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这些行之有效的技巧已帮助像您这样的人将采访转变为Google,Facebook,Amazon等的优惠。 (These proven tips have helped people like you turn interviews into offers at Google, Facebook, Amazon, & more.)

Phone interviews are stressful!


You’ve put in all that time behind your computer tweaking your resume, editing your cover letter, and crafting the perfect application questions. You weren’t expecting much, but then…

您将所有时间都花在了计算机后面,以调整简历,编辑求职信并拟定理想的应用程序问题。 您原本期望不高,但是……



A new email hits your inbox from a recruiter - they want to hop on the phone with you tomorrow to see if you’re a good fit for the role and the team.


Things just got real, this is your chance!


Now you just have to find a way to stay cool, convey your value, and stand out from the dozens of other people who also landed the phone call. No pressure, right? It’s just your dream job…

现在,您只需要找到一种保持冷静,传达您的价值的方法,并从也打了电话的几十个人中脱颖而出。 没有压力吧? 这只是你的梦想工作...

That’s where this post comes in.


During my job search, I went on over 50 interviews at places like Google, Microsoft, and Twitter. I’ve also coached thousands of job seekers through their interview process here at Cultivated Culture. I used those opportunities to test different strategies with one goal in mind: to find the tactics that will significantly boost your chances of landing the job offer.

在求职期间,我在Google,Microsoft和Twitter等地方进行了50多次面试。 在“文化培养”中,我还通过面试过程指导了成千上万的求职者。 我利用这些机会来测试不同的策略,并牢记一个目标:找到可以显着提高您获得工作机会的策略。

This article distills the 14 most effective phone interview tips I’ve found during that time. To keep things organized, I broke them down into three sections:

本文摘录了我在这段时间内找到的14个最有效的电话采访技巧。 为了使事情井井有条,我将它们分为三个部分:

  • 7 Tips To Help Prepare For Your Phone Interview


  • What To Do 20 Minutes Before Your Call (5 Tips)


  • 2 Post-Interview Tips That Will Seal The Deal


If you follow the framework laid out in this post before your next phone interview, I guarantee you’ll land a spot in the next round:


帮助您准备电话面试的7个提示 (7 Tips To Help Prepare For Your Phone Interview)

When it comes to interviewing, 80% of success lies in the preparation. Most job seekers know that it’s important to prepare, but they have no idea how to prepare.

面试时,成功的80%在于准备。 大多数求职者都知道准备很重要,但他们不知道如何准备。

In this section, I’m going to walk you through six interview prep tips that helped me triple the amount of job offers I received from phone interviews (at places like Google, Microsoft, & Twitter no less!).


提示1:准备并记住常见面试问题的答案 (Tip 1: Prepare & Memorize Answers To Common Interview Questions)

The easiest and most efficient way to become a better interviewer is to prepare for the obvious questions.


If you’ve been on multiple interviews, you’ve probably realized that many of the questions sound familiar. That’s because most interviews are like a Taco Bell menu: the ingredients are the same, everything’s just packaged differently. ?

如果您进行过多次采访,您可能已经意识到许多问题听起来很熟悉。 这是因为大多数采访都像Taco Bell菜单:配料相同,只是包装不同。 ?

One company might ask you about a time you failed while another might ask you about the most valuable lesson you learned at your last job. Both of those questions are essentially getting at the same thing, which means we can handle them with a single answer.

一家公司可能会问您失败的时间,而另一家公司可能会问您关于您上一份工作中所学到的最有价值的教训。 这些问题本质上都是同一件事,这意味着我们可以用一个答案来处理它们。

Between the 50+ interviews I sat through during my job search, the interviews I hear about from the 12,000+ people in the Cultivated Culture community, and the treasure trove of data on places like Glassdoor, I’ve been able to uncover the data behind the questions companies ask, and how often they appear.


It turns out that most interviews ask a variation of the same set of questions, with one or two wildcards thrown in for good measure. If we boil it down, 95% of interviews mainly consist of these seven questions:

事实证明,大多数面试都提出了一系列相同问题的变体,其中有一个或两个通配符可以很好地解决。 如果我们把它归结为事实,那么95%的访谈主要包括以下七个问题:

7 Core Phone Interview Questions


Why do you want to work for us?
Tell me about a time you exhibited leadership
Tell me about a time where you had to work as a team
Tell me about a time you’ve had to work with a difficult person, or difficult people
Tell me about a time you failed
Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle
Tell me about a time when you had success

