Android Lint 是Android Studio 在ADT(Android Developer Tools)16提供的代码扫描工具,可以帮助我们发现和更正代码结构质量的问题。系统会报告该工具检测到的每个问题并提供问题的描述消息和严重级别,以便快速确定需要优先进行的修改。此外,我们还可以通过降低问题的严重级别以忽略与项目无关的问题,或者提高严重级别以突出特定问题。
下图显示了 lint 工具如何处理应用源文件。
在SDK版本23及更高版本中,您的应用程序数据将在应用程序安装时自动备份和还原。考虑添加属性“ android:fullBackupContent”以指定“ @xml”资源,该资源配置要备份的文件。这个问题属于Security。
./gradlew lint
> Task :app:lint
Ran lint on variant debug: 2 issues found
Ran lint on variant release: 2 issues found
Wrote HTML report to file:///D:/Develop/Project/AndroidLint/app/build/reports/lint-results.html
Wrote XML report to file:///D:/Develop/Project/AndroidLint/app/build/reports/lint-results.xml
Lint found no errors or warnings (1 error filtered by baseline lint-baseline.xml)
lint [flags] <project directory>
lint --check MissingPrefix myproject
会在Inspection Results窗口显示对应的问题信息
Lint 发现的每个问题都有描述信息和等级,我们可以很方便地定位问题,同时按照严重程度进行解决。当然这个“严重程度”我们可以手动调节,有些原则问题不容侵犯,必须提升到 error,而有的个别问题也可以无视。
1. Correctness 1) DuplicatedIds Layout中id应该唯一 2) NewApi 代码中使用的某些API高于Manifest中的Min SDK 3) InconsistentArrays 字符串国际化中,同一名字的String-Array对应的item值不相同 4) Registered Activity/Service/ContentProvider没有通过AndroidManifest注册 5) Deprecated 使用已经废弃的API 6) PxUsage 避免使用px,使用dp 7) AppCompatCustomView Appcompat自定义小部件一般会让你继承自 android.support.v7.widget.AppCompat... 不要直接扩展android.widget类,而应该扩展android.support.v7.widget.AppCompat中的一个委托类。 2. Correctness:Messeges 1) MissingTranslation 字符串国际化不完全 2) ExtraTranslation 国际化的字符串,在默认位置(defaultlocale),没有定义 3) StringFormatInvalid 如果字符串包含'%'字符,则该字符串可能是格式化字符串,将从Java代码传递给String.format以用特定值替换每个'%'事件。(有可能误报错误) 4) Typos 一般为Spelling error,该检查将检查字符串定义,如果发现任何看起来像拼写错误的单词,则会对其进行标记。 虽然很常见,但一般不做处理。 3. Correctness:Assertions 1) Assert (warning) 尽量使用其他方式替代`Assert`,例如 if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && !(speed > 0)) { throw new AssertionError() } 替代 assert maxSize > 0; 2) UnusedAttribute 此检查将查找在XML文件中设置的属性,如果文件的引入版本比应用程序所针对的最旧版本(具有minSdkVersion属性)要新就会有提示。 如果外观/功能影响很大/很重要,应考虑其他实现方式,否则可以忽略。 3) DuplicateIncludedIds 两个独立的布局使用相同的ID是可以的。但是,如果布局与include标签结合使用,那么ID在任何情况下都必须是唯一的。 (例如 Layout_A 通过include引入Layout_B,这两个布局不应该有相同ID的标签) 4. Security 1) SetJavaScriptEnabled 不确定你的程序中确实需要JavaScript就不要执行SetJavaScriptEnabled。 2)ExportedContentProvider/ExportedReceiver/ExportedService/ExportedActivity ContentProvider/Receiver/Service/Activity的exported为true时,设置一个Permission,让使用者获取了Permission才能使用。 3) HardcodedDebugMode 不要在manifest中设置android:debuggable。 设置它,编译的任何版本都要采用指定的debug模式。不设置,编译Eng版本采用debug模式;编译User版本采用release模式。 5. Performance 1) DrawAllocation 避免在绘制或者解析布局(draw/layout)时分配对象。E.g.,Ondraw()中实例化Paint对象。 2) ObsoleteLayoutParam Layout中无用的参数。 3) UseCompoundDrawables 可优化的布局:如包含一个Imageview和一个TextView的线性布局,可被采用CompoundDrawable的TextView代替。 4) UseSparseArrays 尽量用Android的SparseArray代替Hashmap 5) DisableBaselineAlignment 如果LinearLayout被用于嵌套的layout空间计算,它的android:baselineAligned属性应该设置成false,以加速layout计算。 6) FloatMath 使用FloatMath代替Math。 7) NestedWeights 避免嵌套weight,那将拖累执行效率 8) UnusedResources/UnusedIds 未使用的资源会让应用程序变大并减慢了构建速度 9) Overdraw 如果为RootView指定一个背景Drawable,会先用Theme的背景绘制一遍,然后才用指定的背景,这就是所谓的“Overdraw”。 可以设置theme的background为null来避免。 10) UselessLeaf/UselessParent 没有子级或者背景的layout可以删除(因为它是不可见的) 具有子级且没有兄弟级,不是滚动视图或根级布局,且没有背景的布局可以删除,并将其子级直接移到父级中。 6. Usability:Icons 1) IconNoDpi Icon在nodpi和指定dpi的目录下都出现,应删除一个。 2) GifUsage Image不要用GIF,最好用PNG,可以用JPG。 7. Usability 1) BackButton Android中不要设计有Back的按钮,Android中一般有Back的硬按键。 2) ButtonCase Button的“Ok”/“Cancel”显示大小写一定,不要全大写或全小写。有标准的资源的字符串,不要自己再定义,而要用系统定义的:@android:string/ok和@android:string/cancel 8. Accessibility 1) ContentDescription ImageView和ImageButton应该提供contentDescription 9. Internationalization 1) HardcodeText 硬编码的字符串应该在资源里定义 2) EnforceUTF8 所有XML资源文件都应该以UTF-8编码 ...
