# 创建 elastic 的网络
docker network create elastic
# 用镜像的方式创建并启动容器
docker run -d --name es --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "xpack.security.enabled=false" -t docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.13.3
ERROR: Elasticsearch exited unexpectedly, with exit code 78
修改 /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p
访问 9200,如果出现如下界面,表示成功
@Configuration public class ESConfig { private String serverUrl = ""; private String apiKey = "11"; @Bean public ElasticsearchClient getClient(){ // Create the low-level client RestClient restClient = RestClient .builder(HttpHost.create(serverUrl)) .setDefaultHeaders(new Header[]{ new BasicHeader("Authorization", "ApiKey " + apiKey) }) .build(); // Create the transport with a Jackson mapper ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport( restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper()); // And create the API client ElasticsearchClient esClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport); return esClient; } }
@SpringBootTest class DemoApplicationTests { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoApplicationTests.class); @Autowired private ElasticsearchClient esClient; private String index = "request_log"; @Test public void test() throws IOException { // esClient.indices().create(c -> c.index("request_log")); } @Test public void addData() throws IOException { for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { RequestLog log = createRandomLog(); esClient.index(i -> i.index(index).id(log.getId()).document(log)); } } @Test public void searchId() throws IOException { GetResponse<RequestLog> response = esClient.get(r -> r.index(index).id("75e18fb1-7efb-4ff7-b9eb-18de4eefea02"), RequestLog.class); logger.info("response {}",response); if(response.found()){ RequestLog source = response.source(); logger.info("response source {}",source); }else{ logger.info("not get source"); } } private RequestLog createRandomLog() { Random random = new Random(); String[] appKey= {"a1111","b2222","c3333","c4444"}; String[] name = {"中国公司","美国公司","法国公司","印度公司"}; String[] msg = {"success","error","warn"}; RequestLog log = new RequestLog(); log.setAppKey(appKey[random.nextInt(appKey.length)]); log.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); log.setName(name[random.nextInt(name.length)]); log.setTtl(random.nextInt(1000)); log.setResponse(msg[random.nextInt(msg.length)]); log.setCreateDate(new Date()); return log; } @Test public void testSearchDocument() throws IOException { // SearchRequest fuzzQuery= new SearchRequest.Builder().index(index).query(b -> b.fuzzy(t -> t.field("name").value("dd"))).build() ; SearchRequest matchQuery = new SearchRequest.Builder().index(index). from(3).size(2000).query(b -> b.match(t -> t.field("name").fuzziness("1").query("公司"))).build() ; SearchResponse<RequestLog> response = esClient.search(matchQuery, RequestLog.class); for (Hit<RequestLog> hit : response.hits().hits()) { RequestLog source = hit.source(); System.out.println(source); } } }
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