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KafkaProducer(ProducerConfig config, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, ProducerMetadata metadata, KafkaClient kafkaClient, ProducerInterceptors<K, V> interceptors, Time time) {
    try {
        this.producerConfig = config;   // 用户定义的配置
        this.time = time;               // 当前时间
        String transactionalId = config.getString("transactional.id");   // 用户定义的事务id
        this.clientId = config.getString("client.id");                   // 用户定义的的clientId 
        LogContext logContext;   // 记录日志
        if (transactionalId == null) {
            logContext = new LogContext(String.format("[Producer clientId=%s] ", this.clientId));
        } else {
            logContext = new LogContext(String.format("[Producer clientId=%s, transactionalId=%s] ", this.clientId, transactionalId));

        this.log = logContext.logger(KafkaProducer.class);
        this.log.trace("Starting the Kafka producer");
        // clientId的监控map
        Map<String, String> metricTags = Collections.singletonMap("client-id", this.clientId);
        // 监控配置,包括样本量,取样窗口时间,记录级别
        MetricConfig metricConfig = (new MetricConfig()).samples(config.getInt("metrics.num.samples")).timeWindow(config.getLong("metrics.sample.window.ms"), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).recordLevel(RecordingLevel.forName(config.getString("metrics.recording.level"))).tags(metricTags);
        // 监控数据上报类
        List<MetricsReporter> reporters = config.getConfiguredInstances("metric.reporters", MetricsReporter.class, Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId));
        JmxReporter jmxReporter = new JmxReporter();
        jmxReporter.configure(config.originals(Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId)));
        MetricsContext metricsContext = new KafkaMetricsContext("kafka.producer", config.originalsWithPrefix("metrics.context."));
        this.metrics = new Metrics(metricConfig, reporters, time, metricsContext);
        // 获取分区器
        this.partitioner = (Partitioner)config.getConfiguredInstance("partitioner.class", Partitioner.class, Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId));
        long retryBackoffMs = config.getLong("retry.backoff.ms");
        // key序列化器
        if (keySerializer == null) {
            this.keySerializer = (Serializer)config.getConfiguredInstance("key.serializer", Serializer.class);
            this.keySerializer.configure(config.originals(Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId)), true);
        } else {
            this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
         // value序列化器
        if (valueSerializer == null) {
            this.valueSerializer = (Serializer)config.getConfiguredInstance("value.serializer", Serializer.class);
            this.valueSerializer.configure(config.originals(Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId)), false);
        } else {
            this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
        // 拦截器
        List<ProducerInterceptor<K, V>> interceptorList = config.getConfiguredInstances("interceptor.classes", ProducerInterceptor.class, Collections.singletonMap("client.id", this.clientId));
        if (interceptors != null) {
            this.interceptors = interceptors;
        } else {
            this.interceptors = new ProducerInterceptors(interceptorList);  // 拦截器是空的封装一下

        ClusterResourceListeners clusterResourceListeners = this.configureClusterResourceListeners(keySerializer, valueSerializer, interceptorList, reporters);
        // 一个请求大小,字节  
        this.maxRequestSize = config.getInt("max.request.size");
        // 缓存总大小
        this.totalMemorySize = config.getLong("buffer.memory");
        // 压缩类型
        this.compressionType = CompressionType.forName(config.getString("compression.type"));
        this.maxBlockTimeMs = config.getLong("max.block.ms");
        int deliveryTimeoutMs = configureDeliveryTimeout(config, this.log);
        this.apiVersions = new ApiVersions();
        // 事务管理器
        this.transactionManager = this.configureTransactionState(config, logContext);
        // 用户发送消息的收集器
        this.accumulator = new RecordAccumulator(logContext, config.getInt("batch.size"), this.compressionType, lingerMs(config), retryBackoffMs, deliveryTimeoutMs, this.metrics, "producer-metrics", time, this.apiVersions, this.transactionManager, new BufferPool(this.totalMemorySize, config.getInt("batch.size"), this.metrics, time, "producer-metrics"));
        List<InetSocketAddress> addresses = ClientUtils.parseAndValidateAddresses(config.getList("bootstrap.servers"), config.getString("client.dns.lookup"));
        if (metadata != null) {     // 元数据
            this.metadata = metadata;
        } else {
            // 每隔一段时间都要更新集群的元数据,默认是5分钟
            this.metadata = new ProducerMetadata(retryBackoffMs, config.getLong("metadata.max.age.ms"), config.getLong("metadata.max.idle.ms"), logContext, clusterResourceListeners, Time.SYSTEM);

