上回分享了博文 用python自带的tkinter做游戏(一)—— 贪吃蛇 篇
今天继续,尝试用tkinter来制作一个更经典的游戏 —— 俄罗斯方块。
比如这个列表: [[0, 0],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-1,-2]]
[0, 0] 代表定位格的坐标,就是原点,图中的黄格子就是定位格。
[-1, 0]为1号随从格的相对坐标,-1为Y轴,0是X轴,也就是说紧贴着定位格的上方的那个格子。
列表的描述就成了[[ 0,-2],[ 0, 1],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]]
解释一下,定位格的坐标成了[ 0,-2],这是因为旋转后的定位格相对于之前的位置向左移动了两格,也就是X轴减去2,所以是[ 0,-2]。
列表描述为: [ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 0]]
[[0, 0],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-2, 1]]
因为定位格产生了位移,所以第一种状态的列表描述改为[[0, 2],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-1,-2]]
seven_shapes = [[ [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]] ],[ [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[ 0, 3]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-3, 0]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[ 0, 3]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-3, 0]] ],[ [[ 0, 0],[-1,-1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 0],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-1,-1]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-1, 1]] ],[ [[-1, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-1, 2]], [[ 1, 1],[-2,-1],[-2, 0],[-1, 0]], [[ 0,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 2]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0]] ],[ [[ 2, 2],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-1,-2]], [[ 0,-2],[ 0, 1],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 0]], [[-2, 0],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-2, 1]] ],[ [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1,-1],[-1, 0]], [[ 0, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1,-1],[-1, 0]], [[ 0, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]] ],[ [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[-1, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-2,-1]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[-1, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-2,-1]] ]] # seven_shapes[x]为七个组件,分别是O,I,T,L,J,Z,S七种形态。每个组件含有四种转向。 # seven_shapes[x][0]为初始转向状态,seven_shapes[x][1]为下一个顺时针90度转向状态,以此类推,一共四个。 # seven_shapes[x][0][1]为1号随从格的相对坐标,以此类推,随从格一共有三个。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0]为旋转偏差值。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0][0]为逆时针偏差值。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0][1]为顺时针偏差值。
class Tetris(): """ 俄罗斯方块游戏 """ def __init__(self): """ 游戏参数设置 """ self.FPS = 200 # 降落速度 1000 = 1秒 self.col_cells = 12 # 一行多少个单元格(含边框) self.row_cells = 24 # 一共多少行单元格(含边框) self.canvas_bg = 'white' # 游戏背景色 self.cell_gap = 1 # 方格间距 self.frame_x = 5 # 左右边距 self.frame_y = 5 # 上下边距 self.win_w_plus = 280 # 窗口右边额外多出的宽度 self.color_dict = {0: '#e0e0e0', # 0表示空白 1: '#8f8f8f', # 1为已落地的方块色 2: 'green', # 2为定位格 3: 'green', # 3为组件中除了定位格剩下的三个单元格 4: '#b3b3b3'} # 4代表边框
screenHeight = window.winfo_screenheight() # 获取显示区域的高度
cell_size = screenHeight / 30
def create_map(self,col,row): """ 创建地图列表 """ global game_map game_map = [] for y in range(0,col): game_map.append([]) for y in range(0,col): for x in range(0,row): game_map[y].append(x) game_map[y][x] = 0 # 生成一个全是0的空数列 def create_wall(self): """ 绘制边框 """ # 除了顶部,三个边全部是边框 for i in range(0,self.col_cells-1): game_map[self.row_cells-1][i] = 4 for i in range(0,self.row_cells-1): game_map[i][0] = 4 game_map[i][self.col_cells-1] = 4 game_map[-1][-1] = 4
