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Stable Diffusion 3重磅发布_stable diffusion 3.0

stable diffusion 3.0

刚不久,Stability AI发布了Stable Diffusion 3.0,这一版本采用了与备受瞩目的爆火Sora相同的DiT架构。通过这一更新,画面质量、文字渲染以及对复杂对象的理解能力都得到了显著提升。由于这些改进,先前的技术Midjourney和DALL-E 3在比较中显得相形见绌,不复昔日的辉煌。

Stability AI的首席执行官Emad Mostaque表示:

「Stable Diffusion 3 采用了Diffusion Transformer架构,这是一种新型的架构设计,与OpenAI最近推出的Sora模型采用的架构相似。」

现在,已经可以在这里加入候补名单,申请访问权限了:SD 3 Waitlist — Stability AI


Prompt:Epic anime artwork of a wizard atop a mountain at night casting a cosmic spell into the dark sky that says "Stable Diffusion 3" made out of colorful energy

提示(意译版):在一幅充满史诗感的动漫画面中,一位巫师屹立于夜幕笼罩的山巅之上,正用他的法杖向漆黑无垠的夜空中施展一道震撼宇宙的魔法。这道法术在夜空中绽放,化作由五彩缤纷的能量构成的「Stable Diffusion 3」字样,犹如夜空中最璀璨的星辰。

Prompt: cinematic photo of a red apple on a table in a classroom, on the blackboard are the words "go big or go home" written in chalk.



Prompt:Resting on the kitchen table is an embroidered cloth with the text 'good night' and an embroidered baby tiger. Next to the cloth there is a lit candle. The lighting is dim and dramatic.

提示:厨房桌上铺着一块精美的绣布,上面绣着「good night」字样和一只可爱的小老虎。旁边,一支蜡烛静静燃烧,散发出柔和而略带戏剧性的光影。

Prompt: Night photo of a sports car with the text "SD3" on the side, the car is on a race track at high speed, a huge road sign with the text "faster".



