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FaceNet的人脸识别效果并不算好,相比InsightFace(ArcFace)模型,就差很多。目前使用InsightFace模型测试,在开数据集可以达到99.6%,在自建的数据集可以达到93%的准确率,比虹软的人脸识别率还高一点,关于InsightFace(ArcFace)模型的项目,请参考:人脸识别2:Python实现人脸识别Face Recognition(含源码)
打开FaceNet Github地址: GitHub - davidsandberg/facenet: Face recognition using Tensorflow,把我们需要的文件拷贝到自己独立的工程中,(1)align文件夹,(2)facenet.py文件:
models:存放facenet预训练模型,百度网盘下载地址:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hAK9ylURkbeH52BtSSGWsw 提取码: jf1n
Pre-trained models:
Model name LFW accuracy Training dataset Architecture 20180408-102900 0.9905 CASIA-WebFace Inception ResNet v1 20180402-114759 0.9965 VGGFace2 Inception ResNet v1 NOTE: If you use any of the models, please do not forget to give proper credit to those providing the training dataset as well.
人脸检测方法很多,如Dilb,OpenCV,OpenFace人脸检测等等,这里使用MTCNN进行人脸检测,一方面是因为其检测精度确实不错,另一方面facenet工程中,已经提供了用于人脸检测的mtcnn接口。 MTCNN是多任务级联CNN的人脸检测深度学习模型,该模型中综合考虑了人脸边框回归和面部关键点检测。在facenet工程中的位置是align/detect_face.py
Stage 1:使用P-Net是一个全卷积网络,用来生成候选窗和边框回归向量(bounding box regression vectors)。使用Bounding box regression的方法来校正这些候选窗,使用非极大值抑制(NMS)合并重叠的候选框。全卷积网络和Faster R-CNN中的RPN一脉相承。
Stage 2:使用R-Net改善候选窗。将通过P-Net的候选窗输入R-Net中,拒绝掉大部分false的窗口,继续使用Bounding box regression和NMS合并。
Stage 3:最后使用O-Net输出最终的人脸框和特征点位置。和第二步类似,但是不同的是生成5个特征点位置。
- def detection_face(img):
- minsize = 20 # minimum size of face
- threshold = [0.6, 0.7, 0.7] # three steps's threshold
- factor = 0.709 # scale factor
- print('Creating networks and loading parameters')
- with tf.Graph().as_default():
- # gpu_memory_fraction = 1.0
- # gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction)
- # sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False))
- sess = tf.Session()
- with sess.as_default():
- pnet, rnet, onet = detect_face.create_mtcnn(sess, None)
- bboxes, landmarks = detect_face.detect_face(img, minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor)
- landmarks = np.transpose(landmarks)
- bboxes = bboxes.astype(int)
- bboxes = [b[:4] for b in bboxes]
- landmarks_list=[]
- for landmark in landmarks:
- face_landmarks = [[landmark[j], landmark[j + 5]] for j in range(5)]
- landmarks_list.append(face_landmarks)
- return bboxes,landmarks_list
- class Facedetection:
- def __init__(self):
- self.minsize = 30 # minimum size of face
- self.threshold = [0.6, 0.7, 0.7] # three steps's threshold
- self.factor = 0.709 # scale factor
- print('Creating networks and loading parameters')
- with tf.Graph().as_default():
- # gpu_memory_fraction = 1.0
- # gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction)
- # sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False))
- sess = tf.Session()
- with sess.as_default():
- self.pnet, self.rnet, self.onet = detect_face.create_mtcnn(sess, None)
- def detect_face(self,image,fixed=None):
- '''
- mtcnn人脸检测,
- PS:人脸检测获得bboxes并不一定是正方形的矩形框,参数fixed指定等宽或者等高的bboxes
- :param image:
- :param fixed:
- :return:
- '''
- bboxes, landmarks = detect_face.detect_face(image, self.minsize, self.pnet, self.rnet, self.onet, self.threshold, self.factor)
- landmarks_list = []
- landmarks=np.transpose(landmarks)
- bboxes=bboxes.astype(int)
- bboxes = [b[:4] for b in bboxes]
- for landmark in landmarks:
- face_landmarks = [[landmark[j], landmark[j + 5]] for j in range(5)]
- landmarks_list.append(face_landmarks)
- if fixed is not None:
- bboxes,landmarks_list=self.get_square_bboxes(bboxes, landmarks_list, fixed)
- return bboxes,landmarks_list
- def get_square_bboxes(self, bboxes, landmarks, fixed="height"):
- '''
- 获得等宽或者等高的bboxes
- :param bboxes:
- :param landmarks:
- :param fixed: width or height
- :return:
- '''
- new_bboxes = []
- for bbox in bboxes:
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
- w = x2 - x1
- h = y2 - y1
- center_x, center_y = (int((x1 + x2) / 2), int((y1 + y2) / 2))
- if fixed == "height":
- dd = h / 2
- elif fixed == 'width':
- dd = w / 2
- x11 = int(center_x - dd)
- y11 = int(center_y - dd)
- x22 = int(center_x + dd)
- y22 = int(center_y + dd)
- new_bbox = (x11, y11, x22, y22)
- new_bboxes.append(new_bbox)
- return new_bboxes, landmarks
FaceNet Github地址: https://github.com/davidsandberg/facenet
Google工程师Florian Schroff,Dmitry Kalenichenko,James Philbin提出了人脸识别FaceNet模型,该模型没有用传统的softmax的方式去进行分类学习,而是抽取其中某一层作为特征,学习一个从图像到欧式空间的编码方法,然后基于这个编码再做人脸识别、人脸验证和人脸聚类等。
FaceNet的网络结构如下图所示,其中Batch表示人脸的训练数据,接下来是深度卷积神经网络,然后采用L2归一化操作,得到人脸图像的特征表示,最后为三元组(Triplet Loss)的损失函数。
- class facenetEmbedding:
- def __init__(self,model_path):
- self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
- self.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- # Load the model
- facenet.load_model(model_path)
- # Get input and output tensors
- self.images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0")
- self.tf_embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0")
- self.phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0")
- def get_embedding(self,images):
- feed_dict = {self.images_placeholder: images, self.phase_train_placeholder: False}
- embedding = self.sess.run(self.tf_embeddings, feed_dict=feed_dict)
- return embedding
- def free(self):
- self.sess.close()
- 这里只收集了4张胡歌和4张周杰伦的单人照片,
- 注意制作人脸数据图库时,所使用的照片必须是单人照片!!!
- 若需要新增图库,只需在dataset/images下,新建一个文件夹,如,新增“xietingfeng”(谢霆锋)的文件夹,然后把谢霆锋的单人照片放在里面即可,图片名称可以是任意
- 函数image_list,names_list=file_processing.gen_files_labels(images_dir,postfix='jpg')可以获取目录images_dir下所有文件,包括子目录下的所有文件路径(image_list),其中names_list就是子目录的文件名,一般子目录作为样本的标签。
- # -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- @Project: faceRecognition
- @File : create_dataset.py
- @Author : panjq
- @E-mail : pan_jinquan@163.com
- @Date : 2018-12-07 11:31:09
- """
- import numpy as np
- from utils import image_processing , file_processing,debug
- import face_recognition
- import cv2
- import os
- resize_width = 160
- resize_height = 160
- def get_face_embedding(model_path,files_list, names_list):
- '''
- 获得embedding数据
- :param files_list: 图像列表
- :param names_list: 与files_list一一的名称列表
- :return:
- '''
- # 转换颜色空间RGB or BGR
- colorSpace="RGB"
- # 初始化mtcnn人脸检测
- face_detect = face_recognition.Facedetection()
- # 初始化facenet
- face_net = face_recognition.facenetEmbedding(model_path)
- embeddings=[] # 用于保存人脸特征数据库
- label_list=[] # 保存人脸label的名称,与embeddings一一对应
- for image_path, name in zip(files_list, names_list):
- print("processing image :{}".format(image_path))
- # image_path='E:/Face/dataset/bzl/subjectphoto_with_name/谢伟林_179_180.jpg'
- image = image_processing.read_image_gbk(image_path, colorSpace=colorSpace)
- # 进行人脸检测,获得bounding_box
- bboxes, landmarks = face_detect.detect_face(image)
- bboxes, landmarks =face_detect.get_square_bboxes(bboxes, landmarks,fixed="height")
- # image_processing.show_image_boxes("image",image,bboxes)
- if bboxes == [] or landmarks == []:
- print("-----no face")
- continue
- if len(bboxes) >= 2 or len(landmarks) >= 2:
- print("-----image have {} faces".format(len(bboxes)))
- continue
- # 获得人脸区域
- face_images = image_processing.get_bboxes_image(image, bboxes, resize_height, resize_width)
- # 人脸预处理,归一化
- face_images = image_processing.get_prewhiten_images(face_images,normalization=True)
- # 获得人脸特征
- pred_emb = face_net.get_embedding(face_images)
- embeddings.append(pred_emb)
- # 可以选择保存image_list或者names_list作为人脸的标签
- # 测试时建议保存image_list,这样方便知道被检测人脸与哪一张图片相似
- # label_list.append(image_path)
- label_list.append(name)