def create_canvas(self): """ 创建画布 """ global canvas,window canvas_h = cell_size * self.row_cells + self.frame_y*2 canvas_w = cell_size * self.col_cells + self.frame_x*2 canvas = tk.Canvas(window, bg = self.canvas_bg, height = canvas_h, width = canvas_w, highlightthickness = 0) def fresh_cells(self): """ 刷新单元格 """ for y in range(0,self.row_cells): for x in range(0,self.col_cells): a = self.frame_x + cell_size*x b = self.frame_y + cell_size*y c = self.frame_x + cell_size*(x+1) d = self.frame_y + cell_size*(y+1) e = self.canvas_bg f = self.cell_gap g = self.color_dict[game_map[y][x]] canvas.itemconfig(canvas.create_rectangle(a,b,c,d,outline = e, width = f, fill = g), fill = g) canvas.place(x=0,y=0)
now_and_next_shape = [] # 存放当前和之后的2个shape
def random_shape(self):
""" 生成随机的shape """
global turn_times
turn_times = 0 # 翻转的次数
x_shape = random.randint(0,6) # 七个组件随机出现
def shape_xy(self):
""" 获取定位格坐标 """ # 每个shape由4个单元格组成,一个定位格和三个随从单元格
global shape_x, shape_y
xy = []
for i in range(0,self.row_cells):
try: # 查找数值为2的坐标,没有就返回0。为防止在0列,先加上1,最后再减去。
x = game_map[i].index(2) + 1
x = 0
shape_x = max(xy)
shape_y = xy.index(shape_x)
shape_x = shape_x - 1 # 之前加1,现在减回
def other_shapes(self,a,b): # 每个shape由4个单元格组成,一个定位格和三个随从单元格
""" 三个随从单元格的坐标。a为当前或是下一个shape,b是旋转次数 """
global y1,x1,y2,x2,y3,x3
y1 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][1][0]
x1 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][1][1]
y2 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][2][0]
x2 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][2][1]
y3 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][3][0]
x3 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][3][1]
我们之前只创建了主游戏的map,现在需要再建立一个mini map,用来存放下一个shape。
def creat_mini_canvas(self): """ 创建预览图用的mini——canvas """ global canvas2 canvas2 = tk.Canvas(window,bg = self.canvas_bg, height = self.cell_size * 2 + self.frame_y*2, width = self.cell_size * 4 + self.frame_x*2, highlightthickness = 0) def creat_mini_map(self): """ 创建预览图 """ mini_map = [] for y in range(0,2): mini_map.append([]) for y in range(0,2): for x in range(0,4): mini_map[y].append(x) mini_map[y][x] = 0 # 生成一个全是0的空数列 l0 = [1,0,1,0,2,1,0] # 七个组件每个初始出现的X坐标值 y0 = 1 # 初始的Y坐标值 x0 = l0[now_and_next_shape[1]] # 初始的X坐标值 # 其余三个shape的坐标 Tetris().other_shapes(1, 0) # 1是下一个shape,0是旋转的次数 mini_map[y0 ][x0 ] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y1][x0 + x1] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y2][x0 + x2] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y3][x0 + x3] = 4 for y in range(0,2): for x in range(0,4): canvas2.itemconfig(canvas2.create_rectangle(self.frame_x + cell_size*x, self.frame_y + cell_size*y, self.frame_x + cell_size*(x+1), self.frame_y + cell_size*(y+1), outline = self.canvas_bg, width = self.cell_gap), fill = self.color_dict[mini_map[y][x]]) canvas2.place(x= cell_size * self.col_cells + cell_size*2, y = 0)
说明一下,因为七个shape长短不一,所以初始出现的X坐标需要定义一下。l0 = [1,0,1,0,2,1,0] 这里面的七个数字就是七个shape初始出现的X坐标。
def shape_follow(self,x,a): # 三个随从格绑定与定位格的坐标 """ x为turn_times的翻转值,a为单元格的颜色代码 """ Tetris().shape_xy() l0 = [5,4,5,5,6,5,5] # 七个组件每个初始出现的X坐标值 y0 = 1 # 初始的Y坐标值 x0 = l0[now_and_next_shape[0]] # 初始的X坐标值 Tetris().other_shapes(0, x) if shape_x != -1: # 等于-1的话就代表没有shape,不是刚开始就是刚落地 if game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x1] in [0,2,3] and \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x2] in [0,2,3] and \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x3] in [0,2,3]: game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x1] = a game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x2] = a game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x3] = a else: # 出现在画面顶端 game_map[y0 ][x0 ] = 2 game_map[y0 + y1][x0 + x1] = 3 game_map[y0 + y2][x0 + x2] = 3 game_map[y0 + y3][x0 + x3] = 3 Tetris().shape_xy()
