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influxDB 入门教程及使用过程中遇到的问题_influxdb使用教程



GitHUb: https://github.com/Muscleape/influxdb_demo
64位程序: https://dl.influx data.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.7.4_windows_amd64.zip

InfluxDB 的数据存储主要有三个目录。默认情况下是 meta, wal 以及 data 三个目录,服务器运行后会自动生成。
用于存储数据库的一些元数据,meta 目录下有一个 meta.db 文件。

目录存放预写日志文件,以 .wal 结尾。
目录存放实际存储的数据文件,以 .tsm 结尾。

如果不使用 influxdb.conf 配置的话,那么直接双击打开 influxd.exe 就可以使用influx,此时上面三个文件夹的目录则存放在Windows系统的C盘User目录下的.Influx目录下,默认端口为8086,以下为修改文件夹地址,以及端口号方法。




  InfluxDB 使用时需要首先打开Influxd.exe,直接打开会使用默认配置,需要使用已配置的配置文件的话,需要指定conf文件进行启动,启动命令:influxd --config influxdb.conf



     再次运行 influxd --config influxdb.conf 命令;出现如下信息启动成功

  (4)、启动influx后,窗口不要关闭,在启动一个cmd窗口,执行如下命令 influx


influx 客户端指定端口号访问,-port是使用特定port号启动

influx.exe -port 8083



使用命令时可以指定配置文件和端口号。( 运行influx.exe 时,influxd.exe不可关闭。



在 Influxd.exe 正常运行的情况下打开 Influx.exe,链接成功后如图所示,若链接失败需要检查地址和端口是否一致

  1. 1. influxdb数据库操作
  2. show databases 查看有什么数据库
  3. create database shijiange 创建数据库,数据库名称为shijiange
  4. drop database shijiange 删除数据库,数据库名称为shijiange
  5. 2.measurement(类似于表)操作
  6. use shijiange #操作哪个库需要用use
  7. show measurements #查询所有measurement (没有表则不返回)
  8. insert cpuinfo,item=shijiange_47.105.99.75_cpu.idle value=90
  9. select * from cpuinfo #查询所有cpuinfo的数据
  10. drop measurement cpuinfo #删除measurement
  11. update更新语句没有,不过有alter命令,在influxdb中,删除操作用和更新基本不用到 。在针对数据保存策略方面,有一个特殊的删除方式,这个后面再提。
  12. 例子:插入数据的格式
  13. insert cpuinfo(measurement:表名),item=shijiange_1.1.1.1_cpu.idle(tags:数据标识) value=90(fields:数据)
  14. 其中item和value名字都可以变化
  15. 3.influxdb常用查询和删除操作
  16. select * from cpuinfo
  17. select * from cpuinfo limit 2 #如果数据量太大,得使用limit,限制输出多少行
  18. delete from cpuinfo where time=1531992939634316937 删除一条数据
  19. delete from cpuinfo 删除所有数据
  20. 4.influxdb中数据保留时间的设置
  21. SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON shijiange 查看数据库shijiange 中表的保留策略
  22. CREATE RETENTION POLICY rp_shijiange ON shijiange DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT #数据要保留一个月
  23. alter RETENTION POLICY rp_shijiange ON shijiange DURATION 90d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT 改变保留策略
  24. DROP RETENTION POLICY rp_shijiange on shijiange #删除保存时间和策略,同时会删除该表,一般来说是不删除
  25. 5.influxdb使用易看的时间格式
  26. 用标准时间格式展示数据,使time更容易看:precision rfc3339


一般情况下基于时间序列的point数据不会进行直接删除操作,一般我们平时只关心当前数据,历史数据不需要一直保存,不然会占用太多空间。这里可以配置数据保存策略(Retention Policies),当数据超过了指定的时间之后,就会被删除。

  1. SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON "testDB" //查看当前数据库的Retention Policies
  2. CREATE RETENTION POLICY "rp_name" ON "db_name" DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT //创建新的Retention Policies
  3. #注释如下:
  4. rp_name:策略名
  5. db_name:具体的数据库名
  6. 30d:保存30天,30天之前的数据将被删除
  7. 它具有各种时间参数,比如:h(小时),w(星期)
  8. REPLICATION 1:副本个数,这里填1就可以了
  9. DEFAULT 设为默认的策略
  10. 也可以通过如下命令修改和删策略:
  12. DROP RETENTION POLICY "rp_name" ON "db_name"

name--名称,此示例名称为 default 





 新建表和插入数据 ( 新建表没有具体的语法,只是增加第一条数据时,会自动建立表 )






insert add_test,name=YiHui,phone=110 user_id=20,email="b**zewu@126.com"

