其实,一个 CPU 的设计中,各个子模块都是比较基本的、比较简单的,只是组合起来的一个整体架构会比较复杂而已,无论是时序路径,还是数据通路和控制通路,这里,主要详细介绍整个微架构的子模块。
PC 取指主要是 PC 值作为地址,在程序存储器(EPROM)中读取指令数据,并发送给指令寄存器 IR。通常情况下,都是逐一读出的,也就是说 PC 值在下一个时钟(流水时钟)自动加一,来读取下一地址所在的指令(当然,PC 的修改量取决于指令字长和编址方式)。然而,有时候会出现程序分支、程序跳转之类的,使得程序需要执行另一个区域所在的指令,于是就出现了 PC 分支。
1.1、对于 PC 分支 Branch,通常分为以下几种情况:
1.3、对于 stacklevel 的调用与返回,使用了状态机,如下。圆圈里的代表 stacklevel,右边的数字代表已经调用的子程序层数。
当执行 CALL 指令的时候,进行压栈操作 push,PC 赋值给堆栈,同时改变 stacklevel 的状态;
当执行 RETLW 指令的时候,进行弹出操作 pop,堆栈返回给 PC,同时改变 stacklevel 的状态。
详细的电路模块和 Verilog 代码如下:
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!rst_n)
- else
- pc <= pc_mux;
- end
- always @(inst or stacklevel or status or stack1 or stack2 or pc or dbus) begin
- casex ({inst, stacklevel})
- 14'b1000_????_????_11: pc_mux = stack2; // RETLW
- 14'b1000_????_????_01: pc_mux = stack1; // RETLW
- 14'b1001_????_????_??: pc_mux = {status[6:5], 1'b0, inst[7:0]}; // CALL
- 14'b101?_????_????_??: pc_mux = {status[6:5], inst[8:0]}; // GOTO
- 14'b00?0_0010_0010_??: pc_mux = {pc[10:8], dbus}; // MOVWF PCL
- default:
- pc_mux = pc + 11'd1;
- endcase
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!rst_n) begin
- stack1 <= 11'd0;
- stack2 <= 11'd0;
- end
- else begin
- // CALL Instruction
- if (inst[11:8] == 4'b1001) begin
- case (stacklevel)
- 2'b00: stack1 <= pc;
- 2'b01: stack2 <= pc;
- default: begin
- stack1 <= 11'd0;
- stack2 <= 11'd0;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (!rst_n)
- stacklevel <= 2'b00;
- else begin
- casex ({inst, stacklevel})
- // CALL Instruction
- 14'b1001_????_????_00: stacklevel <= 2'b01; // Record 1st CALL
- 14'b1001_????_????_01: stacklevel <= 2'b11; // Record 2nd CALL
- 14'b1001_????_????_11: stacklevel <= 2'b11; // Ignore
- // RETLW Instruction
- 14'b1000_????_????_11: stacklevel <= 2'b01; // Go back to 1 CALL in progress
- 14'b1000_????_????_01: stacklevel <= 2'b00; // Go back to no CALL in progress
- 14'b1000_????_????_00: stacklevel <= 2'b00; // Ignore
- default:
- stacklevel <= stacklevel;
- endcase
- end
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if(!rst_n)
- inst <= 12'h000;
- else begin
- if(skip == 1'b1)
- inst <= 12'b000000000000; // FORCE NOP
- else
- inst <= inst_data;
- end
- end
- always @(inst or aluz) begin
- casex ({inst, aluz})
- 13'b10??_????_????_?: skip = 1'b1; // A GOTO, CALL or RETLW instructions
- 13'b0110_????_????_1: skip = 1'b1; // BTFSC instruction and aluz == 1
- 13'b0111_????_????_0: skip = 1'b1; // BTFSS instruction and aluz == 0
- 13'b0010_11??_????_1: skip = 1'b1; // DECFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
- 13'b0011_11??_????_1: skip = 1'b1; // INCFSZ instruction and aluz == 1
- default: skip = 1'b0;
- endcase
- end
主要是通过组合逻辑硬件电路(Look Up Table 的形式)来实现该指令译码,针对指令提供关键的控制、状态信号,具体译码方式参考如下代码。
aluasel、alubsel:主要是对 ALU 模块的操作数进行选择,操作数一般来自 W 寄存器、F 文件寄存器和指令立即数;
aluop:主要是对 ALU 模块的操作进行选择,如加、减、与、或、非、异或、左移、右移、半字节交换;
wwe、fwe:主要是 W 和 F 寄存器的写使能;
zwe、cwe:主要是对 STATUS 寄存器的 Z 和 C 状态位的写使能;
tris:控制 I/O 的输入输出状态(无);
option:OPTION 寄存器(无)。
详细的电路模块和 Verilog 代码如下:
- module IDec (
- inst,
- aluasel,
- alubsel,
- aluop,
- wwe,
- fwe,
- zwe,
- cwe,
- bdpol,
- option,
- tris
- );
- input [11:0] inst;
- output [1:0] aluasel;
- output [1:0] alubsel;
- output [3:0] aluop;
- output wwe;
- output fwe;
- output zwe;
- output cwe;
- output bdpol;
- output option;
- output tris;
- reg [14:0] decodes;
- assign {aluasel, // Select source for ALU A input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11=BD
- alubsel, // Select source for ALU B input. 00=W, 01=SBUS, 10=K, 11="1"
- aluop, // ALU Operation (see comments above for these codes)
- wwe, // W register Write Enable
- fwe, // File Register Write Enable
- zwe, // Status register Z bit update
- cwe, // Status register Z bit update
- bdpol, // Polarity on bit decode vector (0=no inversion, 1=invert)
- tris, // Instruction is an TRIS instruction
- option // Instruction is an OPTION instruction
- } = decodes;
- always @(inst) begin
- casex (inst)
- // *** Byte-Oriented File Register Operations
- //
- // A A ALU W F Z C B T O
- // L L O W W W W D R P
- // U U P E E E E P I T
- // A B O S
- // L
- 12'b0000_0000_0000: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // NOP
- 12'b0000_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVWF
- 12'b0000_0100_0000: decodes = 15'b00_00_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRW
- 12'b0000_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_00_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // CLRF
- 12'b0000_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_00_1000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=0)