If you can prepare and memorize answers to those question, you can walk into almost any interview and succeed with no other preparation! You can do that by:

如果您可以准备并记住这些问题的答案,则几乎可以参加任何面试,而无需其他准备就可以成功! 您可以通过以下方式做到这一点:

  1. Opening a Google Doc and writing down the first thing that comes to mind for each question

  2. Have a beer or a glass of wine and get a good night’s sleep

  3. Wake up in the morning, read through your answers, and make edits

  4. Rehearse your answers at least two more times that day (for a total of 3)

  5. Rinse and repeat steps 2–5 for seven consecutive days


For a detail breakdown of crafting great interview answers and a science-based “hack” to help you memorize them with minimal effort, check out this post.

有关精心制作出色的访谈答案和基于科学的“ hack”以帮助您以最小的努力记住它们的详细细分, 请查看此帖子。

提示2:记录自己回答每个问题 (Tip 2: Record Yourself Answering Each Question)

Dr. Albert Mehrabian is a professor of psychology at UCLA who specializes in the way people communicate. According to his research, 7 % of our message is conveyed through words, 38% through vocal elements, and 55% through nonverbal elements (facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc).

阿尔伯特·梅赫拉比安(Albert Mehrabian)博士是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的心理学教授,专门研究人们的交流方式。 根据他的研究 ,我们的信息有7%是通过单词传达的,38%是通过语音表达的,55%是通过非语言表达的(面部表情,手势,姿势等)。

Crazy, right?


Phone interviews cut out 55% of the feedback our interviewers would normally use to absorb our message. That means you need to make the other 45% count if we want to make a positive impression that lasts.

电话访问减少了我们访问员通常用来吸收我们信息的55%的反馈。 这意味着,如果我们想给您留下持久的积极印象,您需要另外计算45%。

After you’ve memorized your answers, record yourself delivering them (you can use QuickTime on a Mac or the Voice Recorder app on Windows). Then listen back to your answers and analyze how they came across:

记住答案后,记录下自己的答案(可以在Mac上使用QuickTime或在Windows上使用录音机应用程序)。 然后听回您的答案并分析它们是如何产生的:

  • Do you sound confident?

  • Are you rambling or stumbling over your words?

  • Are “like,” “um,” or “uhhh” popping up every three words?

  • Are you putting enough emphasis on the main points you want to get across?


By recording your answers and listening back, you’ll hear exactly what the interviewer is going to hear so you can make sure you answers are clear, refined, and convey your message.


提示3:研究公司,尤其是挑战和新举措 (Tip 3: Research The Company, Especially Challenges & New Initiatives)

When you’re in the phone interview stage, efficiency is key. You’ll probably be hearing back from several companies at once, all expecting you to show up prepared for a phone interview 24 - 48 hours later.

当您处于电话面试阶段时,效率是关键。 您可能会立即收到几家公司的回音,所有这些公司都希望您准备在24-48小时后为电话采访做好准备。

When your window is that short, you don’t have time to read and absorb an entire company’s history. Instead, you should be focusing on the pieces of information that matter: the current company status, challenges they’re facing, and upcoming initiatives.

当您的窗口这么短时,您就没有时间阅读和吸收整个公司的历史。 相反,您应该专注于重要的信息:当前的公司状态,面临的挑战以及即将采取的措施。

Here is a simple two step framework that will help you quickly absorb all of that info in less than an hour per company:


Step 1: Listen To Their Most Recent Earnings Call

第1步:听取他们最近的收入 电话

Public companies have a responsibility to keep their shareholders up to date on earnings, challenges, and initiatives.


They do this by holding “earnings calls” or “shareholder meetings” at a regular cadence, usually once per quarter. The great news for us is that the companies record these meetings and share them publicly on their Investor Relations page so anyone can get in on the action. A quick Google search for [Company Name] Investor Relations or [Company Name] Earnings Call should get you what you’re looking for:

他们通过定期召开“收益电话”或“股东会议”来做到这一点,通常每季度一次。 对我们来说,好消息是,公司记录了这些会议并在其“投资者关系”页面上公开共享,因此任何人都可以参与其中。 在Google上快速搜索[公司名称]投资者关系[公司名称]收益电话可以为您提供所需的信息:

Using Square’s Investor Relations page as an example, you’ll find an audio recording of their quarterly earnings call as well as a letter to the shareholders summarizing their performance:


Their average call was around 50 minutes, but if you download the MP3, stick it into iTunes, and run it at 2x speed you’ll be able to get through it in 25 - 30 minutes. That will give you an overview of why the company was successful (or not) over the previous quarter as well as how they’re addressing major challenges and what they’re planning to release in the near future.

