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lts 40 minutes bus ride


1.       He always gets to school early.

= He never gets to school late.

2.       Maybe the kid is healthy.

= The kid may be healthy.

3.       Although I have healthy habits, I am not

very healthy.

= I have a healthy habits, but I’m not very


4.       What’s wrong with him?

= What’s the matter with him?

= What’s the trouble with him?

5.       There’s something wrong with his bike.

= Something is wrong with his bike.

= His bike is broken.

6.       Studying math is difficult.

= It’s difficult to study math.

7.       She got to school by bus.

= She takes a bus to get to school.

We went home on foot.

= We walked home.

8.       It took me 25 minutes to go there by


= I spent 25 minutes going there by bus.

= It’s 25 minutes’ bus ride .

9.       Nancy spent 8 dollars on the sweater.

= Nancy bought the sweater for 8 dollars.

= Nancy paid 8 dollars for the sweater.

= The sweater cost Nancy 8 dollars

10.   Lily and Lucy look the same.

= Lily looks like Luy.

11.   Both girls go to lot of parties.

= Each of the girls goes to lots of parties.

12. He is too young to go to school.

= He is so young that he can’t go to school.

= He isn’t old enough to go to school.

13.   My sister began to sing when she was 2 years


= My sister began to sing t the age of 2.

14.   They need two more books.

= They need another two books.

15.   Not all the students enjoy listening to the


= All the students don’t enjoy listening to the


= Some of the students enjoy listening to the


16. They are going to Shanghai tomorrow.

= They are leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.

17. Why don’t you make him a card.

= Why not make him a card?

= Let us make him a card.

= How about making him a card?

= Shall we make him a card?

18. They went to school and didn’t have breakfast

yesterday morning.

= They went to school without having breakfast.

19. I’m more athletic than my best friend.

= My best friend is not as athletic as me.

20 He is the most clever boy in the class.

= He is more clever than any other boy in the


= Nobody else is more clever than him in the


21. I think English is more useful than math.

=I think math is less useful than English.

22. He stayed in china for 9 years.

= He came to China 9 years ago.

23. I dislike doing housework.

= I hate to do the chores.

24. I will leave after my mother comes back.

= I won’t leave until my mother comes back.

25. I hope to see you next year.

= I hope I can see you next year.

26. I borrowed a camera from my friend.

- My friend lent a camera to me.

1. once a week= every week

2. look after = babysit = take care of

3. be different from = not the same as

4. show sb sth = show sth to sb

5. around = all over

6. over = more than

7. at last = finally = in the end

8. close to = not far from

9. sometimes= at times

10. no = not a/ any        nothing = not


11. needn’t = not have to

12. what else= what other things

13. why = what……for

14. have fun = enjoy oneself = have a good time

15. be busy = have time

16. want = would like

【专项练习】新目标英语八年级上 句型转换专项练习


1、The bus is newer than the other two.(同义)


bus is _____ ______ of the three.

2、The Yangzi River is the longest river in


_______ is the ________ river in China?

3、Jim sometimes comes to visit us.(同义)

Jim comes to visit us ____ _____.

4、They needed to work out the problem with the


____ ____ they ____ to work out the problem


5、The machine helps them to wash clothes.(疑问)

____ the machine ____ them to wash clothes.

6、I had four eggs for breakfast this morning.

____ ___ eggs ___ you ____ for breakfast this



1. 将来人们会有机器人吗?

_________ people have _________?

2. 我应该做什么?

_________ ___________ I do?

3. 当飞碟到达时你正在干什么?

________ _________ you _______ when the UFO


4. 他说我学习努力.

He said I _______ ______________.

5. 如果你去参加聚会,你会过得很开心.

If you go to the party, you’ll ____ ____ ____


6. 你收集贝壳有多久了?

________ _______ have you _____ _____ shells?

7. 你介意把音乐声关小一点吗?

Would you mind _________ _________ the music?

8. 你为什么不给她买条围巾呢?

________ _______ you get her a scarf?

9. 你曾去过游乐园吗?

________ you ever ________ ______ an amusement


10. 今天是个好天气,不是吗?

