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Python 进阶指南(编程轻松进阶):十四、实践项目_python编程轻松进阶 sweigart 网盘

python编程轻松进阶 sweigart 网盘


到目前为止,这本书已经教会了你编写可读的 Python 风格代码的技巧。让我们通过查看两个命令行游戏的源代码来实践这些技术:汉诺塔和四人一排。

这些项目很短,并且基于文本,以保持它们的范围较小,但是它们展示了本书到目前为止概述的原则。我使用第 53 页“黑色:不妥协的代码格式化程序”中描述的黑色工具格式化代码。我根据第 4 章的指导方针选择了变量名。我用 Python 风格风格写了代码,如第 6 章所述。此外,我写了注释和文档字符串,如第 11 章所述。因为程序很小,我们还没有涉及面向对象编程(OOP),所以我写这两个项目时没有用到你将在第 15 到 17 章学到的类。

本章介绍了这两个项目的完整源代码以及代码的详细分解。这些解释不是关于代码如何工作的(对 Python 语法的基本理解就是所需要的),而是为什么代码是这样写的。尽管如此,不同的软件开发人员对如何编写代码以及他们认为什么是python 式的有不同的看法。当然,欢迎您对这些项目中的源代码提出质疑和批评。



汉诺塔拼图使用一叠不同大小的圆盘。圆盘的中心有孔,所以你可以把它们放在三个杆子中的一个上面(图 14-1)。要解决这个难题,玩家必须将一叠圆盘移到另一个柱子上。有三个限制:

  1. 玩家一次只能移动一个盘子。
  2. 玩家只能在塔顶来回移动盘子。
  3. 玩家不能将较大的盘放在较小的盘上。


图 14-1:一套汉诺塔的实物拼图



汉诺塔程序通过使用文本字符来表示圆盘,将塔显示为 ASCII 艺术画。与现代应用相比,这看起来很原始,但是这种方法保持了实现的简单性,因为我们只需要print()input()调用来与用户交互。当您运行该程序时,输出将如下所示。玩家输入的文本以粗体显示。

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi

     ||          ||          ||
    @email@protected         ||          ||
   @@email@protected@        ||          ||
  @@@email@protected@@       ||          ||
 @@@@email@protected@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@email@protected@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@email@protected@        ||          ||
  @@@email@protected@@       ||          ||
 @@@@email@protected@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@email@protected@@@@     ||         @email@protected
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @email@protected
     ||          ||        @@email@protected@
     ||          ||       @@@email@protected@@
     ||          ||      @@@@email@protected@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@email@protected@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
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对于n圆盘,至少需要2 ** n - 1步才能解出汉诺塔。所以这个五盘塔需要 31 个步骤:AC,AB,CB,AC,BA,BC,AC,AB,CB,CA,BA,CB,AC,AB,CB,AC,AC,BA,BC,AC,BA,CB,CA,BA, BC,AC,AB,CB,AC,BA,BC,最后是 AC。如果你想自己解决更大的挑战,你可以把程序中的TOTAL_DISKS变量从5增加到6


在编辑器或 IDE 中打开一个新文件,并输入以下代码。保存为towerofhanoi.py

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi

    """The towers dictionary has keys `"`A`"`, `"`B`"`, and `"`C`"` and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

 # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

 # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
  • 1
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>>> import towerofhanoi
>>> help(towerofhanoi)
Help on module towerofhanoi:


    THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected
    A stack-moving puzzle game.

        Display a single disk of the given width.
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import copy
import sys
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布莱克将这些语句格式化为单独的语句,而不是单一的语句,比如import copy, sys。这使得在版本控制系统(如 Git)中更容易看到导入模块的添加或删除,Git 跟踪程序员所做的更改。


TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
  • 1
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  • 3
  • 4


TOTAL_DISKS常量表示拼图有多少个圆盘。SOLVED_TOWER变量是一个包含已求解的塔的列表的例子:它包含每个盘,最大的在底部,最小的在顶部。我们从TOTAL_DISKS值生成这个值,对于五个盘子,它是[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

注意,这个文件中没有类型提示。原因是我们可以从代码中推断出所有变量、参数和返回值的类型。例如,我们已经给常量TOTAL_DISKS赋予了整数值5。由此,类型检查器,比如 Mypy,会推断出TOTAL_DISKS应该只包含整数。


def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi
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函数也可以有文档字符串。注意在def语句下面的main()的文档字符串。您可以通过在交互式 Shell 中运行import towerofhanoihelp(towerofhanoi.main)来查看这个文档字符串。