他们的平均通话时间约为50分钟,但是,如果您下载MP3,将其粘贴到iTunes中,并以2倍的速度运行,则可以在25-30分钟内通过它。 这将为您概述该公司为何在上一季度取得成功(或未取得成功),以及它们如何应对重大挑战以及计划在不久的将来发布什么。

Step 2: Read Trending Articles On Seeking Alpha


Seeking Alpha is a financial blog and analysis platform where experts from all different companies and philosophies come to share their insight on publicly traded companies.

Seeking Alpha是一个金融博客和分析平台,来自所有不同公司和哲学的专家都可以在此分享对上市公司的见解。

I love this site because those analysts do all of the research for you and then distill it down into a quick read so you can suck up all the information without investing (pun intended) a ton of your time. All you need to do is search for your target company and their “profile” page will pop up with their current stock price, major news, and analysis:

我喜欢这个网站,因为那些分析师会为您完成所有研究,然后将其提炼成快速阅读,以便您无需花费大量时间即可获取所有信息。 您需要做的就是搜索目标公司,并且其“个人资料”页面将弹出,其中包含其当前股价,主要新闻和分析:

Reading the top five articles from both the News and Analysis section will give you a very solid idea of what the company is currently dealing with and how the short term future looks. If you have a few days before your interview, you can hit the Get Alerts button in the upper right hand corner and have a daily digest of the best articles sent to your email every morning. No need to seek out the info, it’ll be delivered straight to you!

阅读“新闻和分析”部分的前五篇文章将使您对公司目前正在处理的内容以及短期的前景有一个非常扎实的想法。 如果您面试的时间还有几天,您可以点击右上角的“ 获取警报”按钮,每天将每天早晨发送给您电子邮件的最佳文章摘要。 无需查找信息,它将直接发送给您!

If you spend an hour of your time listening to the company’s most recent earnings call and reading the top articles on Seeking Alpha, you should have all the info you need to make a great impression in your phone interview!

如果您花一个小时的时间收听公司最近的电话会议并阅读Seeking Alpha上的热门文章,那么您应该拥有在电话采访中留下深刻印象所需的所有信息!

提示4:研究面试官 (Tip 4: Research Your Interviewer)

Now that you’ve got a solid handle on the company, it’s time to take a deep dive into the person who’s going to make or break your ability to work for them.


People tend to have a mental blocker around building relationships. Invisible scripts like “I’m not qualified”, “I get anxious talk to people and I can’t be myself”, “I don’t have anything to offer” prevent us from living up to our potential. The truth is, relationship building during interviews is actually pretty easy to do if you come prepared.

人们倾向于在建立关系方面有心理障碍。 诸如“我没有资格”,“我与人进行焦虑的交谈并且我不能做我自己”,“我无能为力”之类的无形脚本阻止了我们发挥自己的潜力。 事实是,如果您准备好了,在面试中建立关系实际上很容易。

The person sitting across the table from you wants to like you. If you’re a great fit and a cool person, their job is SO much easier. I’m about to share the secret to building a positive relationship with your interviewer in 5 minutes.

坐在您对面的人喜欢您。 如果您是个健康又酷的人,那么他们的工作就容易得多。 我将在5分钟内与您的面试官分享建立积极关系的秘密。



First, dig up as much information as you possibly can. Here’s my 5 step checklist for learning everything you can about your interviewer in 15 minutes:

首先,尽可能多地挖掘信息。 这是我的5个步骤的清单,用于在15分钟内了解有关面试官的所有信息:

15 Minute Research Checklist


+ Read through their LinkedIn profile and check to see if they have any recent posts or shares. If so, read those too.
+仔细阅读他们的LinkedIn个人资料,并查看他们是否有最近的帖子或分享。 如果是这样,也请阅读这些内容。
+ Check their Twitter profile and browse through the last few weeks of tweets.
+ Hit up their Facebook profile / Instagram and check out the pictures from the last few weeks.
+点击他们的Facebook个人资料/ Instagram,查看过去几周的照片。
+ Google their name and see what comes up - have they been mentioned anywhere? Have they written any articles? Do they have a personal website?
+ Google他们的名字,看看会发生什么-在任何地方都提到过他们吗? 他们有写文章吗? 他们有个人网站吗?
+ If they have a personal website, browse through that too

Those steps should give you an idea of who they are as a professional, what their career path looks like, and what their personal interests are.


