注意:flask错误码或者认证失败的状态码需要以return方式返回,如:return make_response(jsonify({‘error’: ‘Not Find’}), 401),而flask-restful认证失败状态码需以重写abort方式返回,这算是两种方式下返回认证失败的差异。
#!/usr/bin/python3 # encoding: utf-8 """ @version: v1.0 @author: W_H_J @license: Apache Licence @contact: 415900617@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: flaskBaseRestful.py @time: 2019/7/3 17:30 @describe: flask 实现 flask Restful 安全认证采用注解方式 """ import json import sys import os from flask import Flask, jsonify, abort, make_response, request sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + '..')) sys.path.append("..") from authSafety import basic_auth app = Flask(__name__) tasks = [ { 'id': 1, 'title': u'Buy groceries', 'description': u'Milk, Cheese, Pizza, Fruit, Tylenol', 'done': False }, { 'id': 2, 'title': u'Learn Python', 'description': u'Need to find a good Python tutorial on the web', 'done': False } ] @app.route('/') def index(): return "Hello, World!" @app.route('/todo/api/v1/tasks', methods=['GET']) @basic_auth.login_required def get_tasks(): return jsonify({'tasks': tasks}) @app.route('/todo/api/v1/tasks/<int:task_id>', methods=['GET']) def get_tasks_id(task_id): task = list(filter(lambda t: t['id'] == task_id, tasks)) if len(task) == 0: abort(404) return jsonify({'task': task[0]}) @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(): return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not Find'}), 404) @app.route('/todo/api/v1/tasks/put', methods=['POST']) def create_task(): data = json.loads(request.data) if not data or not 'title' in data: abort(400) task = { 'id': tasks[-1]['id'] + 1, 'title': data['title'], 'description': "", 'done': False } tasks.append(task) return jsonify({'task': task}), 201 @basic_auth.error_handler def unauthorized(): return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not Find'}), 401) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True, port=8080)
采用了两种认证方式,一种为用户名密码方式认证,一种使用令牌(Token)方式认证,最后采用MultiAuth(basic_auth, token_auth)方法将两种认证综合起来,只要满足其中一种认证则认为认证通过。同户名密码方式认证中对于密码部分采用generate_password_hash()方式进行加密,否则直接保存为明文不安全,对于密码校验,使用check_password_hash()方法,虽然无法直接反义密码原文,但是可以采用此方法直接比对新输入的密码与原加密密码是否相同。
安全认证部分,有两点,两种方式略有不同:flask 需要以return 这种方式返回自定义异常:return make_response(jsonify({‘error’: ‘Not Find’}), 401);而 flask_restful 则修改abort方式返回自定义异常: abort(401, message={‘error’: ‘Unauthorized access’})
令牌Token方式认证:HTTPTokenAuth(scheme=‘Bearer’),令牌Bearer,Token:secret-token-1,只有请求中满足这个认证,则通过,测试方法:curl -X GET -H “Authorization: Bearer secret-token-1” http://localhost:5000/
#!/usr/bin/python3 # encoding: utf-8 """ @version: v1.0 @author: W_H_J @license: Apache Licence @contact: 415900617@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: authSafety.py @time: 2019/7/4 16:00 @describe: flask 请求安全认证 """ import sys import os from flask_restful import abort from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth, HTTPTokenAuth, MultiAuth from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + '..')) sys.path.append("..") # 用户名密码方式认证 basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth() # 令牌(Token)认证 token_auth = HTTPTokenAuth(scheme='Bearer') # 以上两种多重认证-若期中之一通过,则认证通过 multi_auth = MultiAuth(basic_auth, token_auth) users = [ {'username': 'Tom', 'password': generate_password_hash('111111')}, # 混淆密码,对于给定的字符串,生成其加盐的哈希值 {'username': 'kevin', 'password': generate_password_hash('123456')} ] tokens = { "secret-token-1": "John", "secret-token-2": "Susan" } @token_auth.verify_token def verify_token(token): """ token认证 curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token-1" http://localhost:5000/ :param token: Bearer secret-token-1 :return: """ if token in tokens: return True return False @token_auth.error_handler def unauthorized(): """ 认证失败 flask 需要以return 这种方式返回自定义异常 return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Not Find'}), 401) flask_restful 则修改abort方式返回自定义异常 abort(401, message={'error': 'Unauthorized access'}) :return: """ abort(401, message={'error': 'Unauthorized access'}) @basic_auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): """ 用户名密码认证 curl -u Tom:111111 -i -X GET http://localhost:5000/ :param username: :param password: :return: """ for user in users: if user['username'] == username: if check_password_hash(user['password'], password): return True return False @basic_auth.error_handler def unauthorized(): abort(401, message={'error': 'Unauthorized access'})
