gzexe test.sh
gzexe -d test.sh
- wget https://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/%7Efrosal/sources/shc-3.8.9.tgz
- tar vxf shc-3.8.9.tgz
- cd shc-3.8.9
- mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1
- make install
如果不执行mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1将会报如下错误
*** Installing shc and shc.1 on /usr/local *** ?Do you want to continue? y install -c -s shc /usr/local/bin/ install -c -m 644 shc.1 /usr/local/man/man1/ install: target `/usr/local/man/man1/’ is not a directory: No such file or directory make: *** [install] Error 1
-e date (指定过期日期)
-m message (指定过期提示的信息)
-f script_name(指定要编译的shell的路径及文件名)
-r Relax security. (可以相同操作系统的不同系统中执行)
-v Verbose compilation(编译的详细情况)
shc -v -f test.sh
-v 是现实加密过程
-f 后面跟需要加密的文件
abc.sh.x为加密后的二进制文件,赋予执行权限后,可直接执行。更改名字mv vpsps.sh.x vpspscom.sh
abc.sh.x.c 是c源文件。基本没用,可以删除
# shc -e 14/09/2016 -m -f test.sh
- # ./abc.sh.x
- ./abc.sh.x: has expired!(文件已经过期)
将unshc wget或者上传到任意目录
./unshc.sh -h
./unshc.sh script.sh.x -o script_decrypted.sh
script.sh.x文件为经过加密的二进制文件 script_decrypted.sh文件为解密后shell脚本
可以将下面的代码保存成unshc.sh文件即可,给可执行权限后(chmod 777 unshc.sh),直接使用
- #!/bin/bash
- ###################
- # Author: Luiz Otavio Duarte a.k.a. (LOD)
- # 11/03/08 - v0.1
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.2 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 06/27/13 - v0.2
- # -- Adding new objdump format (2.22) to retrieve data (especially on Ubuntu distribution)
- # -- Patch few regex with sorted address list
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.3 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 18/11/15 - v0.3
- # -- Adapt script for new architecture
- # -- Clean and optimize functions
- # -- Add an (unsigned long) cast in shc C source code
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.4 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 14/12/15 - v0.4
- # -- Comment specific return statement in C source
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.5 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 15/12/15 - v0.5
- # -- Patch extract arc4 function to keep the latest offset only
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.6 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 16/12/15 - v0.6
- # -- Add bash script options (getopts)
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.7 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 07/28/16 - v0.7
- # -- Add support of multiple ARC4 offsets auto-retrieved by script (iterate over each one), specialy for huge bash file encrypted
- # -- Force .sh extension to decrypted file, for initial file without extension (prevent rewrite of original file)
- # Updated: Yann CAM v0.8 - yann.cam@gmail.com | www.asafety.fr
- # 01/23/17 - v0.8
- # -- Adjust grep for retrieve PWD_SIZE in OBJDUMP to ignore movb instruction (https://github.com/yanncam/UnSHc/issues/12)
- ###################
- # Tested on :
- # Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS x86_64
- # Linux server 3.13.0-61-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 29 11:21:34 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
- # Linux version 3.13.0-61-generic (buildd@lgw01-50) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #100-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 29 11:21:34 UTC 2015
- #
- # CentOS release 6.6 (Final) x86_64
- # Linux server 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 9 20:57:37 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
- # Linux version 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64 (mockbuild@c6b9.bsys.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Jun 9 20:57:37 UTC 2015
- #
- # Debian 7.8 i686
- # Linux server 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u2 i686 GNU/Linux
- # Linux version 3.2.0-4-686-pae (debian-kernel@lists.debian.org) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Debian 4.6.3-14) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u2
- ###################
- VERSION="0.8"
- OBJDUMP=`which objdump`
- GREP=`which grep`
- CUT=`which cut`
- SHRED=`which shred`
- UNIQ=`which uniq`
- SORT=`which sort`
- GCC=`which gcc`
- WC=`which wc`
- AWK=`which awk`
- SED=`which sed`
- TR=`which tr`
- HEAD=`which head`
- TAIL=`which tail`
- TMPBINARY=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- CALLFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- CALLADDRFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- CALLSIZEFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- declare -A LISTOFCALL
- # Variable to know the index of variables.
- # This var is to loop on each 14 arc4() call with ordered args.