lint --list Valid issue categories: Correctness Correctness:Messages Correctness:Chrome OS Security Performance Usability:Typography Usability:Icons Usability Accessibility Internationalization Internationalization:Bidirectional Text Valid issue id's: "ContentDescription": Image without contentDescription "AddJavascriptInterface": addJavascriptInterface Called "ShortAlarm": Short or Frequent Alarm "AllCaps": Combining textAllCaps and markup "AllowAllHostnameVerifier": Insecure HostnameVerifier "AlwaysShowAction": Usage of showAsAction=always "InvalidUsesTagAttribute": Invalid name attribute for uses element. "MissingIntentFilterForMediaSearch": Missing intent-filter with action android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH "MissingMediaBrowserServiceIntentFilter": Missing intent-filter with action android.media.browse.MediaBrowserService. "MissingOnPlayFromSearch": Missing onPlayFromSearch. "ImpliedTouchscreenHardware": Hardware feature touchscreen not explicitly marked as optional "MissingTvBanner": TV Missing Banner "MissingLeanbackLauncher": Missing Leanback Launcher Intent Filter. "MissingLeanbackSupport": Missing Leanback Support. "PermissionImpliesUnsupportedHardware": Permission Implies Unsupported Hardware "UnsupportedTvHardware": Unsupported TV Hardware Feature "SupportAnnotationUsage": Incorrect support annotation usage "ShiftFlags": Dangerous Flag Constant Declaration "LocalSuppress": @SuppressLint on invalid element "SwitchIntDef": Missing @IntDef in Switch "UniqueConstants": Overlapping Enumeration Constants "InlinedApi": Using inlined constants on older versions "Override": Method conflicts with new inherited method "ObsoleteSdkInt": Obsolete SDK_INT Version Check "NewApi": Calling new methods on older versions "UnusedAttribute": Attribute unused on older versions "AppCompatMethod": Using Wrong AppCompat Method "AppCompatCustomView": Appcompat Custom Widgets "AppCompatResource": Menu namespace "GoogleAppIndexingApiWarning": Missing support for Firebase App Indexing Api "GoogleAppIndexingWarning": Missing support for Firebase App Indexing "AppLinksAutoVerifyError": App Links Auto Verification Failure "AppLinksAutoVerifyWarning": Potential App Links Auto Verification Failure "AppLinkUrlError": URL not supported by app for Firebase App Indexing "TestAppLink": Unmatched URLs "InconsistentArrays": Inconsistencies in array element counts "Assert": Assertions "BadHostnameVerifier": Insecure HostnameVerifier "BatteryLife": Battery Life Issues "BackButton": Back button "ButtonCase": Cancel/OK dialog button capitalization "ButtonOrder": Button order "ButtonStyle": Button should be borderless "ByteOrderMark": Byte order mark inside files "MissingSuperCall": Missing Super Call "AdapterViewChildren": AdapterViews cannot have children in XML "ScrollViewCount": ScrollViews can have only one child "PermissionImpliesUnsupportedChromeOsHardware": Permission Implies Unsupported Chrome OS Hardware "UnsupportedChromeOsHardware": Unsupported Chrome OS Hardware Feature "GetInstance": Cipher.getInstance with ECB "CommitTransaction": Missing commit() calls "Recycle": Missing recycle() calls "CommitPrefEdits": Missing commit() on SharedPreference editor "ApplySharedPref": Use apply() on SharedPreferences "ClickableViewAccessibility": Accessibility in Custom Views "EasterEgg": Code contains easter egg "StopShip": Code contains STOPSHIP marker "MissingConstraints": Missing Constraints in ConstraintLayout "VulnerableCordovaVersion": Vulnerable Cordova Version "CustomViewStyleable": Mismatched Styleable/Custom View Name "CutPasteId": Likely cut & paste mistakes "SimpleDateFormat": Implied locale in date format "SetTextI18n": TextView Internationalization "Deprecated": Using deprecated resources "MissingPrefix": Missing Android XML namespace "MangledCRLF": Mangled file line endings "DuplicateIncludedIds": Duplicate ids across layouts combined with include tags "DuplicateIds": Duplicate ids within a single layout "DuplicateDefinition": Duplicate definitions of resources "ReferenceType": Incorrect reference types "StringEscaping": Invalid string escapes "UnpackedNativeCode": Missing android:extractNativeLibs=false "UnsafeDynamicallyLoadedCode": load used to dynamically load code "UnsafeNativeCodeLocation": Native code outside library directory "EllipsizeMaxLines": Combining Ellipsize and Maxlines "ExifInterface": Using android.media.ExifInterface "ExtraText": Extraneous text in resource files "FieldGetter": Using getter instead of field "InvalidAnalyticsName": Invalid Analytics Name "MissingFirebaseInstanceTokenRefresh": Missing Firebase Instance ID Token Refresh "FontValidationError": Validation of font files "FontValidationWarning": Validation of font files "FullBackupContent": Valid Full Backup Content File "ValidFragment": Fragment not instantiatable "GetContentDescriptionOverride": Overriding getContentDescription() on a View "PackageManagerGetSignatures": Potential Multiple Certificate Exploit "AccidentalOctal": Accidental Octal "UseOfBundledGooglePlayServices": Use of bundled version of Google Play services "GradleCompatible": Incompatible Gradle Versions "GradleDependency": Obsolete Gradle Dependency "GradleDeprecated": Deprecated Gradle Construct "DevModeObsolete": Dev Mode Obsolete "DuplicatePlatformClasses": Duplicate Platform Classes "GradleGetter": Gradle Implicit Getter Call "GradlePluginVersion": Incompatible Android Gradle Plugin "HighAppVersionCode": VersionCode too high "GradleIdeError": Gradle IDE Support Issues "GradlePath": Gradle Path Issues "GradleDynamicVersion": Gradle Dynamic Version "NotInterpolated": Incorrect Interpolation "StringShouldBeInt": String should be int "NewerVersionAvailable": Newer Library Versions Available "MinSdkTooLow": API Version Too Low "GridLayout": GridLayout validation "HandlerLeak": Handler reference leaks "HardcodedDebugMode": Hardcoded value of android:debuggable in the manifest "HardcodedText": Hardcoded text "HardwareIds": Hardware Id Usage "IconDuplicatesConfig": Identical bitmaps across various configurations "IconDuplicates": Duplicated icons under different names "GifUsage": Using .gif format for bitmaps is discouraged "IconColors": Icon colors do not follow the recommended visual style "IconDensities": Icon densities validation "IconDipSize": Icon density-independent size validation "IconExpectedSize": Icon has incorrect size "IconExtension": Icon format does not match the file extension "IconLauncherShape": The launcher icon shape should use a distinct silhouette "IconLocation": Image defined in density-independent drawable folder "IconMissingDensityFolder": Missing density folder "IconMixedNinePatch": Clashing PNG and 9-PNG files "IconNoDpi": Icon appears in both -nodpi and dpi folders "IconXmlAndPng": Icon is specified both as .xml file and as a bitmap "ConvertToWebp": Convert to WebP "WebpUnsupported": WebP Unsupported "IncludeLayoutParam": Ignored layout params on include "DisableBaselineAlignment": Missing baselineAligned attribute "InefficientWeight": Inefficient layout weight "NestedWeights": Nested layout weights "Orientation": Missing explicit orientation "Suspicious0dp": Suspicious 0dp dimension "InstantApps": Instant App Issues "DuplicateDivider": Unnecessary Divider Copy "TrustAllX509TrustManager": Insecure TLS/SSL trust manager "InvalidImeActionId": Invalid imeActionId declaration "InvalidPackage": Package not included in Android "DrawAllocation": Memory allocations within drawing code "UseSparseArrays": HashMap can be replaced with SparseArray "UseValueOf": Should use valueOf instead of new "JavascriptInterface": Missing @JavascriptInterface on methods "JobSchedulerService": JobScheduler problems "KeyboardInaccessibleWidget": Keyboard inaccessible widget "LabelFor": Missing labelFor attribute "InconsistentLayout": Inconsistent Layouts "InflateParams": Layout Inflation without a Parent "StaticFieldLeak": Static Field Leaks "DefaultLocale": Implied default locale in case conversion "LocaleFolder": Wrong locale name "GetLocales": Locale crash "InvalidResourceFolder": Invalid Resource Folder "WrongRegion": Suspicious Language/Region Combination "UseAlpha2": Using 3-letter Codes "LogConditional": Unconditional Logging Calls "LongLogTag": Too Long Log Tags "LogTagMismatch": Mismatched Log Tags "AllowBackup": AllowBackup/FullBackupContent Problems "MissingApplicationIcon": Missing application icon "DeviceAdmin": Malformed Device Admin "DuplicateActivity": Activity registered more than once "DuplicateUsesFeature": Feature declared more than once "GradleOverrides": Value overridden by Gradle build script "IllegalResourceRef": Name and version must be integer or string, not resource "MipmapIcons": Use Mipmap Launcher Icons "MockLocation": Using mock location provider in production "MultipleUsesSdk": Multiple <uses-sdk> elements in the manifest "ManifestOrder": Incorrect order of elements in manifest "MissingVersion": Missing application name/version "OldTargetApi": Target SDK attribute is not targeting latest version "UniquePermission": Permission names are not unique "UsesMinSdkAttributes": Minimum SDK and target SDK attributes not defined "WearableBindListener": Usage of Android Wear BIND_LISTENER is deprecated "WrongManifestParent": Wrong manifest parent "InvalidPermission": Invalid Permission Attribute "ManifestResource": Manifest Resource References "ManifestTypo": Typos in manifest tags "FloatMath": Using FloatMath instead of Math "MergeMarker": Code contains merge marker "MergeRootFrame": FrameLayout can be replaced with <merge> tag "IncompatibleMediaBrowserServiceCompatVersion": Obsolete version of MediaBrowserServiceCompat "InnerclassSeparator": Inner classes should use $ rather than . "Instantiatable": Registered class is not instantiatable "MissingRegistered": Missing registered class "MissingId": Fragments should specify an id or tag "LibraryCustomView": Custom views in libraries should use res-auto-namespace "ResAuto": Hardcoded Package in Namespace "NamespaceTypo": Misspelled namespace declaration "UnusedNamespace": Unused namespace "NegativeMargin": Negative Margins "NestedScrolling": Nested scrolling widgets "NetworkSecurityConfig": Valid Network Security Config File "MissingBackupPin": Missing Backup Pin "PinSetExpiry": Validate <pin-set> expiration attribute "NfcTechWhitespace": Whitespace in NFC tech lists "UnlocalizedSms": SMS phone number missing country code "ObjectAnimatorBinding": Incorrect ObjectAnimator Property "AnimatorKeep": Missing @Keep for Animated Properties "ObsoleteLayoutParam": Obsolete layout params "OnClick": onClick method does not exist "Overdraw": Overdraw: Painting regions more than once "DalvikOverride": Method considered overridden by Dalvik "OverrideAbstract": Not overriding abstract methods on older platforms "ParcelCreator": Missing Parcelable CREATOR field "UnusedQuantity": Unused quantity translations "MissingQuantity": Missing quantity translation "ImpliedQuantity": Implied Quantities "ExportedPreferenceActivity": PreferenceActivity should not be exported "PrivateApi": Using Private APIs "PackagedPrivateKey": Packaged private key "PrivateResource": Using private resources "ProguardSplit": Proguard.cfg file contains generic Android rules "Proguard": Using obsolete ProGuard configuration "PropertyEscape": Incorrect property escapes "UsingHttp": Using HTTP instead of HTTPS "SpUsage": Using dp instead of sp for text sizes "InOrMmUsage": Using mm or in dimensions "PxUsage": Using 'px' dimension "SmallSp": Text size is too small "ParcelClassLoader": Default Parcel Class Loader "PendingBindings": Missing Pending Bindings "RecyclerView": RecyclerView Problems "Registered": Class is not registered in the manifest "RelativeOverlap": Overlapping items in RelativeLayout "RequiredSize": Missing layout_width or layout_height attributes "AaptCrash": Potential AAPT crash "ResourceCycle": Cycle in resource definitions "ResourceName": Resource with Wrong Prefix "ValidRestrictions": Invalid Restrictions Descriptor "RtlCompat": Right-to-left text compatibility issues "RtlEnabled": Using RTL attributes without enabling RTL support "RtlSymmetry": Padding and margin symmetry "RtlHardcoded": Using left/right instead of start/end attributes "ScrollViewSize": ScrollView size validation "SdCardPath": Hardcoded reference to /sdcard "SecureRandom": Using a fixed seed with SecureRandom "TrulyRandom": Weak RNG "ExportedContentProvider": Content provider does not require permission "ExportedReceiver": Receiver does not require permission "ExportedService": Exported service does not require permission "SetWorldReadable": File.setReadable() used to make file world-readable "SetWorldWritable": File.setWritable() used to make file world-writable "GrantAllUris": Content provider shares everything "WorldReadableFiles": openFileOutput() or similar call passing MODE_WORLD_READABLE "WorldWriteableFiles": openFileOutput() or similar call passing MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE "ServiceCast": Wrong system service casts "WifiManagerLeak": WifiManager Leak "WifiManagerPotentialLeak": WifiManager Potential Leak "SetJavaScriptEnabled": Using setJavaScriptEnabled "SignatureOrSystemPermissions": signatureOrSystem permissions declared "SQLiteString": Using STRING instead of TEXT "SSLCertificateSocketFactoryCreateSocket": Insecure call to SSLCertificateSocketFactory.createSocket() "SSLCertificateSocketFactoryGetInsecure": Call to SSLCertificateSocketFactory.getInsecure() "StateListReachable": Unreachable state in a <selector> "AuthLeak": Code might contain an auth leak "StringFormatCount": Formatting argument types incomplete or inconsistent "StringFormatMatches": String.format string doesn't match the XML format string "StringFormatInvalid": Invalid format string "PluralsCandidate": Potential Plurals "UseCheckPermission": Using the result of check permission calls "CheckResult": Ignoring results "ResourceAsColor": Should pass resolved color instead of resource id "MissingPermission": Missing Permissions "Range": Outside Range "ResourceType": Wrong Resource Type "RestrictedApi": Restricted API "WrongThread": Wrong Thread "WrongConstant": Incorrect constant "VisibleForTests": Visible Only For Tests "ProtectedPermissions": Using system app permission "TextFields": Missing inputType or hint "TextViewEdits": TextView should probably be an EditText instead "SelectableText": Dynamic text should probably be selectable "MenuTitle": Missing menu title "ShowToast": Toast created but not shown "TooDeepLayout": Layout hierarchy is too deep "TooManyViews": Layout has too many views "ExtraTranslation": Extra translation "MissingTranslation": Incomplete