- BOOL SetWindowDisplayAffinity(
- HWND hWnd,
- DWORD dwAffinity
- );
- #define WDA_NONE 0x00000000
- #define WDA_MONITOR 0x00000001
- #define WDA_EXCLUDEFROMCAPTURE 0x00000011
包含在:C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\um\WinUser.h
方式二(从webrtc M81抠的):
Windows放大镜Magnification API
- MagSetWindowFilterList
- Sets the list of windows to be magnified or the list of windows to be excluded from magnification.
- BOOL MagSetWindowFilterList(
- HWND hwnd,
- DWORD dwFilterMode,
- int count,
- );
- //excludewindow.h
- #pragma once
- #include <magnification.h>
- #include <wincodec.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- // kMagnifierWindowClass has to be "Magnifier" according to the Magnification
- // API. The other strings can be anything.
- static wchar_t kMagnifierHostClass[] = L"ScreenCapturerWinMagnifierHost";
- static wchar_t kHostWindowName[] = L"MagnifierHost";
- static wchar_t kMagnifierWindowClass[] = L"Magnifier";
- static wchar_t kMagnifierWindowName[] = L"MagnifierWindow";
- class CExcludeWindow
- {
- public:
- CExcludeWindow();
- virtual ~CExcludeWindow();
- int SetExcludeWnd(HWND hWnd);
- bool Init();
- bool CaptureFrame();
- private:
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagImageScalingCallback)(HWND hwnd,
- void* srcdata,
- void* destdata,
- MAGIMAGEHEADER destheader,
- RECT unclipped,
- RECT clipped,
- HRGN dirty);
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagInitializeFunc)(void);
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagUninitializeFunc)(void);
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagSetWindowSourceFunc)(HWND hwnd, RECT rect);
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagSetWindowFilterListFunc)(HWND hwnd,
- DWORD dwFilterMode,
- int count,
- typedef BOOL(WINAPI* MagSetImageScalingCallbackFunc)(
- HWND hwnd,
- MagImageScalingCallback callback);
- static BOOL WINAPI OnMagImageScalingCallback(HWND hwnd,
- void* srcdata,
- void* destdata,
- MAGIMAGEHEADER destheader,
- RECT unclipped,
- RECT clipped,
- HRGN dirty);
- void OnCaptured(void* data, const MAGIMAGEHEADER& header);
- HMODULE mag_lib_handle_ = NULL;
- MagInitializeFunc mag_initialize_func_ = nullptr;
- MagUninitializeFunc mag_uninitialize_func_ = nullptr;
- MagSetWindowSourceFunc set_window_source_func_ = nullptr;
- MagSetWindowFilterListFunc set_window_filter_list_func_ = nullptr;
- MagSetImageScalingCallbackFunc set_image_scaling_callback_func_ = nullptr;
- // The hidden window hosting the magnifier control.
- HWND host_window_ = NULL;
- // The magnifier control that captures the screen.
- HWND magnifier_window_ = NULL;
- // True if the magnifier control has been successfully initialized.
- bool magnifier_initialized_ = false;
- // True if the last OnMagImageScalingCallback was called and handled
- // successfully. Reset at the beginning of each CaptureImage call.
- bool magnifier_capture_succeeded_ = true;
- };
- //excludewindow.cpp
- #include "excludewindow.h"
- #include <iostream>
- DWORD GetTlsIndex() {
- static const DWORD tls_index = TlsAlloc();
- return tls_index;
- }
- CExcludeWindow::CExcludeWindow()
- {
- }
- bool CExcludeWindow::Init()
- {
- mag_lib_handle_ = LoadLibraryW(L"Magnification.dll");
- if (!mag_lib_handle_)
- return false;
- // Initialize Magnification API function pointers.
- mag_initialize_func_ = reinterpret_cast<MagInitializeFunc>(
- GetProcAddress(mag_lib_handle_, "MagInitialize"));
- mag_uninitialize_func_ = reinterpret_cast<MagUninitializeFunc>(
- GetProcAddress(mag_lib_handle_, "MagUninitialize"));
- set_window_source_func_ = reinterpret_cast<MagSetWindowSourceFunc>(
- GetProcAddress(mag_lib_handle_, "MagSetWindowSource"));
- set_window_filter_list_func_ = reinterpret_cast<MagSetWindowFilterListFunc>(
- GetProcAddress(mag_lib_handle_, "MagSetWindowFilterList"));
- set_image_scaling_callback_func_ =
- reinterpret_cast<MagSetImageScalingCallbackFunc>(
- GetProcAddress(mag_lib_handle_, "MagSetImageScalingCallback"));
- if (!mag_initialize_func_ || !mag_uninitialize_func_ ||
- !set_window_source_func_ || !set_window_filter_list_func_ ||
- !set_image_scaling_callback_func_) {
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "library functions missing.";
- return false;
- }
- BOOL result = mag_initialize_func_();
- if (!result) {
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from MagInitialize " << GetLastError();
- return false;
- }
- HMODULE hInstance = nullptr;
- result =
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(&DefWindowProc), &hInstance);
- if (!result) {
- mag_uninitialize_func_();
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from GetModulehandleExA " << GetLastError();
- return false;
- }
- // Register the host window class. See the MSDN documentation of the
- // Magnification API for more infomation.
