然后分别在两个终端运行下面两句代码,就可以启动rviz,然后使用2D Nav Goal给它终点坐标即可规划。
- source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch plan_manage rviz.launch
- source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch plan_manage kino_replan.launch
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "fast_planner_node");
- ros::NodeHandle nh("~"); //创建一个节点句柄,命名为~
- int planner;
- nh.param("planner_node/planner", planner, -1);
- TopoReplanFSM topo_replan;
- KinoReplanFSM kino_replan;
- if (planner == 1) {//planner默认是1
- kino_replan.init(nh);
- } else if (planner == 2) {
- topo_replan.init(nh);
- }
- ros::Duration(1.0).sleep();
- ros::spin();
- return 0;
- }
- void KinoReplanFSM::init(ros::NodeHandle& nh) {
- current_wp_ = 0;
- exec_state_ = FSM_EXEC_STATE::INIT;
- have_target_ = false;
- have_odom_ = false;
- /* fsm param */
- nh.param("fsm/flight_type", target_type_, -1);
- nh.param("fsm/thresh_replan", replan_thresh_, -1.0);
- nh.param("fsm/thresh_no_replan", no_replan_thresh_, -1.0);
- nh.param("fsm/waypoint_num", waypoint_num_, -1);
- for (int i = 0; i < waypoint_num_; i++) {
- nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_x", waypoints_[i][0], -1.0);
- nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_y", waypoints_[i][1], -1.0);
- nh.param("fsm/waypoint" + to_string(i) + "_z", waypoints_[i][2], -1.0);
- }
- /* initialize main modules */
- planner_manager_.reset(new FastPlannerManager);
- planner_manager_->initPlanModules(nh);
- visualization_.reset(new PlanningVisualization(nh));
- /* callback */
- // 创建一个定时器,以某一Duration 秒 的时间间隔执行某一回调函数
- exec_timer_ = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), &KinoReplanFSM::execFSMCallback, this);
- safety_timer_ = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.05), &KinoReplanFSM::checkCollisionCallback, this);
- waypoint_sub_ =
- nh.subscribe("/waypoint_generator/waypoints", 1, &KinoReplanFSM::waypointCallback, this);
- odom_sub_ = nh.subscribe("/odom_world", 1, &KinoReplanFSM::odometryCallback, this);
- replan_pub_ = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("/planning/replan", 10);
- new_pub_ = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("/planning/new", 10);
- bspline_pub_ = nh.advertise<plan_manage::Bspline>("/planning/bspline", 10);
- }
- case GEN_NEW_TRAJ: {
- start_pt_ = odom_pos_;
- start_vel_ = odom_vel_;
- start_acc_.setZero();
- Eigen::Vector3d rot_x = odom_orient_.toRotationMatrix().block(0, 0, 3, 1);
- start_yaw_(0) = atan2(rot_x(1), rot_x(0));
- start_yaw_(1) = start_yaw_(2) = 0.0;
- bool success = callKinodynamicReplan();
- if (success) {
- changeFSMExecState(EXEC_TRAJ, "FSM"); // 如果成功获取一条轨迹,就改状态为EXEC_TRAJ,去执行
- } else {
- // have_target_ = false;
- // changeFSMExecState(WAIT_TARGET, "FSM");
- changeFSMExecState(GEN_NEW_TRAJ, "FSM"); // 如果没成功,就继续保持生成状态
- }
- break;
bool success = callKinodynamicReplan();
- bool KinoReplanFSM::callKinodynamicReplan() {
- bool plan_success =
- planner_manager_->kinodynamicReplan(start_pt_, start_vel_, start_acc_, end_pt_, end_vel_);
int status = kino_path_finder_->search(start_pt, start_vel, start_acc, end_pt, end_vel, true);
- int KinodynamicAstar::search(Eigen::Vector3d start_pt, Eigen::Vector3d start_v, Eigen::Vector3d start_a,
- Eigen::Vector3d end_pt, Eigen::Vector3d end_v, bool init, bool dynamic, double time_start)
- {
- start_vel_ = start_v;
- start_acc_ = start_a;
- PathNodePtr cur_node = path_node_pool_[0];
- cur_node->parent = NULL;
- // 一个state是一个6×1的向量,前面三个存位置,后面三个存速度信息
- cur_node->state.head(3) = start_pt;
- cur_node->state.tail(3) = start_v;
- cur_node->index = posToIndex(start_pt);
- cur_node->g_score = 0.0;
- Eigen::VectorXd end_state(6);
- Eigen::Vector3i end_index;
- double time_to_goal;
- end_state.head(3) = end_pt;
- end_state.tail(3) = end_v;
- end_index = posToIndex(end_pt);
- cur_node->f_score = lambda_heu_ * estimateHeuristic(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);
- cur_node->node_state = IN_OPEN_SET; // open_set_为优先级队列,比较的为 PathNodePtr 的fScore
- open_set_.push(cur_node);
- use_node_num_ += 1;
- // 考虑时间实时规划
- if (dynamic)
- {
- time_origin_ = time_start;
- cur_node->time = time_start;
- cur_node->time_idx = timeToIndex(time_start); // 考虑时间因素的话,就选择带有时间信息的insert
- expanded_nodes_.insert(cur_node->index, cur_node->time_idx, cur_node);
- // cout << "time start: " << time_start << endl;
- }
- else //否则采用普通insert
- expanded_nodes_.insert(cur_node->index, cur_node);
- PathNodePtr neighbor = NULL;