- j=0
- # Simple usage help / man
- function usage(){
- printf "[*] Usage : $0 [OPTIONS] <file.sh.x>\n"
- printf "\t -h | --help : print this help message\n"
- printf "\t -a OFFSET | --arc4 OFFSET : specify the arc4() offset arbitrarily (without 0x prefix)\n"
- printf "\t -d DUMPFILE | --dumpfile DUMPFILE : provide an object dump file (objdump -D script.sh.x > DUMPFILE)\n"
- printf "\t -s STRFILE | --stringfile STRFILE : provide a string dump file (objdump -s script.sh.x > STRFILE)\n"
- printf "\t -o OUTFILE | --outputfile OUTFILE : indicate the output file name\n\n"
- printf "[*] e.g : \n"
- printf "\t$0 script.sh.x\n"
- printf "\t$0 script.sh.x -o script_decrypted.sh\n"
- printf "\t$0 script.sh.x -a 400f9b\n"
- printf "\t$0 script.sh.x -d /tmp/dumpfile -s /tmp/strfile\n"
- printf "\t$0 script.sh.x -a 400f9b -d /tmp/dumpfile -s /tmp/strfile -o script_decrypted.sh\n"
- }
- # Clean all temp file created for this script
- function clean(){
- }
- # Clean error exit function after cleaning temp file
- function exit_error(){
- clean
- exit 1;
- }
- # Check the availability of basic commands usefull for this script
- function check_binaries() {
- if [ ! -x ${OBJDUMP} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find objdump binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${GREP} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find grep binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${CUT} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find cut binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${SHRED} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find shred binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${UNIQ} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find uniq binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${SORT} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find sort binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${GCC} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find gcc binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ ! -x ${WC} ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, cannot execute or find wc binary"
- exit_error
- fi
- }
- # Create dump files of encrypted script
- function generate_dump() {
- # DUMPFILE dump to retrive arc4 address, address and size of each arc4 arguments and pwd
- # STRINGFILE dump to retrieve pwd and arc4 argument
- }
- # Find out the most called function. This function is arc4() and there are 14 calls.
- # Update 27/06/2013 : Regexps updated to match new objdump format and retrieve the $CALLADDR from his number of call (bug initial with "sort")
- # Update 16/11/2015 : Adding new architecture support
- # Update 28/07/2016 : Adding multiple ARC4 offsets support (loop on each candidate)
- function extract_arc4_call_addr(){
- CALLADDRS=$($GREP -Eo "call.*[0-9a-f]{6,}" $DUMPFILE | $GREP -Eo "[0-9a-f]{6,}" | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT | $GREP -Eo "(14).*[0-9a-f]{6,}" | $GREP -Eo "[0-9a-f]{6,}")
- TAILMAX=`wc -l <<< "$CALLADDRS"`
- CALLADDR=$(echo $CALLADDRS | $SED "s/ /\n/g" | $TAIL -n $TAILNUMBER | $HEAD -n 1)
- if [[ -z "$CALLADDR" || $TAILNUMBER -gt $TAILMAX ]]; then
- echo "[-] Unable to define arc4() call address..."
- exit_error
- fi
- echo "[+] ARC4 address call candidate : [0x$CALLADDR]"
- }
- # Extract each args values of arc4 calls
- function extract_variables_from_binary(){
- echo "[*] Extracting each args address and size for the 14 arc4() calls with address [0x$CALLADDR]..."
- # Initialize the number of line before CALLADDR to looking for addresses of args
- i=2
- # Retrieve ordered list of address var and put it to $CALLADDRFILE
- while [[ $($WC -l < $CALLADDRFILE) -ne 14 ]]; do
- $GREP -B $i "call.*$CALLADDR" $DUMPFILE | $GREP -v "$CALLADDR" | $GREP -Eo "(0x[0-9a-f]{6,})" > $CALLADDRFILE
- i=$(($i + 1))
- if [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
- echo "[-] Unable to extract addresses of 14 arc4 args with ARC4 address call [0x$CALLADDR]..."
- return;
- fi
- done
- # Initialize the number of line before CALLADDR to looking for sizes of args
- i=3
- # Retrieve ordered list of size var and append it to $CALLSIZEFILE
- while [[ $($WC -l < $CALLSIZEFILE) -ne 14 ]]; do
- $GREP -B $i "call.*$CALLADDR" $DUMPFILE | $GREP -v "$CALLADDR" | $GREP -Eo "(0x[0-9a-f]+,)" | $GREP -Eo "(0x[0-9a-f]+)" | $GREP -Ev "0x[0-9a-f]{6,}" > $CALLSIZEFILE
- i=$(($i + 1))
- if [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
- echo "[-] Unable to extract sizes of 14 arc4 args with ARC4 address call [0x$CALLADDR]..."
