- $ cat try_bash_trap.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- set -ex -o pipefail
- trap 'cleanup' 2
- cleanup(){
- echo "---> Caught signals and Let us do clean-ups"
- rm -rf /tmp/temp_*.$$
- exit 2
- }
- for i in {1..100}
- do
- sleep 2
- touch /tmp/temp_${i}.$$
- done
- $ ./try_bash_trap.sh
- + trap cleanup 2
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_1.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_2.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_3.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_4.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_5.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_6.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- + touch /tmp/temp_7.28167
- + for i in '{1..100}'
- + sleep 2
- ^C++ cleanup
- ++ echo '---> Caught signals and Let us do clean-ups'
- ---> Caught signals and Let us do clean-ups
- ++ rm -rf /tmp/temp_1.28167 /tmp/temp_2.28167 /tmp/temp_3.28167 /tmp/temp_4.28167 /tmp/temp_5.28167 /tmp/temp_6.28167 /tmp/temp_7.28167
- ++ exit 2
- $ echo $?
- 2
Trap is a simple, but very useful utility. If your script creates temporary files, such as this simple script which replaces FOO for BAR in all files in the current directory, /tmp is clean when the script exits. If it gets interrupted partway through, though, there could be a file lying around in /tmp:
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