- PathNodePtr terminate_node = NULL;
- bool init_search = init;
- const int tolerance = ceil(1 / resolution_); // ceil()函数:求不小于x的最小整数(向上取整)
- while (!open_set_.empty())
- {
- cur_node = open_set_.top(); // 取出cost最小的节点
- // Terminate? 判断扩展的节点是否距离终点过近
- bool reach_horizon = (cur_node->state.head(3) - start_pt).norm() >= horizon_;
- bool near_end = abs(cur_node->index(0) - end_index(0)) <= tolerance &&
- abs(cur_node->index(1) - end_index(1)) <= tolerance &&
- abs(cur_node->index(2) - end_index(2)) <= tolerance;
- if (reach_horizon || near_end)
- {
- terminate_node = cur_node;
- retrievePath(terminate_node);
- if (near_end)
- {
- // Check whether shot traj exist
- estimateHeuristic(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);
- computeShotTraj(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);
- if (init_search)
- ROS_ERROR("Shot in first search loop!");
- }
- }
- if (reach_horizon)
- {
- if (is_shot_succ_)
- {
- std::cout << "reach end" << std::endl;
- return REACH_END;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "reach horizon" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (near_end)
- {
- if (is_shot_succ_)
- {
- std::cout << "reach end" << std::endl;
- return REACH_END;
- }
- else if (cur_node->parent != NULL)
- {
- std::cout << "near end" << std::endl;
- return NEAR_END;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "no path" << std::endl;
- return NO_PATH;
- }
- }
- // 弹出节点
- open_set_.pop();
- cur_node->node_state = IN_CLOSE_SET;
- iter_num_ += 1;
- double res = 1 / 2.0, time_res = 1 / 1.0, time_res_init = 1 / 20.0;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> cur_state = cur_node->state;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> pro_state;
- vector<PathNodePtr> tmp_expand_nodes;
- Eigen::Vector3d um;
- double pro_t;
- vector<Eigen::Vector3d> inputs;
- vector<double> durations;
- if (init_search)
- {
- inputs.push_back(start_acc_);
- for (double tau = time_res_init * init_max_tau_; tau <= init_max_tau_ + 1e-3;
- tau += time_res_init * init_max_tau_)
- durations.push_back(tau);
- init_search = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // inputs里面放入所有可能的三维加速度
- for (double ax = -max_acc_; ax <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ax += max_acc_ * res)
- for (double ay = -max_acc_; ay <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ay += max_acc_ * res)
- for (double az = -max_acc_; az <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; az += max_acc_ * res)
- {
- um << ax, ay, az;
- inputs.push_back(um);
- }
- // duration里面放所有可能的tau
- for (double tau = time_res * max_tau_; tau <= max_tau_; tau += time_res * max_tau_)
- durations.push_back(tau);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i)
- for (int j = 0; j < durations.size(); ++j)
- {
- um = inputs[i];
- double tau = durations[j];
- stateTransit(cur_state, pro_state, um, tau);// 记录状态转移:从当前状态转移到pro_state,这个函数得到pro_state
- pro_t = cur_node->time + tau; // 时间间隔
- Eigen::Vector3d pro_pos = pro_state.head(3); // 取 pro_state 前3维,作为位置
- // Check if in close set
- Eigen::Vector3i pro_id = posToIndex(pro_pos); // 坐标转换成idx
- int pro_t_id = timeToIndex(pro_t); // 时间也转换一下
- // 哈希表搜索这个节点,如果是动态的,搜索加上时间
- PathNodePtr pro_node = dynamic ? expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id, pro_t_id) : expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id);
- // 如果没搜索到(==NULL),或者说当前节点在CLOSE LIST内了
- if (pro_node != NULL && pro_node->node_state == IN_CLOSE_SET)
- {
- if (init_search) // 如果是
- std::cout << "close" << std::endl;
- continue;
- }
- // 状态转移,从state0转移到state1
- void KinodynamicAstar::stateTransit(Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>& state0, Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>& state1,
- Eigen::Vector3d um, double tau)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- phi_(i, i + 3) = tau;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> integral; // 创建一个向量存增量
- integral.head(3) = 0.5 * pow(tau, 2) * um; //位置为δx = 0.5 * a * t^2
- integral.tail(3) = tau * um; // 速度为 δv = a * t
- state1 = phi_ * state0 + integral;
- }
- if (status == KinodynamicAstar::NO_PATH) {
- cout << "[kino replan]: kinodynamic search fail!" << endl;
- // retry searching with discontinuous initial state
- kino_path_finder_->reset();
- status = kino_path_finder_->search(start_pt, start_vel, start_acc, end_pt, end_vel, false);
- if (status == KinodynamicAstar::NO_PATH) {
