- H = magic(10);
- H = [H(1:5,:), -H(6:10,:)];
- H(3,5) = NaN; H(3,7) = Inf;
- H(5,1) = -Inf;H(1,9) = 0;
- figure
- subplot(231);barplotcol(H,'floor'); title('ColorOption: floor')
- subplot(232);barplotcol(H','floor'); title('ColorOption: floor')
- subplot(234);barplotcol(H,'building'); title('ColorOption: building')
- subplot(235);barplotcol(H','building'); title('ColorOption: building')
- subplot(2,3,[3,6]); bar3(H); title('bar3.m'),colormap jet
- function handle = barplotcol(H,ColorOption,maxRowCol)
- % handle = barplotcol(H,ColorOption,maxRowCol)
- % handle = barplotcol(H)
- %
- % BARPLOTCOL visualizes a data matrix as a "3D city block". The basic idea is
- % the routine bar3.m, but the color is refering to the height information
- % instead of the column of the matrix. Inf and NaN elmenents are replaced by
- % zero before visualization.
- %
- % IN:
- % H: ............ 2-dimensional data matrix [-][NxM]
- % ColorOption:... choice between ['string']
- % * 'floor': colored layers indicated the same height
- % * 'building': color indicates the value in the marix
- % maxRowCol:..... option to increase the maximal number of columns and rows [-][1x1]
- % default: no plot for more than 10000 elements
- %
- % OUT:
- % handle:........ handle of the graphics for further improvement
- %
- % See also: --
- %
- % sub-routines:
- % * --
- %
- % * The size of the matrix is limited by the bar3.m function.
- % * For more than 10000 elements, the bar-routine is very slow and you
- % get an warning now. If you really want more, increase the limit by
- % the additional input of 'maxRowCol'.
- %
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % project: visBundle
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % authors:
- % Markus ANTONI (MA), GI, Uni Stuttgart
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % revision history:
- % 2021-05-04: MA, unified help text in VISBUNDLE
- % 2013-02-20: MA, renamed for visBundle
- % 2013-02-12: MR, prushed up of help text
- % 2010-10-21: MA, initial version at DEOS
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % license:
- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- % (at your option) any later version.
- %
- % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- % GNU General Public License for more details.
- %
- % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- % along with Octave; see the file COPYING.
- % If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% checking the input arguments
- narginchk(1,3)
- if nargin<2
- ColorOption = 'building';
- end
- if nargin<3
- maxRowCol = 10000;
- end
- % number of elements
- [row,column] = size(H);
- if row*column>maxRowCol
- warning('amount of elements is quite large for bar3, increase >> maxRowCol << if you really want this')
- return
- end
- %% removing NaN/Inf
- index = isnan(H);
- H(index) = 0;
- index = isinf(H);
- H(index) = 0;
- % basic is the function BAR3
- handle = bar3(H,'detached');
- row6 = row*6;
- set(handle,'FaceAlpha',1);
- set(gcf, 'Renderer', 'ZBuffer');
- switch ColorOption
- case 'building'
- % constant color per block
- for n=1:column
- index = logical(kron(H(:,n) == 0,ones(6,1)));
- colorData = get(handle(n),'ZData');
- colorData(index,:) = nan;
- % changing the color of all 6 faces per block
- for k = 1:6:row6;
- colordata1 = colorData(k:k+5,:);
- index1 = colordata1 == 0;
- colordata1(index1) = colordata1(2,2);
- colorData(k:k+5,:) = colordata1;
- end
- set(handle(n),'cData',colorData);
- end
- case 'floor'
- % equal color for equal height layer
- for n=1:column
- index = logical(kron(H(:,n) == 0,ones(6,1)));
- colorData = get(handle(n),'ZData');
- colorData(index,:) = nan;
- set(handle(n),'cData',colorData);
- end
- otherwise
- warning('chosen ''ColorOption'' is not implemented')
- end
- shading interp; axis tight;
- colorbar
- figure;
- subplot(211);
- t = -5:.01:20;
- f1 = sin(t*pi);
- plot(t, f1); hold on;
- graypatch([-5,2,20], [-1.2,1.2], [-5:1:20],true);
- title('graypatch(..) with regular intervals');
- subplot(212);
- f2 = sin(sign(t).*sqrt(abs(t))*pi).*exp(-t/10);
- plot(t,f2); hold on;
- xStartEnd = [-5,-4;0,4; 16,20];
- graypatch(xStartEnd,[-3,3],[-5 -4 0 4 16 20]);
- title('graypatch(..) with irregular intervals');
- function h = graypatch(xStartEnd, Ylim, Xtick,white1)
- % h = graypatch(xStartEnd, Ylim, Xtick,white1)
- %
- % GRAYPATCH hightlights 'periodic' events by marking every second period
- % with an alternating white/gray backgroud. Graypatch can also deal with
- % non-equal time spans (see example).