For example, if you were interviewing at Microsoft for a Program Manager role, you might be interviewing with my colleague Dare. A quick Google shows us that he’s passionate about politics, as well as the impact tech has on our government and society (it also shows that Twitter might be a great place to connect since he’s so active there):

例如,如果您在Microsoft担任程序经理一职时进行面试,则可能正在与我的同事Dare面试。 快速的Google告诉我们他对政治充满热情,以及高科技对我们的政府和社会的影响(它还显示Twitter可能是一个很好的联系之地,因为他在那里很活跃):

Scrolling down the results, we’d also see that Dare shares a lot of his thoughts on his Medium profile. Reading up on some of these posts is a great way to get inside of his head and understand where he’s coming from:

向下滚动结果,我们还将看到Dare在其Medium个人资料中分享了他的许多想法。 阅读这些文章中的一些内容是了解他的头脑并了解他来自何处的好方法:

These are great angles you can use to make small talk, bring down the “professional barrier”, and build a rapport with your interviewer. Even if you’re not “good” or comfortable with small talk, all you need to do is back the conversation into the topic, ask them about it, and continue with follow up questions!

您可以使用这些角度进行闲聊,消除“专业障碍”,并与面试官建立融洽的关系。 即使您不擅长“闲聊”或闲聊,您所要做的就是将话题重新回到话题中,向他们询问,然后继续进行后续提问!

提示5:创建问题清单以询问面试官 (Tip 5: Create A List Of Questions To Ask Your Interviewer)

Asking questions is one of the most important and underutilized parts of the interview.


Leading up to the Q&A, your interviewer has been controlling the conversation, and they’ve likely been asking the same questions to every candidate. That means they’ve been getting similar answers, within a range. Sure, some people will have better experience and are able to convey their value better, but the answers will be in the same vein.

在进行问答之前,您的面试官一直在控制对话,他们可能一直在向每位候选人提出相同的问题。 这意味着他们已经在一定范围内获得了相似的答案。 当然,有些人会有更好的经验,能够更好地传达自己的价值,但是答案是一致的。

The opportunity to ask questions is your chance to stand out and gain an edge over the competition.


During my job search, I went on 50+ interviews at dozens of companies. I used those opportunities to split test different interview questions and sets to see which were the most effective. Based on feedback and the result of the interview, I found that these 5 questions were the most effective:

在求职期间,我对数十家公司进行了50多次面试。 我利用这些机会来对不同的面试问题和习题进行分组测试,以了解哪些是最有效的。 根据反馈和访谈的结果,我发现这五个问题是最有效的:

Questions To Ask At The End Of Your Phone Interview


1. What Is Your Favorite Part About Working For Company X?
2. What Is The Biggest Challenge Your Team Is Facing Right Now?
3. Let’s Fast Forward One Year - You’re Looking Back On This Hire. What Did They Do To Exceed All Expectations?
3.让我们快进一年-您正在回看这份工作。 他们做了什么超越所有期望?
4. What Is The Most Unexpected Lesson You’ve Learned While Working At Company X?
5. Tell Me A Little Bit More About You, What Do You Like To Do Outside Of Work?

There are specific, science-backed reasons around why these questions are so effective. To learn more about the principles behind them, along with a few psychology “hacks” you can use to boost your chances of landing a positive impression with your interviewer, give this article a read.

这些问题如此有效的原因有特定的,有科学背景的原因。 要了解有关其原理的更多信息,以及一些心理学上的“骇客”,您可以用来增加与面试官建立积极印象的机会,请阅读本文。

提示6:研究此职位的薪水并拿出“您的电话号码” (Tip 6: Research Salaries For This Position & Come Up With “Your Number”)

This one is a doozie!


Tripping up on a question about “a time you failed” or “your career path” is one thing - there will be a chance to make up for it. Messing up the conversation about your salary expectations can kill your ability to negotiate down the road, which is exactly why interviewers love to ask it early on.

碰到“失败的时间”或“您的职业道路”这个问题是一回事,这将有机会弥补。 弄乱有关您的薪水期望的谈话可能会扼杀您在未来进行谈判的能力,这正是面试官喜欢早日提出要求的原因。

The good news is that, with a little research and preparation, you can ace this question an turn it into a 20% raise at the end of the process. Here’s how - I’ve included the abbreviated version of making that happen below. For the full detailed walkthrough on negotiating your salary, check out this article:

好消息是,只需进行一些研究和准备,您就可以解决这个问题,在流程结束时将其提高到20%。 方法如下-我在下面包括了使之发生的缩写版本。 有关谈判薪水的完整详细演练, 请查看本文

步骤1:了解您的身价 (Step 1: Know Your Worth)

The internet makes it pretty easy to gauge what other people are being paid for similar positions. My three favorite sites for this are Glassdoor, Paysa, and Salary.com.

