close all; clear all; clc; T = 0.26; fs = 20e3; fc = 1e3; B = 1000; t = 0:1/fs:T-1/fs; type_index = 6; type_name = {'PCW', 'LFM', 'HFM', 'Bark', 'Costas', 'PolyPhase'}; switch type_index case 1 % 1. pcw x = exp(1i*2*pi*fc*t); case 2 % 2. lfm k = B/T; f0 = fc-B/2; x = exp(1i*2*pi*(f0*t+k/2*t.^2)); case 3 % 3. hfm f0 = fc+B/2; beta = B/f0/(fc-B/2)/T; x = exp(1i*2*pi/beta*log(1+beta*f0*t)); case 4 % 4.bark信号 % 4. hfm + pcw % f0 = fc+B/2; % beta = B/f0/(fc-B/2)/T; % x = sin(2*pi/beta*log(1+beta*f0*t)) + sin(2*pi*fc*t); % bark = [1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1]; bark = (randi(2,1,100)-1)*2-1; Tbark = T/length(bark); tbark = 0:1/fs:Tbark-1/fs; s = zeros(1,length(bark)*length(tbark)); for i = 1:length(bark) if bark(i) == 1 s((i-1)*length(tbark)+1:i*length(tbark))=exp(1j*2*pi*fc*tbark); else s((i-1)*length(tbark)+1:i*length(tbark))=exp(1j*(2*pi*fc*tbark+pi)); end end x = [s, zeros(1,length(t)-length(s))]; case 5 % 5.costas信号 costas = [2,4,8,5,10,9,7,3,6,1]; f = fc-B/2+(costas-1)*B/(length(costas)-1); Tcostas = T/length(costas); tcostas = 0:1/fs:Tcostas-1/fs; s = zeros(1,length(costas)*length(tcostas)); for i = 1:length(costas) s((i-1)*length(tcostas)+1:i*length(tcostas)) = exp(1j*2*pi*f(i)*tcostas); end x = [s,zeros(1,length(t)-length(s))]; case 6 % 6.PolyPhase信号 N = 20; M = 2; [route_best,Energy_best] = SA_TSP(N, M); Tsubpulse = T/N; k = B/Tsubpulse; tsubpulse = 0:1/fs: Tsubpulse-1/fs; s = zeros(1,N*length(tsubpulse)); for i=1:N s((i-1)*length(tsubpulse)+1:i*length(tsubpulse)) = exp(1j*(2*pi*fc*tsubpulse+pi*k*tsubpulse.^2+route_best(i)/M*2*pi)); end x = [s,zeros(1,length(t)-length(s))]; end re_fs = 0.9*fs:2:1.1*fs; alpha = re_fs/fs; % Doppler ratio, alpha = 1-2*v/c doppler = (1-alpha)*fc; % Doppler = 2v/c*fc = (1-alpha)*fc N_a = length( resample(x,fs,min(re_fs)) ); N = N_a + length(x)-1; afmag = zeros(length(alpha),N); tic parfor i = 1:length(alpha) if ceil(length(x)/alpha(i)) ~= N_a x_alpha = [resample(x,fs,re_fs(i)),zeros(1, N_a-ceil(length(x)/alpha(i)))]; else x_alpha = resample(x,fs,re_fs(i)); end % x_alpha = Doppler(x,1/re_fs(i),1/fs); x_temp = zeros(1,length(x_alpha)); for j = 1:length(x_alpha) x_temp(j) = conj(x_alpha(length(x_alpha)-j+1)); end % disp(num2str(i)) afmag_temp = conv(x_temp,x); M = length(afmag_temp); afmag(i,:) = afmag_temp*sqrt(alpha(i)); end toc delay = ([1:N]-N_a)/fs; tau = 0.2; fd = 100; indext = find(delay>=-tau & delay<=tau); indexf = find(doppler>=-fd & doppler<=fd); delay1 = delay(indext); doppler1 = doppler(indexf); mag = abs(afmag); mag = mag/max(max(mag)); % mag = 10*log10(mag); mag1 = mag(:,indext); mag1 = mag1(indexf,:); [row,column] = find(mag1<-100); mag1(row,column)=-60; figure(1); mesh(doppler1,delay1,mag1.'); % axis([-100,100,-tau,tau,-50,0]); colorbar; set(gcf,'color','w'); xlabel('Doppler (Hz)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); ylabel('Delay (sec)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); zlabel('Level (dB)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); title(['WAF of ',type_name{type_index} ,' Signal'],'FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); figure(2); % v=[-3,-3]; % contour(delay1,doppler1,mag1,v,'ShowText','on');grid