It’s a nice day, ________ _________ ?

11. 你能给我一些建议吗?

Could you ________ me ________ ________?

12. 他迷恋上了电脑.

He fell ______ _________ _______ the


13. 她可以说英语和汉语.

She _______ _________ ______ speak English and


14. 将来会有更多的污染.

There will _______ _________ _____________.

15. 哪一个国家会在下一届世界杯中胜出?

________ ________ will win the next World


16. 他们不想在电话中谈论那件事.

They don’t want to talk about it ________ _______


17. 罗斯不想和她的表兄吵架,因为他是她最好的朋友.

Rose doesn’t want to ______ ______her cousin,

because he is her ________ _________.

18. 父母应好好照顾孩子.

Parents ________ take good ______ _____ their


19. 勿进! 她正在睡觉.

_________ _________! She is sleeping.

20. 你可以向你的哥哥借些钱.

You could ________ some money _______ your


21. 当外星人出来时,女孩正在购物.

The girl was shopping when the alien ______


22. 他站在同学们前面.

He is standing _____ ________ _____ his


23. 当飞机起飞时,你在做什么?

When the plane ________ ________, what were you


24. 喝杯咖啡怎么样?

________ _________ drinking a cup of coffee?

25. 首先,你应该说对不起.

_______ _____ _____, you should say you’re


26. 他说他对汤姆很生气.

He said he _______ _______ ______ Tom.

27. 我告诉她我将在第二天去公园.

I told her I __________ go to the park ______

_______ ________.

28. 他说他擅长口语.

He said he _______ _______ ______ speaking.

29. 当我长大后,我将环游世界.

When I ________ _______, I will ________

_________ ________ __________.

30. 高中毕业后,我想上大学.

I want to _______ _______ __________ after I

leave high school.

31. 请拿走袋子, 我不想它在这儿.

Please ______ _____ the bag, I don’t want it


32. 那位老人以卖报纸谋生.

That old man went to sell newspaper to _______

________ _________.

33. 你如果迟些起床,你会上学迟到的.

If you get up late, you _______ ________ ________

_______ school.

34. 他在数学方面做得较好.

He can ________ _________ in math.

35. 有许多著名的预言从没有实现.

There are many famous predictions that never

_________ __________.

36. 在我7岁的时候,我得到了这件礼物.

I get the present ______ _______ ______


37. 顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?

______ _____ ______, what’s your hobby?

38. 自我8岁以来我就一直在学习弹吉他.

I’ve ______ ________ the guitar _______ I _______

seven years old.

39. 昨天我们闲聊了一会儿.

We had a __________ _________ yesterday.

40. 你介意不在这里唱歌吗?

Would you mind ______ _______ here?

41. 请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候.

Could you please ______ ______ _______ _______?

We are all ________ ________ ________.

42. 有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气.

I _____ ________ when someone talks to me while I

am working.

43. 不同的人喜欢不同的礼物.

Different _______ like different _____ _____


44. 她花了大量的钱买学习用品.

She _______ too much money _____ school


45. 我有足够的时间去完成这项任务.

I have ________ _______ ______ ______ the


46. 我从没去过上海.

I ______ ________ ______ _____ Shanghai


47. 是因为我的英语说得好才使我得到了这份工作.

____ was because I spoke English very _______

________ I could get this job.

48. 事实上我想去拜访我的朋友.

_______ ________, I want to visit my friend.

49. 我曾去过北京,并在那里呆了七天.

I have ______ ______ Beijing and had ______

________ for 7 days.


Don’t forget to ______ an umbrella _______


51. 你是新生,不是吗?

You’re ______ here, _______ _______?

52. 比尔和我相处十分融洽.

Bill and I _______ _______ _______ well.

53. 每天这个时候交通都十分拥挤.

The ______ is very _______ at this time every


54. 我们一直等了一个小时.

We’ve been _________ _________ an hour.

55. 不要在教室里踢足球,好吗?

Don’t play soccer in the classroom,______



A. 先改一般疑问句再改否定句

1. There will be a sport meeting tomorrow.

______ _______ _____ a sport meeting tomorrow?

There _______ ______ a sport meeting tomorrow.

