macos sierra
A new feature in macOS Sierra allows you to sync files from your desktop and Documents folder to iCloud, so you can access them on all your device. However, if you went to disable this feature, it will delete them from your computer. Fear not, though: those files still exist. They were simply removed from the desktop and Documents folder and left in iCloud Drive.
macOS Sierra中的一项新功能允许您将文件从桌面和Documents文件夹同步到iCloud,以便可以在所有设备上访问它们。 但是,如果您禁用此功能,它将从您的计算机中删除它们。 不过请不要害怕:这些文件仍然存在。 它们只是从桌面和Documents文件夹中删除,而留在了iCloud Drive中。
These files are stored in two different locations: On your desktop (or in your Documents folder) and in iCloud Drive. Deleting a file from the desktop or Documents will also delete the copy that’s stored in iCloud Drive.
这些文件存储在两个不同的位置:在桌面上(或在Documents文件夹中)和iCloud Drive中。 从桌面或文档中删除文件也会删除存储在iCloud Drive中的副本。
However, when you disable desktop and Documents iCloud Drive syncing, macOS will automatically remove the files from these two locations and only store them in iCloud Drive. This seems a little backwards to how it should work, so if you’re thinking about disabling this feature, here’s how to get your files back to the desktop and the Documents folder.
但是,当您禁用台式机和Documents iCloud Drive同步时,macOS会自动从这两个位置删除文件,仅将它们存储在iCloud Drive中。 这似乎对它的工作方式有些倒退,因此,如果您正在考虑禁用此功能,请按照以下方法将文件恢复到桌面和“文档”文件夹。
To access this setting, open up System Preferences and then click on “iCloud”.
要访问此设置,请打开系统偏好设置,然后单击“ iCloud”。
To the right of “iCloud Drive”, click on “Options”.
在“ iCloud Drive”右侧,单击“选项”。
Uncheck the box next to “Desktop & Documents Folders”
You’ll get a pop-up warning you that these files will only be stored in iCloud Drive if you disable desktop and Documents syncing. Go ahead and click “Turn Off”.
您将弹出一个警告,警告您说如果禁用桌面和文档同步,这些文件将只存储在iCloud Drive中。 继续,然后单击“关闭”。
Files on your desktop and in your Documents folder will be removed and placed in iCloud Drive, which will automatically open after you click “Turn Off”, so these files aren’t actually disappearing and getting deleted, but are simply being moved into iCloud Drive exclusively.
台式机和“文档”文件夹中的文件将被删除并放置在iCloud Drive中,该文件将在您单击“关闭”后自动打开,因此这些文件实际上并没有消失并被删除,而只是被移至iCloud Drive中只。
Next, open up the iCloud Drive folder on your Mac and you’ll see two folders called “Desktop” and “Documents”. There are where your files disappeared to.
接下来,在Mac上打开iCloud Drive文件夹,您将看到两个名为“桌面”和“文档”的文件夹。 有文件消失的地方。
Open each folder up and either drag-and-drop the files to your desktop while holding down the Command key, or copying and pasting them over and then deleting the ones still stored in iCloud Drive.
向上打开每个文件夹,然后在按住Command键的同时将文件拖放到桌面上,或者将它们复制并粘贴到上面,然后删除仍存储在iCloud Drive中的文件。
Again, it’s a little weird that macOS automatically removes the files from your desktop and Documents folder and puts them only in iCloud Drive. Most users would think that after disabling iCloud Drive syncing their files would actually get removed from iCloud Drive and moved to their desktop and Documents folder to be stored locally, but it’s actually the other way around…for some odd reason.
再次,macOS自动从桌面和Documents文件夹中删除文件并将它们仅放入iCloud Drive中有点奇怪。 大多数用户会认为,在禁用iCloud Drive同步后,实际上会将其文件从iCloud Drive中删除并移至其桌面和Documents文件夹以存储在本地,但这实际上是相反的……出于某种奇怪的原因。
macos sierra
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