新增一条数据,measurement为add_test, tag为name,phone, field为user_id,email


  1. insert sensor_data,sensor_type="风速",sensor_id="1" sensor_data=12.12
  2. insert Battery_Level,Change="处于充电状态",Device_ID="01" Battery_Level=1.0

注意:插入数据时,如果插入的字段的类型为字符型,那么要用" "包括,不包含或者用' '都是错误的

  1. > insert maintest,temperature=35.6 cputype=cpu001
  2. ERR: {"error":"unable to parse 'maintest,temperature=35.6 cputype=cpu001': invalid boolean"}
  3. > insert maintest,temperature=35.6 cputype="cpu001"
  4. >







fields:各种记录值(没有索引的属性)也就是记录的值:温度, 湿度




 field中有四种存储类型,分别是int, float, string, boolean,用法为


show users

创建 普通用户:

  1. create user "..." with password '...'
  2. create user "ems" with password 'ems123' # 密码用单引号

创建 管理员用户:

  1. create user "..." with password '...' with all privileges
  2. create user "ems33" with password '1234' with all privileges


 drop user "..."

influxdb的权限设置比较简单,只有读、写、ALL几种。更多用户权限设置可以参看官方文档:https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.0/query_language/authentication_and_authorization/ 。



  1. [http]
  2. enable = true
  3. bind-address = ":8086"
  4. auth-enabled = true # 开启认证










但是当修改过influxdb.config文件的路径之后,再本地输入influx时发现,他所连接的端口并不是我所更改后的端口。当我输入show databases时,报401错。


influx -host localhost -port 6086




三、 Influxdb配置文件详解---influxdb.conf

官方介绍:Database Configuration | InfluxData Documentation Archive


  1. reporting-disabled = false # 该选项用于上报influxdb的使用信息给InfluxData公司,默认值为false
  2. bind-address = ":8088" # 备份恢复时使用,默认值为8088


  1. [meta]
  2. dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/meta" # meta数据存放目录
  3. retention-autocreate = true # 用于控制默认存储策略,数据库创建时,会自动生成autogen的存储策略,默认值:true
  4. logging-enabled = true # 是否开启meta日志,默认值:true


  1. [data]
  2. dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/data" # 最终数据(TSM文件)存储目录
  3. wal-dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/wal" # 预写日志存储目录
  4. query-log-enabled = true # 是否开启tsm引擎查询日志,默认值: true
  5. cache-max-memory-size = 1048576000 # 用于限定shard最大值,大于该值时会拒绝写入,默认值:1000MB,单位:byte
  6. cache-snapshot-memory-size = 26214400 # 用于设置快照大小,大于该值时数据会刷新到tsm文件,默认值:25MB,单位:byte
  7. cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration = "10m" # tsm引擎 snapshot写盘延迟,默认值:10Minute
  8. compact-full-write-cold-duration = "4h" # tsm文件在压缩前可以存储的最大时间,默认值:4Hour
  9. max-series-per-database = 1000000 # 限制数据库的级数,该值为0时取消限制,默认值:1000000
  10. max-values-per-tag = 100000 # 一个tag最大的value数,0取消限制,默认值:100000


  1. [coordinator]
  2. write-timeout = "10s" # 写操作超时时间,默认值: 10s
  3. max-concurrent-queries = 0 # 最大并发查询数,0无限制,默认值: 0
  4. query-timeout = "0s # 查询操作超时时间,0无限制,默认值:0s
  5. log-queries-after = "0s" # 慢查询超时时间,0无限制,默认值:0s
  6. max-select-point = 0 # SELECT语句可以处理的最大点数(points),0无限制,默认值:0
  7. max-select-series = 0 # SELECT语句可以处理的最大级数(series),0无限制,默认值:0
  8. max-select-buckets = 0 # SELECT语句可以处理的最大"GROUP BY time()"的时间周期,0无限制,默认值:0


  1. [retention]
  2. enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 : true
  3. check-interval = "30m" # 检查时间间隔,默认值 :"30m"