2. He played football last Sunday morning.

_______ he ______ football last Sunday


He _______ ________ football last Sunday


3. John’s done his homework for 4 hours.

________ John ______ his homework for 4 hours?

John ________ _______ his homework for 4


4. She  was making dinner when the phone rang.

______ she ______dinner when the phone rang?

She ______ ________ dinner when the phone


5. They have been collecting coins since 1998.

______ _______ ______ collecting coins since


They ______ ________ ________ coins since


B. 改间接引语

6. “Please have a rest.” the teacher said to us.

The teacher ______ ______ ______ ______ a


7. He said , “I can speak Japanese.”

He said that _______ ________ speak Japanese.

8. Mary said, “I will come to see my uncle .”

Mary said ________ ________ come to see ______


C. 改同义句

9. She is good at speaking English.

She _______ __________ ______ speaking


10. What’s your favorite season?

_________ ________ do you like _________ ?

11. Please pass him the English book.

Please _________ the English book _____ him.

12. My father hasn’t been to the Tibet, I haven’t

been to the Tibet, either.

My father hasn’t been to the Tibet,____ _____


13. To learn English is useful.

________ _______ _______ to learn English.

14. Why don’t you get a camera?

________ ________ get a camera?

15. We don’t know where we should go tomorrow.

We don’t know where ______ ______ tomorrow.

16. I am 14. My cousin is 14, too.

My cousin is _____ ________ age _______ me.

17. He is so young that he can’t go to school.

He is ________ young _______ go to school.

D. 就划线部分提问

18. I have been learning Chinese for 10 years.

_________ __________ _________ you been learning


19. He’ll be back in a week.

________ ________ will he be back?

20. He should come to school on time.

__________ ____________ he _______?


21. It’s going to rain, _________ __________?

22. You aren’t a worker,________ __________?

23. Open the door please, __________ ________?

24. He’s never seen the film before, _______


25. Have you ever been to an amusement park?

_________, __________ _________.(作否定回答)

26. Mr. Smith collected stamps 8 years


Mr. Smith ________ _________ _________ stamps

since 8 years ago.



1. Will robots           2. What should

3. What were doing arrived  4. was hard-working

5. have a good time      6. How long been


7. turning down         8. Why don’t

9. Have been to         10. isn’t it

11. give some advice     12. in love with

13. is able to            14. be more pollution

15. Which country       16. on the phone

17. argue with best friend  18. should care of

19. Keep out            20. borrow from

21. got out              22. in front of

23. took off             24. What about

25. First of all           26. was mad at

27. would the next day    28. was good at

29. grow up travel around the world  30. go to


31. take away            32. make a living

33. will be late for        34. do well

35. came true            36. when I was seven

37. By the way           38. been playing since


39. small talk            40. not singing

41. not cut in line waiting in line   42. get


43. people kind of         44. spent on

45. enough time to finish    46. have never been


47. It well that            48. In fact

49. been to stayed there     50. take with

51. new aren’t you         52. are getting along

53. traffic busy            54. waiting for

55. will you


1. Will there be    won’t be

2. Did play        didn’t play

3. Has done       hasn’t done

4. Was making     wasn’t making

5. Have they been   haven’t been collecting

6. told us to have    7. he could

8. she would her     9. does well in

10. Which season best   11. pass to

12. neither have I     13.It is useful

14. Why not         15. to go

16. the same age      17. too to

18. How long have    19. How soon

20. What should do    21. isn’t it

22. are you           23. will you

24. has he            25. No I haven’t

26. has been collecting


Ⅴ. 句型转换按括号内的要求改写下列句子?每空填一词?

1. They talked on

and on until eleven last night.(改为同义句)

They_________ __________ __________

_______until eleven last night.

2. Go across the bridge, and you’ll see

the hotel.(改为同义句)

______the______, and you’ll see the hotel.

3. You

gave me much help. Thank you.(将两句合并成一句)

Thank you_________ _________me.

4. He told me, “I got to school at seven today.”(改为间接引语)


said______ got to school at seven______ day.

