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vSphere 6.7的新增功能?我应该升级吗?_esxi6.7 vcpu 最多能分几个

esxi6.7 vcpu 最多能分几个

vSphere 6.7的新增功能?我应该升级吗?


Ryan Birk 2018年5月3日

自从我们有了新的vSphere版本以来,已经有一段时间了,但是等待已经结束– vSphere 6.7已经正式发布!我一直在参与6.7 beta版,因此能够公开谈论该版本终于很高兴。我想发表一篇文章,概述此版本中已更新或新增的一些新功能。因此,让我们开始吧!


让我们先谈谈您可以升级和不能升级的内容。新版本仅支持从vSphere 6.0或6.5的升级和迁移。如果您的环境运行的是5.5版,则升级到6.7需要额外的步骤。您将必须至少迁移到6.0版,然后再迁移到6.7版。如果您具有运行6.0或6.5的vCenter Server管理ESXi主机5.5的混合环境,则必须在升级vCenter Server之前将主机至少升级到版本6.0。VMware已经为此花了很多时间和警告,很多人看到了它的到来,但是现在它是正式的,尽快脱离5.5!


  • vSphere 6.0至6.7
  • vSphere 6.5至6.7
  • 不支持 vSphere 5.5至6.7 *

vSphere 6.7配置最大值


最高容错能力–每个FT VM的RAM64GB128GB
通用VMFS –每个主机的卷5121024


HTML 5 Web客户端

对我来说,这是我在6.7中最喜欢的更新。我经常被问到他们何时要杀死基于Flash的客户端,而随着去年宣布弃用基于Flash的客户端,答案很快就会得到答案。HTML 5客户端现在已完成95%的功能。在过去的几个月中,他们确实为客户做了大量工作,并为之努力。他们在这里所做的工作给我留下了深刻的印象,这对vCenter团队来说真是太好了!Platform Services Controller功能现在也已成为vSphere Client的一部分。现在,它位于“管理”菜单下,“ PSC”选项位于两个选项卡之间。证书管理有其自己的标签,所有其他管理均在配置标签下。

更新的vSphere Client版本中的一些较新的工作流程包括:

  • vSphere Update Manager
  • 内容库
  • 虚拟SAN
  • 储存政策
  • 主机配置文件
  • vDS拓扑图
  • 发牌


vCenter Appliance备份计划

6.5中内置了内置备份工具,但是要能够轻松自动备份设备是一个挑战。如下所示,您现在可以设置基本的备份计划,以备份设备配置以供以后还原。您还可以设置要保留的备份数量。我仍然建议您使用Altaro之类的第三方备份工具来备份vCenter Linux Appliance,因为您永远无法拥有足够的备份!


它已经回来了!vCenter 6.7的一项新功能是能够将vCenter Server重新指向驻留在完全不同的vSphere SSO域中的另一个Platform Services Controller节点  。对于域合并,此功能非常庞大,如果需要,可以使用cmss-util工具进行域拆分。

该功能在vSphere 5.5中可供vSphere管理员使用,并且已成为该产品版本6.0和6.5的痛点,因为它限制了基于业务需求或IT资源的整合而无需构建新vCenter Server的情况下进行合并或拆分的能力。组织。

新的CMSSO-UTIL CLI实用程序允许跨SSO域重新指向vCenter设备。

更新的vSphere Appliance管理界面


  • 在“  监视”  选项卡中,现在可以查看vCSA的所有磁盘分区,可用空间和利用率。更好地了解CPU,内存,网络和数据库利用率。
  • 现在,服务  状态,启动类型和运行状况在VAMI中可见。如果需要,可以直接从VAMI启动,停止和重新启动服务。
  •  现在支持的Syslog转发为三个。以前仅支持一次转发。
  • 更新了 “  更新”  部分,在选择补丁和更新时提供了更大的灵活性,并提供了 从VAMI 登台或登台和安装补丁或更新的选项  。现已更多信息  什么  是包括 每个补丁或者升级程序以及类型,严重程度,以及是否需要重新启动。







new in vSphere 6.7

03 May 2018 by Ryan Birk


It’s been awhile since we’ve had a new vSphere release to get excited about but the wait is over – vSphere 6.7 has been officially released! I have been participating in the 6.7 beta so it’s finally nice to be able to talk about the release publicly. I wanted to put together a post that outlines some of the new features that are updated or new in this release. So let’s get to it!


Let’s talk first about what you can and can’t upgrade from. The new version supports upgrades and migrations from vSphere 6.0 or 6.5 only. If your environment is running version 5.5, the upgrade to 6.7 needs an additional step. You will have to migrate at least to version 6.0 then to 6.7. If you have a mixed environment with vCenter Server running 6.0 or 6.5 managing ESXi hosts 5.5, you have to upgrade the hosts to at least version 6.0 before upgrading the vCenter Server. VMware has given plenty of time and warnings about this and many saw it coming, but now it’s official, get off of 5.5 as soon as possible!

