There comes a time in every mobile user’s life when he or she needs to factory reset their device. Maybe you need to sell it, or maybe it’s just being wonky and you want to start from scratch. Thankfully, it only takes a few minutes to do.
每个移动用户的生活中都有一段时间需要恢复其设备的出厂设置。 也许您需要出售它,或者只是有些古怪,而您想从头开始。 值得庆幸的是,只需几分钟即可完成。
If your device is fully functional, then you should be able to factory reset it from the Settings menu. The process is basically the same across all manufacturers, but keep in mind that the wording may vary slightly between phones.
如果您的设备功能齐全,则应该可以从“设置”菜单将其恢复出厂设置。 所有制造商的过程基本相同,但请记住,手机之间的措辞可能略有不同。
The first thing you’ll need to do is head into the Settings menu. On most newer handsets, you can do this by dragging down the notification shade and hitting the little cog-shaped icon in the upper right. On stock Android devices you’ll have to pull the shade down twice—once to access the notification panel, then again to display the Quick Settings area.
您需要做的第一件事就是进入“设置”菜单。 在大多数较新的手机上,您可以通过向下拖动通知栏并单击右上角的小齿轮形状的图标来执行此操作。 在库存的Android设备上,您必须拉下阴影两次-一次访问通知面板,然后再次显示“快速设置”区域。
In the Settings menu, scroll down to the “Backup and reset” option and tap it.
Select the “Factory data reset” option to enter the Reset menu.
You’ll see a warning here to let you know that this process will erase all data on the phone’s internal storage. Tap the “Reset phone” button, which will prompt you to input your security PIN, password, or pattern if one is enabled.
您会在此处看到一条警告,以通知您此过程将删除手机内部存储中的所有数据。 轻按“重置电话”按钮,如果启用,它将提示您输入安全PIN,密码或图案。
It’ll show you one more notice to warn you that all your data will be deleted. Hit the “Erase Everything” button to complete the process.
它将向您显示另一条警告,警告您所有数据将被删除。 点击“擦除所有内容”按钮以完成该过程。
The phone will immediately reboot, and the “erasing” animation will show up. After a brief period, the phone will reboot itself a final time and prompt you to go through the set up process.
手机将立即重启,并显示“擦除”动画。 短暂的一段时间后,手机将在最后一次重新启动,并提示您完成设置过程。
While factory resetting your device will completely wipe the internal storage, it’s worth noting that the SD card may not be included in that. This will vary between devices, but if you plan on selling or otherwise getting rid of the device, it’s recommended to either remove the SD card completely or format it on the PC first.
虽然将设备恢复出厂设置会完全清空内部存储空间,但值得注意的是,其中可能未包含SD卡。 这在不同的设备上会有所不同,但是如果您打算出售或放弃设备,建议您完全删除SD卡或先在PC上对其进行格式化。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/248127/how-to-wipe-your-android-device-and-restore-it-to-factory-settings/
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