- %
- % IN:
- % xStartEnd .. defines the time points of the events,
- % [start, period_increment, end] for regular spacing [1x3]
- % [T0, T1; T2, T3; ...] for irregular spacing [Nx2]
- % Ylim ....... limits of y-axis [1x2]
- % Xtick ...... labels on the x-axis (e.g. periods T*n) [1xN]
- % white1...... first patch is white for white1 = true (default) or [1x1]
- % gray for white1 = false
- %
- % OUT:
- % h:............ handle of the graphics for further improvement
- %
- % * To avoid "hidden yticks", is recommanded to start with a white patch
- % which is the default in the new version
- %
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % project: visBundle
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % authors:
- % Markus ANTONI (MA), GI, Uni Stuttgart
- % Matthias ROTH (MR), GI, Uni Stuttgart
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % revision history:
- % 2021-05-04: MA, start with white patch to avoid hidden yticks
- % 2016-03-14: MR, brush-up help text; remove alpha bug: plotted gray
- % bars on top of the data, hence changing their color;
- % change code, that also fractions of periods are
- % possible
- % 2015-03-17: MA, some modifications
- % 2015-02-19: MA, initial version, based on gray_patch of
- % Mohammad J. TOURIAN
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % license:
- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- % (at your option) any later version.
- %
- % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- % GNU General Public License for more details.
- %
- % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- % along with Octave; see the file COPYING.
- % If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% checking the input arguments
- narginchk(2,4)
- if nargin < 4, white1 = true; end
- if nargin < 3, Xtick = []; end
- if ~isscalar(white1), error('argument ''white1'' must be scalar'); end
- if ~islogical(white1), error('argument ''white1'' must be boolian'); end
- if isscalar(Xtick) && islogical(Xtick), white1 = Xtick; end
- %% create Start-End matrix from [start, period_increment, end]
- if numel(xStartEnd) == 3
- V(1, :) = xStartEnd(1)+white1*xStartEnd(2):(2*xStartEnd(2)):xStartEnd(3);
- V(2, :) = V(1, :) + xStartEnd(2);
- V(V > xStartEnd(3)) = xStartEnd(3);
- else % we expect non-periodic elements
- V = xStartEnd';
- end
- blocks = numel(V(1, :));
- if blocks < 2
- warning('graypatch requires more than 1 patch');
- return
- end
- %% prepate patch coordinates
- X = V([1; 1; 2; 2], 1:blocks);
- Y = repmat(Ylim([1, 2, 2, 1])', 1, blocks);
- Z = ones(size(X));
- %% gray blocks
- h = patch(X, Y, Z, 'facecolor', [0.94 0.94 0.94], 'LineStyle', ':'); hold on;
- try
- uistack(h, 'bottom'); % put gray blocks on lowest graphics layer
- catch
- warning('''uistack''-routine is missing, gray blocks are not in lowest layer now')
- end
- grid off;
- %% labeling, grid
- Xlim = [min(V(:)),max(V(:))];
- if nargin > 2
- if isvector(Xtick) == 1 && numel(Xtick) > 1
- set(gca, 'xtick', unique(Xtick))
- Xlim = [min(Xtick), max(Xtick)];
- xlim(Xlim);
- else
- if islogical(Xtick) == false
- error('''Xtick'' must be given as a vector in increasing order')
- end
- end
- end
- %% add x- and y-axis
- if prod(Ylim) < 0
- plot(Xlim, [0,0], 'k', 'LineWidth', 2)
- end
- if prod(Xlim) < 0
- plot([0, 0], Ylim, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2)
- end
- ylim(Ylim);
- grid on;
- try
- % improvement of axes, maybe only for new versions of MATLAB?
- ax = gca;
- ax.Layer = 'top';
- catch
- warning('ax.Layer = ''top'' does not work in your enviroment, axes are not in top layer now')
- end
- t = 1:.1:10; y = bsxfun(@plus,2*sin(t),randn(4,numel(t))/10);
- y(3,20:30) = 3.1; y(1,1:15) = NaN
- legendcell = {'data 1','signal 2','inst. 3','set 4'}
- figure; plotmulti(t, y ,legendcell);
- figure; plotmulti(t,y,legendcell,[-3,3],[-2:.5:2],[0:1:10],'4 data sets',{'k','r','b'});
- function handle = plotmulti(time, data,legendcell, ylimits, yticks, xticks,titleStr,color)
- % handle = plotmulti(time, data,legendcell, ylimits, yticks, xticks,titleStr,color)
- %
- % PLOTMULTI visualizes several one-dimensional data sets within the same time
- % interval in one figure and with repeated y-axes. A possible application is the
- % comparison of several instruments in one location.
- %
- % For readablitity, only 12 data sets are allowed.
