Define form fields once, as schema, and render them anywhere!
How much code does it take for you to render all forms in your application? Do you find yourself adding the same fields to multiple forms? How hard would it be for you to change UI frameworks based on your forms?
在您的应用程序中呈现所有表单需要花费多少代码? 您是否发现自己将相同的字段添加到多个表单中? 根据表单更改UI框架会有多困难?
These are just some of the reasons I decided to focus some time to design dynamic forms for my projects.
There are numerous packages available to provide dynamic forms; however, I was not able to find one that met my needs.
有许多软件包可以提供动态表格。 但是,我找不到能满足我需求的产品。
问题 (Problem)
I have been using Vue.js and Quasar Framework for about 6 months now. I love Quasar Framework because it provides all of the UI components I require and it gives me the option to write code once and build it as a web, desktop and/or mobile application. I absolutely love this platform.