  1. [shard-precreation]
  2. enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 : true
  3. check-interval = "10m" # 检查时间间隔,默认值 :"10m"
  4. advance-period = "30m" # 预创建分区的最大提前时间,默认值 :"30m"

6、monitor 控制InfluxDB自有的监控系统。 默认情况下,InfluxDB把这些数据写入_internal 数据库,如果这个库不存在则自动创建。 _internal 库默认的retention策略是7天,如果你想使用一个自己的retention策略,需要自己创建。

  1. [monitor]
  2. store-enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  3. store-database = "_internal" # 默认数据库:"_internal"
  4. store-interval = "10s # 统计间隔,默认值:"10s"

7、admin web管理页面

  1. [admin]
  2. enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 : false
  3. bind-address = ":8083" # 绑定地址,默认值 :":8083"
  4. https-enabled = false # 是否开启https ,默认值 :false
  5. https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem" # https证书路径,默认值:"/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"

8、http API

  1. [http]
  2. enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  3. bind-address = ":8086" # 绑定地址,默认值:":8086"
  4. auth-enabled = false # 是否开启认证,默认值:false
  5. realm = "InfluxDB" # 配置JWT realm,默认值: "InfluxDB"
  6. log-enabled = true # 是否开启日志,默认值:true
  7. write-tracing = false # 是否开启写操作日志,如果置成true,每一次写操作都会打日志,默认值:false
  8. pprof-enabled = true # 是否开启pprof,默认值:true
  9. https-enabled = false # 是否开启https,默认值:false
  10. https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem" # 设置https证书路径,默认值:"/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  11. https-private-key = "" # 设置https私钥,无默认值
  12. shared-secret = "" # 用于JWT签名的共享密钥,无默认值
  13. max-row-limit = 0 # 配置查询返回最大行数,0无限制,默认值:0
  14. max-connection-limit = 0 # 配置最大连接数,0无限制,默认值:0
  15. unix-socket-enabled = false # 是否使用unix-socket,默认值:false
  16. bind-socket = "/var/run/influxdb.sock" # unix-socket路径,默认值:"/var/run/influxdb.sock"

9、subscriber 控制Kapacitor接受数据的配置

  1. [subscriber]
  2. enabled = true # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :true
  3. http-timeout = "30s" # http超时时间,默认值:"30s"
  4. insecure-skip-verify = false # 是否允许不安全的证书
  5. ca-certs = "" # 设置CA证书
  6. write-concurrency = 40 # 设置并发数目,默认值:40
  7. write-buffer-size = 1000 # 设置buffer大小,默认值:1000

10、graphite 相关配置

  1. [[graphite]]
  2. enabled = false # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  3. database = "graphite" # 数据库名称,默认值:"graphite"
  4. retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  5. bind-address = ":2003" # 绑定地址,默认值:":2003"
  6. protocol = "tcp" # 协议,默认值:"tcp"
  7. consistency-level = "one" # 一致性级别,默认值:"one
  8. batch-size = 5000 # 批量size,默认值:5000
  9. batch-pending = 10 # 配置在内存中等待的batch数,默认值:10
  10. batch-timeout = "1s" # 超时时间,默认值:"1s"
  11. udp-read-buffer = 0 # udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。 该配置的默认值:0
  12. separator = "." # 多个measurement间的连接符,默认值: "."


  1. [[collectd]]
  2. enabled = false # 是否启用该模块,默认值 :false
  3. bind-address = ":25826" # 绑定地址,默认值: ":25826"
  4. database = "collectd" # 数据库名称,默认值:"collectd"
  5. retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  6. typesdb = "/usr/local/share/collectd" # 路径,默认值:"/usr/share/collectd/types.db"
  7. auth-file = "/etc/collectd/auth_file"
  8. batch-size = 5000
  9. batch-pending = 10
  10. batch-timeout = "10s"
  11. read-buffer = 0 # udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。默认值:0


  1. [[opentsdb]]
  2. enabled = false # 是否启用该模块,默认值:false
  3. bind-address = ":4242" # 绑定地址,默认值:":4242"
  4. database = "opentsdb" # 默认数据库:"opentsdb"
  5. retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  6. consistency-level = "one" # 一致性级别,默认值:"one"
  7. tls-enabled = false # 是否开启tls,默认值:false
  8. certificate= "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem" # 证书路径,默认值:"/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  9. log-point-errors = true # 出错时是否记录日志,默认值:true
  10. batch-size = 1000
  11. batch-pending = 5
  12. batch-timeout = "1s"