        this.errors = this.metrics.sensor("errors");
        // 发送者,调用NetworkClient的方法进行消息发送,是tcpq请求
        this.sender = this.newSender(logContext, kafkaClient, this.metadata);
        String ioThreadName = "kafka-producer-network-thread | " + this.clientId;
        // 设置线程,参数一是参数名,参数二是serder,参数三设置为守护线程
        this.ioThread = new KafkaThread(ioThreadName, this.sender, true);
        // 启动发送消息线程
        AppInfoParser.registerAppInfo("kafka.producer", this.clientId, this.metrics, time.milliseconds());
        this.log.debug("Kafka producer started");
    } catch (Throwable var22) {
        this.close(Duration.ofMillis(0L), true);
        throw new KafkaException("Failed to construct kafka producer", var22);
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public Future<RecordMetadata> send(ProducerRecord<K, V> record, Callback callback) {
    // 调用拦截器
    ProducerRecord<K, V> interceptedRecord = this.interceptors.onSend(record);
    // 发送消息
    return this.doSend(interceptedRecord, callback);
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public ProducerRecord<K, V> onSend(ProducerRecord<K, V> record) {
    // 消息
    ProducerRecord<K, V> interceptRecord = record;
    // 遍历拦截器
    Iterator var3 = this.interceptors.iterator();

    while(var3.hasNext()) {
        ProducerInterceptor interceptor = (ProducerInterceptor)var3.next();

        try {
            // 给消息执行拦截
            interceptRecord = interceptor.onSend(interceptRecord);
        } catch (Exception var6) {
            if (record != null) {
                log.warn("Error executing interceptor onSend callback for topic: {}, partition: {}", new Object[]{record.topic(), record.partition(), var6});
            } else {
                log.warn("Error executing interceptor onSend callback", var6);

    return interceptRecord;
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进入return this.doSend(interceptedRecord,acllback)

private Future<RecordMetadata> doSend(ProducerRecord<K, V> record, Callback callback) {
    TopicPartition tp = null;   // 创建主题分区

    try {
        long nowMs = this.time.milliseconds();

        KafkaProducer.ClusterAndWaitTime clusterAndWaitTime;
        try {
            // 获取topic的元数据,确保topic的元数据可用
            clusterAndWaitTime = this.waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), record.partition(), nowMs, this.maxBlockTimeMs);
        } catch (KafkaException var22) {
            if (this.metadata.isClosed()) {
                throw new KafkaException("Producer closed while send in progress", var22);

            throw var22;

        nowMs += clusterAndWaitTime.waitedOnMetadataMs;
        long remainingWaitMs = Math.max(0L, this.maxBlockTimeMs - clusterAndWaitTime.waitedOnMetadataMs);
        Cluster cluster = clusterAndWaitTime.cluster;

        byte[] serializedKey;
        try {
            // key序列化
            serializedKey = this.keySerializer.serialize(record.topic(), record.headers(), record.key());
        } catch (ClassCastException var21) {
            throw new SerializationException("Can't convert key of class " + record.key().getClass().getName() + " to class " + this.producerConfig.getClass("key.serializer").getName() + " specified in key.serializer", var21);

        byte[] serializedValue;
        try {
            // value序列化
            serializedValue = this.valueSerializer.serialize(record.topic(), record.headers(), record.value());
        } catch (ClassCastException var20) {
            throw new SerializationException("Can't convert value of class " + record.value().getClass().getName() + " to class " + this.producerConfig.getClass("value.serializer").getName() + " specified in value.serializer", var20);
         // 调用分区器,分区的分配
        int partition = this.partition(record, serializedKey, serializedValue, cluster);
        // 将消息发送到哪个主题哪个分区
        tp = new TopicPartition(record.topic(), partition);
        // 设置只读
        // 设置头消息
        Header[] headers = record.headers().toArray();
        // 计算序列化后的大小
        int serializedSize = AbstractRecords.estimateSizeInBytesUpperBound(this.apiVersions.maxUsableProduceMagic(), this.compressionType, serializedKey, serializedValue, headers);
        long timestamp = record.timestamp() == null ? nowMs : record.timestamp();
        if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            this.log.trace("Attempting to append record {} with callback {} to topic {} partition {}", new Object[]{record, callback, record.topic(), partition});
        // 消息从broker确认后,要调用的拦截器
        Callback interceptCallback = new KafkaProducer.InterceptorCallback(callback, this.interceptors, tp);

        if (this.transactionManager != null && this.transactionManager.isTransactional()) {
        // 将消息追加到消息累加器
        RecordAppendResult result = this.accumulator.append(tp, timestamp, serializedKey, serializedValue, headers, interceptCallback, remainingWaitMs, true, nowMs);
        if (result.abortForNewBatch) {
            int prevPartition = partition;
            this.partitioner.onNewBatch(record.topic(), cluster, partition);
            partition = this.partition(record, serializedKey, serializedValue, cluster);
            tp = new TopicPartition(record.topic(), partition);
            if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                this.log.trace("Retrying append due to new batch creation for topic {} partition {}. The old partition was {}", new Object[]{record.topic(), partition, prevPartition});