- WNDCLASSEXW wcex = {};
- wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
- wcex.lpfnWndProc = &DefWindowProc;
- wcex.hInstance = hInstance;
- wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
- wcex.lpszClassName = kMagnifierHostClass;
- // Ignore the error which may happen when the class is already registered.
- RegisterClassExW(&wcex);
- // Create the host window.
- host_window_ =
- CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_LAYERED, kMagnifierHostClass, kHostWindowName, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr);
- if (!host_window_) {
- mag_uninitialize_func_();
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from creating host window "
- << GetLastError();
- return false;
- }
- // Create the magnifier control.
- magnifier_window_ = CreateWindowW(kMagnifierWindowClass, kMagnifierWindowName,
- WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- host_window_, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr);
- if (!magnifier_window_) {
- mag_uninitialize_func_();
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from creating magnifier window "
- << GetLastError();
- return false;
- }
- // Hide the host window.
- ShowWindow(host_window_, SW_HIDE);
- // Set the scaling callback to receive captured image.
- result = set_image_scaling_callback_func_(
- magnifier_window_,
- &CExcludeWindow::OnMagImageScalingCallback);
- if (!result) {
- mag_uninitialize_func_();
- std::cout << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from MagSetImageScalingCallback "
- << GetLastError();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- CExcludeWindow::~CExcludeWindow()
- {
- }
- BOOL CExcludeWindow::OnMagImageScalingCallback(
- HWND hwnd,
- void* srcdata,
- void* destdata,
- MAGIMAGEHEADER destheader,
- RECT unclipped,
- RECT clipped,
- HRGN dirty) {
- CExcludeWindow* owner =
- reinterpret_cast<CExcludeWindow*>(TlsGetValue(GetTlsIndex()));
- TlsSetValue(GetTlsIndex(), nullptr);
- owner->OnCaptured(srcdata, srcheader);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CExcludeWindow::OnCaptured(void* data, const MAGIMAGEHEADER& header) {
- // Verify the format.
- // TODO(jiayl): support capturing sources with pixel formats other than RGBA.
- int captured_bytes_per_pixel = header.cbSize / header.width / header.height;
- if (header.format != GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA ) {
- std::cout
- << "Output format does not match the captured format: "
- << "width = " << header.width << ", "
- << "height = " << header.height << ", "
- << "stride = " << header.stride << ", "
- << "bpp = " << captured_bytes_per_pixel << ", "
- << "pixel format RGBA ? "
- << (header.format == GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA) << ".";
- return;
- }
- static FILE* fp = fopen(".\\rgba.rgba","wb");
- if (fp)
- {
- //fwrite(data, header.width * header.height * 4, 1, fp);
- fwrite(data, header.cbSize, 1, fp);
- fflush(fp);
- fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- }
- // Copy the data into the frame.
- /* current_frame->CopyPixelsFrom(
- reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), header.stride,
- DesktopRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, header.width, header.height));*/
- magnifier_capture_succeeded_ = true;
- }
- int CExcludeWindow::SetExcludeWnd(HWND hWnd)
- {
- if (hWnd) {
- BOOL result = set_window_filter_list_func_(
- magnifier_window_, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, 1, &hWnd);
- if (!result) {
- mag_uninitialize_func_();
- std::cout
- << "Failed to initialize ScreenCapturerWinMagnifier: "
- << "error from MagSetWindowFilterList " << GetLastError();
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool CExcludeWindow::CaptureFrame()
- {
- int nX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN);
- int nY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN);
- int nScreenW = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
- int nScreenH = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
- BOOL result = SetWindowPos(magnifier_window_, NULL, nX, nY,
- nScreenW, nScreenH, 0);
- if (!result) {
- std::cout << "Failed to call SetWindowPos: " << GetLastError()
- << ". Rect = {" << nX
- << ", " << nY << ", " << nX + nScreenW << ", "
- << nY + nScreenH << "}";
- return false;
- }
- magnifier_capture_succeeded_ = false;
- RECT native_rect = { nX, nY, nX+nScreenW, nY+ nScreenH };
- TlsSetValue(GetTlsIndex(), this);
- // OnCaptured will be called via OnMagImageScalingCallback and fill in the
- // frame before set_window_source_func_ returns.
- result = set_window_source_func_(magnifier_window_, native_rect);
- if (!result) {
- std::cout << "Failed to call MagSetWindowSource: "
- << GetLastError() << ". Rect = {" << nX
- << ", " << nY << ", " << nX + nScreenW << ", "
- << nY + nScreenH << "}";
- return false;
- }
- return magnifier_capture_succeeded_;
- }
- CExcludeWindow ex;
- ex.Init();
- ex.SetExcludeWnd(hWnd);
- ex.CaptureFrame();
- //回调函数会写下一个rgba的文件
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