在ArcGIS Engine开发过程中,比较常用并且重要的功能就是数据转换,对于数据转换方法您是否足够清楚?ArcGIS Engine中常用的数据转换方法有哪些?各种转换方法的优缺点是什么?采用哪种方法效率更高?如果您对这些问题感兴趣,那么一定要阅读下面文章,相信一定会让您有所收获。
IFeatureDataConverter:细粒度,用于复制单个简单要素类或者要素数据集。优点:可使用QueryFilter(属性和空间均可)进行过滤,可以设置SubFields指定复制哪些字段,可以改变要素类的geometry definition以及设置configuration_keyword。除此之外,还可以在基于文件的数据源(如ShapeFile)与地理数据库之间进行复制。缺点:只能转换简单要素类和要素数据集,无法转换关系类,几何网络,拓扑等复杂对象。
IGdbXmlExport and IGdbXmlImport:使用XML作为中间文件,适用于两个地理数据库之间复制一个或多个数据集。优点:可以在离线下使用。比如SDE往其它地理数据库中进行数据导入,在连接上SDE时生成xml文件,后面即使断开该SDE连接,也可以成功将xml(可仅包括Schema,也可以包含数据)导入到目标库中。还有一个优点是便于数据共享与传输,如果给多个人共享数据,只需拷贝该xml文件即可。
IWorkspaceFactory(copy或者move):复制或移动整个local geodatabase或SDE 连接文件。
1, 使用IFeatureDataConverter.ConvertFeatureClass将FileGDB中要素类导入SDE中所用时间为:3分钟16秒。为了便于对比,这里没有设置查询条件以及SubFields等。
4,最后测试使用IExportOperation.ExportFeatureClass 方法,注意该接口只能在Desktop产品下使用,也就是程序中需要绑定Desktop并且初始化Standard或者Advanced许可。执行该方法时会自动出现进度条来显示进度。
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Catalog;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseDistributed;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseUI;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- namespace convertingData
- {
- public partial class Form1 : Form
- {
- public Form1()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- string sdePath = @"C:\Users\Xinying\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\Connection to";
- string fileGDBPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\test.gdb";
- string sourceFCName = "testPoint_20w";
- string targetFCName = "testPoint_20w_sde";
- string outputXmlFile = Application.StartupPath + "\\workspaceGDB.XML";
- private void iFeatureDataConverterToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- ConvertFileGDBToSDE(fileGDBPath, sourceFCName, targetFCName);
- myWatch.Stop();
- string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString();
- MessageBox.Show(time + " Minutes");
- }
- public void ConvertFileGDBToSDE(string fileGDBPath, string sourceFCName, string targetFCName)
- {
- // Create a name object for the source (fileGDB) workspace and open it.
- IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", fileGDBPath);
- IName sourceWorkspaceIName = (IName)sourceWorkspaceName;
- IWorkspace sourceWorkspace = (IWorkspace)sourceWorkspaceIName.Open();
- // Create a name object for the target (SDE) workspace and open it.
- IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);
- IName targetWorkspaceIName = (IName)targetWorkspaceName;
- IWorkspace targetWorkspace = (IWorkspace)targetWorkspaceIName.Open();
- // Create a name object for the source dataset.
- IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(sourceWorkspaceName, sourceFCName);
- // Create a name object for the target dataset.
- IFeatureClassName targetFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(targetWorkspaceName, targetFCName);
- // Open source feature class to get field definitions.
- IName sourceName = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName;
- IFeatureClass sourceFeatureClass = (IFeatureClass)sourceName.Open();
- // Create the objects and references necessary for field validation.
- IFieldChecker fieldChecker = new FieldCheckerClass();
- IFields sourceFields = sourceFeatureClass.Fields;
- IFields targetFields = null;
- IEnumFieldError enumFieldError = null;
- // Set the required properties for the IFieldChecker interface.
- fieldChecker.InputWorkspace = sourceWorkspace;
- fieldChecker.ValidateWorkspace = targetWorkspace;
- // Validate the fields and check for errors.