  1. [[udp]]
  2. enabled = false # 是否启用该模块,默认值:false
  3. bind-address = ":8089" # 绑定地址,默认值:":8089"
  4. database = "udp" # 数据库名称,默认值:"udp"
  5. retention-policy = "" # 存储策略,无默认值
  6. batch-size = 5000
  7. batch-pending = 10
  8. batch-timeout = "1s"
  9. read-buffer = 0 # udp读取buffer的大小,0表示使用操作系统提供的值,如果超过操作系统的默认配置则会出错。 该配置的默认值:0 


  1. [continuous_queries]
  2. enabled = true # enabled 是否开启CQs,默认值:true
  3. log-enabled = true # 是否开启日志,默认值:true
  4. run-interval = "1s" # 时间间隔,默认值:"1s"


  1. ### Welcome to the InfluxDB configuration file.
  2. # The values in this file override the default values used by the system if
  3. # a config option is not specified. The commented out lines are the configuration
  4. # field and the default value used. Uncommenting a line and changing the value
  5. # will change the value used at runtime when the process is restarted.
  6. # Once every 24 hours InfluxDB will report usage data to usage.influxdata.com
  7. # The data includes a random ID, os, arch, version, the number of series and other
  8. # usage data. No data from user databases is ever transmitted.
  9. # Change this option to true to disable reporting.
  10. # reporting-disabled = false
  11. # Bind address to use for the RPC service for backup and restore.
  12. bind-address = ""
  13. ###
  14. ### [meta]
  15. ###
  16. ### Controls the parameters for the Raft consensus group that stores metadata
  17. ### about the InfluxDB cluster.
  18. ###
  19. [meta]
  20. # Where the metadata/raft database is stored
  21. dir = "D:/softwore/influxdb-1.7.4-1/meta"
  22. # Automatically create a default retention policy when creating a database.
  23. # retention-autocreate = true
  24. # If log messages are printed for the meta service
  25. # logging-enabled = true
  26. ###
  27. ### [data]
  28. ###
  29. ### Controls where the actual shard data for InfluxDB lives and how it is
  30. ### flushed from the WAL. "dir" may need to be changed to a suitable place
  31. ### for your system, but the WAL settings are an advanced configuration. The
  32. ### defaults should work for most systems.
  33. ###
  34. [data]
  35. # The directory where the TSM storage engine stores TSM files.
  36. dir = "D:/softwore/influxdb-1.7.4-1/data"
  37. # The directory where the TSM storage engine stores WAL files.
  38. wal-dir = "D:/softwore/influxdb-1.7.4-1/wal"
  39. # The amount of time that a write will wait before fsyncing. A duration
  40. # greater than 0 can be used to batch up multiple fsync calls. This is useful for slower
  41. # disks or when WAL write contention is seen. A value of 0s fsyncs every write to the WAL.
  42. # Values in the range of 0-100ms are recommended for non-SSD disks.
  43. # wal-fsync-delay = "0s"
  44. # The type of shard index to use for new shards. The default is an in-memory index that is
  45. # recreated at startup. A value of "tsi1" will use a disk based index that supports higher
  46. # cardinality datasets.
  47. # index-version = "inmem"
  48. # Trace logging provides more verbose output around the tsm engine. Turning
  49. # this on can provide more useful output for debugging tsm engine issues.
  50. # trace-logging-enabled = false
  51. # Whether queries should be logged before execution. Very useful for troubleshooting, but will
  52. # log any sensitive data contained within a query.
  53. # query-log-enabled = true
  54. # Validates incoming writes to ensure keys only have valid unicode characters.
  55. # This setting will incur a small overhead because every key must be checked.
  56. # validate-keys = false
  57. # Settings for the TSM engine
  58. # CacheMaxMemorySize is the maximum size a shard's cache can
  59. # reach before it starts rejecting writes.
  60. # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  61. # Values without a size suffix are in bytes.
  62. # cache-max-memory-size = "1g"
  63. # CacheSnapshotMemorySize is the size at which the engine will
  64. # snapshot the cache and write it to a TSM file, freeing up memory
  65. # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  66. # Values without a size suffix are in bytes.
  67. # cache-snapshot-memory-size = "25m"
  68. # CacheSnapshotWriteColdDuration is the length of time at
  69. # which the engine will snapshot the cache and write it to
  70. # a new TSM file if the shard hasn't received writes or deletes
  71. # cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration = "10m"
  72. # CompactFullWriteColdDuration is the duration at which the engine
  73. # will compact all TSM files in a shard if it hasn't received a
  74. # write or delete
  75. # compact-full-write-cold-duration = "4h"
