITY_URI, String.valueOf(id));
- public class PictureManager {
- private static final String TAG = PictureManager.class.getSimpleName();
- private List<Uri> imagePathElements = new ArrayList<>();
- private Context context;
- /**
- * The construction method of this class
- *
- * @param context Context
- */
- public PictureManager(Context context) {
- this.context = context;
- loadFromMediaLibrary(context);
- }
- private void loadFromMediaLibrary(Context context) {
- Uri remoteUri = AVStorage.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_DATA_ABILITY_URI;
- DataAbilityHelper helper = DataAbilityHelper.creator(context, remoteUri, false);
- try {
- ResultSet resultSet = helper.query(remoteUri, null, null);
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The result size: " + resultSet.getRowCount());
- processResult(resultSet);
- resultSet.close();
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException e) {
- LogUtil.error(TAG, "Query system media failed.");
- } finally {
- helper.release();
- }
- }
- private void processResult(ResultSet resultSet) {
- while (resultSet.goToNextRow()) {
- String path = resultSet.getString(resultSet.getColumnIndexForName(AVStorage.AVBaseColumns.DATA));
- String title = resultSet.getString(resultSet.getColumnIndexForName(AVStorage.AVBaseColumns.TITLE));
- String id = resultSet.getString(resultSet.getColumnIndexForName(AVStorage.Images.Media.ID));
- Uri uri = Uri.appendEncodedPathToUri(AVStorage.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_DATA_ABILITY_URI, String.valueOf(id));
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The title is: " + title);
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The path is: " + path);
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The id is: " + id);
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The uri is: " + uri);
- imagePathElements.add(uri);
- }
- }
- public List<Uri> getimageElements() {
- LogUtil.info(TAG, "The size is: " + imagePathElements.size());
- return imagePathElements;
- }
- }

如何将Uri显示为图片?在鸿蒙中Image组件可通过调用setPixelMap方法设置,参数是PixMap对象。可以通过ImageSource根据FileDescriptor 创建位图
- DataAbilityHelper helper=DataAbilityHelper.creator(slice.getContext());
- ImageSource imageSource;
- FileDescriptor fd = null;
- fd = helper.openFile(uri, "r");
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- PixelMap pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- DataAbilityHelper helper=DataAbilityHelper.creator(slice.getContext());
- //定义图片来源对象
- ImageSource imageSource;
- Uri[] uris = imageLineItem.getUris();
- FileDescriptor fd = null;
- image1.setClickedListener(component1 -> {
- mainAbilitySlice.addAndUpdateMessage(mainAbilitySlice.getMessageDataSize(), String.valueOf(uris[0]),"image");
- mainAbilitySlice.getDialog().destroy();
- });
- try {
- fd = helper.openFile(uris[0], "r");
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException | FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- //创建位图
- PixelMap pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image1.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- imageSource.release();
- helper.release();

- public class ImageLineItem {
- private int index;
- private Uri[] uris;
- public ImageLineItem(int index) {
- this.index = index;
- }
- public int getIndex() {
- return index;
- }
- public void setIndex(int index) {
- this.index = index;
- }
- public Uri[] getUris() {
- return uris;
- }
- public void setUris(Uri[] uris) {
- this.uris = uris;
- }
- }

- public class ImageLineProvider extends BaseItemProvider {
- private static final String TAG = ImageLineProvider.class.getSimpleName();
- private List<ImageLineItem> list;
- private AbilitySlice slice;
- private MainAbilitySlice mainAbilitySlice;
- public void setMainAbilitySlice(MainAbilitySlice mainAbilitySlice){
- this.mainAbilitySlice = mainAbilitySlice;
- }
- public ImageLineProvider(List<ImageLineItem> list, AbilitySlice slice) {
- LogUtil.info(TAG,"list.size() : "+list.size());
- this.list = list;
- this.slice = slice;
- }
- @Override
- public int getCount() {
- return list == null ? 0 : list.size();
- }
- @Override
- public Object getItem(int position) {
- if (list != null && position >= 0 && position < list.size()){
- return list.get(position);
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public long getItemId(int position) {
- return position;
- }
- private Component getItemComponent(int position) {
- return getComponent(position);
- }
- private Component getComponent(int position) {
- LogUtil.info(TAG,"list.size()"+list.size());
- final Component cpt;
- cpt = LayoutScatter.getInstance(slice).parse(ResourceTable.Layout_images_line, null, false);
- ImageLineItem imageLineItem = list.get(position);
- Image image1,image2,image3;
- image1 = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_image1);
- image2 = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_image2);
- image3 = (Image) cpt.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_image3);
- DataAbilityHelper helper=DataAbilityHelper.creator(slice.getContext());
- //定义图片来源对象
- ImageSource imageSource;
- Uri[] uris = imageLineItem.getUris();
- FileDescriptor fd = null;
- image1.setClickedListener(component1 -> {
- mainAbilitySlice.addAndUpdateMessage(mainAbilitySlice.getMessageDataSize(), String.valueOf(uris[0]),"image");
- mainAbilitySlice.getDialog().destroy();
- });
- image2.setClickedListener(component1 -> {
- mainAbilitySlice.addAndUpdateMessage(mainAbilitySlice.getMessageDataSize(), String.valueOf(uris[1]),"image");
- mainAbilitySlice.getDialog().destroy();
- });
- image3.setClickedListener(component1 -> {
- mainAbilitySlice.addAndUpdateMessage(mainAbilitySlice.getMessageDataSize(), String.valueOf(uris[2]),"image");
- mainAbilitySlice.getDialog().destroy();
- });
- try {
- fd = helper.openFile(uris[0], "r");
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException | FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- //创建位图
- PixelMap pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image1.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- imageSource.release();
- helper.release();
- try {
- fd = helper.openFile(uris[1], "r");
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException | FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- //创建位图
- pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image2.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- imageSource.release();
- helper.release();
- try {
- fd = helper.openFile(uris[2], "r");
- } catch (DataAbilityRemoteException | FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- imageSource = ImageSource.create(fd, null);
- //创建位图
- pixelMap = imageSource.createPixelmap(null);
- image3.setPixelMap(pixelMap);
- imageSource.release();
- helper.release();
- return cpt;
- }
- @Override
- public Component getComponent(int position, Component convertComponent, ComponentContainer componentContainer) {
- return getItemComponent(position);
- }
- }

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