- fieldChecker.Validate(sourceFields, out enumFieldError, out targetFields);
- if (enumFieldError != null)
- {
- // Handle the errors in a way appropriate to your application.
- Console.WriteLine("Errors were encountered during field validation.");
- }
- // Find the shape field.
- String shapeFieldName = sourceFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
- int shapeFieldIndex = sourceFeatureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName);
- IField shapeField = sourceFields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
- // Get the geometry definition from the shape field and clone it.
- IGeometryDef geometryDef = shapeField.GeometryDef;
- IClone geometryDefClone = (IClone)geometryDef;
- IClone targetGeometryDefClone = geometryDefClone.Clone();
- IGeometryDef targetGeometryDef = (IGeometryDef)targetGeometryDefClone;
- // Cast the IGeometryDef to the IGeometryDefEdit interface.
- IGeometryDefEdit targetGeometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)targetGeometryDef;
- // Set the IGeometryDefEdit properties.
- //targetGeometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1;
- //targetGeometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, 0.75);
- // Create a query filter to only select features you want to convert
- IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
- // Create the converter and run the conversion.
- IFeatureDataConverter featureDataConverter = new FeatureDataConverterClass();
- IEnumInvalidObject enumInvalidObject = featureDataConverter.ConvertFeatureClass
- (sourceFeatureClassName, queryFilter, null, targetFeatureClassName,
- targetGeometryDef, targetFields, "", 1000, 0);
- // Check for errors.
- IInvalidObjectInfo invalidObjectInfo = null;
- enumInvalidObject.Reset();
- while ((invalidObjectInfo = enumInvalidObject.Next()) != null)
- {
- // Handle the errors in a way appropriate to the application.
- Console.WriteLine("Errors occurred for the following feature: {0}",
- invalidObjectInfo.InvalidObjectID);
- }
- }
- //"esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory"
- //"esriDataSourcesFile.ShapefileWorkspaceFactory"
- //"esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory"
- private IWorkspaceName getWorkspaceName(string WorkspaceFactoryProgID, string PathName)
- {
- IWorkspaceName workspaceName = new WorkspaceNameClass
- {
- WorkspaceFactoryProgID = WorkspaceFactoryProgID,
- PathName = PathName
- };
- return workspaceName;
- }
- private IFeatureClassName getFeatureClassName(IWorkspaceName WorkspaceName, string Name)
- {
- // Create a name object for the dataset.
- IFeatureClassName featureClassName = new FeatureClassNameClass();
- IDatasetName datasetName = (IDatasetName)featureClassName;
- datasetName.Name = Name;
- datasetName.WorkspaceName = WorkspaceName;
- return featureClassName;
- }
- private void iGeoDBTransferToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- TansferFileGDBToSDE(fileGDBPath, sourceFCName);
- myWatch.Stop();
- string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString();
- MessageBox.Show(time + " Minutes");
- }
- public void TansferFileGDBToSDE(string fileGDBPath, string sourceFCName)
- {
- // Create workspace name objects.
- IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", fileGDBPath);
- // Create a name object for the target (SDE) workspace and open it.
- IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);
- IName targetName = (IName)targetWorkspaceName;
- // Create a name object for the source dataset.
- IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(sourceWorkspaceName, sourceFCName);
- IName sourceName = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName;
- // Create an enumerator for source datasets.
- IEnumName sourceEnumName = new NamesEnumeratorClass();
- IEnumNameEdit sourceEnumNameEdit = (IEnumNameEdit)sourceEnumName;
- // Add the name object for the source class to the enumerator.
- sourceEnumNameEdit.Add(sourceName);
- // Create a GeoDBDataTransfer object and a null name mapping enumerator.
- IGeoDBDataTransfer geoDBDataTransfer = new GeoDBDataTransferClass();
- IEnumNameMapping enumNameMapping = null;
- // Use the data transfer object to create a name mapping enumerator.
- Boolean conflictsFound = geoDBDataTransfer.GenerateNameMapping(sourceEnumName,
- targetName, out enumNameMapping);
- enumNameMapping.Reset();
- // Check for conflicts.
