- /****************************************mpu6050 part****************************************/
- /*
- 接线:
- VCC------VCC
- GND------GND
- SCL------SCL
- SDA------SDA
- */
- #include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h> //include library
- #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> //include library
- #include <Wire.h> //include library
- Adafruit_MPU6050 mpu; //Instantiate object
- #define mpu6050TimeInterval 100 //Detect the time interval of a trip
- unsigned long mpu6050Times = 0; //Record the device running time
- float mpu6050Temp = 0; //Define a variable
- float xAcceleration , yAcceleration , zAcceleration ; //Define three variables
- float xAccele , yAccele , zAccele ; //Define three variables
- float xGyro = 0, yGyro = 0, zGyro = 0; //Define three variables
- float gravity = 9.8; //Define a variable
- /****************************************set up and loop part*********************************/
- void setup(void) {
- Serial.begin(9600); //Example Set the baud rate of the serial port to 9600
- if (!mpu.begin()) { // Try to initialize!
- while (millis() - 1000) { //Wait for the device to come online
- Serial.println("Failed to find MPU6050 chip");
- }
- }
- mpu.setAccelerometerRange(MPU6050_RANGE_16_G); //Set the accelerometer range
- mpu.setGyroRange(MPU6050_RANGE_250_DEG); //Set the gyroscope range
- mpu.setFilterBandwidth(MPU6050_BAND_21_HZ); //Set filtering bandwidth
- Serial.println("Go online!");
- }
- void loop() {
- getMpu6050Data(); //Obtain data about the mpu6050
- }
- /****************************************mpu6050 part****************************************/
- /*Obtain data about the mpu6050*/
- void getMpu6050Data() {
- if (millis() - mpu6050Times >= mpu6050TimeInterval) { //This command is executed once in a while
- mpu6050Times = millis();
- sensors_event_t a, g, temp; //Set three variables
- mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp); //Read the corresponding three values
- mpu6050Temp = temp.temperature; //Acquired temperature
- xAcceleration = a.acceleration.x ; //Acquired acceleration
- yAcceleration = a.acceleration.y ; //Acquired acceleration
- zAcceleration = a.acceleration.z ; //Acquired acceleration
- xAccele = xAcceleration / gravity; //Convert the units of acceleration into g
- yAccele = yAcceleration / gravity; //Convert the units of acceleration into g
- zAccele = zAcceleration / gravity; //Convert the units of acceleration into g
- xGyro = g.gyro.x; //Acquired angular velocity
- yGyro = g.gyro.y; //Acquired angular velocity
- zGyro = g.gyro.z; //Acquired angular velocity
- Serial.print("Temp: ");
- Serial.print(mpu6050Temp); //Serial print temperature
- Serial.print(" , x-accele: ");
- Serial.print(xAccele); //Serial print acceleration
- Serial.print(" , y-accele: ");
- Serial.print(yAccele); //Serial print acceleration
- Serial.print(" , z-accele: ");
- Serial.print(zAccele); //Serial print acceleration
- Serial.print(" , x-gyro:");
- Serial.print(xGyro); //Serial port print angular speed
- Serial.print(" , y-gyro:");
- Serial.print(yGyro); //Serial port print angular speed
- Serial.print(" , z-gyro:");
- Serial.println(zGyro); //Serial port print angular speed
- }
- }
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