on;%模糊度图 contour(delay1,doppler1,mag1);grid on;%模糊度图 xlabel('Delay (Sec)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); ylabel('Doppler (Hz)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); title('Contour of AF','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10) figure(3) subplot(211); plot(doppler1,mag1(:,floor(length(indext)/2)),'b') xlabel('Doppler (Hz)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); ylabel('Amp','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); title('Zero Delay','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10) subplot(212) plot(delay1,mag1(floor(length(indexf)/2),:),'b') xlabel('Delay (sec)','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); ylabel('Amp','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10); title('Zero Doppler','FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',10) %% temp=clock; temp=sum(temp(4:6))*sum(temp(2:3)); temp=round(temp/10); rand('seed',temp); %% plot([0:length(x_alpha)-1]/length(x_alpha)*fs,abs(fft(x_alpha))); hold on; plot([0:length(x_alpha2)-1]/length(x_alpha2)*fs,abs(fft(x_alpha2)))
function [route_best,Energy_best] = SA_TSP(N,M) Initial_temp = 1000; res = 1e-3; % 最低温限制 ratio = 0.9; % 降温参数,控制温度的下降 temperature = Initial_temp; Markov_length = 20; % 改变解的次数 temp=clock; temp=sum(temp(4:6))*sum(temp(2:3)); temp=round(temp/10); rand('seed',temp); route_new = randi(M, 1, N); % 新产生的解路线 Energy_current = inf; % 当前解的能量 Energy_best = inf; % 最优解的能量 route_current = route_new; % 当前解路线 route_best = route_new; % 最优解路线 pic_num = 1; % 外层while循环控制降温过程,内层for循环控制新解的产生。 while temperature > res Energy1=Energy_best; % 用于控制循环的结束条件 for i = 1: Markov_length % 产生新解(对当前解添加扰动) if rand >0.5 % 两点交换 a = 0; b = 0; while (a==b) a = randi(N); b = randi(N); end route_new(a) = randi(M); route_new(b) = randi(M); else route_new(randperm(N,3)) = randi(M,1,3); end [Energy_new, ~] = SeqCorr(route_new,N,M); % 按照Metroplis准则接收新解 if Energy_new<Energy_current % 更新局部最优 Energy_current = Energy_new; route_current = route_new; % 更新全局最优 if Energy_new<Energy_best Energy_best=Energy_new; route_best = route_new; end else if rand<exp(-(Energy_new-Energy_current)/temperature) Energy_current = Energy_new; route_current = route_new; else route_new = route_current; % 否则路线不更新,保存更改之前的路线 end end end hold on; stem(route_new,'b') drawnow; F=getframe(gcf); I=frame2im(F); [I,map]=rgb2ind(I,256); if pic_num == 1 imwrite(I,map,'TSP.gif','gif', 'Loopcount',inf,'DelayTime',0.2); else imwrite(I,map,'TSP.gif','gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.2); end clf hold off title(['SA Algorithm for TSP problem: iteration = ',num2str(pic_num)]) xlabel('N') % ylabel('') pic_num = pic_num + 1; if Energy1==Energy_best&&Energy_current==Energy_best break else temperature = temperature*ratio; %降温过程 end end
function [cost, Correlation] = SeqCorr(route_new, N, M)
code = exp(1i*[1:M]/M*2*pi);
Seq = code(route_new);
Correlation = abs(xcorr(Seq, Seq));
cost = abs(sum(Correlation)-Correlation(N));
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