- return;
- fi
- done
- # For each full address in $CALLADDRFILE and corresponding size in $CALLSIZEFILE
- IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a LISTOFADDR < $CALLADDRFILE
- IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a LISTOFSIZE < $CALLSIZEFILE
- for (( x = 0; x < ${#LISTOFADDR[*]}; x = x+1 ))
- do
- i=${LISTOFADDR[$x]}
- echo -e "\t[$x] Working with var address at offset [$i] ($NBYTES bytes)"
- # Some diferences in assembly.
- # We can have:
- # mov <adr>,%eax
- # push 0x<hex>
- # push %eax
- # call $CALLADDR
- #
- # or
- #
- # push 0x<hex>
- # push 0x<adr>
- # call $CALLADDR
- #
- # UPDATE 27/06/2013 :
- # Adding support of objdump format
- # New format supported (Debian 7 x86) :
- #
- # movl $0x<hex>,0x4(%esp)
- #
- # movl $0x<adr>,(%esp)
- # call $CALLADDR
- #
- # UPDATE 18/11/2015 :
- # Adding support of objdump format
- # Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x86_64
- #
- # mov $0x<hex>,%esi
- # mov $0x<adr>,%edi
- # callq $CALLADDR <fork@plt+0x23b>
- #
- # Key is the address with the variable content.
- KEY=$(echo $i | $CUT -d 'x' -f 2)
- # A 2 bytes variable (NBYTES > 0) can be found like this: (in STRINGFILE)
- # ---------------X
- # X---------------
- #
- # So we need 2 lines from STRINGFILE to make it all correct. So:
- NLINES=$(( ($NBYTES / 16) +2 ))
- # All line in STRINGFILE starts from 0 to f. So LASTBIT tells me the index in the line to start recording.
- let LASTBYTE="0x${KEY:$((${#KEY}-1))}"
- # Grep all lines needed from STRINGFILE, merge lines.
- STRING=$( $GREP -A $(($NLINES-1)) -E "^ ${KEY:0:$((${#KEY}-1))}0 " $STRINGFILE | $AWK '{ print $2$3$4$5}' | $TR '\n' 'T' | $SED -e "s:T::g")
- # Change string to begin in the line index.
- # Cut the string to the number off bytes of the variable.
- STRING=${STRING:0:$(($NBYTES * 2))}
- # We need to convert to a \x??\x?? structure so:
- for ((i = 0; i < $((${#STRING} /2 )); i++)); do
- done
- define_variable
- done
- }
- # arc4 function is called 14 times in the C code.
- # Each call is done with the same args sequence even if their declaration is randomized :
- # msg1, date, shll, inlo, xecc, lsto, tst1, chk1, msg2, rlax, opts, text, tst2 and chk2.
- function define_variable() {
- case "$j" in
- esac
- j=$(($j + 1))
- }
- # The password is used in the key function right before first call to arc4.
- # So we need the previous call just before the first "call ARC4_CALLADDR" and its args.
- # Update 27/06/2013 : Add new objdump format
- # Update 18/11/2015 : Simplify extraction
- # Update 23/01/2017 : Ignore movb instruction
- function extract_password_from_binary(){
- echo "[*] Extracting password..."
- # Initialize the number of line before CALLADDR to watch
- i=5
- while [[ ( -z "$KEY_ADDR" ) || ( -z "$KEY_SIZE" ) ]]; do
- #cat $CALLFILE
- # Adjust these two next line to grep right addr & size value (depending on your architecture)
- KEY_ADDR=$($GREP -B 3 -m 1 "call" $CALLFILE | $GREP mov | $GREP -oE "0x[0-9a-z]{6,}+" | $HEAD -n 1)
- KEY_SIZE=$($GREP -B 3 -m 1 "call" $CALLFILE | $GREP mov | $GREP -v $KEY_ADDR | $GREP -v movb | $GREP -oE "0x[0-9a-z]+" | $HEAD -n 1)
- i=$(($i + 1))
- if [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, function call previous first call of arc4() hasn't been identified..."
- exit_error
- fi
- done
- echo -e "\t[+] PWD address found : [$KEY_ADDR]"
- echo -e "\t[+] PWD size found : [$KEY_SIZE]"
- # Defining the address without 0x.
- KEY=$(echo $KEY_ADDR | $CUT -d 'x' -f 2)
- # Like the other NLINES
- NLINES=$(( ($KEY_SIZE / 16) +2 ))
- # Like the other LASTBYTE
- LASTBYTE="0x${KEY:$((${#KEY}-1))}"
- # Extract PWD from STRINGFILE
- STRING=$( $GREP -A $(($NLINES-1)) -E "^ ${KEY:0:$((${#KEY}-1))}0 " $STRINGFILE | $AWK '{ print $2$3$4$5}' | $TR '\n' 'T' | $SED -e "s:T::g")
- STRING=${STRING:0:$(($KEY_SIZE * 2))}
- # Encode / rewrite PWD in the \x??\x?? format
- for ((i=0;i<$((${#STRING} /2 ));i++)); do
- done
- }
- # This function append a generic engine for decrypt from shc project. With out own new variables extracted.