5. I have taught English in

this school for one year.(改为同义句)

1. 你认为我们的学校怎么样?

______do you_________

_________our school?

2. 我们学校至少有1,500名学生?


_________1,500 students in our school.

3. 昨天我们举办了家宴?


we________ _______ ________ _______.

4. 中国人对外国客人很友好?


always__________ ________ foreign guests.

5. 如果你今天下午陪着我,明天我就跟你一起去?

If you_________ ________ _______me this afternoon, I will go with you








I prefer walking there to going by bus.

I prefer to walk there ___ by bus.



than...这两个句型的转换。前者后接动词时用V.+ing形式,而后者则接不定式,并且rather than后的不定式符号要省略。答案:rather than



It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam.

Mary ____ two weeks ___ for the exam.


该题考查的是表示“花费时间做某事”的两个句型的转换,take常用的句型是:it takes +时间

+ to do...;而spend却是:sb +spend + 时间 + (in)doing...。答案:spent, in preparing。


I always get up before six o'clock in my school


I __ get up ______ six o'clock in my school days.




The children are too tired to walk farther.

They are_____ tired ____they ____ walk farther.



引导的复合句互相转换。但是too...to的本身是否定意义,so...that从句要改为否定。答案:so, that, can't。


The girl left her home a few days ago, she has not

come back yet.

The girl has____ from her home for a few days.


第一句意思为“女孩几天前离开家,她现在还未回来”。根据句意可知应用现在完成时。for a few

days表示一段时间,在完成时中只能与延续性动词搭配,而leave是非延续性动词。答案:been away。


1. They say that Mr. Liu can speak German.

_____ that Mr. Liu can speak German.

2. Can you show me the way to the post office?

Can you tell me _____ get to the post office?

3.People plant many young trees on both sides of

the street each year.

Many young trees are ____ on ____ sides of the

street each year.

4.My parents left home three days ago.

They have not come back yet.

My parents____ from home for three days.

5.They knew something about it only after you told


They knew______ about it _____ you told them.

6.If you play basketball here, you may break the


_____play basketball here, ______you may break the


7.This is the most enjoyable journey that I have

ever heard of.

I have ______heard of______ an enjoyable journey


8. Hot dogs are not so delicious as sandwiches.

Hot dogs are______ delicious ___sandwiches.

9. Her father bought the car three months ago.

Her father ______the car for three months.

10. It's good for your health to take exercise


____ exercise often can make you ______.

11. All the books cost me 365 yuan.

I ______ 365 yuan ______ all the books.

12.The doctor put down the telephone, left his

home at once and hurried to Jim's home.

After the doctor ______ the phone call, he left

his home at once and went to Jim's home as _____.

13. At the end of the meeting his bag was lost.

He______ his bag when the meeting ______.

14. I like Backstreet Boys. But he likes F4


He ______ F4 ______ Backstreet Boys.

15. Tom spent two hours in mending the bike.

It _____ two hours______ the bike.

16. He hardly does wrong in his homework.

He hardly ______ any ______ in his homework.

17.I will tell you my telephone number after you

tell me yours.

Please tell me your telephone number, ____I____

tell you, ____.

18. The Indian old lady no longer lived there.

The Indian old lady ______ live there _____.

19.Jane got to school earlier than any other


Jane got to school ______ all the students.

20. My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

My sister likes______ than going shopping.


1. It's said 2. how, to 3. planted, both 4. have

been away 5. nothing, before 6. Don't ,or 7. never, such 8. less, than 9. has

had 10. Taking, healthy 11.spent,on12.received,soon aspossible

13. couldn't find, was over 14. prefers,to15. took

Tom, to mend 16. makes, mistakes 17.or, will not, either18.didn't,any

more.19.earliest of 20. reading better









There are some old sheep on the farm.

There is ______ old ______ on the farm.



。单数句与复数句转换时,名词、代词要一 一对应互换。注意名词变复数的规律,同时注意主谓的一致性。答案:an, sheep。


He set the alarm clock for seven.

______ he ______ the alarm clock for seven?






Both of the players are very popular in England.