def shape_move(self,x,y,z):
""" shape移动。x,y为XY轴的偏移,z为颜色代码(当前shape或是已落地的shape,1或3) """
Tetris().shape_follow(turn_times,0) # 把三个随从格颜色变成0,即删除
game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + 0] = 0 # 把定位格颜色变为0,即删除
game_map[shape_y + y][shape_x + x] = 2 # X轴或Y轴移动一格后生成新的定位格
Tetris().shape_follow(turn_times,z) # 根据新的定位格坐标生成随从格,颜色是1或者是3(当前shape或已落地的shape)
def clockwise_key(key): """ 顺时针转向按键 """ global turn_times direction = event.keysym if(direction == key): turn_times = turn_times + 1 # 旋转次数,每旋转一次数值加1 if turn_times > 3: # 总共4个转向,大于3就变回0 turn_times = 0 x4 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][turn_times][0][1] Tetris().shape_follow(turn_times - 1, 0) Tetris().shape_move(x4,0,3) def clockwise_key_estimate(): """ 顺时针转向判断 """ # 如果遇上墙或者已完成的方块,阻止其转向 x = turn_times + 1 if x > 3: x = 0 x0 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][x][0][1] Tetris().other_shapes(0, x) if shape_y + y1 > 0 or shape_y + y2 > 0 or shape_y + y3 > 0: if game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + x0 + 0] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x0 + x1] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x0 + x2] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x0 + x3] in [1,4]: Tetris().shape_move(0,0,3) else: clockwise_key('j')
def full_del(self): """ 满行清除并新增一行 """ global r1,r2,r3,r4 r = 0 # 一次消除的行数 for i in range(1,self.row_cells-1): # 某行若出现10个1,就删除该行,并在第2行之后再插入一行空的 if game_map[i].count(1) == self.col_cells - 2: del game_map[i] r = r + 1 new_row = [] # 准备要插入的新行 for x in range(0,self.col_cells): new_row.append(0) new_row[ 0] = 4 # 第一格和最后一格是边框 new_row[-1] = 4 game_map.insert(2,new_row) if r == 1: # 本次一共消除了一行 r1 = r1 + 1 elif r == 2: # 本次一共消除了二行 r2 = r2 + 1 elif r == 3: # 本次一共消除了三行 r3 = r3 + 1 elif r == 4: # 本次一共消除了四行 r4 = r4 + 1
def scoring_loop(self):
""" 计分更新 """
global r5,r6,scoring_lable
r5 = r1 + r2*2 + r3*3 + r4*4 # 消除的总数
r6 = r1 + r2*2*2 + r3*3*3 + r4*4*4 # 计分。消的越多,奖励越多
scoring_lable['text'] = "\n" \
+ "\n单消: " + str(r1) \
+ "\n双消: " + str(r2) \
+ "\n三消: " + str(r3) \
+ "\n四消: " + str(r4) \
+ "\n" \
+ "\n总消: " + str(r5) \
+ "\n总分: " + str(r6)
def game_over(self):
""" 游戏结束 """
global r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,scoring_lable
if game_map[2].count(1) > 0: # 有1出现了就算失败
showinfo('Game Over','再来一局')
scoring_lable['text'] = ''
(剧透:下一期的主题——用python自带的tkinter做游戏(三)—— 推箱子 篇)
2022.03.25 更新了代码,修复了些BUG。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Apr 4 10:12:46 2021 @author: Juni Zhu """ import tkinter as tk from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo import random seven_shapes = [[ [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]] ],[ [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[ 0, 3]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-3, 0]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[ 0, 3]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-3, 0]] ],[ [[ 0, 0],[-1,-1],[-1, 0],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 0],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-1,-1]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-1, 1]] ],[ [[-1, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-1, 2]], [[ 1, 1],[-2,-1],[-2, 