- return embeddings,label_list
- def create_face_embedding(model_path,dataset_path,out_emb_path,out_filename):
- '''
- :param model_path: faceNet模型路径
- :param dataset_path: 人脸数据库路径,每一类单独一个文件夹
- :param out_emb_path: 输出embeddings的路径
- :param out_filename: 输出与embeddings一一对应的标签
- :return: None
- '''
- files_list,names_list=file_processing.gen_files_labels(dataset_path,postfix='jpg')
- embeddings,label_list=get_face_embedding(model_path,files_list, names_list)
- print("label_list:{}".format(label_list))
- print("have {} label".format(len(label_list)))
- embeddings=np.asarray(embeddings)
- np.save(out_emb_path, embeddings)
- file_processing.write_data(out_filename, label_list, model='w')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- model_path = 'models/20180408-102900'
- dataset_path='dataset/images'
- out_emb_path = 'dataset/emb/faceEmbedding.npy'
- out_filename = 'dataset/emb/name.txt'
- def load_dataset(dataset_path,filename):
- '''
- 加载人脸数据库
- :param dataset_path: embedding.npy文件(faceEmbedding.npy)
- :param filename: labels文件路径路径(name.txt)
- :return:
- '''
- compare_emb=np.load(dataset_path)
- names_list=file_processing.read_data(filename,split=False)
- return compare_emb,names_list
- def face_recognition_image(model_path,dataset_path, filename,image_path):
- # 加载数据库的数据
- dataset_emb,names_list=load_dataset(dataset_path, filename)
- # 初始化mtcnn人脸检测
- face_detect=face_recognition.Facedetection()
- # 初始化facenet
- face_net=face_recognition.facenetEmbedding(model_path)
- image = image_processing.read_image_gbk(image_path)
- # 获取 判断标识 bounding_box crop_image
- bboxes, landmarks = face_detect.detect_face(image)
- bboxes, landmarks = face_detect.get_square_bboxes(bboxes, landmarks, fixed="height")
- if bboxes == [] or landmarks == []:
- print("-----no face")
- exit(0)
- print("-----image have {} faces".format(len(bboxes)))
- face_images = image_processing.get_bboxes_image(image, bboxes, resize_height, resize_width)
- face_images = image_processing.get_prewhiten_images(face_images)
- pred_emb=face_net.get_embedding(face_images)
- pred_name,pred_score=compare_embadding(pred_emb, dataset_emb, names_list)
- # 在图像上绘制人脸边框和识别的结果
- show_info=[ n+':'+str(s)[:5] for n,s in zip(pred_name,pred_score)]
- image_processing.show_image_text("face_recognition", image,bboxes,show_info)
- def compare_embadding(pred_emb, dataset_emb, names_list,threshold=0.65):
- # 为bounding_box 匹配标签
- pred_num = len(pred_emb)
- dataset_num = len(dataset_emb)
- pred_name = []
- pred_score=[]
- for i in range(pred_num):
- dist_list = []
- for j in range(dataset_num):
- dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(pred_emb[i, :], dataset_emb[j, :]))))
- dist_list.append(dist)
- min_value = min(dist_list)
- pred_score.append(min_value)
- if (min_value > threshold):
- pred_name.append('unknow')
- else:
- pred_name.append(names_list[dist_list.index(min_value)])
- return pred_name,pred_score
- if __name__=='__main__':
- model_path='models/20180408-102900'
- dataset_path='dataset/emb/faceEmbedding.npy'
- filename='dataset/emb/name.txt'
- image_path='dataset/test_images/1.jpg'
- face_recognition_image(model_path, dataset_path, filename,image_path)
为了方便测试, 这里以文件的路径作为人脸label,这样方便知道被检测人脸与哪一张图片最相似
为了对faceNed性能进行测评,这里提供一个测评文件:evaluation_test.py,该文件会绘制测试文件的ROC曲线,并给出最优阈值,以及FPR, TPR, AUC等参数。
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import os
- import pickle
- from utils import image_processing,file_processing,evaluation
- import cv2
- import PIL.Image as Image
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from sklearn import metrics
- import face_recognition
- def load_npy(dir_path):
- issames_path=os.path.join(dir_path,"issames.npy")