- if (conflictsFound)
- {
- // Iterate through each name mapping.
- INameMapping nameMapping = null;
- while ((nameMapping = enumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
- {
- // Resolve the mapping's conflict (if there is one).
- if (nameMapping.NameConflicts)
- {
- nameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);
- }
- // See if the mapping's children have conflicts.
- IEnumNameMapping childEnumNameMapping = nameMapping.Children;
- if (childEnumNameMapping != null)
- {
- childEnumNameMapping.Reset();
- // Iterate through each child mapping.
- INameMapping childNameMapping = null;
- while ((childNameMapping = childEnumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
- {
- if (childNameMapping.NameConflicts)
- {
- childNameMapping.TargetName = childNameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Start the transfer.
- geoDBDataTransfer.Transfer(enumNameMapping, targetName);
- }
- private void ExportDatasetToXML(string fileGdbPath, string sourceFCName, string outputXmlFile)
- {
- // Open the source geodatabase and create a name object for it.
- IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", fileGdbPath);
- IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(sourceWorkspaceName, sourceFCName);
- IName sourceName = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName;
- // Create a new names enumerator and add the feature dataset name.
- IEnumNameEdit enumNameEdit = new NamesEnumeratorClass();
- enumNameEdit.Add(sourceName);
- IEnumName enumName = (IEnumName)enumNameEdit;
- // Create a GeoDBDataTransfer object and create a name mapping.
- IGeoDBDataTransfer geoDBDataTransfer = new GeoDBDataTransferClass();
- IEnumNameMapping enumNameMapping = null;
- geoDBDataTransfer.GenerateNameMapping(enumName, sourceWorkspaceName as IName, out enumNameMapping);
- // Create an exporter and export the dataset with binary geometry, not compressed,
- // and including metadata.
- IGdbXmlExport gdbXmlExport = new GdbExporterClass();
- gdbXmlExport.ExportDatasets(enumNameMapping, outputXmlFile, true, false, true);
- }
- private void ImportXmlWorkspaceDocument(string inputXmlFile)
- {
- IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);
- IName targetName = (IName)targetWorkspaceName;
- IWorkspace targetWorkspace = (IWorkspace)targetName.Open();
- IGdbXmlImport gdbXmlImport = new GdbImporterClass();
- IEnumNameMapping enumNameMapping = null;
- Boolean conflictsFound = gdbXmlImport.GenerateNameMapping(inputXmlFile, targetWorkspace, out enumNameMapping);
- // Check for conflicts.
- if (conflictsFound)
- {
- // Iterate through each name mapping.
- INameMapping nameMapping = null;
- enumNameMapping.Reset();
- while ((nameMapping = enumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
- {
- // Resolve the mapping's conflict (if there is one).
- if (nameMapping.NameConflicts)
- {
- nameMapping.TargetName = nameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);
- }
- // See if the mapping's children have conflicts.
- IEnumNameMapping childEnumNameMapping = nameMapping.Children;
- if (childEnumNameMapping != null)
- {
- childEnumNameMapping.Reset();
- // Iterate through each child mapping.
- INameMapping childNameMapping = null;
- while ((childNameMapping = childEnumNameMapping.Next()) != null)
- {
- if (childNameMapping.NameConflicts)
- {
- childNameMapping.TargetName =
- childNameMapping.GetSuggestedName(targetName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Import the workspace document, including both schema and data.
- gdbXmlImport.ImportWorkspace(inputXmlFile, enumNameMapping, targetWorkspace, false);
- }
- private void exportDatasetToXMLImportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- ExportDatasetToXML(fileGDBPath, sourceFCName, outputXmlFile);
- myWatch.Stop();
- string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString();
- MessageBox.Show(time + " Minutes");
- Stopwatch myWatch1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- ImportXmlWorkspaceDocument(outputXmlFile);
- myWatch1.Stop();
- string time1 = myWatch1.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString();
- MessageBox.Show(time1 + " Minutes");
- }
- private void iExportOperationToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Stopwatch myWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- ExportOperationFileGDBToSDE(fileGDBPath, sourceFCName, targetFCName);
- myWatch.Stop();
- string time = myWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes.ToString();
- MessageBox.Show(time + " Minutes");
- }
- public void ExportOperationFileGDBToSDE(string fileGDBPath, string sourceFCName, string targetFCName)
- {
- // Create a name object for the source (file GDB) workspace and open it.