_____of the players ______very popular in England.



“两者都不”为全否定。either“两者之一”是部分否定。另外either和neither作主语,谓语动词应用单数。答案:Neither, is。


Sue speaks little French.

Sue speaks little French, _____?



little, few, never, hardly, seldom等否定词时,后半部分则用肯定。答案:does she。


The bank near the shop is very big.




the shop在句中作the bank的定语,故疑问词应用which。答案:Which bank is very big?


It's raining very heavily.

______it is raining!





They have painted their new house.

Their new house ______ by them.


原句是现在完成时态,被动结构要用have been

done。在主动变被动时,特别要注意被动语态句中主语的人称、数的变化,这句被动句的主语是第三人称单数,要用has。答案:has been painted。


◆ 严建英


1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句)

They are all______.

2. There are some old cars behind the


There______ old ______ behind the house.

3. He has a new book.(改为复数句)

______new ______.

4. Are these your English-Chinese


______ your English-Chinese ______?

5.Is there a sheep in your uncle's farm?(改为复数句)

_____ there ______ in your uncle's farm?

Ⅱ. 肯定句与疑问句相互转换

1. Mr. Hu taught her maths last year.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ Mr. Hu ______ her maths last year?

2.The foreign visitor comes from


____ the foreign visitor come from Russia ____?

3. Tom has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句)

____ Tom ______ lunch at school every day?

4. That dictionary cost him twenty yuan. (改为一般疑问句)

____ that dictionary ______ him twenty yuan?

5. Don't you think her radio is too loud? (作肯定回答)

___, I ______.

Ⅲ. 完成反意疑问句

1. You've never been out of China before, _____?

2. You came here together, ______?

3. There're more than ten pandas on the hill,____?

4. Peter could hardly see the words on the

blackboard, ____?

5. Don't look out of the window, ______?

6. I don't think you can answer this


7. Let's ask our teacher for help, _____?

8. Everything goes well, _____?

9. She isn't the best one in the class, ______?

10. You like listening to soft music, ______?

Ⅳ. 肯定句与否定句相互转换

1. He has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)

He ______ finished his homework ______.

2.Both of his parents were pleased with the


_____ pleased with the result.

3. Don't let him go boating today!(改为肯定句)

_____ go boating today.

4. You'd better take it to your office.(改为否定句)

You'd better_____ it to your office.

5.The children weren't playing on the


The children______ on the playground.

6. All of us want him to rest.(改为完全否定句)

_____ of us ______ him to rest.

7. Mary does her homework on Sundays. ( 改为否定句)

Mary ______ her homework on Sundays.

8. Meimei has to look after her little brother at

weekends. (改为否定句)

Meimei______ to look after her little brother at


9. I think you are right.(改为否定句)

I ______ think you ______ right.

10. She isn't going to wash anything on


She ______ going to wash ______ on Sunday.

Ⅴ. 简单句、并列句、复合句相互转换

1.The water was so dirty that we couldn't drink


The water was ______ dirty for us ______ drink.

2.Does the shop close at six every day?Do you


Do you know ___ the shop ____ at six every day?

3.The question isn't easy enough for them to


The question is ______ that they ___ .

4. I really don't know which book I should


I really don't know_____.

5. I don't know when we shall meet again. ( 改为简单句)

I don't know when ______ again.

6.The man is very strong and he can carry the

heavy bag. (改为简单句)

The man is _______ to carry the heavy bag.

7."Does the girl need any help?" he asked


He asked me ______ the girl ______ some help.

8.I don't know what to do next.(改为复合句)

I don't know what ______ next.

9.George has two cabbages. Mary has only


George has ______ cabbages ______ Mary.

10.We won't have any lessons tomorrow because

we'll have the sports meeting.(改为简单句)

We won't have any lessons tomorrow _____the sports


Ⅵ. 陈述句与感叹句相互转换


1. The film is very interesting.

________ the film is!

2. English is very useful.

_____ useful subject English is!

3. These flowers are so beautiful.

______ these flowers are!

4. The children are singing and dancing happily.

______ the children are singing and dancing!

5. They are running fast.

______they are running!

6. Her sister is a very lovely girl.

(1) ______ lovely girl her sister is!