  76. # The maximum number of concurrent full and level compactions that can run at one time. A
  77. # value of 0 results in 50% of runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) used at runtime. Any number greater
  78. # than 0 limits compactions to that value. This setting does not apply
  79. # to cache snapshotting.
  80. # max-concurrent-compactions = 0
  81. # CompactThroughput is the rate limit in bytes per second that we
  82. # will allow TSM compactions to write to disk. Note that short bursts are allowed
  83. # to happen at a possibly larger value, set by CompactThroughputBurst
  84. # compact-throughput = "48m"
  85. # CompactThroughputBurst is the rate limit in bytes per second that we
  86. # will allow TSM compactions to write to disk.
  87. # compact-throughput-burst = "48m"
  88. # If true, then the mmap advise value MADV_WILLNEED will be provided to the kernel with respect to
  89. # TSM files. This setting has been found to be problematic on some kernels, and defaults to off.
  90. # It might help users who have slow disks in some cases.
  91. # tsm-use-madv-willneed = false
  92. # Settings for the inmem index
  93. # The maximum series allowed per database before writes are dropped. This limit can prevent
  94. # high cardinality issues at the database level. This limit can be disabled by setting it to
  95. # 0.
  96. # max-series-per-database = 1000000
  97. # The maximum number of tag values per tag that are allowed before writes are dropped. This limit
  98. # can prevent high cardinality tag values from being written to a measurement. This limit can be
  99. # disabled by setting it to 0.
  100. # max-values-per-tag = 100000
  101. # Settings for the tsi1 index
  102. # The threshold, in bytes, when an index write-ahead log file will compact
  103. # into an index file. Lower sizes will cause log files to be compacted more
  104. # quickly and result in lower heap usage at the expense of write throughput.
  105. # Higher sizes will be compacted less frequently, store more series in-memory,
  106. # and provide higher write throughput.
  107. # Valid size suffixes are k, m, or g (case insensitive, 1024 = 1k).
  108. # Values without a size suffix are in bytes.
  109. # max-index-log-file-size = "1m"
  110. # The size of the internal cache used in the TSI index to store previously
  111. # calculated series results. Cached results will be returned quickly from the cache rather
  112. # than needing to be recalculated when a subsequent query with a matching tag key/value
  113. # predicate is executed. Setting this value to 0 will disable the cache, which may
  114. # lead to query performance issues.
  115. # This value should only be increased if it is known that the set of regularly used
  116. # tag key/value predicates across all measurements for a database is larger than 100. An
  117. # increase in cache size may lead to an increase in heap usage.
  118. series-id-set-cache-size = 100
  119. ###
  120. ### [coordinator]
  121. ###
  122. ### Controls the clustering service configuration.
  123. ###
  124. [coordinator]
  125. # The default time a write request will wait until a "timeout" error is returned to the caller.
  126. # write-timeout = "10s"
  127. # The maximum number of concurrent queries allowed to be executing at one time. If a query is
  128. # executed and exceeds this limit, an error is returned to the caller. This limit can be disabled
  129. # by setting it to 0.
  130. # max-concurrent-queries = 0
  131. # The maximum time a query will is allowed to execute before being killed by the system. This limit
  132. # can help prevent run away queries. Setting the value to 0 disables the limit.
  133. # query-timeout = "0s"
  134. # The time threshold when a query will be logged as a slow query. This limit can be set to help
  135. # discover slow or resource intensive queries. Setting the value to 0 disables the slow query logging.
  136. # log-queries-after = "0s"
  137. # The maximum number of points a SELECT can process. A value of 0 will make
  138. # the maximum point count unlimited. This will only be checked every second so queries will not
  139. # be aborted immediately when hitting the limit.
  140. # max-select-point = 0
  141. # The maximum number of series a SELECT can run. A value of 0 will make the maximum series
  142. # count unlimited.
  143. # max-select-series = 0
  144. # The maxium number of group by time bucket a SELECT can create. A value of zero will max the maximum
  145. # number of buckets unlimited.
  146. # max-select-buckets = 0
  147. ###
  148. ### [retention]
  149. ###
  150. ### Controls the enforcement of retention policies for evicting old data.