 """The towers dictionary has keys `"`A`"`, `"`B`"`, and `"`C`"` and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}
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我们使用SOLVED_TOWER列表作为,这是软件开发中最简单的数据结构之一。栈是一个有序的值列表,只能通过从栈顶添加(也称为推入)或移除(也称为弹出)值来改变。这个数据结构完美地代表了我们程序中的塔。如果我们使用append()方法进行推送,使用pop()方法进行弹出,并且避免以任何其他方式改变列表,我们可以将 Python 列表转换成栈。我们将列表的末尾视为栈的顶部。

towers列表中的每个整数代表一个特定大小的单个盘子。例如,在一个有五个盘子的游戏中,列表[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]将代表从底部最大的(5)到顶部最小的(1)的一整堆盘子。



 while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()
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 # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")
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  • 5

我们不把它与towers["A"]相比,因为那根柱子是从一个已经完成的塔开始的;玩家需要在 B 或 C 杆上形成塔来解决这个难题。请注意,我们重用了SOLVED_TOWER来制作出发塔,并检查玩家是否解决了难题。因为SOLVED_TOWER是一个常量,所以我们可以相信它总是拥有我们在源代码开始时赋予它的值。

我们使用的条件相当于但短于SOLVED_TOWER == towers["B"] or SOLVED_TOWER == towers["C"],这是我们在第 6 章中提到的 Python 习惯用法。如果这个条件是True,玩家已经解出谜题,我们结束程序。否则,我们返回另一个回合。


def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""
    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print(`"`(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)`"`)
        response = input(`"`> `"`).upper().strip()
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注意从玩家那里接收键盘输入的input("> ").upper().strip()指令。通过给出一个>提示,input("> ")调用接受玩家的文本输入。这个符号表示玩家应该输入一些东西。如果程序没有提示,玩家可能会暂时认为程序冻结了。

我们对从input()返回的字符串调用upper()方法,因此它返回字符串的大写形式。这允许玩家输入大写或小写的塔标签,例如塔 A 的'a''A',然后,大写字符串的strip()方法被调用,返回一个两边没有任何空格的字符串,以防用户在输入他们的移动时意外添加了一个空格。这种用户友好性使得我们的程序对玩家来说更容易使用。


 if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
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如果用户输入'QUIT'(在任何情况下,或者甚至在字符串的开头或结尾有空格,由于对upper()strip()的调用),程序终止。我们可以让getPlayerMove()返回'QUIT'来指示调用者应该调用sys.exit(),而不是让getPlayerMove()调用sys.exit()。但是这将使getPlayerMove()的返回值变得复杂:它将返回两个字符串的元组(用于玩家的移动)或者单个'QUIT'字符串。返回单一数据类型值的函数比返回多种可能类型值的函数更容易理解。我在 177 页的“返回值应该总是有相同的数据类型”中讨论过这个问题。

在这三个塔之间,只有六个往返塔组合是可能的。尽管我们在检查移动的条件中硬编码了所有六个值,但是代码比类似于len(response) != 2 or response[0] not in 'ABC' or response[1] not in 'ABC' or response[0] == response[1]的东西更容易阅读。考虑到这些情况,硬编码方法是最简单的。



 # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]
  • 1
  • 2


 if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
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如果没有,一个continue语句使执行返回到循环的开始,要求玩家再次输入他们的移动。注意,我们检查toTower是否为空;如果是,我们返回fromTower, toTower来强调移动是有效的,因为你总是可以把一个盘子放在一个空的杆子上。前两个条件确保在检查第三个条件时,towers[toTower]towers[fromTower]不会为空或导致IndexError。我们对这些条件进行排序,以防止IndexError或额外检查。


如果前面的条件都不为TruegetPlayerMove()返回fromTower, toTower

            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

在 Python 中,return语句总是返回单个值。虽然这个return语句看起来像是返回两个值,但是 Python 实际上返回的是一个两个值的元组,相当于return (fromTower, toTower)。Python 程序员经常在这种情况下省略括号。括号不像逗号那样定义元组。


displayTowers()函数在towers参数中显示塔 A、B 和 C 上的盘子:

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.
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它依赖于displayDisk()函数来显示塔中的每个盘子,我们将在接下来介绍这个函数。for level循环检查塔的每个可能的盘子,for tower循环检查塔 A、B 和 c


 # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = ' ' * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print('{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n'.format(emptySpace))
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

我们在屏幕上显示 A、B 和 C 标签。玩家需要这些信息来区分塔,并强调塔被标记为 A、B 和 C,而不是 1、2 和 3 或左、中、右。我选择不使用 1、2 和 3 作为塔标签,以防止玩家将这些数字与用于表示盘子大小的数字混淆。

我们将emptySpace变量设置为每个标签之间放置的空格数,这又是基于TOTAL_DISKS的,因为游戏中的盘子越多,两极之间的距离就越大。我们不像在print(f'{emptySpace} A{emptySpace}{emptySpace} B{emptySpace}{emptySpace} C\n')中那样使用 F 字符串,而是使用format()字符串方法。这允许我们在相关字符串中的任何地方使用相同的emptySpace参数,产生比 F 字符串版本更短更可读的代码。


def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = ' ' * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)
    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f'{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}', end='')
        # Display the disk:
        disk = '@' * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, '_')
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end='')
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为了调用main()函数,我们使用一个常见的 Python 习惯用法:

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

如果玩家直接运行towerofhanoi.py程序,Python 会自动将__name__变量设置为'__main__'。但是如果有人使用import towerofhanoi将程序作为模块导入,那么__name__将被设置为'towerofhanoi'。如果有人运行我们的程序,那么if __name__ == '__main__':行将调用main()函数,开始一个汉诺塔游戏。但是如果我们只是想将程序作为一个模块导入,这样我们就可以调用其中的单个函数进行单元测试,这个条件将是Falsemain()将不会被调用。


四人一排是一种两人玩的丢瓦片游戏。每个玩家试图创建一排四个他们的瓷砖,无论是水平的,垂直的,还是对角的。这类似于棋盘游戏连接四个四个向上。该游戏使用一个7×6的直立棋盘,瓷砖掉落到一列中最低的未被占据的空间。在我们的四人一排游戏中,两个人类玩家 X 和 O 将相互对战,而不是一个人类玩家与计算机对战。



Four-in-a-Row, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Two players take turns dropping tiles into one of seven columns, trying
to make four in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Player X, enter 1 to 7 or QUIT:
> 1

Player O, enter 1 to 7 or QUIT:
Player O, enter 1 to 7 or QUIT:
> 4

Player O has won!
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在编辑器或 IDE 中打开一个新文件,输入以下代码,并将其保存为fourinarow.py :

"""Four-in-a-Row, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A tile-dropping game to get four-in-a-row, similar to Connect Four."""

import sys

# Constants used for displaying the board:
EMPTY_SPACE = "."  # A period is easier to count than a space.

COLUMN_LABELS = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

# The template string for displaying the board:

def main():
    """Runs a single game of Four-in-a-Row."""
        """Four-in-a-Row, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Two players take turns dropping tiles into one of seven columns, trying
to make Four-in-a-Row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

    # Set up a new game:
    gameBoard = getNewBoard()
    playerTurn = PLAYER_X

    while True:  # Run a player's turn.
        # Display the board and get player's move:
        playerMove = getPlayerMove(playerTurn, gameBoard)
        gameBoard[playerMove] = playerTurn

        # Check for a win or tie:
        if isWinner(playerTurn, gameBoard):
            displayBoard(gameBoard)  # Display the board one last time.
            print("Player {} has won!".format(playerTurn))
        elif isFull(gameBoard):
            displayBoard(gameBoard)  # Display the board one last time.
            print("There is a tie!")

        # Switch turns to other player:
        if playerTurn == PLAYER_X:
            playerTurn = PLAYER_O
        elif playerTurn == PLAYER_O:
            playerTurn = PLAYER_X

def getNewBoard():
    """Returns a dictionary that represents a Four-in-a-Row board.

    The keys are (columnIndex, rowIndex) tuples of two integers, and the
    values are one of the "X", "O" or "." (empty space) strings."""
    board = {}
 for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
            board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] = EMPTY_SPACE
    return board

def displayBoard(board):
    """Display the board and its tiles on the screen."""