- # Rather than execute the source code decrypted, it's printed in stdout.
- function generic_file(){
- cat > ${TMPBINARY}.c << EOF
- #define msg1_z $VAR_MSG1_Z
- #define date_z $VAR_DATE_Z
- #define shll_z $VAR_SHLL_Z
- #define inlo_z $VAR_INLO_Z
- #define xecc_z $VAR_XECC_Z
- #define lsto_z $VAR_LSTO_Z
- #define tst1_z $VAR_TST1_Z
- #define chk1_z $VAR_CHK1_Z
- #define msg2_z $VAR_MSG2_Z
- #define rlax_z $VAR_RLAX_Z
- #define opts_z $VAR_OPTS_Z
- #define text_z $VAR_TEXT_Z
- #define tst2_z $VAR_TST2_Z
- #define chk2_z $VAR_CHK2_Z
- #define pswd_z $KEY_SIZE
- static char msg1 [] = "$VAR_MSG1";
- static char date [] = "$VAR_DATE";
- static char shll [] = "$VAR_SHLL";
- static char inlo [] = "$VAR_INLO";
- static char xecc [] = "$VAR_XECC";
- static char lsto [] = "$VAR_LSTO";
- static char tst1 [] = "$VAR_TST1";
- static char chk1 [] = "$VAR_CHK1";
- static char msg2 [] = "$VAR_MSG2";
- static char rlax [] = "$VAR_RLAX";
- static char opts [] = "$VAR_OPTS";
- static char text [] = "$VAR_TEXT";
- static char tst2 [] = "$VAR_TST2";
- static char chk2 [] = "$VAR_CHK2";
- static char pswd [] = "$VAR_PSWD";
- #define hide_z 4096
- /* rtc.c */
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- /* 'Alleged RC4' */
- static unsigned char stte[256], indx, jndx, kndx;
- /*
- * Reset arc4 stte.
- */
- void stte_0(void)
- {
- indx = jndx = kndx = 0;
- do {
- stte[indx] = indx;
- } while (++indx);
- }
- /*
- * Set key. Can be used more than once.
- */
- void key(void * str, int len)
- {
- unsigned char tmp, * ptr = (unsigned char *)str;
- while (len > 0) {
- do {
- tmp = stte[indx];
- kndx += tmp;
- kndx += ptr[(int)indx % len];
- stte[indx] = stte[kndx];
- stte[kndx] = tmp;
- } while (++indx);
- ptr += 256;
- len -= 256;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Crypt data.
- */
- void arc4(void * str, int len)
- {
- unsigned char tmp, * ptr = (unsigned char *)str;
- while (len > 0) {
- indx++;
- tmp = stte[indx];
- jndx += tmp;
- stte[indx] = stte[jndx];
- stte[jndx] = tmp;
- tmp += stte[indx];
- *ptr ^= stte[tmp];
- ptr++;
- len--;
- }
- }
- /* End of ARC4 */
- /*
- * Key with file invariants.
- */
- int key_with_file(char * file)
- {
- struct stat statf[1];
- struct stat control[1];
- if (stat(file, statf) < 0)
- return -1;
- /* Turn on stable fields */
- memset(control, 0, sizeof(control));
- control->st_ino = statf->st_ino;
- control->st_dev = statf->st_dev;
- control->st_rdev = statf->st_rdev;
- control->st_uid = statf->st_uid;
- control->st_gid = statf->st_gid;
- control->st_size = statf->st_size;
- control->st_mtime = statf->st_mtime;
- control->st_ctime = statf->st_ctime;
- key(control, sizeof(control));
- return 0;
- }
- void rmarg(char ** argv, char * arg)
- {
- for (; argv && *argv && *argv != arg; argv++);
- for (; argv && *argv; argv++)
- *argv = argv[1];
- }
- // Update 18/11/2015 : Update "mask" casting from "unsigned" to "unsigned long".