(2) _____ her sister is !


7. How beautiful these flowers are!

______ so beautiful flowers.

8. What a nice box it is!

The box _____.

9. How bright your dictionary is!

Your dictionary is______.

10. How hard the workers are working!

The workers are ______.

Ⅶ. 陈述句与祈使句相互转换

1.If you don't work hard, you won't pass the exam

next time.(改为祈使句)

____, ______ you will fail the exam next time.

2. Don't make any noise.(改为陈述句)

_____ make any noise.

3. Will you please read after me? (改为祈使句)


4. Don't look out of the window.(改为反意疑问句)

Don't look out of the window , _____?

5. Tom is sitting on the desk.(改为否定祈使句)

_____ on the desk, ______.

6. Don't let him go boating today? (改为肯定句)

______ go boating Today!

7. Do it like this, please.(改为否定句)

______ it like this, please.

8. Hurry up, and you'll catch the early


_____, you'll catch the early bus.

9. Let us go and see what has happened.(完成反意疑问句)

Let us go and see what has happened,_____?

10.If you let him try and then he will know all

about it.(改为祈使句)

______ ,______ he'll know all about it.

Ⅷ. 主动语态与被动语态相互转换


1. We call maths the language of science.

Maths _____the language of science.

2. Where did they plant trees?

Where ______ trees ______?

3.The workers built the Green Great Wall across

the northern part of the country.

The Green Great Wall ________ across the northern

part of the country.

4. The teacher made the students copy the text.

The students ______________ copy the text.

5. They produce silk in Suzhou.

Silk _________ in Suzhou.

6.They built a bridge between the two islands


A bridge __________ between the two islands



7. A birthday party will be had tomorrow.

We ______a birthday party tomorrow.

8.John was seen to cross the street just now by


Someone saw John _____the street just now.

9.Can another way be thought of to keep your wine

or water warm?

Can ________ another way to keep your wine or

water warm?

10.Too many trees are still being cut down in the


___are still____ down too many trees in the USA.

Ⅸ. 对划线部分提问

1. Jim has stayed in the college for five years.

______ has Jim stayed in the college?

2. The twin brothers get on very well.

_____ the twin brothers get on?

3. My foreign friends will arrive in half an hour.

______ will your foreign friends arrive?

4. The car near the river is mine.

______ is yours?

5. It's very wet and hot today.

_____ the weather ______ today?

6. He is looking for a pair of black shoes.

_____ is he ______?

7.He went to the station to meet the twins last


____ did he ____to the station to meet the twins?

8. Jack has been to Hong Kong only once.

How ______ has Jack been to Hong Kong?

9. We have a class meeting once a week.

____________ have a class meeting.

10. They came to ask for help.

___ did they come ______?



1. women nurses 2. is an, car 3. They have, books

4. Is this, dictionary5. Are, any sheep


1. Did, teach2. Does, or Australia 3. does, have

4. Did cost 5. Yes, do


1. have you 2. didn't you 3. aren't there

4. could he5. will you 6. can you

7. shall we8. doesn't it 9. is she

10. don't you


1. hasn't, yet2. Neither of his parents was

3. Let him4. not take 5. were playing

6. None, want7. doesn't do 8. doesn't have

9. don't, are 10. is, something


1. too, to2. if, closes3. so difficult, can't


4. which book to choose 5. to meet you 6. strong


7. if, needed8. I'll do9. more, than

10. because of


1. How interesting2. What a 3. How beautiful

4. How happily 5. How fast6. (1)What a (2)How


7. These are 8. is very nice 9.very bright

10. working hard


1. Work hard, or 2. You mustn't . 3. Please read

after me.

4. will you 5. Don't sit, Tom6. Let him

7. Don't do8. If you hurry up 9. will you

10. Let him try, and


1.is called 2.were, planted3.was built

4.Were made to 5. is produced 6. was built

7. will have 8. to cross 9. you think of

10. People/ They , cutting


1. How long2. How do3. How soon

4. Which car5. What's, like6. What, doing

7. When, go 8. many times 9. How often do you

10. What, for