Currently supported migration paths to version 6.7:

  • vSphere 6.0 to 6.7
  • vSphere 6.5 to 6.7
  • vSphere 5.5 to 6.7 is *not supported*.

vSphere 6.7 Configuration Maximums

VMware has once again updated some maximums. Most of the usual CPU and memory stuff stayed the same, but other changes are listed below. Fault Tolerant VMs get another upgrade and can be now bumped to 8 vCPUs, which is nice.

Virtual Machine Maximums6.56.7
Persistent Memory – NVDIMM controllers per VMN/A1
Persistent Memory – Non-volatile memory per virtual machineN/A1024GB
Storage Virtual Adapters and Devices – Virtual SCSI targets per virtual SCSI adapter1564
Storage Virtual Adapters and Devices – Virtual SCSI targets per virtual machine60256
Networking Virtual Devices – Virtual RDMA Adapters per Virtual MachineN/A1
ESXi Host Maximums6.56.7
Fault Tolerance maximums – Virtual CPUs per virtual machine48
Fault Tolerance maximums – RAM per FT VM64GB128GB
Host CPU maximums – Logical CPUs per host576768
ESXi Host Persistent Memory Maximums – Maximum Non-volatile memory per hostN/A1TB
ESXi Host Memory Maximums – Maximum RAM per host12TB16TB
Fibre Channel – Number of total paths on a server20484096
Common VMFS – Volumes per host5121024
iSCSI Physical – LUNs per server5121024
iSCSI Physical – Number of total paths on a server20484096
Fibre Channel – LUNs per host5121024
Virtual Volumes – Number of PEs per host256512


The HTML 5 Web Client

For me, this is hands down my favorite update in 6.7. I am constantly asked when they’re going to kill the Flash-based client and the answer is very soon with the announced deprecation of the Flash-based client last year. The HTML 5 client is now 95% feature complete. They’ve really polished the client and worked hard on it over the last several months. I’m very impressed with the work they’ve done here, so nice work to the vCenter team! The Platform Services Controller functionality is now part of the vSphere Client as well. It now located under the Administration menu, the PSC options are divided between two tabs. Certificate management has its own tab and all other management is under the configuration tab.

Some of the newer workflows in the updated vSphere Client release include:

  • vSphere Update Manager
  • Content Library
  • vSAN
  • Storage Policies
  • Host Profiles
  • vDS Topology Diagram
  • Licensing

Note that not all of the above workflows are 100% finished but VMware has been constantly updating the workflows with each update. It’s only a matter of time.

vCenter Appliance Backup Schedule

Built-in backup tools were built into 6.5, but easily being able to backup the appliance automatically was a challenge. As you can see below, you can now set up a basic backup schedule to backup your appliance configuration for a later restore. You can also set the number of backups to retain. I’d still recommend backing up your vCenter Linux Appliance with a third party backup tool like Altaro, just because you can never have enough backups!

CLI Tools

It has returned! A new feature with vCenter 6.7 is the ability to re-point a vCenter Server to another Platform Services Controller node, that resides in an entirely different vSphere SSO domain. This functionality is insanely huge for domain consolidation, and also domain splitting if needed with the cmss-util tool.

This functionality was available to vSphere administrators in vSphere 5.5 and has been a pain point of versions 6.0 and 6.5 of the product as it constrained the ability to consolidate or split without building new vCenter Servers, based on business requirements or consolidation of IT resources within an organization.

New CMSSO-UTIL CLI utility allows repointing vCenter appliance across SSO domains.

Updated vSphere Appliance Management Interface

The VAMI interface has been improved with new features and tabs mainly focused on monitoring and troubleshooting:

  • In the Monitoring tab, there is now the possibility to see all the disk partitions for the vCSA, space available and utilization. Better visibility to CPU, memory, network, and database utilization.
  • Services status, startup type, and health are now visible in the VAMI. Services can be started, stopped, and restarted directly from the VAMI if needed.
  • Syslog forwards supported are now three. Previously only one forwarding was supported.
  • The Update section has been improved providing a more flexibility in selecting patches and updates providing the option to stage or stage and install a patch or update from the VAMI. Are now available more information about what is included for each patch or update as well as type, severity, and if a reboot is required.

ESXi Single Reboot

VMware has streamlined the upgrade process in this 6.7 release of vSphere. Upgrades from 6.5 to 6.7 will be the first to see this benefit. VMware has eliminated one of the two reboots that were normally required for major version upgrades, so your upgrades are going to be faster and a smoother process, and who could complain there?!

ESXi Quick Boot

This is a neat feature that I have not had the opportunity to use much of yet, at least in my home lab. For starters, your hardware has to support this feature, but the idea is that the hypervisor can be restarted without going through the physical hardware reboot process. There is currently only a limited number of servers that are supported but the number will be increased in the future, so we get to look forward to more of this at least. This feature works not only for reboots but also for upgrades. The system creates a second ESXi memory image and when the host is rebooted it doesn’t perform a full reboot but it switches over to the latest instead. This is a pretty cool new feature!

