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She is a girl.

He is my father.


8.sharpener/ˈʃɑ:pnə(r)/转笔刀;9.eraser;10.crayon /ˈkreɪən/ n.蜡笔;粉笔;

11.window;12.door;13.desk;14.chair;15.bed;16.computer;17.blackboard 黑板;

18.fan /fæn/风扇;19.light 灯;20.wall /wɔl/墙壁; 21.floor  n.地板;地面;楼层

22.sofa; 23.mirror /'mɪrə(r)/镜子;34.photo;35.gift;36.lamp /læmp/台灯;

37.phone 电话;38.shelf /ʃelf/ 书架;49.fridge /frɪdʒ/ 冰箱;50.TV 电视;

51.air-conditioner/kən'dɪʃ(ə)nər/ 空调;52.key 钥匙;53.lock /lɒk/ 锁;

53.plate /pleɪt/ 盘子;54.knife /naɪf/刀;55.fork  /fɔː(r)k/叉子;56.spoon /spuːn/ 勺子;


This is my book.

This is my schoolbag.

There are many desks in this room.

The wall is white.

This is a photo of me.这是一张我的照片.

The fork is on the plate.这个叉子在盘子上面;

This key can open this lock.这把钥匙可以打开这把锁

1.doctor/ˈdɒktə(r)/;2.nurse/nɜ:s/3.driver/ˈdraɪvə(r)/4.farmer /ˈfɑ:mə(r)/农场主,农民;5.singer /ˈsiŋər/;6.writer;7.actor;8 actress/ˈæktrɪs/ 8.artist/ˈɑ:tɪst]/ 艺术家; 画家;


My mother is an actress.  /ən æktrɪs/ 连读

My father is a writer.


I like purple.

My mother likes red.


1.cat/kæt/;2.dog;3.pig;4.duck;5.rabbit /ˈræbit/;6.horse/hɔ:s/马;

7.elephant/ˈelɪfənt/ 大象;

8.ant /ænt/蚂蚁;9.fish;10.bird;11.snake /sneɪk/;12.mouse;

13.kangaroo/ˌkæŋɡəˈru/袋鼠;14.Monkey/ˈmʌŋki/ 15.panda;16.bear /ber/熊;

17.lion/ˈlaɪən/ 狮子18.tiger;19.fox /fɒks/狐狸;20.zebra /ˈzibrə/斑马;


24.hen [hen]母鸡;25.sheep /[ʃiːp/ ;26.lamb /læm/小羊;羊羔肉27.goat/ɡəʊt/ 山羊;

28.cow /kaʊ/母牛;【动】奶牛;肉牛;雌(象,鲸等);29.shark/ʃɑːk/鲨鱼


I like rabbits.

Dogs don't like cats.

Snakes can eat mice./maɪs/ mouse 的复数形式;

Tigers don't like foxes./iz/

The giraffe has a long neck.

The hen can lay eggs. 母鸡可以下蛋;

1.jacket;2.shirt;3.T-shirt;4.skirt /短裙/5.dress /dres/ 连衣裙;6.jeans /dʒi:nz/牛仔裤;7.trousers/ˈtraʊzəz/裤子 8.socks/sɒks/ 袜子 9.shoes;10.sweater;11.coat;

12.raincoat/'reɪn.koʊt/雨衣;13.shorts 短裤;14.sandals/'sænd(ə)ls/凉鞋;

15.boots/buts/ 靴子;16.hat;17.cap /kæp/鸭舌帽;17.sunglasses /'sʌn.ɡlɑːsɪz/太阳镜;墨镜;18.tie /taɪ/;19.scarf;

This is  a red dress.

I like the black jacket.

This coat is too big.

This shorts are too small.


1.apple;2.banana;3.pear;4.orange;5.watermelon;6.grapes/greɪps/葡萄7.cherry/tʃerɪ/樱桃;车厘子;8.lemon /ˈlemən/;9.mango/mæŋɡəʊ/芒果;

10.coconut /ˈkoʊkəˌnʌt/椰子;11.fruits 水果; 12.peach/piːtʃ/桃子;

13.strawberry /ˈstrɔ:beri/ 草莓;

This apple is red./ðɪs ˈæpəl/ s没发音

My sister likes grapes.

Would you please give me a peach.

1.eggplant/ˈɛɡˌplænt/ 2.tomato ;3.potato;4.green-beans/bi:nz/扁豆;

5.cucumber/ˈkjuːˌkʌmbə(r)/黄瓜 6.onion/ˈʌnjən/ 洋葱;7.carrot /carrot/胡萝卜;

8.cabbage;9.pumpkin /ˈpʌmpkɪn/南瓜;10.vegetables 蔬菜;

11.pea /piː/豌豆;12.peach


Tomatoes are red.

Rabbits like to eat carrots.

1.foot 足;2.head;3.face /feɪs/;4.hair /her/;6.nose /nəʊz/;7.mouth;8.eyes;9.ear;

10.arm /手臂/;11.hand;

My eyes are brown.

I have two hands.

1.cold /koʊld/;2.hot/hɑt/;3.warm /wɔ:m/;温暖的4.cool;5.snowy /snəʊi/ ;

6.sunny adj.晴朗的;

  sun /sʌn/ n.太阳,阳光; 恒星; 中心人物

7.rainy adj.有雨的;

  rain n.雨;雨水;(热带地区的)雨季;vt.下雨;

8.windy ajd.有风的;

 wind n.风; 气流;

9.cloudy adj.多云的;

  cloud n.云

10.rainbow /'reɪn.bəʊ/ n.彩虹;

11.flower /'flaʊə(r)/花;花朵

12.grass  美[ɡræs]英[ɡrɑːs] n.草;草地;牧草;青草

13.tree;14.seed /sid/n.种子;15.plant /plænt/ n.植物;工厂;设备;发电厂

It's a sunny day.今天是一个晴天.