  151. ###
  152. [retention]
  153. # Determines whether retention policy enforcement enabled.
  154. # enabled = true
  155. # The interval of time when retention policy enforcement checks run.
  156. # check-interval = "30m"
  157. ###
  158. ### [shard-precreation]
  159. ###
  160. ### Controls the precreation of shards, so they are available before data arrives.
  161. ### Only shards that, after creation, will have both a start- and end-time in the
  162. ### future, will ever be created. Shards are never precreated that would be wholly
  163. ### or partially in the past.
  164. [shard-precreation]
  165. # Determines whether shard pre-creation service is enabled.
  166. # enabled = true
  167. # The interval of time when the check to pre-create new shards runs.
  168. # check-interval = "10m"
  169. # The default period ahead of the endtime of a shard group that its successor
  170. # group is created.
  171. # advance-period = "30m"
  172. ###
  173. ### Controls the system self-monitoring, statistics and diagnostics.
  174. ###
  175. ### The internal database for monitoring data is created automatically if
  176. ### if it does not already exist. The target retention within this database
  177. ### is called 'monitor' and is also created with a retention period of 7 days
  178. ### and a replication factor of 1, if it does not exist. In all cases the
  179. ### this retention policy is configured as the default for the database.
  180. [monitor]
  181. # Whether to record statistics internally.
  182. # store-enabled = true
  183. # The destination database for recorded statistics
  184. # store-database = "_internal"
  185. # The interval at which to record statistics
  186. # store-interval = "10s"
  187. ###
  188. ### [http]
  189. ###
  190. ### Controls how the HTTP endpoints are configured. These are the primary
  191. ### mechanism for getting data into and out of InfluxDB.
  192. ###
  193. [http]
  194. # Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
  195. enabled = true
  196. # Determines whether the Flux query endpoint is enabled.
  197. # flux-enabled = false
  198. # Determines whether the Flux query logging is enabled.
  199. # flux-log-enabled = false
  200. # The bind address used by the HTTP service.
  201. bind-address = ":8083"
  202. # Determines whether user authentication is enabled over HTTP/HTTPS.
  203. # auth-enabled = false
  204. # The default realm sent back when issuing a basic auth challenge.
  205. # realm = "InfluxDB"
  206. # Determines whether HTTP request logging is enabled.
  207. # log-enabled = true
  208. # Determines whether the HTTP write request logs should be suppressed when the log is enabled.
  209. # suppress-write-log = false
  210. # When HTTP request logging is enabled, this option specifies the path where
  211. # log entries should be written. If unspecified, the default is to write to stderr, which
  212. # intermingles HTTP logs with internal InfluxDB logging.
  213. #
  214. # If influxd is unable to access the specified path, it will log an error and fall back to writing
  215. # the request log to stderr.
  216. # access-log-path = ""
  217. # Filters which requests should be logged. Each filter is of the pattern NNN, NNX, or NXX where N is
  218. # a number and X is a wildcard for any number. To filter all 5xx responses, use the string 5xx.
  219. # If multiple filters are used, then only one has to match. The default is to have no filters which
  220. # will cause every request to be printed.
  221. # access-log-status-filters = []
  222. # Determines whether detailed write logging is enabled.
  223. # write-tracing = false
  224. # Determines whether the pprof endpoint is enabled. This endpoint is used for
  225. # troubleshooting and monitoring.
  226. # pprof-enabled = true
  227. # Enables a pprof endpoint that binds to localhost:6060 immediately on startup.
  228. # This is only needed to debug startup issues.
  229. # debug-pprof-enabled = false
  230. # Determines whether HTTPS is enabled.
  231. # https-enabled = false
  232. # The SSL certificate to use when HTTPS is enabled.
  233. # https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  234. # Use a separate private key location.
  235. # https-private-key = ""
  236. # The JWT auth shared secret to validate requests using JSON web tokens.
  237. # shared-secret = ""
  238. # The default chunk size for result sets that should be chunked.
  239. # max-row-limit = 0
  240. # The maximum number of HTTP connections that may be open at once. New connections that
  241. # would exceed this limit are dropped. Setting this value to 0 disables the limit.