- 12'b0000_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_00_1000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // SUBWF (d=1)
- 12'b0000_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF (d=0)
- 12'b0000_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // DECF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // IORWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0001_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0011_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // XORWF (d=1)
- 12'b0001_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0000_1_0_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=0)
- 12'b0001_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_01_0000_0_1_1_1_0_0_0; // ADDWF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0010_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // MOVF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0100_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0100_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // COMF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF (d=0)
- 12'b0010_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_1_0_0_0_0; // INCF (d=1)
- 12'b0010_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=0)
- 12'b0010_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_1000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // DECFSZ(d=1)
- 12'b0011_000X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0101_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_001X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0101_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RRF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_010X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0110_1_0_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_011X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0110_0_1_0_1_0_0_0; // RLF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_100X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0111_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=0)
- 12'b0011_101X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_01_0111_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // SWAPF (d=1)
- 12'b0011_110X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=0)
- 12'b0011_111X_XXXX: decodes = 15'b01_11_0000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // INCFSZ(d=1)
- // *** Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
- 12'b0100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_1_0_0_1_0_0; // BCF
- 12'b0101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_0; // BSF
- 12'b0110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSC
- 12'b0111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b11_01_0001_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // BTFSS
- // *** Literal and Control Operations
- 12'b0000_0000_0010: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_0_1; // OPTION
- 12'b0000_0000_0011: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // SLEEP
- 12'b0000_0000_0100: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CLRWDT
- 12'b0000_0000_0101: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 5
- 12'b0000_0000_0110: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 6
- 12'b0000_0000_0111: decodes = 15'b00_00_0010_0_1_0_0_0_1_0; // TRIS 7
- 12'b1000_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // RETLW
- 12'b1001_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // CALL
- 12'b101X_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_0_0_0_0_0_0_0; // GOTO
- 12'b1100_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b10_10_0010_1_0_0_0_0_0_0; // MOVLW
- 12'b1101_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0010_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // IORLW
- 12'b1110_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0001_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // ANDLW
- 12'b1111_XXXX_XXXX: decodes = 15'b00_10_0011_1_0_1_0_0_0_0; // XORLW
- default: decodes = 15'b00_00_0000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0;
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
该 ALU 模块基本上是能够执行所有的指令操作的,可能不是最优的,但是却是完备的。
alua、alub:操作数,通过选择操作数,如 W 寄存器、F 寄存器 sbus、常数 K、位操作数 bd、以及常数 1,来进行对应指令的数据操作;
cin:作为右移操作 RRF 的低位;
aluout:运算结果,作为 ALU 模块的输出,输出到数据总线中,并最终选择是否保存在 W 寄存器还是 F 寄存器中;如 aluout -> W or aluout -> dbus -> regfilein --> regfileout ...> sbus;
zout、cout:标志位,ALU 操作可能引起的状态位的改变。
详细的电路模块和 Verilog 代码如下:
- module ALU(
- alua,
- alub,
- aluop,
- cin,
- aluout,
- zout,
- cout
- );
- input [7:0] alua;
- input [7:0] alub;
- input [3:0] aluop;
- input cin;