translation "Typos": Spelling error "TypographyDashes": Hyphen can be replaced with dash "TypographyEllipsis": Ellipsis string can be replaced with ellipsis character "TypographyFractions": Fraction string can be replaced with fraction character "TypographyOther": Other typographical problems "TypographyQuotes": Straight quotes can be replaced with curvy quotes "UnsafeProtectedBroadcastReceiver": Unsafe Protected BroadcastReceiver "UnprotectedSMSBroadcastReceiver": Unprotected SMS BroadcastReceiver "UnusedResources": Unused resources "UnusedIds": Unused id "UseCompoundDrawables": Node can be replaced by a TextView with compound drawables "UselessLeaf": Useless leaf layout "UselessParent": Useless parent layout "EnforceUTF8": Encoding used in resource files is not UTF-8 "VectorRaster": Vector Image Generation "VectorDrawableCompat": Using VectorDrawableCompat "VectorPath": Long vector paths "InvalidVectorPath": Invalid vector paths "ViewConstructor": Missing View constructors for XML inflation "ViewHolder": View Holder Candidates "ViewTag": Tagged object leaks "WrongViewCast": Mismatched view type "FindViewByIdCast": Add Explicit Cast "Wakelock": Incorrect WakeLock usage "WakelockTimeout": Using wakeLock without timeout "InvalidWearFeatureAttribute": Invalid attribute for Wear uses-feature "WearStandaloneAppFlag": Invalid or missing Wear standalone app flag "WebViewLayout": WebViews in wrap_content parents "WrongCall": Using wrong draw/layout method "WrongCase": Wrong case for view tag "InvalidId": Invalid ID declaration "NotSibling": RelativeLayout Invalid Constraints "UnknownId": Reference to an unknown id "UnknownIdInLayout": Reference to an id that is not in the current layout "SuspiciousImport": 'import android.R' statement "WrongFolder": Resource file in the wrong res folder "WrongThreadInterprocedural": Wrong Thread (Interprocedural)
lint --show
访问 http://tools.android.com/tips/lint-checks
默认情况下,运行 lint 扫描时,lint 工具会检查它支持的所有问题。 但是我们可以限制 lint 要检查的问题,并为这些问题分配严重级别。例如,禁止对与项目无关的特定问题进行 lint 检查,也可以将 lint 配置为以较低的严重级别报告非关键问题。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lint> <!-- 在项目中禁止检测 id为 IconMissingDensityFolder的问题 --> <issue id="IconMissingDensityFolder" severity="ignore" /> <!-- 忽略指定文件中的ObsoleteLayoutParam问题 --> <issue id="ObsoleteLayoutParam"> <ignore path="res/layout/activation.xml" /> <ignore path="res/layout-xlarge/activation.xml" /> </issue> <!-- 忽略指定文件中的UselessLeaf问题 --> <issue id="UselessLeaf"> <ignore path="res/layout/main.xml" /> </issue> <!-- 将硬编码字符串(HardcodedText)的严重性更改为“错误” --> <issue id="HardcodedText" severity="error" /> </lint>
要专门对 Android 项目中的某个类或方法停用 lint 检查,可以向该代码添加 @SuppressLint
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
可以使用 tools:ignore
属性对 XML 文件的特定部分停用 lint 检查。在 lint.xml
文件中添加以下命名空间值,以便 lint 工具能够识别该属性
namespace xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
对 XML 布局文件的 <ConstraintLayout>
元素中的 SmallSp
问题关闭 lint 检查,
如果某个父元素声明了 ignore
属性,则该元素的子元素会继承此属性。在本例中,也会对 <TextView>
子元素停用 lint 检查。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" ------添加命名空间 xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".MainActivity" tools:ignore="SmallSp"> <!--不对SmallSp进行检查--> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Hello World!" android:textSize="9sp" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="parent" app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /> </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>
禁止 lint 检查 XML 元素中的所有问题:
tools:ignore="all" 使用关键字all
tools:ignore="NewApi,StringFormatInvalid" 使用逗号分隔