互联网使人们很容易确定其他类似职位的薪水。 我最喜欢的三个网站是Glassdoor,Paysa和Salary.com。

The best case scenario is finding a salary range for the exact role and company you want, but that’s a rare jackpot. Alternatively, you can look at ranges for that job title in the city where you plan to work - here’s the average for Project Managers in New York (via Glassdoor):

最好的情况是为您想要的确切职位和公司找到薪水范围,但这是很少的头奖。 另外,您可以在您计划工作的城市查看该职位的范围-以下是纽约项目经理的平均水平(通过Glassdoor):

Or see what your target company’s competitors are offering for similar positions. Let’s say you wanted to work as a Creative Strategist at Twitter, but no one had submitted salaries on Glassdoor. You could use Paysa to look up the range for the same job title at Facebook:

或查看目标公司的竞争对手为类似职位提供的服务。 假设您想在Twitter上担任创意策略师,但没人在Glassdoor上提交过薪水。 您可以使用Paysa在Facebook上查找相同职位的范围:

You don’t have to be scientifically accurate here, the goal is to get an idea of what’s reasonable when it comes to compensation for your target position. If pushed, you want to be able to provide a figure in the upper range of the range you found. Here’s how to handle that conversation:

您在这里不必一定是科学上的准确,而是要了解在补偿目标职位时应该采取的合理措施。 如果按下,则希望能够提供所找到范围的上限范围内的数字。 处理对话的方法如下:

步骤2:宣扬金钱 (Step 2: Preach Fit Over Money)

The #1 rule of negotiating salary is that the first person to throw out a number ends up at a big disadvantage.


When your interviewer says “can you tell me a little bit more about your salary expectations?” or “can you tell me how much you made at your previous role?”, don’t immediately cave and give them the info they want. Instead, tell them that you’re flexible on salary but finding the right fit is your #1 priority.

当您的面试官说“您能告诉我更多关于您的薪水期望吗?”“您能告诉我您上一职务赚了多少钱吗?” ,不要立即屈服并给他们想要的信息。 相反,告诉他们您在薪水上很灵活,但找到合适的职位是您的第一要务。

Handling The Salary Question In A Phone Interview


Interviewer: Can you give me an idea of your salary expectations for this role?


You: I am flexible on salary and compensation, my number one priority is making sure this is the right fit for both of us.


That should get you out of the limelight for the moment and buy you some time.


Step #3: Hit Them With 75%-80% Of The Upper Limit


At some point, you’ll need to cough up a number.


Your interviewer might say “we don’t move forward unless we have a firm number”, or you may have made it to the final round, or maybe they gave you an offer and it was a lowball!

您的面试官可能会说: “除非我们有一个确定的数字,否则我们不会前进”,或者您可能已经进入了最后一轮,或者也许他们给了您一个报价,但这是低价!

In those cases, the best thing to do is, give them a number that sits in the 75 - 80% range of the upper limit. Using our Project Manager role from the screenshot above, PMs make an average of $98k per year but the upper limit is $141k. 75% of $141k is $105K so that is your number!

在这些情况下,最好的办法是为他们提供一个位于上限的75-80%范围内的数字。 使用上面截图中的项目经理角色,项目经理每年平均可赚取9.8万美元,但上限为14.1万美元。 $ 141k的75%是$ 105K,这就是您的数目!

Give it to them and see how they react.


秘诀7:与亲朋好友一起练习 (Tip 7: Practice With Friends Or Family)

Finally, one of the best things you can do to prepare is get a second opinion.


We all tend to be biased about our own abilities (for better or worse), having someone you trust running a mock interview can help you identify any additional weaknesses to shore up before the big day. Try to find someone objective who has some experience in the same industry as your target role.

我们所有人都倾向于对自己的能力有偏见(无论好坏),让您信任的人进行模拟面试可以帮助您确定在忙碌的一天之前可以弥补的其他弱点。 尝试找到一个与目标角色在同一行业中具有一定经验的人。

Give them some background on the role, ask them to pick a few of the “core” questions (at random), and ask them to throw in a few curve balls to keep you on your toes. Do your best to treat this as if it were a real interview - do it over the phone, avoid any non-relevant small talk, and try to recreate the environment you’re going to encounter during the real phone interview.