0],[-1, 0]], [[ 0,-1],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 2]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1, 0],[-2, 0]] ],[ [[ 2, 2],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-1,-2]], [[ 0,-2],[ 0, 1],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[ 0, 2],[-1, 0]], [[-2, 0],[-1, 0],[-2, 0],[-2, 1]] ],[ [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1,-1],[-1, 0]], [[ 0, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]], [[ 0, 0],[ 0, 1],[-1,-1],[-1, 0]], [[ 0, 0],[-1, 0],[-1, 1],[-2, 1]] ],[ [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[-1, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-2,-1]], [[-1,-1],[ 0, 1],[-1, 2],[-1, 1]], [[ 1, 1],[-1, 0],[-1,-1],[-2,-1]] ]] # seven_shapes[x]为七个组件,分别是O,I,T,L,J,Z,S七种形态。每个组件含有四种转向。 # seven_shapes[x][0]为初始转向状态,seven_shapes[x][1]为下一个顺时针90度转向状态,以此类推,一共四个。 # seven_shapes[x][0][1]为1号随从格的相对坐标,以此类推,随从格一共有三个。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0]为旋转偏差值。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0][0]为逆时针偏差值。 # seven_shapes[x][0][0][1]为顺时针偏差值。 now_and_next_shape = [] # 存放当前和之后的2个shape class Tetris(): """ 俄罗斯方块游戏 """ def __init__(self): """ 游戏参数设置 """ self.FPS = 150 # 降落速度 1000 = 1秒 self.col_cells = 12 # 一行多少个单元格(含边框) self.row_cells = 24 # 一共多少行单元格(含边框) self.canvas_bg = 'white' # 游戏背景色 self.cell_gap = 1 # 方格间距 self.frame_x = 5 # 左右边距 self.frame_y = 5 # 上下边距 self.win_w_plus = 280 # 窗口右边额外多出的宽度 self.color_dict = {0: '#e0e0e0', # 0表示空白 1: '#8f8f8f', # 1为已落地的方块色 2: 'green', # 2为定位格 3: 'green', # 3为组件中除了定位格剩下的三个单元格 4: '#b3b3b3'} # 4代表边框 self.run_game() def window_center(self,window,w_size,h_size): """ 窗口居中 """ screenWidth = window.winfo_screenwidth() # 获取显示区域的宽度 screenHeight = window.winfo_screenheight() # 获取显示区域的高度 left = (screenWidth - w_size) // 2 top = (screenHeight - h_size) // 2 - 10 window.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w_size, h_size, left, top)) def create_map(self,col,row): """ 创建地图列表 """ global game_map game_map = [] for y in range(0,col): game_map.append([]) for y in range(0,col): for x in range(0,row): game_map[y].append(x) game_map[y][x] = 0 # 生成一个全是0的空数列 def create_wall(self): """ 绘制边框 """ # 除了顶部,三个边全部是边框 for i in range(0,self.col_cells-1): game_map[self.row_cells-1][i] = 4 for i in range(0,self.row_cells-1): game_map[i][0] = 4 game_map[i][self.col_cells-1] = 4 game_map[-1][-1] = 4 def create_canvas(self): """ 创建画布 """ global canvas,window canvas_h = cell_size * self.row_cells + self.frame_y*2 canvas_w = cell_size * self.col_cells + self.frame_x*2 canvas = tk.Canvas(window, bg = self.canvas_bg, height = canvas_h, width = canvas_w, highlightthickness = 0) def fresh_cells(self): """ 刷新单元格 """ for y in range(0,self.row_cells): for x in range(0,self.col_cells): a = self.frame_x + cell_size*x b = self.frame_y + cell_size*y c = self.frame_x + cell_size*(x+1) d = self.frame_y + cell_size*(y+1) e = self.canvas_bg f = self.cell_gap g = self.color_dict[game_map[y][x]] canvas.itemconfig(canvas.create_rectangle(a,b,c,d,outline = e, width = f, fill = g), fill = g) canvas.place(x=0,y=0) def random_shape(self): """ 生成随机的shape """ global turn_times turn_times = 0 # 翻转的次数 x_shape = random.randint(0,6) # 七个组件随机出现 now_and_next_shape.append(x_shape) def get_locator_cell_pos(self): """ 获取定位格坐标 """ # 每个shape由4个单元格组成,一个定位格和三个随从单元格 global shape_x, shape_y xy = [] for i in range(0,self.row_cells): try: # 查找数值为2的坐标,没有就返回0。为防止在0列,先加上1,最后再减去。 