- cout << "[kino replan]: Can't find path." << endl;
- return false;
- } else {
- cout << "[kino replan]: retry search success." << endl;
- }
- } else {
- cout << "[kino replan]: kinodynamic search success." << endl;
- }
- plan_data_.kino_path_ = kino_path_finder_->getKinoTraj(0.01);
- t_search = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();
- // parameterize the path to bspline
- double ts = pp_.ctrl_pt_dist / pp_.max_vel_;
- vector<Eigen::Vector3d> point_set, start_end_derivatives;
- kino_path_finder_->getSamples(ts, point_set, start_end_derivatives);
- void KinodynamicAstar::getSamples(double& ts, vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point_set,
- vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_end_derivatives)
- {
- /* ---------- path duration ---------- */
- double T_sum = 0.0;
- if (is_shot_succ_)
- T_sum += t_shot_;
- PathNodePtr node = path_nodes_.back();
- while (node->parent != NULL)
- {
- T_sum += node->duration;
- node = node->parent;
- }
- // cout << "duration:" << T_sum << endl;
- // Calculate boundary vel and acc
- Eigen::Vector3d end_vel, end_acc;
- double t;
- if (is_shot_succ_)
- {
- t = t_shot_;
- end_vel = end_vel_;
- for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
- {
- Vector4d coe = coef_shot_.row(dim);
- end_acc(dim) = 2 * coe(2) + 6 * coe(3) * t_shot_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- t = path_nodes_.back()->duration;
- end_vel = node->state.tail(3);
- end_acc = path_nodes_.back()->input;
- }
- // Get point samples
- int seg_num = floor(T_sum / ts);
- seg_num = max(8, seg_num);
- ts = T_sum / double(seg_num);
- bool sample_shot_traj = is_shot_succ_;
- node = path_nodes_.back();
- for (double ti = T_sum; ti > -1e-5; ti -= ts)
- {
- if (sample_shot_traj)
- {
- // samples on shot traj
- Vector3d coord;
- Vector4d poly1d, time;
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- time(j) = pow(t, j);
- for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++)
- {
- poly1d = coef_shot_.row(dim);
- coord(dim) = poly1d.dot(time);
- }
- point_set.push_back(coord);
- t -= ts;
- /* end of segment */
- if (t < -1e-5)
- {
- sample_shot_traj = false;
- if (node->parent != NULL)
- t += node->duration;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // samples on searched traj
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> x0 = node->parent->state;
- Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> xt;
- Vector3d ut = node->input;
- stateTransit(x0, xt, ut, t);
- point_set.push_back(xt.head(3));
- t -= ts;
- // cout << "t: " << t << ", t acc: " << T_accumulate << endl;
- if (t < -1e-5 && node->parent->parent != NULL)
- {
- node = node->parent;
- t += node->duration;
- }
- }
- }
- reverse(point_set.begin(), point_set.end());
- // calculate start acc
- Eigen::Vector3d start_acc;
- if (path_nodes_.back()->parent == NULL)
- {
- // no searched traj, calculate by shot traj
- start_acc = 2 * coef_shot_.col(2);
- }
- else
- {
- // input of searched traj
- start_acc = node->input;
- }
- start_end_derivatives.push_back(start_vel_);
- start_end_derivatives.push_back(end_vel);
- start_end_derivatives.push_back(start_acc);
- start_end_derivatives.push_back(end_acc);
- Eigen::MatrixXd ctrl_pts;
- NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline(ts, point_set, start_end_derivatives, ctrl_pts);
- NonUniformBspline init(ctrl_pts, 3, ts);
- int K = point_set.size();
- // write A
- Eigen::Vector3d prow(3), vrow(3), arow(3);
- prow << 1, 4, 1;
- vrow << -1, 0, 1;
- arow << 1, -2, 1;
- Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(K + 4, K + 2);
- for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) A.block(i, i, 1, 3) = (1 / 6.0) * prow.transpose();
- A.block(K, 0, 1, 3) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();
- A.block(K + 1, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();
- A.block(K + 2, 0, 1, 3) = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
- A.block(K + 3, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
- // write b
- Eigen::VectorXd bx(K + 4), by(K + 4), bz(K + 4);
- for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
- bx(i) = point_set[i](0);
- by(i) = point_set[i](1);
- bz(i) = point_set[i](2);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- bx(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](0);
- by(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](1);
- bz(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](2);