给他们一些角色背景,让他们随机选择一些“核心”问题,并让他们扔一些曲线球以保持脚尖。 尽最大努力将其视为真实的采访-通过电话进行,避免任何无关的闲聊,并尝试重新创建在真实的电话采访中会遇到的环境。

准备完成! (Preparation Complete!)

If you follow all of the tips laid out above, you should be incredibly well prepared to crush your upcoming phone interview. But all that prep doesn’t matter if you don’t capitalize on it during the interview.

如果您遵循上面列出的所有提示,则应该为准备好即将进行的电话采访做好充分准备。 但是,如果您在面试中没有充分利用,那么所有准备工作都没有关系。

The next two sections will walk you through a few tips to help you set up the right environment, overcome nerves/anxiety, and help you make an impression that solidifies your spot in the next round.


电话面试前20分钟该做什么(5条提示) (What To Do 20 Minutes Before Your Phone Interview (5 Tips))

I’ll admit, these are fairly “obvious” but there’s a reason everyone else talks about them - they work. Make sure you clear your schedule at least 15 - 20 minutes before your interview so you can get settled and get into the right mindset.

我承认,它们相当“明显”,但是每个人都在谈论它们是有原因的-它们起作用。 确保在面试前至少15-20分钟清除时间表,这样您就可以安定下来,并进入正确的心态。

提示8:在安静的地方找到 (Tip 8: Find Somewhere Quiet)

Background noise definitely does not leave a professional impression, and it can kill your ability to focus. You don’t want a door slamming as your interviewer introduces themselves, or your coworker yelling “you’ve gotta be f***ing kidding me!” as you’re explaining your biggest weakness.

背景噪声绝对不会给人留下专业的印象,它会破坏您的聚焦能力。 您不希望在面试官介绍自己时猛烈地敲门,或者您的同事大喊“您一定是在开玩笑吧!” 当您在解释自己最大的弱点时。

Despite our best efforts, studies have proven that humans simply can’t multi-task. Instead, your attention gets divided so you can only give a maximum of 50% if you’re trying to focus on two things at once (and even less as you add more focal points).

尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但研究证明, 人类根本无法完成多项任务 。 相反,您的注意力分散了,因此,如果您尝试一次专注于两件事,则最多只能给出50%的注意力(随着添加更多的焦点,注意力甚至更少)。

You may think of multi-tasking as a conscious effort to text your friend while talking to your Mom on speakerphone, but it happens at the subconscious level as well. It’s harder to come up with an answer on the fly when your brain is busy trying to block out background noise. Save yourself the trouble and find somewhere nice and quiet for your phone interview.

您可能会认为多任务处理是在通过扬声器与妈妈通话时发短信给朋友的有意识的努力,但这也发生在潜意识层面。 当您的大脑正忙于阻止背景噪音时,很难即时给出答案。 省去麻烦,在电话采访中找个安静的地方。

提示9:使用耳机接听电话 (Tip 9: Use Headphones To Take The Call)

This one is super easy - plug in your headphones and take your call using them. This frees up your hands to scroll through notes you have prepared and simply use them to speak (which actually helps you express your thoughts more effectively - even over the phone), bringing us to our next tip:

这款耳机非常简单-插入耳机并使用耳机接听电话。 这使您可以腾出手来滚动浏览您准备的笔记,只需使用它们说话即可(实际上可以帮助您更有效地表达您的想法 ,甚至可以通过电话),将我们带到下一个提示:

技巧10:在计算机上准备好重要资源 (Tip 10: Have Important Resources Ready On Your Computer)

While phone interviews kill our ability to include body language in our message, they give us the advantage of being able to have helpful resources right in front of us. My advice is to close out everything on your computer except for one browser with the following items open in different tabs:

电话采访虽然削弱了我们在消息中包含肢体语言的能力,但它们却给我们带来了可以在我们面前拥有有用资源的优势。 我的建议是关闭计算机上的所有内容,但一个浏览器除外,并在不同的选项卡中打开以下项目:

  • Your Resume

  • The Job Description

  • Your Interviewer’s LinkedIn Profile

  • The Questions You Want To Ask Your Interviewer

  • Google


These resources will allow you to pull up any information you might need on the fly, which can save you if you have a brain fart or the interviewer catches you off guard with something.