x = game_map[i].index(2) + 1 except: x = 0 xy.append(x) shape_x = max(xy) shape_y = xy.index(shape_x) shape_x = shape_x - 1 # 之前加1,现在减回 def get_follow_cells_pos(self,a,b): # 每个shape由4个单元格组成,一个定位格和三个随从单元格 """ 三个随从单元格的坐标。a为当前或是下一个shape,b是旋转次数 """ global y1,x1,y2,x2,y3,x3 y1 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][1][0] x1 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][1][1] y2 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][2][0] x2 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][2][1] y3 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][3][0] x3 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[a]][b][3][1] def creat_mini_canvas(self): """ 创建预览图用的mini canvas """ global canvas2 canvas2 = tk.Canvas(window,bg = self.canvas_bg, height = cell_size * 2 + self.frame_y*2, width = cell_size * 4 + self.frame_x*2, highlightthickness = 0) def creat_mini_map(self): """ 创建预览图 """ mini_map = [] for y in range(0,2): mini_map.append([]) for y in range(0,2): for x in range(0,4): mini_map[y].append(x) mini_map[y][x] = 0 # 生成一个全是0的空数列 l0 = [1,0,1,0,2,1,0] # 七个组件每个初始出现的X坐标值 y0 = 1 # 初始的Y坐标值 x0 = l0[now_and_next_shape[1]] # 初始的X坐标值 # 其余三个shape的坐标 self.get_follow_cells_pos(1, 0) # 1是下一个shape,0是旋转的次数 mini_map[y0 ][x0 ] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y1][x0 + x1] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y2][x0 + x2] = 4 mini_map[y0 + y3][x0 + x3] = 4 for y in range(0,2): for x in range(0,4): canvas2.itemconfig(canvas2.create_rectangle(self.frame_x + cell_size*x, self.frame_y + cell_size*y, self.frame_x + cell_size*(x+1), self.frame_y + cell_size*(y+1), outline = self.canvas_bg, width = self.cell_gap), fill = self.color_dict[mini_map[y][x]]) canvas2.place(x= cell_size * self.col_cells + cell_size*2, y = 0) def follow_cells_bind_to_locator(self,x,a): # 三个随从格绑定与定位格的坐标 """ x为turn_times的翻转值,a为单元格的颜色代码 """ self.get_locator_cell_pos() l0 = [5,4,5,5,6,5,5] # 七个组件每个初始出现的X坐标值 y0 = 1 # 初始的Y坐标值 x0 = l0[now_and_next_shape[0]] # 初始的X坐标值 self.get_follow_cells_pos(0, x) if shape_x != -1: # 等于-1的话就代表没有shape,不是刚开始就是刚落地 if game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x1] in [0,2,3] and \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x2] in [0,2,3] and \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x3] in [0,2,3]: game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x1] = a game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x2] = a game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x3] = a else: # 出现在画面顶端 game_map[y0 ][x0 ] = 2 game_map[y0 + y1][x0 + x1] = 3 game_map[y0 + y2][x0 + x2] = 3 game_map[y0 + y3][x0 + x3] = 3 self.get_locator_cell_pos() def Release_speed(self,event): """ 上下键释放 """ # 弹起上键或下键,触发速度的改变 def speed_Release(up,down): """ 上下键释放 """ global speed direction = event.keysym if(direction == up): speed[0] = 0 if(direction == down): speed[0] = 0 speed_Release('w','s') def shape_move(self,x,y,z): """ shape移动。x,y为XY轴的偏移,z为颜色代码(当前shape或是已落地的shape,1或3) """ self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(turn_times,0) # 把三个随从格颜色变成0,即删除 game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + 0] = 0 # 把定位格颜色变为0,即删除 game_map[shape_y + y][shape_x + x] = 2 # X轴或Y轴移动一格后生成新的定位格 self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(turn_times,z) # 根据新的定位格坐标生成随从格,颜色是1或者是3(当前shape或已落地的shape) def control_shape(self,event): """ 操控shape """ def speed_key(up,down): """ 上下键控制速度 """ global speed direction = event.keysym if(direction == up): speed[0] = 1 elif(direction == down): speed[0] = 2 else: speed[0] = 0 def move_key(key,x): """ 左右移动按键,x为左右移动数 """ global turn_times direction = event.keysym if(direction == key): self.get_follow_cells_pos(0, turn_times) # 如果遇上墙或者已固定的方块,则不做移动 if game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + 0 + x] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x1 + x] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x2 + x] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x3 + x] in [1,4]: pass else: self.shape_move(x,0,3) def clockwise_key(key): """ 顺时针转向按键 """ global turn_times direction = event.keysym if(direction == key): turn_times = turn_times + 1 # 旋转次数,每旋转一次数值加1 if turn_times > 3: # 总共4个转向,大于3就变回0 turn_times = 0 x4 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][turn_times][0][1] self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(turn_times - 1, 0) self.shape_move(x4,0,3) def counterclockwise_key(key): """ 逆时针转向按键 """ global turn_times direction = event.keysym if(direction == key): turn_times = turn_times - 1 if turn_times < 0: # 和顺时针相反,小于0就变成3 turn_times = 3 x4 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][turn_times][0][0] if turn_times < 3: self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(turn_times + 1, 0) else: self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(0, 0) self.shape_move(x4,0,3) def pause_key(key): """ 暂停键 """ global loop,gloop direction = event.keysym if(direction == key): loop = 0 showinfo('暂停','按确定键继续') loop = 1 gloop = window.after(FPS, self.game_loop) def clockwise_key_estimate(): """ 顺时针转向判断 """ # 如果遇上墙或者已完成的方块,阻止其转向 x = turn_times + 1 if x > 3: x = 0 x0 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][x][0][1] self.get_follow_cells_pos(0, x) if shape_y + y1 > 0 or shape_y + y2 > 0 or shape_y + y3 > 0: if game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + x0 + 0] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x0 + x1] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x0 + x2] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x0 + x3] in [1,4]: self.shape_move(0,0,3) else: clockwise_key('j') def counterclockwise_estimate(): """ 逆时针转向判断 """ # 如果遇上墙或者已完成的方块,阻止其转向 x = turn_times - 1 if x < 0: x = 3 x0 = seven_shapes[now_and_next_shape[0]][x][0][0] self.get_follow_cells_pos(0, x) if shape_y + y1 > 0 or shape_y + y2 > 0 or shape_y + y3 > 0: if game_map[shape_y + 0][shape_x + x0 + 0] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y1][shape_x + x0 + x1] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y2][shape_x + x0 + x2] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y3][shape_x + x0 + x3] in [1,4]: self.shape_move(0,0,3) else: counterclockwise_key('k') move_key('a', -1) move_key('d', 1) speed_key('w','s') pause_key('space') clockwise_key_estimate() counterclockwise_estimate() self.fresh_cells() def auto_down(self): """ 组件自动下降 """ global turn_times,FPS self.get_follow_cells_pos(0, turn_times) # 当前shape下方是墙或者是已完成的shape,那当前shape变成已完成的状态,即值等于1 if game_map[shape_y + 0 + 1][shape_x + 0] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y1 + 1][shape_x + x1] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y2 + 1][shape_x + x2] in [1,4] or \ game_map[shape_y + y3 + 1][shape_x + x3] in [1,4]: self.shape_move(0,0,1) # 三个随从格变成1 game_map[shape_y][shape_x] = 1 # 定位格也变成1 del now_and_next_shape[0] # 删除当前shape,准备出现下一个 self.random_shape() # 再随机创建一个新的shape canvas2.delete('all') # 清除预览图的canvas,创建过多会有BUG