- pred_score_path=os.path.join(dir_path,"pred_score.npy")
- issames=np.load(issames_path)
- pred_score=np.load(pred_score_path)
- return pred_score,issames
- def load_bin(path, image_size=[112,112]):
- '''
- 加载人脸bin文件数据,bin_files = ['agedb_30', 'cfp_fp', 'lfw', 'calfw', 'cfp_ff', 'cplfw', 'vgg2_fp']
- :param path:
- :param image_size:
- :return:
- '''
- bins, issame_list = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'), encoding='bytes')
- data=[]
- for i in range(len(bins)):
- _bin = bins[i]
- img = cv2.imdecode(_bin, -1) # opencv image is bgr
- img = image_processing.resize_image(img,resize_height=image_size[0],resize_width=image_size[1])
- # image_processing.show_image("src",img)
- data.append(img)
- i += 1
- if i % 1000 == 0:
- print('loading bin', i)
- data = np.array(data)
- issames = np.array(issame_list)
- return data, issames
- def split_data(data):
- '''
- 按照奇偶项分割数据
- :param data:
- :return:
- '''
- data1 = data[0::2]
- data2 = data[1::2]
- return data1,data2
- def get_pair_scores(faces_data, issames_data, model_path, save_path=None):
- '''
- 计算分数
- :param faces_data:
- :param issames_data:
- :param model_path: insightFace模型路径
- :param save_path:
- :return:
- '''
- faces_list1,faces_list2 = split_data(faces_data)
- face_net=face_recognition.facenetEmbedding(model_path)
- pred_score=[]
- i=0
- for face1,face2,issame in zip(faces_list1, faces_list2, issames_data):
- # pred_id, pred_scores = faceRec.predict(faces)
- # 或者使用get_faces_embedding()获得embedding,再比较compare_embedding()
- face_images1 = image_processing.get_prewhiten_images([face1],normalization=False)
- face_images2 = image_processing.get_prewhiten_images([face2],normalization=False)
- face_emb1=face_net.get_embedding(face_images1)
- face_emb2=face_net.get_embedding(face_images2)
- # face_emb1 = face_net.get_faces_embedding([face1])
- # face_emb2 = face_net.get_faces_embedding([face2])
- dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(face_emb1, face_emb2))))
- pred_score.append(dist)
- i += 1
- if i % 100 == 0:
- print('processing data :', i)
- pred_score=np.array(pred_score).reshape(-1)
- issames_data= issames_data + 0 # 将true和false转为1/0
- if save_path is not None:
- issames_path = os.path.join(save_path, "issames.npy")
- pred_score_path = os.path.join(save_path, "pred_score.npy")
- np.save(issames_path, issames_data)
- np.save(pred_score_path,pred_score)
- return pred_score, issames_data
- if __name__=='__main__':
- # bin_files = ['agedb_30', 'cfp_fp', 'lfw', 'calfw', 'cfp_ff', 'cplfw', 'vgg2_fp']
- bin_path='./dataset/faces_emore/agedb_30.bin'
- model_path = './models/20180408-102900'
- # 加载bin测试数据
- faces_data, issames_data=load_bin(bin_path,image_size=[160,160])
- # 计算分数
- save_path="./dataset/faces_emore"
- pred_score, issames_data=get_pair_scores(faces_data, issames_data, model_path, save_path=save_path)
- pred_score, issames_data=load_npy(dir_path=save_path)
- # 计算roc曲线
- fpr, tpr, roc_auc, threshold, optimal_idx=evaluation.get_roc_curve(y_true=issames_data, y_score=pred_score, invert=True, plot_roc=True)
- print("fpr:{}".format(fpr))
- print("tpr:{}".format(tpr))
- print("threshold:{}".format(threshold))
- print("roc_auc:{}".format(roc_auc))
- print("optimal_idx :{},best_threshold :{} ".format(optimal_idx,threshold[optimal_idx]))
- # 测评数据保存
- evaluation.save_evaluation(fpr, tpr, roc_auc, "evaluation.npz")
- # 加载测评数据
- fpr, tpr, roc_auc=evaluation.load_evaluation("evaluation.npz")
- evaluation.plot_roc_curve(fpr_list=[fpr], tpr_list=[tpr], roc_auc_list=[roc_auc], line_names=["FaceNet"])
对应的ROC曲线如下:optimal_idx :1038,最佳阈值:best_threshold :1.1444087028503418
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