  242. # max-connection-limit = 0
  243. # Enable http service over unix domain socket
  244. # unix-socket-enabled = false
  245. # The path of the unix domain socket.
  246. # bind-socket = "/var/run/influxdb.sock"
  247. # The maximum size of a client request body, in bytes. Setting this value to 0 disables the limit.
  248. # max-body-size = 25000000
  249. # The maximum number of writes processed concurrently.
  250. # Setting this to 0 disables the limit.
  251. # max-concurrent-write-limit = 0
  252. # The maximum number of writes queued for processing.
  253. # Setting this to 0 disables the limit.
  254. # max-enqueued-write-limit = 0
  255. # The maximum duration for a write to wait in the queue to be processed.
  256. # Setting this to 0 or setting max-concurrent-write-limit to 0 disables the limit.
  257. # enqueued-write-timeout = 0
  258. ###
  259. ### [logging]
  260. ###
  261. ### Controls how the logger emits logs to the output.
  262. ###
  263. [logging]
  264. # Determines which log encoder to use for logs. Available options
  265. # are auto, logfmt, and json. auto will use a more a more user-friendly
  266. # output format if the output terminal is a TTY, but the format is not as
  267. # easily machine-readable. When the output is a non-TTY, auto will use
  268. # logfmt.
  269. # format = "auto"
  270. # Determines which level of logs will be emitted. The available levels
  271. # are error, warn, info, and debug. Logs that are equal to or above the
  272. # specified level will be emitted.
  273. # level = "info"
  274. # Suppresses the logo output that is printed when the program is started.
  275. # The logo is always suppressed if STDOUT is not a TTY.
  276. # suppress-logo = false
  277. ###
  278. ### [subscriber]
  279. ###
  280. ### Controls the subscriptions, which can be used to fork a copy of all data
  281. ### received by the InfluxDB host.
  282. ###
  283. [subscriber]
  284. # Determines whether the subscriber service is enabled.
  285. # enabled = true
  286. # The default timeout for HTTP writes to subscribers.
  287. # http-timeout = "30s"
  288. # Allows insecure HTTPS connections to subscribers. This is useful when testing with self-
  289. # signed certificates.
  290. # insecure-skip-verify = false
  291. # The path to the PEM encoded CA certs file. If the empty string, the default system certs will be used
  292. # ca-certs = ""
  293. # The number of writer goroutines processing the write channel.
  294. # write-concurrency = 40
  295. # The number of in-flight writes buffered in the write channel.
  296. # write-buffer-size = 1000
  297. ###
  298. ### [[graphite]]
  299. ###
  300. ### Controls one or many listeners for Graphite data.
  301. ###
  302. [[graphite]]
  303. # Determines whether the graphite endpoint is enabled.
  304. # enabled = false
  305. # database = "graphite"
  306. # retention-policy = ""
  307. # bind-address = ":2003"
  308. # protocol = "tcp"
  309. # consistency-level = "one"
  310. # These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
  311. # otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
  312. # will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
  313. # Flush if this many points get buffered
  314. # batch-size = 5000
  315. # number of batches that may be pending in memory
  316. # batch-pending = 10
  317. # Flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
  318. # batch-timeout = "1s"
  319. # UDP Read buffer size, 0 means OS default. UDP listener will fail if set above OS max.
  320. # udp-read-buffer = 0
  321. ### This string joins multiple matching 'measurement' values providing more control over the final measurement name.
  322. # separator = "."
  323. ### Default tags that will be added to all metrics. These can be overridden at the template level
  324. ### or by tags extracted from metric
  325. # tags = ["region=us-east", "zone=1c"]
  326. ### Each template line requires a template pattern. It can have an optional
  327. ### filter before the template and separated by spaces. It can also have optional extra
  328. ### tags following the template. Multiple tags should be separated by commas and no spaces
  329. ### similar to the line protocol format. There can be only one default template.
  330. # templates = [
  331. # "*.app env.service.resource.measurement",
  332. # # Default template
  333. # "server.*",
  334. # ]
  335. ###
  336. ### [collectd]
  337. ###
  338. ### Controls one or many listeners for collectd data.
  339. ###
  340. [[collectd]]
  341. # enabled = false
  342. # bind-address = ":25826"
  343. # database = "collectd"
  344. # retention-policy = ""
  345. #