self.creat_mini_map() self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(0,3) speed[0] = 0 FPS = self.FPS else: self.shape_move(0,1,3) def full_del(self): """ 满行清除并新增一行 """ global r1,r2,r3,r4 r = 0 # 一次消除的行数 for i in range(1,self.row_cells-1): # 某行若出现10个1,就删除该行,并在第2行之后再插入一行空的 if game_map[i].count(1) == self.col_cells - 2: del game_map[i] r = r + 1 new_row = [] # 准备要插入的新行 for x in range(0,self.col_cells): new_row.append(0) new_row[ 0] = 4 # 第一格和最后一格是边框 new_row[-1] = 4 game_map.insert(2,new_row) if r == 1: # 本次一共消除了一行 r1 = r1 + 1 elif r == 2: # 本次一共消除了二行 r2 = r2 + 1 elif r == 3: # 本次一共消除了三行 r3 = r3 + 1 elif r == 4: # 本次一共消除了四行 r4 = r4 + 1 def scoring(self): """ 计分牌 """ global scoring_lable scoring_lable = tk.Label(window, text="",font=('Yahei', 12),anchor="ne", justify="left") scoring_lable.place(x= cell_size * self.col_cells + cell_size*2, y = cell_size*16) def scoring_loop(self): """ 计分更新 """ global r5,r6,scoring_lable r5 = r1 + r2*2 + r3*3 + r4*4 # 消除的总数 r6 = r1 + r2*2*2 + r3*3*3 + r4*4*4 # 计分。消的越多,奖励越多 scoring_lable['text'] = "\n" \ + "\n单消: " + str(r1) \ + "\n双消: " + str(r2) \ + "\n三消: " + str(r3) \ + "\n四消: " + str(r4) \ + "\n" \ + "\n总消: " + str(r5) \ + "\n总分: " + str(r6) def game_over(self): """ 游戏结束 """ global r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,scoring_lable if game_map[2].count(1) > 0: # 有1出现了就算失败 showinfo('Game Over','再来一局') scoring_lable['text'] = '' self.game_start() def game_loop(self): """ 游戏循环刷新 """ global window, FPS, gloop canvas.delete('all') # 清除canvas,不清除的话时间久了有BUG self.fresh_cells() self.auto_down() self.full_del() self.scoring_loop() if speed[0] == 1: # 值为1时,速度减慢 FPS = self.FPS * 5 elif speed[0] == 2: # 值为2时,速度加快 FPS = 20 else: FPS = self.FPS self.game_over() if loop == 1: # 暂停开关 gloop = window.after(FPS, self.game_loop) def game_start(self): """ """ global window,speed,FPS,loop,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6 r1 = 0 # 消除一行的次数 r2 = 0 # 消除二行的次数 r3 = 0 # 消除三行的次数 r4 = 0 # 消除四行的次数 r5 = 0 # 消除的总数 r6 = 0 # 计分 loop = 0 # 暂停开关。1为开启,0为暂停 speed = [0] # 速度调节参数 self.create_map(self.row_cells,self.col_cells) self.create_wall() self.random_shape() self.random_shape() # 执行2次,生成2个随机的shape self.creat_mini_canvas() self.creat_mini_map() self.follow_cells_bind_to_locator(0,3) window.bind('<KeyPress>', self.control_shape) window.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.Release_speed) FPS = self.FPS self.create_canvas() self.scoring() self.game_loop() def close_w(): if loop == 1: window.after_cancel(gloop) window.destroy() window.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', close_w) window.mainloop() def run_game(self): """ 开启游戏 """ global window,cell_size,gloop window = tk.Tk() window.focus_force() window.title('Tetris') gloop = None screenHeight = window.winfo_screenheight() # 获取显示区域的高度 cell_size = screenHeight / (self.row_cells + 5) win_w_size = self.col_cells * cell_size + self.frame_x*2 + self.win_w_plus win_h_size = self.row_cells * cell_size + self.frame_y*2 self.window_center(window,win_w_size,win_h_size) txt_lable = tk.Label(window, text= "按 空格键 开始游戏" +"\n" +"\n字母键AD左右移动" +"\n字母键W减速" +"\n字母键S加速下降" +"\n" +"\n字母键J顺时针旋转" +"\n字母键K逆时针旋转" +"\n" +"\n以上所有的字母" +"\n均为小写状态" +"\n" +"\n空格键暂停" +"\n" +"\n" +"\n版本:1.1" +"\n作者:Juni Zhu" +"\n微信:znix1116", font=('Yahei', 12),anchor="ne", justify="left") txt_lable.place(x= cell_size * self.col_cells + cell_size*2, y = cell_size*4) self.game_start() if __name__ == '__main__': Tetris()
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