android { // 移除lint检查的error,可以避免由于编译条件太过严格而编译不过的问题 lintOptions { // 如果为 true,则当lint发现错误时停止 gradle构建 (默认为true) abortOnError false // 如果为 true,则只报告错误 ignoreWarnings true // 不检查给定的问题id InvalidPackage: Package not included in Android disable 'InvalidPackage' // 不检查给定的问题id 资源类型错误 disable "ResourceType" // 忽略因MissingTranslation导致Build Failed错误 "app_name" disable 'MissingTranslation' // 检查给定的问题 id enable 'RtlHardcoded','RtlCompat', 'RtlEnabled' // * 仅 * 检查给定的问题 id check 'NewApi', 'InlinedApi' // 配置写入输出结果的位置;它可以是一个文件或 “stdout”(标准输出) textOutput 'stdout' // 如果为真,会生成一个XML报告,以给Jenkins之类的使用 xmlReport false // 用于写入报告的文件(如果不指定,默认为lint-results.xml) xmlOutput file("lint-report.xml") // 如果为真,会生成一个HTML报告(包括问题的解释,存在此问题的源码,等等) htmlReport true // 写入报告的路径,它是可选的(默认为构建目录下的 lint-results.html ) htmlOutput file("lint-report.html") // 设置为 true, 将使所有release 构建都以issus的严重性级别为fatal //(severity=false)的设置来运行lint // 并且,如果发现了致命(fatal)的问题,将会中止构建 //(由上面提到的 abortOnError 控制) checkReleaseBuilds true // 设置给定问题的严重级别(severity)为fatal (这意味着他们将会 // 在release构建的期间检查 (即使 lint 要检查的问题没有包含在代码中) fatal 'NewApi', 'InlineApi' // 设置给定问题的严重级别为error error 'Wakelock', 'TextViewEdits' // 设置给定问题的严重级别为warning warning 'ResourceAsColor' // 设置给定问题的严重级别(severity)为ignore (和不检查这个问题一样) ignore 'TypographyQuotes' // 如果为 true,则检查所有的问题,包括默认不检查问题 checkAllWarnings true // 重置 lint 配置(使用默认的严重性等设置)。 lintConfig file("default-lint.xml") // 设置为 true,则当有错误时会显示文件的全路径或绝对路径 (默认情况下为true) absolutePaths true } }
add this:
可以为项目的当前警告集创建快照,然后将该快照用作将来运行检查的基准,以便只报告新问题。 有了基准快照,您便可开始使用 lint 让构建失败,而不必先返回并解决所有现有问题。
基准 :当前问题集
修改项目的 build.gradle
android {
lintOptions {
baseline file("lint-baseline.xml")
首次添加此代码行时,系统会创建 lint-baseline.xml
文件以建立基准。此后,lint 工具仅读取该文件以确定基准。
如果要创建新基准,请手动删除该文件并再次运行 lint 以重新创建它。
然后,从 IDE(依次选择 Analyze > Inspect Code)或从命令行运行 lint,如下所示。系统会输出 lint-baseline.xml
运行 lint
会将所有当前问题记录在 lint-baseline.xml
文件中。当前问题集称为“基准”,如果要与其他人共享 lint-baseline.xml
创建基准后,如果向代码库添加任何新警告,lint 将仅列出新引入的错误。
如上图所示,执行上述操作后,会把所有问题都放入 lint-baseline.xml
中,在此之后出现的新问题,会单独展示出来,例如上图中的 activity_main saaa not found
Android Studio 附带了许多 lint 及其他检查配置文件,这些配置文件可通过 Android 更新进行更新。您可以原封不动地使用这些配置文件,也可以修改它们的名称、说明、严重级别和范围。您还可以激活和禁用整组的配置文件或一组配置文件中的个别配置文件。
要访问 Inspections 对话框,请执行以下操作:
依次选择 Analyze > Inspect Code。
在 Specify Scope 对话框的 Inspection Profile 下,点击 More(省略号)。
此时将显示 Inspections 对话框,其中列出了支持的检查及其说明。
选择 Profile 下拉列表,以在 Default (Android Studio) 与 Project Default(活动的项目)检查之间切换。如需了解详情,请参阅以下 IntelliJ 页面:“Specify Inspection Scope”对话框。
在左侧窗格的 Inspections 对话框中,选择一个顶级配置文件类别,或展开一个组并选择特定的配置文件。选择一个配置文件类别后,您可以将该类别中的所有检查项目当作一个检查项目进行修改。
选择 Manage 下拉列表,以复制检查项目、对检查项目进行重命名、向检查项目添加说明以及导出/导入检查项目。
操作完成后,点击 OK。
Item | Description |
Whole project | 选择此选项可以对整个项目进行分析。 |
File | 选择此选项可分析当前在“项目”工具窗口中选择或在编辑器中打开的文件。 |
Selected files | 选择此选项可分析“项目”工具窗口中当前选定的文件。 |
Custom scope | 选择此选项以使用自定义范围。从列表中选择一个预定义的范围,或单击"(更多)省略号",然后选择分析的范围 |
Include test sources | 选择此复选框以对test sources执行分析。 |
Inspection profile | 选择一个配置文件以检查指定范围。从列表中选择一个配置文件。如果所需的配置文件不在列表中,请单击省略号按钮,然后在页面上配置所需的配置文件。 |
Android Lint内置了很多lint规则,用来检测一些常见的代码问题(例如,正确性问题、安全问题、性能问题,等等)。同时,Android Lint也支持自定义lint规则,以便开发者灵活应用,更好地提升项目代码质量 。利用自定义lint规则,既可以用来在项目中检测代码质量问题,也可以用来保证编码规范的执行。
Detector 是自定义规则的核心,它的作用是扫描代码,从而获取代码中的各种信息,然后基于这些信息进行提醒和报告。
在Android Studio 2.2和lint-api 25.2.0版本中,Lint工具将Lombok AST替换为PSI,同时弃用JavaScanner,推荐使用JavaPsiScanner。
PSI是JetBrains在IDEA中解析Java源码生成语法树后提供的API。相比之前的Lombok AST,可以支持Java 1.8、类型解析等。使用JavaPsiScanner实现的自定义Lint规则,可以被加载到Android Studio 2.2+版本中,在编写Android代码时实时执行。
在Android Studio 3.0和lint-api 25.4.0版本中,Lint工具将PSI替换为UAST(通用抽象语法树),同时推荐使用新的UastScanner。
PSI(Program Structure Interface)是IDEA中用于解析代码的一套API,全称是:程序结构接口 。可将文件的内容表示为特定编程语言中的元素的层级结构。
A PSI (Program Structure Interface) file is the root of a structure representing the contents of a file as a hierarchy of elements in a particular programming language.
IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide
public class MyIssueDetector extends Detector implements Detector.UastScanner { static final Issue ISSUE_NOT_USE_LOG_UTIL = Issue.create( "LOG_UTIL", //id "should use log util", //简介 "this is explanation", //explanation Category.USABILITY, 10, //优先级 Severity.ERROR, new Implementation(MyIssueDetector.class, Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE) ); @Override public List<String> getApplicableMethodNames() { return Arrays.asList("v", "d", "i", "w", "e", "wtf", "Log"); } /** * @param context lint请求的上下文 * @param node 调用方法的节点 * @param method 被调用的方法 */ @Override public void visitMethodCall(@NotNull JavaContext context, @NotNull UCallExpression node, @NotNull PsiMethod method) { super.visitMethodCall(context, node, method); if(context.getEvaluator().isMemberInClass(method,"android.util.Log")){ context.report(ISSUE_NOT_USE_LOG_UTIL, context.getLocation(node), "Do not directly call android.util.Log, you should use the unified tool class"); } } }
, 因为我们只是看了方法名,而不知道类,所以需要使用鉴别器(eveluator)进行检查,
id : 唯一值,应该能简短描述当前问题。利用Java注解或者XML属性进行屏蔽时,使用的就是这个id。
summary : 简短的总结,通常5-6个字符,描述问题而不是修复措施。
explanation : 完整的问题解释和修复建议。
category : 问题类别。
priority : 优先级。1-10 递增。
severity : 严重级别:Fatal, Error, Warning, Informational, Ignore。
Implementation : 为Issue和Detector提供映射关系,Detector就是当前Detector。声明扫描检测的范围
IssueRegistry 中注册了 Android Lint 自带的 Issue,而自定义的 Issue 则可以通过 getIssues 系列方法传入
public class MyIssueRegistry extends IssueRegistry {
public List<Issue> getIssues() {
return Arrays.asList(
// , AttrPrefixDetector.ISSUE_XML_NAME
apply plugin: 'java-library' sourceCompatibility = "7" targetCompatibility = "7" configurations { lintChecks } dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) implementation "com.android.tools.lint:lint-api:27.0.0" implementation "com.android.tools.lint:lint-checks:27.0.0" lintChecks files(jar) } jar { manifest { attributes('Lint-Registry': 'com.example.lint_lib.MyIssueRegistry') } }
其中 lint-api 是 Android Lint 的官方接口,基于这些接口可以获取源代码信息,从而进行分析。
lint-checks 是官方已有的检查规则。
Lint-Registry 表示给自定义规则注册,以及打包为 jar。
将生成的jar包放入~android/lint文件夹中(如果没有就自己建一个) 我自己的 C:\Users\zhuoy.android\lint
lint --show issue_id
与此同时,lint --show/list 均可以查看到这条Issue
Google 官方的方案是把 jar 文件放到 ~/.android/lint/,如果本地没有 lint 目录可以自行创建,这个使用方式较为简单,但也使得 Android Lint 作用于本地所有的项目,不大灵活。
在主项目中新建一个 Module,将jar引入module,这样各个项目可以以 module 的方式自行引入自定义 Lint,比较灵活,项目之间不会造成干扰。
新建一个Android Library, 在build.gradle中添加以下代码:
configurations { lintJarImport } dependencies { // 调用lintjar的lintJarOutput方法,获得jar包 lintJarImport project(path: ':lint_lib', configuration: 'lintChecks') } // 调用lintJarImport得到jar包,拷贝到指定目录 task copyLintJar(type: Copy) { from(configurations.lintJarImport) { rename { String fileName -> 'lint.jar' } } into 'build/intermediates/lint/' } // 当项目执行到prepareLintJar这一步时执行copyLintJar方法(注意:这个时机需要根据项目具体情况改变) project.afterEvaluate { def compileLintTask = project.tasks.find { it.name == 'prepareLintJar' } compileLintTask.dependsOn(copyLintJar) }
这里,创建了一个叫“lintJarImport”的Gradle configuration,其引用了模块 “:lint_lib”的Gradle configuration “lintChecks”。
同时,对内置的Gradle task “compileLint”做了修改,让其依赖于我们定义的一个task “copyLintJar”。在task “copyLintJar”中,把模块 “:lint_lib”输出的jar包拷贝到了build/intermediates/lint/lint.jar。
然后执行 gradlew build
wtf不是what the fuck,而是 What a terrible failure
private void reportUsage(@NotNull JavaContext context, @NotNull UCallExpression node, @NotNull PsiMethod method) {
LintFix lintFix = LintFix.create()
.name("Use Log.(e)")
" reportUsage Do not directly call android.util.Log, you should use the unified tool class",
independent :此修补程序是否独立于要应用的其他修补程序。
robot:当在 fix-mode下运行lint时,可以自动应用这些类型的修复程序,在该模式下,它将应用所有建议的(合格)修复程序。
Summary: Duplicated icons under different names
Priority: 3 / 10
Severity: Warning
Category: Usability:Icons
If an icon is repeated under different names, you can consolidate and just use
one of the icons and delete the others to make your application smaller.
However, duplicated icons usually are not intentional and can sometimes point
to icons that were accidentally overwritten or accidentally not updated.
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