    # Prepare a list to pass to the format() string method for the board
    # template. The list holds all of the board's tiles (and empty
    # spaces) going left to right, top to bottom:
    tileChars = []
    for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
            tileChars.append(board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)])

    # Display the board:

def getPlayerMove(playerTile, board):
    """Let a player select a column on the board to drop a tile into.

    Returns a tuple of the (column, row) that the tile falls into."""
    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print(f"Player {playerTile}, enter 1 to {BOARD_WIDTH} or QUIT:")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        if response not in COLUMN_LABELS:
            print(f"Enter a number from 1 to {BOARD_WIDTH}.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        columnIndex = int(response) - 1  # -1 for 0-based column indexes.

        # If the column is full, ask for a move again:
        if board[(columnIndex, 0)] != EMPTY_SPACE:
            print("That column is full, select another one.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Starting from the bottom, find the first empty space.
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
            if board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
                return (columnIndex, rowIndex)

def isFull(board):
    """Returns True if the `board` has no empty spaces, otherwise
    returns False."""
    for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
 if board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
                return False  # Found an empty space, so return False.
    return True  # All spaces are full.

def isWinner(playerTile, board):
    """Returns True if `playerTile` has four tiles in a row on `board`,
    otherwise returns False."""

    # Go through the entire board, checking for four-in-a-row:
    for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH - 3):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going across to the right:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True

    for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 3):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going down:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True

    for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH - 3):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 3):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going right-down diagonal:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True

            # Check for four-in-a-row going left-down diagonal:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True
    return False

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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让我们看看程序的源代码,就像我们对汉诺塔程序所做的那样。我再一次用黑色格式化了这段代码,每行限制为 75 个字符。


"""Four-in-a-Row, by Al Sweigart email@protected
A tile-dropping game to get four-in-a-row, similar to Connect Four."""

import sys

# Constants used for displaying the board:
EMPTY_SPACE = "."  # A period is easier to count than a space.
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我们用一个文档字符串、模块导入和常量赋值开始程序,就像我们在汉诺塔程序中所做的那样。我们定义了PLAYER_XPLAYER_O常量,这样我们就不必在整个程序中使用字符串"X""O",使得错误更容易被捕获。如果我们在使用常量时输入了一个错别字,比如PLAYER_XX,Python 会抛出NameError,立即指出问题所在。但是如果我们用"X"字符打了个错别字,比如"XX""Z",产生的 bug 可能不会立即显现出来。正如在第 71 页的“幻数”中所解释的,直接使用常量而不是字符串值不仅提供了描述,还为源代码中的任何拼写错误提供了预警。


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


COLUMN_LABELS = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")
  • 1
  • 2

我们稍后将使用这个常量来确保玩家选择一个有效的列。请注意,如果我们将BOARD_WIDTH设置为除了7之外的值,我们将不得不在COLUMN_LABELS元组中添加或删除标签。我可以通过基于代码为的BOARD_WIDTH生成COLUMN_LABELS的值来避免这种情况,如下所示:COLUMN_LABELS = tuple([str(n) for n in range(1, BOARD_WIDTH + 1)])。但是COLUMN_LABELS未来不太可能改变,因为标准的四人一排游戏是在 7 乘 6 的棋盘上玩的,所以我决定写出一个显式的元组值。

当然,这种硬编码是一种代码味道,正如第 71 页“魔术数字”中所描述的,但它比其他选择更具可读性。另外,assert语句警告我们在不更新COLUMN_LABELS的情况下改变BOARD_WIDTH

和汉诺塔一样,四行程序使用 ASCII 艺术画来绘制游戏棋盘。以下几行是带有多行字符串的单个赋值语句:

# The template string for displaying the board:
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这个字符串包含大括号({}),format()字符串方法将用棋盘的内容替换它。(displayBoard()函数,稍后解释,将处理这一点。)因为棋盘由 7 列和 6 行组成,所以我们在 6 行的每一行中使用 7 个括号对{}来代表每个插槽。注意,就像COLUMN_LABELS一样,我们在技术上对棋盘进行了硬编码,以创建一定数量的列和行。如果我们将BOARD_WIDTHBOARD_HEIGHT改为新的整数,我们也必须更新BOARD_TEMPLATE中的多行字符串。