- output reg [7:0] aluout;
- output reg zout;
- output reg cout;
- reg addercout;
- parameter ALUOP_ADD = 4'b0000;
- parameter ALUOP_SUB = 4'b1000;
- parameter ALUOP_AND = 4'b0001;
- parameter ALUOP_OR = 4'b0010;
- parameter ALUOP_XOR = 4'b0011;
- parameter ALUOP_COM = 4'b0100;
- parameter ALUOP_ROR = 4'b0101;
- parameter ALUOP_ROL = 4'b0110;
- parameter ALUOP_SWAP = 4'b0111;
- always @(alua or alub or cin or aluop) begin
- case (aluop)
- ALUOP_ADD: {addercout, aluout} = alua + alub;
- ALUOP_SUB: {addercout, aluout} = alua - alub;
- ALUOP_AND: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, alua & alub};
- ALUOP_OR: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, alua | alub};
- ALUOP_XOR: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, alua ^ alub};
- ALUOP_COM: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, ~alua};
- ALUOP_ROR: {addercout, aluout} = {alua[0], cin, alua[7:1]};
- ALUOP_ROL: {addercout, aluout} = {alua[7], alua[6:0], cin};
- ALUOP_SWAP: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, alua[3:0], alua[7:4]};
- default: {addercout, aluout} = {1'b0, 8'h00};
- endcase
- end
- always @(aluout)
- zout = (aluout == 8'h00);
- always @(addercout or aluop)
- if(aluop == ALUOP_SUB)
- cout = ~addercout;
- else
- cout = addercout;
- endmodule
- always @(aluasel or w or sbus or k or bd) begin
- case (aluasel)
- 2'b00: alua = w;
- 2'b01: alua = sbus;
- 2'b10: alua = k;
- 2'b11: alua = bd;
- endcase
- end
- always @(alubsel or w or sbus or k) begin
- case (alubsel)
- 2'b00: alub = w;
- 2'b01: alub = sbus;
- 2'b10: alub = k;
- 2'b11: alub = 8'b00000001;
- endcase
- end
间接访存就是通过访问寄存器,然后寄存器中存在着寄存器或者存储器的地址;例如 INDF Register,是一个全局寄存器,在所有的 Bank 中都有映射,而无需考虑 Bank 的设定,它本身不代表地址,而是代表间接地址所指向的单元;
相对访存就是页面访存,通过扩展页,来提高存储的容量,通过对页地址进行选择(在 STATUS 的 PA1 和 PA0 中),作为 PC 值高位,来实现访存的一种方式。
详细的电路模块和 Verilog 代码如下:
- always @(fsel or fsr) begin
- if (fsel == INDF_ADDRESS)
- fileaddr = fsr[6:0]; // Indirect
- else
- fileaddr = {fsr[6:5], fsel}; // Direct
- end
- always @(fileaddr) begin
- casex (fileaddr)
- 7'bXX00XXX: begin
- specialsel = 1'b1;
- regfilesel = 1'b0;
- end
- default: begin
- specialsel = 1'b0;
- regfilesel = 1'b1;
- end
- endcase
- end
- always @(*) begin
- if(specialsel) begin
- case (fsel[2:0])
- 3'h0: sbus = fsr;
- 3'h1: sbus = tmr0;
- 3'h2: sbus = pc[7:0];
- 3'h3: sbus = status;
- 3'h4: sbus = fsr;
- 3'h5: sbus = porta; // PORTA is an input-only port
- 3'h6: sbus = portb; // PORTB is an output-only port
- 3'h7: sbus = portc; // PORTC is an output-only port
- endcase
- end
- else begin
- if(regfilesel)
- sbus = regfileout;
- else
- sbus = 8'h00;
- end
- end
F 寄存器分为特殊寄存器和通用寄存器,特殊寄存器是作为一个单独的寄存器进行存放,和 W 寄存器一样,通用寄存器是以 RAM 的形式存在。它们的读写延时为写入数据需要一个时钟,读出数据不需要时钟。
关键的电路模块和 Verilog 代码如下:
- module regs(clk, rst_n, we, re, bank, location, din, dout);
- input clk;
- input rst_n;
- input we;
- input re;
- input [1:0] bank;
- input [4:0] location;
- input [7:0] din;
- output [7:0] dout;
- reg [6:0] final_address;
- dram dram (
- .clk (clk),
- .address (final_address),
- .we (we),
- .din (din),
- .dout (dout)
- );
- always @(bank or location) begin
- casex ({bank, location})
- 7'b00_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
- 7'b01_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
- 7'b10_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
- 7'b11_01XXX: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
- // Bank #0
- 7'b00_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0001, location[2:0]};
- 7'b00_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0010, location[2:0]};
- // Bank #1
- 7'b01_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0011, location[2:0]};
- 7'b01_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0100, location[2:0]};
- // Bank #2
- 7'b10_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0101, location[2:0]};
- 7'b10_11XXX: final_address = {4'b0110, location[2:0]};
- // Bank #3
- 7'b11_10XXX: final_address = {4'b0111, location[2:0]};
- 7'b11_11XXX: final_address = {4'b1000, location[2:0]};
- default: final_address = {4'b0000, location[2:0]};
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
- module dram (
- clk,
- address,
- we,
- din,
- dout
- );
- input clk;
- input [6:0] address;
- input we;
- input [7:0] din;
- output [7:0] dout;
- parameter word_depth = 72;
- reg [7:0] mem [0:word_depth-1];
- assign dout = mem[address];
- always @(posedge clk)
- if (we)
- mem[address] <= din;
- endmodule
最近比较忙,时间比较赶,关键模块差不多就是这些,当然还是存储映射、特殊寄存器的写入、TMR0 预分频、测试程序的编写之类的,就没给出,整个工程的下载链接。
希望大家能够通过学习较为简单的 RISC CPU 设计,来提高自己的 FPGA 设计水准,那么本文的目的也就达到了~
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