Quaternion tf2::Quaternion::slerp | ( | const Quaternion & | q, |
const tf2Scalar & | t | ||
) | const [inline] |
Return the quaternion which is the result of Spherical Linear Interpolation between this and the other quaternion.
q | The other quaternion to interpolate with |
t | The ratio between this and q to interpolate. If t = 0 the result is this, if t=1 the result is q. Slerp interpolates assuming constant velocity. |
Definition at line 314 of file Quaternion.h.
- #include <ros/ros.h>
- #include <tf2_ros/transform_listener.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/TransformStamped.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
- #include <tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h>
- #include <tf2/utils.h>
- #include <turtlesim/Spawn.h>
- #include <tf2_ros/transform_broadcaster.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/TransformStamped.h>
- #define epsilo 0.000001
- using namespace std;
- using namespace tf2;
- #define r2d 57.29577951308232
- #define d2r 0.017453292519943295
- void seeq(Quaternion q)
- {
- printf("[%f, %f, %f,%f]\n", q.getX(),q.getY(), q.getZ(), q.getW());
- }
- void test() {
- Quaternion q,qb,qc;
- float r, p, y;
- float du = 270;
- q.setRPY(0, 0, du*d2r);//
- printf("绕Z旋转270度 ");
- seeq(q);
- y = tf2::getYaw(q);
- printf("%f \n", y);
- du = -90;
- qb.setRPY(0, 0, du*d2r);
- printf("绕Z旋转-90度 ");
- seeq(q);
- y = tf2::getYaw(q);
- printf("%f \n", y);
- printf("end-----四元数每个元素都取反后和自身等价-----\n---四元数插值示例-----\n");
- q.setRPY(0,0,100*d2r);//100 du
- printf("q 100 du ");
- seeq(q);
- qb.setRPY(0,0,-120*d2r);//-100 du
- printf("qb -120 du");
- seeq(qb);
- qc=q.slerp(qb,0);// qc = q
- printf("插值系数为0,得到qc = q ");
- seeq(qc);
- qc=q.slerp(qb,0.3);// qc = q
- y = tf2::getYaw(qc);
- printf("插值系数为0.3,得到qc ");
- seeq(qc);
- printf("插值系数为0.3,得到qc的yaw :%f du\n", y*r2d);
- qc=q.slerp(qb,0.8);// qc = q
- y = tf2::getYaw(qc);
- printf("插值系数为0.8,得到qc ");
- seeq(qc);
- printf("插值系数为0.8,得到qc的yaw :%f du\n", y*r2d);
- qc=q.slerp(qb,1);// qc = q
- printf("插值系数为1,得到qc=qb ");
- seeq(qc);
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "markerListener");
- ros::NodeHandle node("~");
- test();
- return 0;
- }

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