官网简介, 对于这部分因为有中文官网,并且介绍很详细,可以直接查阅不同方法实现。
对于flask-restful中安全认证,官网中介绍很简单,其实就是在类中直接声明一句:decorators = [multi_auth.login_required] # flask_restful 安全认证方式,类似于flask注解,全局认证,详见下面代码,multi_auth采用上面代码中,联合认证方式。但是这种全局认证也有不足,比如我们只想在delete方法中加安全认证,get方法中不加怎么办,那么就不能采用全局认证方式,其是flask-restful还是基于flask的封装,所以依旧可以采用flask原生方式进行认证,如下面代码get方式中的:
# @multi_auth.login_required # 两种综合认证方式,满足其一即可
def get(self, todo_id):
#!/usr/bin/python3 # encoding: utf-8 """ @version: v1.0 @author: W_H_J @license: Apache Licence @contact: 415900617@qq.com @software: PyCharm @file: flaskRestFul.py @time: 2019/7/3 18:17 @describe: flask_restful Restful 风格 pip install flask-restful 参考自:安全认证:https://blog.csdn.net/JackLiu16/article/details/82730727 flask_restful官方简介:http://www.pythondoc.com/flask-restful/second.html """ import sys import os from flask import Flask from flask_restful import reqparse, abort, Api, Resource from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + '..')) sys.path.append("..") from authSafety import multi_auth, basic_auth, token_auth app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) TODOS = { 'todo1': {'task': 'hello python'}, 'todo2': {'task': 'hello java'}, 'todo3': {'task': 'hello flask'}, } # 检索是否有资源 def abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id): if todo_id not in TODOS: abort(404, message="所查资源不存在".format(todo_id)) def not_found(): abort(404, message={'error': 'Not Find'}) def auth_error(): abort(404, message={"error": "username or password is None"}) parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('task') parser.add_argument('auth_key', type=str) parser.add_argument('auth_value', type=str) class Todo(Resource): decorators = [multi_auth.login_required] # flask_restful 安全认证方式,类似于flask注解,全局认证 '''采用flask注解方式认证,那个方法需要认证,则将注解加到此处''' # @basic_auth.login_required # 用户名密码认证方式 # @token_auth.login_required # token认证方式 # @multi_auth.login_required # 两种综合认证方式,满足其一即可 def get(self, todo_id): """ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token-1" http://localhost:5000/todos/todo1 curl -u Tom:111111 -i -X GET http://localhost:5000/todos/todo1 :param todo_id: todo1,检索关键字 :return: """ abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id) # 如果资源不存在 return TODOS[todo_id] def delete(self, todo_id): abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id) del TODOS[todo_id] return '', 204 def put(self, todo_id): args = parser.parse_args() task = {'task': args['task']} TODOS[todo_id] = task return task, 201 class TodoList(Resource): decorators = [multi_auth.login_required] def get(self): if len(TODOS) == 0: not_found() # 无资源 return TODOS def post(self): args = parser.parse_args() todo_id = int(max(TODOS.keys()).lstrip('todo')) + 1 todo_id = 'todo%i' % todo_id TODOS[todo_id] = {'task': args['task']} return TODOS[todo_id], 201 class AuthSafety(Resource): """认证用户注册""" def post(self, auth_type): """ 注册新用户 :param auth_type: name:姓名密码方式注册;token:token方式注册 :return: """ args = parser.parse_args() auth_key = args['auth_key'] auth_value = args['auth_value'] if auth_key is None or auth_value is None: auth_error() if auth_type == 'name': with open("pws.txt", 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str({'username': auth_key, 'password': generate_password_hash(auth_value)})+'\n') return {"UserName": auth_key, "PassWord": auth_value, "type": "name"}, 200 elif auth_type == 'token': return {"UserName": auth_key, "PassWord": auth_value, "type": "token"}, 200 else: auth_error() def get(self, auth_type): dict_pwd = {} with open("pws.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() for msg in data: msg = eval(msg) dict_pwd[msg['username']] = msg['password'] return dict_pwd # 设置路由规则 api.add_resource(TodoList, '/todos') api.add_resource(Todo, '/todos/<todo_id>') api.add_resource(AuthSafety, '/auth/<auth_type>') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True)
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