Pro Tip: It sounds weird, but looking at a picture of your interviewer (e.g. their LinkedIn profile picture) can help you sound more natural on the phone. It’s much easier for our brains to pretend we’re in a conversation when we look at a picture vs. a Word doc.

专家提示:听起来很奇怪,但是看着您的面试官的照片(例如,他们的LinkedIn个人资料照片)可以帮助您在电话上听起来更自然。 当我们看图片而不是Word文档时,我们的大脑更容易假装我们正在交谈。

提示11:检查连接 (Tip 11: Check Your Connection)

Once you’re set up in a quiet space with all of your resources pulled up, give a friend or family member a call. You should keep it short so you have time for the next tip, but you want to make sure that you can carry on a conversation without breaking up or any weird interference. It’s rare, but you’re better off taking two minutes to be safe than sorry.

将您的所有资源都拉到一个安静的地方后,给朋友或家人打电话。 您应该使它简短些,以便有时间讨论下一个技巧,但是您要确保可以进行对话而不会中断或产生任何奇怪的干扰。 这种情况很少见,但最好还是花两分钟来保证安全,而不是后悔。

秘诀12:冥想 (Tip 12: Meditate)

Whoa, like a monk!?


Exactly like a monk.


Meditation is an insanely powerful tool when it comes to gaining an edge in your phone interview. Its medically backed benefits - reducing stress, controlling anxiety, increased mental clarity, increased attention span, etc. - all directly correlate with better interview results. You can get all of these benefits in as little as 2 - 5 minutes of meditation.

在电话采访中获得优势时,冥想是一种强大的工具。 它在医学上的好处 -减轻压力,控制焦虑,增加思维清晰度,增加注意力范围等-所有这些都与更好的面试结果直接相关。 只需2至5分钟的冥想,即可获得所有这些好处。

It’s not hard either. If you’ve never meditated before, all you need to do is follow this box breathing exercise for a few minutes:

这也不难。 如果您以前从未冥想过,那么您需要做的就是几分钟的这个框式呼吸练习:

Make sure to give yourself a minute or two before your interview to allow your breathing and your mental state to return to baseline. Now you’re ready to pick up the phone, ace the phone interview, and take one step closer to your dream job!

确保在面试前给自己一两分钟的时间,以使您的呼吸和精神状态恢复到基线水平。 现在您已经准备好接听电话,通过电话采访,并比您的理想工作更近一步!

2面试后行动将帮助您进入下一轮 (2 Post-Interview Actions That Will Help You Land The Next Round)



You hang up the phone and exhale all of that nervous energy - mission complete. Now it’s out of your hands, you did everything you could, right?

您挂断电话,呼出所有的紧张能量-任务完成。 现在一切都在您的掌控之中,您已尽力了吧?

Not so fast. The phone interview may be over but your chance to make an impression and set yourself apart from the other applicants isn’t.

没那么快。 电话面试可能已经结束,但是您留下深刻印象并将自己与其他申请人区分开的机会却没有。

This section is critically important. Why? Because most candidates do a lot of the stuff we talked about above. They may not do it to the level of depth that I suggested, but they at least cover their bases.

本节至关重要。 为什么? 因为大多数候选人都做很多我们上面提到的事情。 他们可能没有达到我建议的深度,但至少涵盖了他们的基础。

The tips below are proven to have the largest impact on your chances of getting hired (according to the data I’ve collected on hundreds of job seekers):


提示13:发送感谢信 (Tip 13: Send A Thank You Note)

Thanking people is common sense and common courtesy, right?


Turns out that only 24% of candidates actually send a thank you note. On top of that, data shows that close to 80% of hiring managers feel that thank you notes are helpful when deciding between candidates. 22% of employers are less likely to hire a candidate who does not send a thank you and 91% actually like being thanked (imagine that!).

事实证明, 只有24%的候选人实际发送了感谢信。 最重要的是, 数据显示 ,将近80%的招聘经理认为,在选择候选人时,感谢信对您有所帮助。 22%的雇主是 不太可能聘请没有发送感谢信的候选人,而实际上有91%的人喜欢被感谢 (想象一下!)。

Talk about low hanging fruit!


We don’t just want to go one notch above the competition though. We want to squeeze everything we can out of this opportunity, which is why you shouldn’t be writing a basic “thank you for your time”. You want to show that you listened, absorbed, and can contribute more.

但是,我们不只是想比竞争对手高一个档次。 我们想从这次机会中抽出一切,这就是为什么您不应该写一个基本的“谢谢您的时间”。 您想证明自己已经倾听,专心致志并可以做出更多贡献。

I’ve written an entire article on how to do this effectively, you can read and download my copy/paste thank you template for free.