- }
- // solve Ax = b
- Eigen::VectorXd px = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bx);
- Eigen::VectorXd py = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(by);
- Eigen::VectorXd pz = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bz);
- // convert to control pts
- ctrl_pts.resize(K + 2, 3);
- ctrl_pts.col(0) = px;
- ctrl_pts.col(1) = py;
- ctrl_pts.col(2) = pz;
- // bspline trajectory optimization
- t1 = ros::Time::now();
- int cost_function = BsplineOptimizer::NORMAL_PHASE;
- if (status != KinodynamicAstar::REACH_END) {
- cost_function |= BsplineOptimizer::ENDPOINT;
- }
- ctrl_pts = bspline_optimizers_[0]->BsplineOptimizeTraj(ctrl_pts, ts, cost_function, 1, 1);
- t_opt = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();
设置 cost_function为BsplineOptimizer::NORMAL_PHASE;
- const int BsplineOptimizer::NORMAL_PHASE =
- BsplineOptimizer::SMOOTHNESS | BsplineOptimizer::DISTANCE | BsplineOptimizer::FEASIBILITY;
- Eigen::MatrixXd BsplineOptimizer::BsplineOptimizeTraj(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const double& ts,
- const int& cost_function, int max_num_id,
- int max_time_id) {
- setControlPoints(points);
- setBsplineInterval(ts);
- setCostFunction(cost_function);
- setTerminateCond(max_num_id, max_time_id);
- optimize();
- return this->control_points_;
- }
- void BsplineOptimizer::setControlPoints(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points) {
- control_points_ = points;
- dim_ = control_points_.cols();
- }
- void BsplineOptimizer::setBsplineInterval(const double& ts) { bspline_interval_ = ts; }
- void BsplineOptimizer::setCostFunction(const int& cost_code) {
- cost_function_ = cost_code;
- // print optimized cost function
- string cost_str;
- if (cost_function_ & SMOOTHNESS) cost_str += "smooth |";
- if (cost_function_ & DISTANCE) cost_str += " dist |";
- if (cost_function_ & FEASIBILITY) cost_str += " feasi |";
- if (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) cost_str += " endpt |";
- if (cost_function_ & GUIDE) cost_str += " guide |";
- if (cost_function_ & WAYPOINTS) cost_str += " waypt |";
- ROS_INFO_STREAM("cost func: " << cost_str);
- }
- void BsplineOptimizer::setTerminateCond(const int& max_num_id, const int& max_time_id) {
- max_num_id_ = max_num_id;
- max_time_id_ = max_time_id;
- }
- // iterative time adjustment
- t1 = ros::Time::now();
- NonUniformBspline pos = NonUniformBspline(ctrl_pts, 3, ts);
- double to = pos.getTimeSum();
- pos.setPhysicalLimits(pp_.max_vel_, pp_.max_acc_);
- bool feasible = pos.checkFeasibility(false);
- int iter_num = 0;
- while (!feasible && ros::ok()) {
- feasible = pos.reallocateTime();
- if (++iter_num >= 3) break;
- }
- // pos.checkFeasibility(true);
- // cout << "[Main]: iter num: " << iter_num << endl;
- double tn = pos.getTimeSum();
- cout << "[kino replan]: Reallocate ratio: " << tn / to << endl;
- if (tn / to > 3.0) ROS_ERROR("reallocate error.");
- t_adjust = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();
- NonUniformBspline::NonUniformBspline(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const int& order,
- const double& interval) {
- setUniformBspline(points, order, interval);
- }
- void NonUniformBspline::setUniformBspline(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const int& order,
- const double& interval) {
- control_points_ = points;
- p_ = order;
- interval_ = interval;
- n_ = points.rows() - 1;
- m_ = n_ + p_ + 1;
- u_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(m_ + 1);
- for (int i = 0; i <= m_; ++i) {
- if (i <= p_) {
- u_(i) = double(-p_ + i) * interval_;
- } else if (i > p_ && i <= m_ - p_) {
- u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;
- } else if (i > m_ - p_) {
- u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;
- }
- }
- }
- double NonUniformBspline::getTimeSum() {
- double tm, tmp;
- getTimeSpan(tm, tmp);
- return tmp - tm;
- }
- void NonUniformBspline::getTimeSpan(double& um, double& um_p) {
- um = u_(p_);
- um_p = u_(m_ - p_);
- }
为pos设置最大的限制 pos.setPhysicalLimits(pp_.max_vel_, pp_.max_acc_);
- bool NonUniformBspline::reallocateTime(bool show) {
- // SETY << "[Bspline]: total points size: " << control_points_.rows() << endl;
- // cout << "origin knots:\n" << u_.transpose() << endl;
- bool fea = true;
- Eigen::MatrixXd P = control_points_;
- int dimension = control_points_.cols();
- double max_vel, max_acc;
- /* check vel feasibility and insert points */
