(1) 选择一个60位素数作为coeff_modulus中的第一个素数.这将解密时给出最高的精度;
(2) 选择另一个60位素数作为coeff_modulus的最后一个元素,,同时这将被用作特殊的素数,应该与其他质数中最大的一样打;
(3) 选择中间素数彼此接近
poly_modulus_degree: CoeffModulus::MaxBitCount(8192)返回218。
即使在纯文本元素的CKKS方案基本上是多项式的整数系数 x^n
有了scale 必然有rescale
目的: 乘法后: scale = scale + scale = 2*scale 即 $ \Delta^{2}\to \Delta $
函数调用 | 参数类型 | 解释说明 |
evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(Ciphertext) | Ciphertext | 重新调整scale比例系数接近于初始设置的值,接近但不是等于 |
double scale = pow(2.0, 40); | int | 定义一个2^40 的scale 比例系数 |
对于多项式 不同的计算顺序消耗的噪声预算以及性能不同
求 F ( x ) = π ∗ x 3 + 0.4 ∗ x + 1 F(x) = \pi * x^{3} + 0.4 * x +1 F(x)=π∗x3+0.4∗x+1
Plaintext plain_coeff3, plain_coeff1, plain_coeff0; // 编码 encoder.encode(3.14159265, scale, plain_coeff3);// PI encoder.encode(0.4, scale, plain_coeff1); // 0.4 encoder.encode(1.0, scale, plain_coeff0); // 1 // x^2 evaluator.square(x1_encrypted, x3_encrypted); // x3_encrypted = x1_encrypted * x1_encrypted evaluator.relinearize_inplace(x3_encrypted, relin_keys); evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x3_encrypted); // 重新调整scale 规模 // PI * x evaluator.multiply_plain(x1_encrypted, plain_coeff3, x1_encrypted_coeff3);// x1_encrypted_coeff3 = x1_encrypted * plain_coeff3 evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x1_encrypted_coeff3); // 0.4*x evaluator.multiply_plain_inplace(x1_encrypted, plain_coeff1); evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x1_encrypted);
在这个样例中 level的变化过程
- Product x^2 has scale 2^80 and is at level 2;
- Product PI*x has scale 2^80 and is at level 2;
- We rescaled both down to scale 2^80/P_2 and level 1;
- Product PI*x^3 has scale (2^80/P_2)^2;
- We rescaled it down to scale (2^80/P_2)^2/P_1 and level 0;
- Product 0.4*x has scale 2^80;
- We rescaled it down to scale 2^80/P_2 and level 1;
- The contant term 1 has scale 2^40 and is at level 2.
三者的scale 虽然接近,但也是不一样的
既然P_2和P_1非常接近2 ^ 40,我们可以简单欺骗 Microsoft SEAL,把scale 设置成一样的,因为以及非常接近2^40
// 重新设置两者的scale
x3_encrypted.scale() = pow(2.0, 40);
x1_encrypted.scale() = pow(2.0, 40);
另一种方法就是将1 编码成 2^80/P_2 在做一个 multiply_plain 将level降到与0.4*x 保持一致
解决掉上面的问题后我们还有加密参数不匹配的问题。这是很容易的通过使用modulus switching (no rescaling) 来解决
CKKS支持modulus switching就像BFV格式一样、
cout << "Normalize encryption parameters to the lowest level." << endl;
parms_id_type last_parms_id = x3_encrypted.parms_id();
evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(x1_encrypted, last_parms_id);
evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(plain_coeff0, last_parms_id);
cout << "Compute PI*x^3 + 0.4*x + 1." << endl;
Ciphertext encrypted_result;
evaluator.add(x3_encrypted, x1_encrypted, encrypted_result);
evaluator.add_plain_inplace(encrypted_result, plain_coeff0);
Plaintext plain_result; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Decrypt and decode PI*x^3 + 0.4x + 1." << endl; cout << " + Expected result:" << endl; vector<double> true_result; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { double x = input[i]; true_result.push_back((3.14159265 * x * x + 0.4) * x + 1); } print_vector(true_result, 3, 7); /* Decrypt, decode, and print the result. */ decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_result, plain_result); vector<double> result; encoder.decode(plain_result, result); cout << " + Computed result ...... Correct." << endl; print_vector(result, 3, 7);