            interceptCallback = new KafkaProducer.InterceptorCallback(callback, this.interceptors, tp);
            result = this.accumulator.append(tp, timestamp, serializedKey, serializedValue, headers, interceptCallback, remainingWaitMs, false, nowMs);
         // 如果是事务消息,设置事务管理器
        if (this.transactionManager != null && this.transactionManager.isTransactional()) {
        // 如果消息累加器中对应的分区中够一个批次,则唤醒发送线程
        // 如果linger.ms时间到了,则需要创建新的批次,则需要唤醒发送线程
        if (result.batchIsFull || result.newBatchCreated) {
            this.log.trace("Waking up the sender since topic {} partition {} is either full or getting a new batch", record.topic(), partition);
        // 返回future对象
        return result.future;
    } catch (ApiException var23) {
        this.log.debug("Exception occurred during message send:", var23);
        if (callback != null) {
            callback.onCompletion((RecordMetadata)null, var23);

        this.interceptors.onSendError(record, tp, var23);
        return new KafkaProducer.FutureFailure(var23);
    } catch (InterruptedException var24) {
        this.interceptors.onSendError(record, tp, var24);
        throw new InterruptException(var24);
    } catch (KafkaException var25) {
        this.interceptors.onSendError(record, tp, var25);
        throw var25;
    } catch (Exception var26) {
        this.interceptors.onSendError(record, tp, var26);
        throw var26;
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  1. Producer 通过 waitOnMetadata() 方法来获取对应 topic 的 metadata 信息,需要先该topic 是可用的
  2. Producer 端对 record 的 key 和 value 值进行序列化操作,在 Consumer 端再进行相应的反序列化
  3. 获取partition值,具体分为下面三种情况:
    1. 指明 partition 的情况下,直接将指明的值直接作为 partiton 值

    2. 没有指明 partition 值但有 key 的情况下,将 key 的 hash 值与 topic 的 partition 数进行取余得到 partition 值

    3. 既没有 partition 值又没有 key 值的情况下,第一次调用时随机生成一个整数(后面每次调用在这个整数上自增),将这个值与 topic 可用的 partition 总数取余得到partition 值,也就是常说的 round-robin 算法

    4. Producer 默认使用的 partitioner 是org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner

  4. 向 accumulator 写数据,先将 record 写入到 buffer 中,当达到一个 batch.size 的大小时,再唤起 sender线程去发送 RecordBatch,这里仔细分析一下Producer是如何向buffer写入数据的
    1. 获取该 topic-partition 对应的 queue,没有的话会创建一个空的 queue
    2. 向queue追加数据,先获取queue最新加入的那个RecordBatch,如果不存在或者存在但剩余空余不足以添加本条 record 则返回 null,成功写入的话直接返回结果,写入成功
    3. 创建一个新的 RecordBatch,初始化内存大小根据 max(batch.size,Records.LOG_OVERHEAD + Record.recordSize(key, value)) 来确定(防止单条record 过大的情况)
  5. 向新建的 RecordBatch 写入 record,并将 RecordBatch 添加到 queue 中,返回结果,写入成功
  6. 发送 RecordBatch,当 record 写入成功后,如果发现 RecordBatch 已满足发送的条件(通常是 queue 中有多个 batch,那么最先添加的那些 batch 肯定是可以发送了),那么就会唤醒sender 线程,发送 RecordBatch 。sender 线程对 RecordBatch 的处理是在 run() 方法中进行的,该方法具体实现如下:
    1. 获取那些已经可以发送的 RecordBatch 对应的 nodes
    2. 如果与node 没有连接(如果可以连接,同时初始化该连接),就证明该 node 暂时不能发送数据,暂时移除该 node
    3. 返回该 node 对应的所有可以发送的 RecordBatch 组成的 batches(key 是node.id),并将 RecordBatch 从对应的 queue 中移除
    4. 将由于元数据不可用而导致发送超时的 RecordBatch 移除
    5. 发送 RecordBatch


  1. metadata.requestUpdate()将metadata的needUpdate变量设置为true(强制更新),并返回当前的版本号(version),通过版本号来判断metadata是否完成更新
  2. sender.wakeup() 唤醒 sender 线程,sender 线程又会去唤醒NetworkClient线程去更新
  3. metadata.awaitUpdate(version, remainingWaitMs) 等待 metadata 的更新
  4. 所以,每次 Producer 请求更新 metadata 时,会有以下几种情况:
    1. 如果 node 可以发送请求,则直接发送请求
    2. 如果该 node 正在建立连接,则直接返回
    3. 如果该 node 还没建立连接,则向 broker 初始化链接
  5. NetworkClient的poll方法中判断是否需要更新meta数据, handleCompletedReceives 处理metadata 的更新,最终是调用的 DefaultMetadataUpdater 中的handleCompletedMetadataResponse方法处理