BOARD_EDGE = "    +" + ("-" * BOARD_WIDTH) + "+"
BOARD_ROW = "    |" + ("{}" * BOARD_WIDTH) + "|\n"
  • 1
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  • 3



def main():
    """Runs a single game of Four-in-a-Row."""
        """Four-in-a-Row, by Al Sweigart email@protected

Two players take turns dropping tiles into one of seven columns, trying
to make four-in-a-row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

    # Set up a new game:
    gameBoard = getNewBoard()
    playerTurn = PLAYER_X
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 while True:  # Run a player's turn.
        # Display the board and get player's move:
        playerMove = getPlayerMove(playerTurn, gameBoard)
        gameBoard[playerMove] = playerTurn
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  • 5



 # Check for a win or tie:
        if isWinner(playerTurn, gameBoard):
            displayBoard(gameBoard)  # Display the board one last time.
            print("Player {} has won!".format(playerTurn))
        elif isFull(gameBoard):
            displayBoard(gameBoard)  # Display the board one last time.
            print("There is a tie!")
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 # Switch turns to other player:
        if playerTurn == PLAYER_X:
            playerTurn = PLAYER_O
        elif playerTurn == PLAYER_O:
            playerTurn = PLAYER_X
  • 1
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  • 5

注意,我本可以将elif语句变成一个简单的没有条件的else语句。但是回想一下 Python 信条之禅,即显式优于隐式。这个代码明确地说如果现在轮到玩家 O,那么接下来就轮到玩家 X 了。另一种说法是,如果现在还没轮到参与人 X,下一个就轮到参与人 X 了。尽管ifelse语句自然符合布尔条件,但是PLAYER_XPLAYER_O值与True不同,False : not PLAYER_XPLAYER_O不同。因此,在检查playerTurn的值时,直接一点很有帮助。


playerTurn = {PLAYER_X: PLAYER_O, PLAYER_O: PLAYER_X}[ playerTurn]
  • 1

这一行使用了第 101 页“使用字典代替switch语句”中提到的字典技巧。但是像许多一行程序一样,它不像直接的ifelif语句那样易读。


def getNewBoard():
    """Returns a dictionary that represents a Four-in-a-Row board.

    The keys are (columnIndex, rowIndex) tuples of two integers, and the
    values are one of the "X", "O" or "." (empty space) strings."""
    board = {}
    for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
            board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] = EMPTY_SPACE
    return board
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  • 10

这个函数返回一个字典,它代表一个四行棋盘。它有用于键的(columnIndex, rowIndex)元组(其中columnIndexrowIndex是整数),以及用于棋盘上每个位置的图块的'X''O''.'字符。我们将这些字符串分别存储在PLAYER_XPLAYER_OEMPTY_SPACE中。

我们的四行游戏相当简单,因此使用字典来表示游戏板是一种合适的技术。尽管如此,我们还是可以使用面向对象的方法来代替。我们将在第 15 到 17 章探索 OOP


def displayBoard(board):
    """Display the board and its tiles on the screen."""

    # Prepare a list to pass to the format() string method for the board
    # template. The list holds all of the board's tiles (and empty
    # spaces) going left to right, top to bottom:
    tileChars = []
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 for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
            tileChars.append(board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)])

    # Display the board:
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

这些嵌套的for循环遍历棋盘上所有可能的行和列,将它们添加到tileChars中的列表中。一旦这些循环结束,我们就使用星号*前缀将tileChars列表中的值作为单独的参数传递给format()方法。“使用*创建变参函数”一节解释了如何使用该语法将列表中的值作为独立的函数参数:代码print(*['cat', 'dog', 'rat'])相当于print('cat', 'dog', 'rat')。我们需要星号,因为format()方法要求每个大括号对有一个参数,而不是一个列表参数。


def getPlayerMove(playerTile, board):
    """Let a player select a column on the board to drop a tile into.

    Returns a tuple of the (column, row) that the tile falls into."""
    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print(f"Player {playerTile}, enter 1 to {BOARD_WIDTH} or QUIT:")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")
  • 1
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  • 11

该函数以等待玩家输入有效走法的无限循环开始。这段代码类似于汉诺塔程序中的getPlayerMove()函数。请注意,while循环开始时的print()调用使用了 F 字符串,因此如果我们更新BOARD_WIDTH,就不必更改消息。


 if response not in COLUMN_LABELS:
            print(f"Enter a number from 1 to {BOARD_WIDTH}.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

我们可以把这个输入验证条件写成not response.isdecimal() or spam < 1 or spam > BOARD_WIDTH,但是直接用response not in COLUMN_LABELS更简单。


 columnIndex = int(response) - 1  # -1 for 0-based column indexes.