  346. # The collectd service supports either scanning a directory for multiple types
  347. # db files, or specifying a single db file.
  348. # typesdb = "/usr/local/share/collectd"
  349. #
  350. # security-level = "none"
  351. # auth-file = "/etc/collectd/auth_file"
  352. # These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
  353. # otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
  354. # will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
  355. # Flush if this many points get buffered
  356. # batch-size = 5000
  357. # Number of batches that may be pending in memory
  358. # batch-pending = 10
  359. # Flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
  360. # batch-timeout = "10s"
  361. # UDP Read buffer size, 0 means OS default. UDP listener will fail if set above OS max.
  362. # read-buffer = 0
  363. # Multi-value plugins can be handled two ways.
  364. # "split" will parse and store the multi-value plugin data into separate measurements
  365. # "join" will parse and store the multi-value plugin as a single multi-value measurement.
  366. # "split" is the default behavior for backward compatability with previous versions of influxdb.
  367. # parse-multivalue-plugin = "split"
  368. ###
  369. ### [opentsdb]
  370. ###
  371. ### Controls one or many listeners for OpenTSDB data.
  372. ###
  373. [[opentsdb]]
  374. # enabled = false
  375. # bind-address = ":4242"
  376. # database = "opentsdb"
  377. # retention-policy = ""
  378. # consistency-level = "one"
  379. # tls-enabled = false
  380. # certificate= "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
  381. # Log an error for every malformed point.
  382. # log-point-errors = true
  383. # These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
  384. # otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Only points
  385. # metrics received over the telnet protocol undergo batching.
  386. # Flush if this many points get buffered
  387. # batch-size = 1000
  388. # Number of batches that may be pending in memory
  389. # batch-pending = 5
  390. # Flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
  391. # batch-timeout = "1s"
  392. ###
  393. ### [[udp]]
  394. ###
  395. ### Controls the listeners for InfluxDB line protocol data via UDP.
  396. ###
  397. [[udp]]
  398. # enabled = false
  399. # bind-address = ":8089"
  400. # database = "udp"
  401. # retention-policy = ""
  402. # InfluxDB precision for timestamps on received points ("" or "n", "u", "ms", "s", "m", "h")
  403. # precision = ""
  404. # These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
  405. # otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
  406. # will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
  407. # Flush if this many points get buffered
  408. # batch-size = 5000
  409. # Number of batches that may be pending in memory
  410. # batch-pending = 10
  411. # Will flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
  412. # batch-timeout = "1s"
  413. # UDP Read buffer size, 0 means OS default. UDP listener will fail if set above OS max.
  414. # read-buffer = 0
  415. ###
  416. ### [continuous_queries]
  417. ###
  418. ### Controls how continuous queries are run within InfluxDB.
  419. ###
  420. [continuous_queries]
  421. # Determines whether the continuous query service is enabled.
  422. # enabled = true
  423. # Controls whether queries are logged when executed by the CQ service.
  424. # log-enabled = true
  425. # Controls whether queries are logged to the self-monitoring data store.
  426. # query-stats-enabled = false
  427. # interval for how often continuous queries will be checked if they need to run
  428. # run-interval = "1s"
  429. ###
  430. ### [tls]
  431. ###
  432. ### Global configuration settings for TLS in InfluxDB.
  433. ###
  434. [tls]
  435. # Determines the available set of cipher suites. See https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#pkg-constants
  436. # for a list of available ciphers, which depends on the version of Go (use the query
  437. # SHOW DIAGNOSTICS to see the version of Go used to build InfluxDB). If not specified, uses
  438. # the default settings from Go's crypto/tls package.
  439. # ciphers = [
  441. # "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
  442. # ]
  443. # Minimum version of the tls protocol that will be negotiated. If not specified, uses the
  444. # default settings from Go's crypto/tls package.
  445. # min-version = "tls1.2"
  446. # Maximum version of the tls protocol that will be negotiated. If not specified, uses the
  447. # default settings from Go's crypto/tls package.
  448. # max-version = "tls1.2"