#include "examples.h" using namespace std; using namespace seal; void example_ckks_basics() { print_example_banner("Example: CKKS Basics"); /* In this example we demonstrate evaluating a polynomial function PI*x^3 + 0.4*x + 1 on encrypted floating-point input data x for a set of 4096 equidistant points in the interval [0, 1]. This example demonstrates many of the main features of the CKKS scheme, but also the challenges in using it. We start by setting up the CKKS scheme. */ EncryptionParameters parms(scheme_type::ckks); size_t poly_modulus_degree = 8192; //long long unsigned int parms.set_poly_modulus_degree(poly_modulus_degree); parms.set_coeff_modulus(CoeffModulus::Create(poly_modulus_degree, { 60, 40, 40, 60 })); /* * 我们选择初始比例为2^40 * this leaves us 60-40=20 bits of precision before the decimal point, and enough (roughly 10-20 bits) of precision after the decimal point. Since our intermediate primes are 40 bits (in fact, they are very close to 2^40), we can achieve scale stabilization as described above. */ double scale = pow(2.0, 40); SEALContext context(parms); print_parameters(context); cout << endl; KeyGenerator keygen(context); auto secret_key = keygen.secret_key(); PublicKey public_key; keygen.create_public_key(public_key); RelinKeys relin_keys; keygen.create_relin_keys(relin_keys); GaloisKeys galois_keys; keygen.create_galois_keys(galois_keys); Encryptor encryptor(context, public_key); Evaluator evaluator(context); Decryptor decryptor(context, secret_key); CKKSEncoder encoder(context); size_t slot_count = encoder.slot_count(); cout << "Number of slots: " << slot_count << endl; vector<double> input; input.reserve(slot_count); // 申请空间 double curr_point = 0; //static_cast<double> 将size_t 转成成double 在运算 double step_size = 1.0 / (static_cast<double>(slot_count) - 1); // for (size_t i = 0; i < slot_count; i++) { input.push_back(curr_point); curr_point += step_size; } cout << "Input vector: " << endl; print_vector(input,3,7); // 打印vector 前3 项后3项, 保留小数点后7位 cout << "Evaluating polynomial PI*x^3 + 0.4x + 1 ..." << endl; Plaintext plain_coeff3, plain_coeff1, plain_coeff0; // 编码 encoder.encode(3.14159265, scale, plain_coeff3); encoder.encode(0.4, scale, plain_coeff1); encoder.encode(1.0, scale, plain_coeff0); Plaintext x_plain; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Encode input vectors." << endl; encoder.encode(input, scale, x_plain); // 加密 Ciphertext x1_encrypted; encryptor.encrypt(x_plain, x1_encrypted); /* * 为了计算x^3,我们首先计算x^2并重新线性化。然而,scale已经现在变成了2的80次方。 */ // x^2 Ciphertext x3_encrypted; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Compute x^2 and relinearize:" << endl; evaluator.square(x1_encrypted, x3_encrypted); // x3_encrypted = x1_encrypted * x1_encrypted evaluator.relinearize_inplace(x3_encrypted, relin_keys); cout << " + Scale of x^2 before rescale: " << log2(x3_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; /* * 现在重新调节;rescale * 除了modulus switch 方法外,scale 减少的系数等于被转移的质数(40位质数) * 因此, 新的比例尺应该接近2^40。然而,scale != 2^40 :这是因为40位素数只是接近2^40。 * */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Rescale x^2." << endl; evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x3_encrypted); // 重新调整scale 规模 cout << " + Scale of x^2 after rescale: " << log2(x3_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; /* * 现在x3_encrypted与x1_encrypted处于不同的级别 * 这阻止了我们 x3_encrypted*x1_encrypted 来计算x^3 * 因此通过modulus switch 链 将x1_encrypted 切换到与x3_encrypted 同一级别, * 但又需要计算PI* x^3 所以 我们先计算 PI*x 然后调整scale 从2^80 -> 2^40 * 然后在计算 Pi*x * x^2 * */ print_line(__LINE__); // PI * x cout << "Compute and rescale PI*x." << endl; Ciphertext x1_encrypted_coeff3; evaluator.multiply_plain(x1_encrypted, plain_coeff3, x1_encrypted_coeff3);// x1_encrypted_coeff3 = x1_encrypted * plain_coeff3 cout << " + Scale of PI*x before rescale: " << log2(x1_encrypted_coeff3.scale()) << " bits" << endl; evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x1_encrypted_coeff3); cout << " + Scale of PI*x after rescale: " << log2(x1_encrypted_coeff3.scale()) << " bits" << endl; //(PI*x)*x^2. print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Compute, relinearize, and rescale (PI*x)*x^2." << endl; evaluator.multiply_inplace(x3_encrypted, x1_encrypted_coeff3); evaluator.relinearize_inplace(x3_encrypted, relin_keys); cout << " + Scale of PI*x^3 before rescale: " << log2(x3_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x3_encrypted); cout << " + Scale of PI*x^3 after rescale: " << log2(x3_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; // 0.4*x print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Compute and rescale 0.4*x." << endl; evaluator.multiply_plain_inplace(x1_encrypted, plain_coeff1); cout << " + Scale of 0.4*x before rescale: " << log2(x1_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; evaluator.rescale_to_next_inplace(x1_encrypted); cout << " + Scale of 0.4*x after rescale: " << log2(x1_encrypted.scale()) << " bits" << endl; /* * 现在我们希望计算这三项的和。然而,有一个严重的问题是: 这三个术语使用的加密参数都是不同是由于模数从缩放转换而来。 加密的加法和减法要求输入的刻度为相同, 并且加密参数(parms_id)匹配。如果有不匹配时,求值器将抛出异常。 */ cout << endl; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Parameters used by all three terms are different." << endl; cout << " + Modulus chain index for x3_encrypted: " << context.get_context_data(x3_encrypted.parms_id())->chain_index() << endl; cout << " + Modulus chain index for x1_encrypted: " << context.get_context_data(x1_encrypted.parms_id())->chain_index() << endl; cout << " + Modulus chain index for plain_coeff0: " << context.get_context_data(plain_coeff0.parms_id())->chain_index() << endl; cout << endl; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "The exact scales of all three terms are different:" << endl; ios old_fmt(nullptr); old_fmt.copyfmt(cout); cout << fixed << setprecision(10); cout << " + Exact scale in PI*x^3: " << x3_encrypted.scale() << endl; cout << " + Exact scale in 0.4*x: " << x1_encrypted.scale() << endl; cout << " + Exact scale in 1: " << plain_coeff0.scale() << endl; cout << endl; cout.copyfmt(old_fmt); print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Normalize scales to 2^40." << endl; x3_encrypted.scale() = pow(2.0, 40); x1_encrypted.scale() = pow(2.0, 40); /* * 我们还有加密参数不匹配的问题。这是很容易的通过使用modulus switching (no rescaling) 来解决 */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Normalize encryption parameters to the lowest level." << endl; parms_id_type last_parms_id = x3_encrypted.parms_id(); evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(x1_encrypted, last_parms_id); evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(plain_coeff0, last_parms_id); /* 到现在这三种密文现在都是兼容的,可以进行add运算了 */ print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Compute PI*x^3 + 0.4*x + 1." << endl; Ciphertext encrypted_result; evaluator.add(x3_encrypted, x1_encrypted, encrypted_result); evaluator.add_plain_inplace(encrypted_result, plain_coeff0); Plaintext plain_result; print_line(__LINE__); cout << "Decrypt and decode PI*x^3 + 0.4x + 1." << endl; cout << " + Expected result:" << endl; vector<double> true_result; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { double x = input[i]; true_result.push_back((3.14159265 * x * x + 0.4) * x + 1); } print_vector(true_result, 3, 7); /* Decrypt, decode, and print the result. */ decryptor.decrypt(encrypted_result, plain_result); vector<double> result; encoder.decode(plain_result, result); cout << " + Computed result ...... Correct." << endl; print_vector(result, 3, 7); return; }
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