# Redis configuration file example
# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify
# it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth:
# 1k => 1000 bytes
# 1kb => 1024 bytes
# 1m => 1000000 bytes
# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
# 1g => 1000000000 bytes
# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
# units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.
################################## INCLUDES ################################### # Include one or more other config files here. This is useful if you # have a standard template that goes to all Redis servers but also need # to customize a few per-server settings. Include files can include # other files, so use this wisely. # # Notice option "include" won't be rewritten by command "CONFIG REWRITE" # from admin or Redis Sentinel. Since Redis always uses the last processed # line as value of a configuration directive, you'd better put includes # at the beginning of this file to avoid overwriting config change at runtime. # # If instead you are interested in using includes to override configuration # options, it is better to use include as the last line. # # include .\path\to\local.conf # include c:\path\to\other.conf
################################## NETWORK #####################################
bind # 绑定ip
protected-mode yes # 保护模式,默认开启
port 6379 # 端口设置
################################# GENERAL ##################################### daemonize yes # 以守护进程的方式运行,默认时no,需要我们自己设置为 yes,windows 环境 supervised no # 后台运行需要设置supervised,默认我no pidfile /var/run/redis_6379.pid # 如果以后台的方式运行,需要指定一个pid文件 # 日志 # Specify the server verbosity level. # This can be one of: # debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing) 一般用于开发,测试环境 # verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level) # notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably) 生产环境 # warning (only very important / critical messages are logged) loglevel notice logfile "" # 日志的文件名 databases 16 # 数据库的数量,默认是16个数据库 always-show-logo yes # 是否显示是logo
################################ SNAPSHOTTING ################################ # 持久化,在规定的世纪那内,执行了多少此操作,则会持久化到文件 .rbd .aof中 #如果900s内,如果至少有 1 个 key 进行了修改,则进行持久化操作 save 900 1 #如果300s内,如果至少有 10 个 key 进行了修改,则进行持久化操作 save 300 10 #如果60s内,如果至少有 10000 个 key 进行了修改,则进行持久化操作 save 60 10000 stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes # 持久化如果出错,是否需要继续工作,默认为no rdbcompression yes # 是否压缩 rdb 文件,需要消耗一些 cpu 资源,默认为yes rdbchecksum yes # 保存 rdb 文件的时候,进行错误进行校验 dir ./ # rdb 文件保存的目录
################################# REPLICATION #################################
################################## SECURITY ################################### # 设置密码> ping PONG> config get requirepass # 获取redis的密码 1) "requirepass" 2) ""> config set requirepass "123456" # 设置redis的密码 OK> config get requirepass # 发现所有的命令都没有权限了 (error) NOAUTH Authentication required.> ping (error) NOAUTH Authentication required.> auth 123456 # 使用密码进行登录! OK> config get requirepass 1) "requirepass" 2) "123456
################################### CLIENTS ####################################
maxclients 10000 # 设置能连接上redis的最大客户端数量
# 内存
############################## MEMORY MANAGEMENT ################################
maxmemory <bytes> # redis 配置最大的内存容量
maxmemory-policy noeviction # 内存到达上限之后的处理策略
2、allkeys-lru : 删除lru算法的key
5、volatile-ttl : 删除即将过期的
6、noeviction : 永不过期,返回错误
############################## APPEND ONLY MODE ###############################
appendonly yes # 默认是开启aof持久化方式
appendfilename "appendonly.aof" # 持久化的文件名字
# appendfsync always # 每次修改都会 sync。消耗性能
appendfsync everysec # 每秒执行一次 sync,可能会丢失这1s的数据
# appendfsync no # 不执行sync,这个是操作系统自己同步数据,速度最快
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