- %
- % IN:
- % time: ..........argument/time [Nx1]
- % data:......... data set/observations [NxM]
- % legendcell ... legend per data set as a cell {cell}[Mx1]
- % ylimits:...... maximum/minimum of y-axis (equal for all sets) [2x1]
- % yticks:....... labels of y-axis [nx1]
- % xticks:....... labels of x-axis [mx1]
- % titleStr:..... title of the complete figure ['string']
- % color:........ set the color, e.g. color = {'r','b'} for red/blue signals [cell]
- %
- % OUT:
- % handle:........ handle of the graphics for further improvement
- %
- % See also: GRAYPATCH
- %
- % sub-routines:
- % * --
- %
- % * The function uses the command SUBPLOT already. The application of
- % PLOTMULTI within another subplot might cause unexpected behaviour.
- % * If the vector COLOR has less entries, than the DATA matrix, then
- % color will be repeat
- %
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % project: visBundle
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % authors:
- % Markus ANTONI (MA), GI, Uni Stuttgart
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % revision history:
- % 2021-05-04: MA, new order of input & legend per data set is required
- % unified help text in VISBUNDLE
- % 2018-01-29: MA, integration into VISBUNDLE
- % 2018-01-24: MA, initial version
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % license:
- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- % the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- % (at your option) any later version.
- %
- % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- % GNU General Public License for more details.
- %
- % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- % along with Octave; see the file COPYING.
- % If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% checking argument 1,2,3
- narginchk(3,8)
- if ~ismatrix(data), error('''data'' must be a matrix'); end
- if ~isvector(time), error('''time'' must be a vector'); end
- if ~iscell(legendcell)
- warning('order of arguments is changed now, please check help text')
- error('''legendcell'' must be a cell array');
- end
- %% default settings for argument 4...8
- if nargin < 6, warning('''PLOTMULTI'': arguments 4,5 and 6 will improve the Figure'); end
- if nargin < 4, ylimits = 1.2*([min(data(:)), max(data(:))]); end
- if nargin < 5, yticks = ([min(data(:)), max(data(:))]); end
- if nargin < 6, xticks = time(1:20:end); end
- if nargin < 7, titleStr = 'Multiple data sets'; end
- if nargin < 8, color = {'k'}; end
- if ~iscell(color)
- color = {'r','b','k','g','r:','b:','k:','g:'};
- end
- if ~ischar(titleStr)
- titleStr = 'Multiple data sets';
- end
- % dimension of time and data
- time = time(:);
- time_anz = numel(time);
- [row,col] = size(data);
- if ismember(time_anz, [row,col]) == 0
- error('data set must have the same length as ''time''')
- end
- if row ~= time_anz
- data = data';
- col = row;
- end
- if col > 12
- error('The figures will be too small. Please split the data set')
- end
- try
- legendcell{col};
- catch
- error('''legendcell'' has not enough entries')
- end
- %% checking limits and labels
- switch numel(ylimits)
- case 2
- % everything ok
- case 1
- ylimits = [-ylimits,ylimits];
- otherwise
- error('interval ''ylimits'' must be a vector [2x1]')
- end
- xlimits = [min(time),max(time)];
- if isvector(xticks) == false && numel(xticks) == 1
- error('argument ''xticks'' must be a vector')
- end
- if isvector(yticks) == false
- error('argument ''yticks'' must be a vector')
- end
- xticks = unique(xticks);
- yticks = unique(yticks);
- xtickrm = xticks(2:end-1);
- %% plot several overlapping subplots
- height = 0.9/(col+1);
- iter = 1;
- iterMax = length(color);
- for ii = col:-1:1
- subplot('Position',[0.1,ii*height,0.8,height])
- handle(ii) = plot(time,data(:,ii),color{iter});
- ylim(ylimits)
- xlim(xlimits)
- set(gca,'YTick',yticks)
- % x-ticks for all, and for the lowest figure:
- if ii > 1
- set(gca,'XTick',xtickrm)
- else
- set(gca,'XTick',xticks)
- end
- if ii == col
- title(titleStr)
- end
- % try the given legends ...
- try
- legend(legendcell{ii} )
- catch
- end
- % gray patches for every 2nd subplot
- if rem(ii,2) == 1
- set(gca,'Color',[0.94 0.94 0.94])
- end
- % if less colors then data are given, the color repeats:
- iter = iter+1;
- if iter > iterMax
- iter = 1;
- end
- end
- (1)https://www.gis.uni-stuttgart.de/en/research/downloads/visbundle/
- (2)The toolbox VISBUNDLE (version #/date #) was developed by N. Sneeuw, M. Weigelt,M. Roth, M. Antoni, M. Tourian et. al. and its latest version is provided via download from the Institute of Geodesy (GIS), University of Stuttgart
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