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Leetcode 143 链表对折



1. 通过快慢指针,一个步长为1, 一个步长为2, 找到链表中点。

2. 前/后 半段链表反转。

3. 与另一半链表归并插入。

  1. class Solution:
  2. def reorderList(self, head):
  3. """
  4. :type head: ListNode
  5. :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
  6. """
  7. if head == None or head.next == None:
  8. return
  9. pre = head
  10. lat = head.next
  11. while lat != None and lat.next != None:
  12. pre = pre.next
  13. lat = lat.next.next
  14. p = pre.next
  15. pre.next = None
  16. # reverse
  17. cur = None
  18. while p != None:
  19. q = p.next
  20. p.next = cur
  21. cur = p
  22. p = q
  23. pre = head
  24. while pre != None and cur != None:
  25. tmp = cur.next
  26. cur.next = pre.next
  27. pre.next = cur
  28. pre = pre.next.next
  29. cur = tmp