        # If the column is full, ask for a move again:
        if board[(columnIndex, 0)] != EMPTY_SPACE:
            print("That column is full, select another one.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
  • 1
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  • 6

棋盘在屏幕上显示列标签17。但是板上的(columnIndex, rowIndex)索引使用基于 0 的索引,所以它们的范围是从 0 到 6。为了解决这个差异,我们将字符串值'1''7'转换为整数值06



 # Starting from the bottom, find the first empty space.
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 1, -1, -1):
            if board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
                return (columnIndex, rowIndex)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

这个for循环从底部行索引、BOARD_HEIGHT - 16开始,并向上移动,直到找到第一个空白空间。然后,该函数返回最低空白空间的索引。


def isFull(board):
    """Returns True if the `board` has no empty spaces, otherwise
    returns False."""
    for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
        for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
            if board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)] == EMPTY_SPACE:
                return False  # Found an empty space, so return False.
    return True  # All spaces are full.
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def isWinner(playerTile, board):
    """Returns True if `playerTile` has four tiles in a row on `board`,
    otherwise returns False."""

    # Go through the entire board, checking for four-in-a-row:
    for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH - 3):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going across to the right:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True
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(columnIndex, rowIndex)元组代表一个起点。我们检查起点和它右边的三个空格来寻找playerTile字符串。如果起始空格是(columnIndex, rowIndex),它右边的空格将是(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex),以此类推。我们将把这四个空间中的图块保存到变量tile1tile2tile3tile4中。如果所有这些变量的值都与playerTile相同,我们就找到了一行四个变量,并且isWinner()函数返回True

在第 76 页的“带有数字后缀的变量”中,我提到带有连续数字后缀的变量名(就像这个游戏中的tile1tile4 )通常是一种代码味道,表明你应该使用单个列表来代替。但是在这种情况下,这些变量名是没问题的。我们不需要用列表来替换它们,因为四行程序总是需要正好四个这样的tile变量。请记住,代码异味不一定表明有问题;这只意味着我们应该再看一眼,确认我们已经用最易读的方式编写了代码。在这种情况下,使用列表会使我们的代码更加复杂,并且不会增加任何好处,所以我们将坚持使用tile1tile2tile3tile4


 for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 3):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going down:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True
  • 1
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  • 9


 for columnIndex in range(BOARD_WIDTH - 3):
        for rowIndex in range(BOARD_HEIGHT - 3):
            # Check for four-in-a-row going right-down diagonal:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True

            # Check for four-in-a-row going left-down diagonal:
            tile1 = board[(columnIndex + 3, rowIndex)]
            tile2 = board[(columnIndex + 2, rowIndex + 1)]
            tile3 = board[(columnIndex + 1, rowIndex + 2)]
            tile4 = board[(columnIndex, rowIndex + 3)]
            if tile1 == tile2 == tile3 == tile4 == playerTile:
                return True
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17


 return False
  • 1


# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == '__main__':
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

同样,我们使用一个常见的 Python 习惯用法,如果直接运行fourinarow.py,则调用main(),但如果将fourinarow.py作为模块导入,则不调用。



在汉诺塔中,我们将这三座塔表示为一个字典,包含关键字'A''B''C',它们的值是整数列表。这是可行的,但是如果我们的程序更大或者更复杂,用一个类来表示这些数据是一个好主意。本章没有用到类和 OOP 技术,因为我在第 15 章到第 17 章才涉及 OOP。但是请记住,为这个数据结构使用一个类是完全有效的。塔在屏幕上呈现为 ASCII 艺术画,使用文本字符来显示塔的每个圆盘。

四排游戏使用 ASCII 艺术画来显示游戏板的表示。我们使用存储在BOARD_TEMPLATE常量中的多行字符串来显示它。该字符串有 42 对括号{}来显示7×6板上的每个空格。我们使用大括号,所以format()字符串方法可以在那个空间用瓷砖替换它们。这样,屏幕上显示的BOARD_TEMPLATE字符串如何产生游戏板就更明显了。