- IWorkspaceName sourceWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactory", fileGDBPath);
- IName sourceWorkspaceIName = (IName)sourceWorkspaceName;
- IWorkspace sourceWorkspace = (IWorkspace)sourceWorkspaceIName.Open();
- // Create a name object for the target (sde) workspace and open it.
- IWorkspaceName targetWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory", sdePath);
- // Create a name object for the source dataset.
- IFeatureClassName sourceFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(sourceWorkspaceName, sourceFCName);
- // Create a name object for the target dataset.
- IFeatureClassName targetFeatureClassName = getFeatureClassName(targetWorkspaceName, targetFCName);
- // Open source feature class to get field definitions.
- IName sourceName = (IName)sourceFeatureClassName;
- IFeatureClass sourceFeatureClass = (IFeatureClass)sourceName.Open();
- // Find the shape field.
- String shapeFieldName = sourceFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
- int shapeFieldIndex = sourceFeatureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName);
- IField shapeField = sourceFeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
- // Get the geometry definition from the shape field and clone it.
- IGeometryDef geometryDef = shapeField.GeometryDef;
- IClone geometryDefClone = (IClone)geometryDef;
- IClone targetGeometryDefClone = geometryDefClone.Clone();
- IGeometryDef targetGeometryDef = (IGeometryDef)targetGeometryDefClone;
- // Cast the IGeometryDef to the IGeometryDefEdit interface.
- IGeometryDefEdit targetGeometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)targetGeometryDef;
- // Set the IGeometryDefEdit properties.
- //targetGeometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 1;
- //targetGeometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, 0.75);
- // Create a query filter to only select features you want to convert
- IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
- // Create the converter and run the conversion.
- IExportOperation exportOperation = new ExportOperationClass();
- exportOperation.ExportFeatureClass(sourceFeatureClassName as IDatasetName, queryFilter, null, targetGeometryDef, targetFeatureClassName, 0);
- }
- private void ExecuteGP(IGPProcess GPProcess)
- {
- Geoprocessor gp = new Geoprocessor { OverwriteOutput = true };
- try
- {
- IGeoProcessorResult2 result = gp.Execute(GPProcess, null) as IGeoProcessorResult2;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "GP Error");
- }
- finally
- {
- System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < gp.MessageCount; i++)
- sb.AppendLine(gp.GetMessage(i));
- if (sb.Capacity > 0) MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "GP Messages");
- }
- }
- private void featureClassToFeatureClassToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass featureClassToFeatureClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
- featureClassToFeatureClass.in_features = fileGDBPath + "\\" + sourceFCName;
- featureClassToFeatureClass.out_path = sdePath;
- featureClassToFeatureClass.out_name = targetFCName;
- ExecuteGP(featureClassToFeatureClass as IGPProcess);
- }
- private void featureClassToGeodatabaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToGeodatabase featureClassToGeodatabase = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToGeodatabase();
- featureClassToGeodatabase.Input_Features = fileGDBPath + "\\" + sourceFCName;
- featureClassToGeodatabase.Output_Geodatabase = sdePath;
- ExecuteGP(featureClassToGeodatabase as IGPProcess);
- }
- private void copyFeaturesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.CopyFeatures copyFeatures = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.CopyFeatures();
- copyFeatures.in_features = fileGDBPath + "\\" + sourceFCName;
- copyFeatures.out_feature_class = sdePath + "\\" + targetFCName;
- ExecuteGP(copyFeatures as IGPProcess);
- }
- private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.Copy copy = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.Copy();
- copy.in_data = fileGDBPath + "\\" + sourceFCName;
- copy.out_data = sdePath + "\\" + targetFCName;
- ExecuteGP(copy as IGPProcess);
- }
- }
- }

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