提示14:准备价值验证项目 (Tip 14: Prepare A Value Validation Project)

Last, but not least, this is the most effective tool I can recommend for any job seeker: the Value Validation Project (VVP).

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,这是我可以为任何求职者推荐的最有效的工具: 价值验证项目(VVP)

VVPs are essentially deliverables that highlight your value against a specific need that the company has. It could be solutions to a problem, ideas for an upcoming release, valuable feedback from their customers, or simply a chance to flex your skills in a way that gets noticed.

VVP本质上是可交付成果,可以针对公司的特定需求突出您的价值。 它可能是问题的解决方案,即将发布的版本的想法,客户的宝贵反馈,或者仅仅是以引起关注的方式展示您的技能的机会。

You can find an angle for your VVP a number of different ways.


Reading back through your research on the company is a great start, or leveraging the information your interviewer gave you around their biggest challenge is another. When all else fails, you can always go out and poll the company’s customers (if anyone is going to give you brutally honest feedback, it’s them).

重新阅读您对公司的研究是一个很好的开始,或者利用面试官为您提供的有关他们最大挑战的信息是另一个。 当所有其他方法都失败时,您可以随时出去调查公司的客户(如果有人要给您残酷诚实的反馈,那就是他们)。

Then you can build out a deliverable that highlights your value against that angle. Here’s a great example of a VVP that helped someone in the Cultivated Culture community land a job at AirBnB:

然后,您可以构建一个可交付成果,以针对该角度突出您的价值。 这是VVP的一个很好的例子,它可以帮助“文化文化”社区中的某人在AirBnB上找到一份工作:

凸轮识别客户痛点并提供解决方案 (Cam Identifies Customer Pain Points & Offers Solutions)

Cam was a student looking to score a job at AirBnB.


She had applied online and blasted out emails to anyone she could find at AirBnB, but no one was biting. She was left with two choices: give up and move on or find a way to bring value that they couldn’t ignore.

她已经在网上申请并向可以在AirBnB上找到的任何人发送了电子邮件,但没人在咬。 她留下了两个选择:放弃并继续前进,或者找到一种带来他们无法忽视的价值的方法。

Cam doubled down and turned to AirBnB’s user base.


She combed through social media logging all the complaints AirBnB’s users share publicly, then she analyzed the data to identify two major problems:


  1. The lack of a keyword specific search (finding listings that specifically had “hot tubs” or “fireplaces” for example.

  2. How freaking hard it was to get in touch with someone from AirBnB’s customer service team


Cam created a deck that highlighted those issues along with her two data-backed solutions:


Then she followed up with everyone she’d emailed before. A few days later, she was sitting in their offices for an interview. Shortly after that, she was hired!

然后,她跟进了她以前发送过电子邮件的所有人。 几天后,她坐在他们的办公室接受采访。 此后不久,她就被录用了!

VVPs like this are incredibly effective because they allow you to:


  • Prove out your value in a tangible way (as opposed to relying on a bullet in your resume)

  • Show your enthusiasm for the company and solving its problems

  • Go above and beyond - no other candidates are doing stuff like this


When your phone interview is over and your thank you email is sent, you can focus on using the information you’ve gained so far to build out a VVP.


Once it’s ready, you can send it to the interviewer and say, “Thanks so much again for your time last week. I’ve been thinking a lot about [topic that relates to your VVP] so I went ahead and put together some ideas. They’re attached here! If you have a second to take a look, I’d love to get your feedback.”

准备就绪后,您可以将其发送给面试官,然后说: “非常感谢您上周的时间。 我一直在思考[与您的VVP相关的主题],因此我继续整理一些想法。 他们附在这里! 如果您有时间看一下,我很乐意得到您的反馈。”

If your phone interview went well, this will be the icing on the cake. If there was a doubt in the interviewer’s mind, this should help you overcome it and land a spot in the next round!

如果您的电话采访顺利进行,那将是锦上添花。 如果面试官的心中有疑问,这应该可以帮助您克服它,并在下一轮中占有一席之地!

是否希望获得有关在没有联系,没有“经验”且没有在线申请的情况下找到理想工作的内部信息? (Want the inside info on landing a dream job without connections, without “experience,” & without applying online?)

Click here to get the 5 free strategies that my students have used to land jobs at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and more without applying online.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/14-phone-interview-tips-that-will-actually-win-you-the-job-offer-6a171e75ac94/