- for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
- Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
- if (fabs(vel(0)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 || fabs(vel(1)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 ||
- fabs(vel(2)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4) {
- fea = false;
- if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible vel " << i << " :" << vel.transpose() << endl;
- max_vel = -1.0;
- for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
- max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));
- }
- double ratio = max_vel / limit_vel_ + 1e-4;
- if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;
- double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1);
- double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
- double delta_t = time_new - time_ori;
- double t_inc = delta_t / double(p_);
- for (int j = i + 2; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
- u_(j) += double(j - i - 1) * t_inc;
- if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
- // cout << "vel j: " << j << endl;
- }
- }
- for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
- u_(j) += delta_t;
- }
- }
- }
遍历每个控制点,计算两个控制点之间的速度 v = x/t。如果速度没有越limit_vel_界,则以这个速度作为重分配的时间的速度。
- /* acc feasibility */
- for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {
- Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
- ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
- (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
- (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));
- if (fabs(acc(0)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 || fabs(acc(1)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 ||
- fabs(acc(2)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4) {
- fea = false;
- if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible acc " << i << " :" << acc.transpose() << endl;
- max_acc = -1.0;
- for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
- max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));
- }
- double ratio = sqrt(max_acc / limit_acc_) + 1e-4;
- if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;
- // cout << "ratio: " << ratio << endl;
- double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2);
- double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
- double delta_t = time_new - time_ori;
- double t_inc = delta_t / double(p_ - 1);
- if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
- // cout << "acc i: " << i << endl;
- for (int j = 2; j <= 5; ++j) {
- u_(j) += double(j - 1) * t_inc;
- }
- for (int j = 6; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
- u_(j) += 4.0 * t_inc;
- }
- } else {
- for (int j = i + 3; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
- u_(j) += double(j - i - 2) * t_inc;
- if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
- // cout << "acc j: " << j << endl;
- }
- }
- for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
- u_(j) += delta_t;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return fea;
- double tn = pos.getTimeSum();
- cout << "[kino replan]: Reallocate ratio: " << tn / to << endl;
- if (tn / to > 3.0) ROS_ERROR("reallocate error.");
- t_adjust = (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec();
- // save planned results
- local_data_.position_traj_ = pos;
- double t_total = t_search + t_opt + t_adjust;
- cout << "[kino replan]: time: " << t_total << ", search: " << t_search << ", optimize: " << t_opt
- << ", adjust time:" << t_adjust << endl;
- pp_.time_search_ = t_search;
- pp_.time_optimize_ = t_opt;
- pp_.time_adjust_ = t_adjust;
- updateTrajInfo();
- return true;
- void FastPlannerManager::updateTrajInfo() {
- local_data_.velocity_traj_ = local_data_.position_traj_.getDerivative();
- local_data_.acceleration_traj_ = local_data_.velocity_traj_.getDerivative();
- local_data_.start_pos_ = local_data_.position_traj_.evaluateDeBoorT(0.0);
- local_data_.duration_ = local_data_.position_traj_.getTimeSum();
- local_data_.traj_id_ += 1;
- }
- NonUniformBspline NonUniformBspline::getDerivative() {
- Eigen::MatrixXd ctp = getDerivativeControlPoints();
- NonUniformBspline derivative(ctp, p_ - 1, interval_);
- /* cut the first and last knot */
- Eigen::VectorXd knot(u_.rows() - 2);
- knot = u_.segment(1, u_.rows() - 2);
- derivative.setKnot(knot);
- return derivative;
- }
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