It's very warm here.这里非常温暖。

There is a rainbow after the rain.下雨后会有彩虹;


1.river;2.lake /leɪk/;湖泊3.mountain /maʊnt(ə)n/;4.forest;5.path;道路;小路;小径

6.road 道路;7.house 房子;8.sky;9.buiding 建筑;10.bridge /brɪdʒ/ 桥;

There is a tiger in this forest.

The bird is flyig in the sky.

I hate windy day.


1.Home 家;家庭;家乡;住宅;2.living-room 客厅;3.bedroom /'bedruːm/卧室;

4.bathroom /ˈbæθˌrum/ 浴室;卫生间;洗手间;厕所;5.kitchen /ˈkitʃ(ə)n/厨房;

6.balcony/ˈbælkəni/ n.阳台

1.classroom 教室;2.school 3.park;4.library /'laɪ.breri/图书馆;5.notbook;6.hospital;



I read books in the library.

I  cook in the kichen./kʊk/

This is my English book.

The playground is at the  back of the canteen.操场在食堂后面;

The school is beside the hospital.学校在医院得旁边;

1.dinner /ˈdɪnə(r)/晚餐;2.jam/dʒæm/果酱3.biscuit /bɪskɪt/ 饼干,点心;

4.sausage /'sɒsɪdʒ/香肠;腊肠;5.breakfast ;6.egg ;7.rice ;8.cake;

9.lunch ; 10.bread;11.sandwhich; 12.dumplings /ˈdʌmplɪŋ/饺子;13.chichen(不可数)14.meat /mi:t/ 肉;15.fish;16.mutton /'mʌt(ə)n/ 羊肉;17.beef ;18.pork /pɔrk/猪肉;

19.hamburger /ˈhæmˌbɜrɡər/;10.chopsticks/'tʃɑp.stɪk/ 筷子 11.pot /pɑt/ 锅;

12.milk;13.noodles;14.soup /suːp/;15.salad /'sæləd/; 16.water;17.ice-cream;

18.'kəʊlə /'kəʊlə/n.可乐;19.tea;20.juice /dʒuːs/果汁;电;肉汁;胃液


I had bread and an egg for my breafast. /ən eɡ/ 连读我早晨吃了面包和一个鸡蛋;

I like to eat bread with jam.我喜欢吃面包和果酱;

My mom likes to eat fish very much.

I hate to eat mutton.

It's going to rain.快要下雨了;

Do you want to have some soup?

Could you have a cup of tea?可以给我一杯茶吗?


1.toy 玩具;2.doll /dɒl/洋娃娃;3.balloon /bə'lun/气球;4.kite/kaɪt/风筝;

1.toothbrush /'tuθ.brʌʃ/ 牙膏;2.box盒子;3.umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/

I use the umbrella when it's raining.

I put all my  toys in this box.

1.one ;2.two ;3.three; 4.four;5.five;6.six;7.seven;8.eight;9nine;10.ten;

11.eleven ;12.twelve;13.thirteen;14.fourteen;15.fifteen;16.sixteen;17.seventeen;


There are six apples on the table.

I have two hands.

There are four seasons in a year.

My father is forty-years old.

1.big 2.small;4.tall;5.short /ʃɔː(r)t/;6.young ;7.old /əʊld/;

1.My little borther is shorter than me.

2.She is very thin.


5.ship /ʃɪp/舰;(大)轮船;6.yacht /jɒt/游艇;帆船;快艇;7.car /kɑː(r)/

8.taxi  /ˈtæksi/出租车;9.jeep /dʒi:p/ 吉普车;10.van /væn/客货车;厢式送货车;面包车(通常为 12 座左右);小货车;

I like to ride a bike to go to work.

The bus is bigger than the car.

1.Spring ;2.summer;3.fall;4.winter;

I like eating watermelons in a summer day.



The library is on your left.

1.play n.游戏; 比赛; 戏剧;  v.玩; 演奏; 演出;

2.swim v/n 游泳; 3.skate /sket/ v.溜冰,滑冰;n.溜冰鞋;

3.fly v.飞; 飞行; 

4.walk  /wɔk/ v.走; 步行; 散步;n.人行道

5.jump /dʒʌmp/v. 跳; 跳过; 快速移动;

6.run v.跑; 移动; (使) 流动;

7.climb  /klaɪm/ v.爬; 攀登; 上升; 登山;

8.fight /faɪt/ 战斗; 斗争; 打架; 吵架;

9.swing /swɪŋ/ v.荡秋千;10 .eat vt.吃,喝;

11.sleep;12.learn;13.sing v;14read;15.cook;16.dance;



Let's go out to fly kites. 让我们出去放风筝;

Do you like skating?

I usually go to sleep at 10 pm.

The coffee tasted good.

1.Monday;2.Tuesday;3.Wendneday 4.Thursday;5Friday;6.Staturday ;7.Sunday;


1.January/dʒænjuəri/ 2.February/februəri / 3.March /mɑː(r)tʃ/4.April /['eɪprəl/

5.May 6.June 7.July 8.Auguest ['ɔːɡəst] 9.September /[sepˈtembər/10.October;


I love Saturday and Sunday.

Good morning.

January is the first month of the year.

Christmas is  in December.