- int chkenv(int argc)
- {
- char buff[512];
- unsigned mask, m;
- int l, a, c;
- char * string;
- extern char ** environ;
- mask = (unsigned long)chkenv;
- mask ^= (unsigned)getpid() * ~mask;
- sprintf(buff, "x%x", mask);
- string = getenv(buff);
- l = strlen(buff);
- if (!string) {
- /* 1st */
- sprintf(&buff[l], "=%u %d", mask, argc);
- putenv(strdup(buff));
- return 0;
- }
- c = sscanf(string, "%u %d%c", &m, &a, buff);
- if (c == 2 && m == mask) {
- /* 3rd */
- rmarg(environ, &string[-l - 1]);
- return 1 + (argc - a);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- char * xsh(int argc, char ** argv)
- {
- char * scrpt;
- int ret, i, j;
- char ** varg;
- stte_0();
- key(pswd, pswd_z);
- arc4(msg1, msg1_z);
- arc4(date, date_z);
- //if (date[0] && date[0]<time(NULL))
- // return msg1;
- arc4(shll, shll_z);
- arc4(inlo, inlo_z);
- arc4(xecc, xecc_z);
- arc4(lsto, lsto_z);
- arc4(tst1, tst1_z);
- key(tst1, tst1_z);
- arc4(chk1, chk1_z);
- if ((chk1_z != tst1_z) || memcmp(tst1, chk1, tst1_z))
- return tst1;
- ret = chkenv(argc);
- arc4(msg2, msg2_z);
- if (ret < 0)
- return msg2;
- varg = (char **)calloc(argc + 10, sizeof(char *));
- if (!varg)
- return 0;
- if (ret) {
- arc4(rlax, rlax_z);
- if (!rlax[0] && key_with_file(shll))
- return shll;
- arc4(opts, opts_z);
- arc4(text, text_z);
- printf("%s",text);
- return 0;
- /*arc4(tst2, tst2_z);
- key(tst2, tst2_z);
- arc4(chk2, chk2_z);
- if ((chk2_z != tst2_z) || memcmp(tst2, chk2, tst2_z))
- return tst2;
- if (text_z < hide_z) {
- scrpt = malloc(hide_z);
- if (!scrpt)
- return 0;
- memset(scrpt, (int) ' ', hide_z);
- memcpy(&scrpt[hide_z - text_z], text, text_z);
- } else {
- scrpt = text;
- }*/
- } else {
- if (*xecc) {
- scrpt = malloc(512);
- if (!scrpt)
- return 0;
- sprintf(scrpt, xecc, argv[0]);
- } else {
- scrpt = argv[0];
- }
- }
- j = 0;
- varg[j++] = argv[0]; /* My own name at execution */
- if (ret && *opts)
- varg[j++] = opts; /* Options on 1st line of code */
- if (*inlo)
- varg[j++] = inlo; /* Option introducing inline code */
- varg[j++] = scrpt; /* The script itself */
- if (*lsto)
- varg[j++] = lsto; /* Option meaning last option */
- i = (ret > 1) ? ret : 0; /* Args numbering correction */
- while (i < argc)
- varg[j++] = argv[i++]; /* Main run-time arguments */
- varg[j] = 0; /* NULL terminated array */
- execvp(shll, varg);
- return shll;
- }
- int main(int argc, char ** argv)
- {
- argv[1] = xsh(argc, argv);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- ##########################################
- ## Starting
- echo " _ _ _____ _ _ "
- echo "| | | | / ___| | | | "
- echo "| | | |_ __ \ \`--.| |_| | ___ "
- echo "| | | | '_ \ \`--. \ _ |/ __|"
- echo "| |_| | | | /\__/ / | | | (__ "
- echo " \___/|_| |_\____/\_| |_/\___|"
- echo
- echo "--- UnSHc - The shc decrypter."
- echo "--- Version: $VERSION"
- echo "------------------------------"
- echo "UnSHc is used to decrypt script encrypted with SHc"
- echo "Original idea from Luiz Octavio Duarte (LOD)"
- echo "Updated and modernized by Yann CAM"
- echo "- SHc : [http://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/~frosal/]"
- echo "- UnSHc : [https://www.asafety.fr/unshc-the-shc-decrypter/]"
- echo "------------------------------"
- echo
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- echo "[?] Type -h or --help for how to use it"
- clean
- exit 0
- fi
- # Check the availability of each command needed in this script.
- check_binaries
- OPTS=$( getopt -o h,a:,d:,s:,o: -l help,arc4:,dumpfile:,stringfile:,outputfile: -- "$@" )
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- exit_error;
- fi
- while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; do
- case "$1" in
- -h|--help)
- usage;
- clean;
- exit 0;;
- -a|--arc4)
- echo "[+] ARC4() offset function call address specified [0x$2]";
- shift 2;;
- -d|--dumpfile)
- echo "[+] Object dump file specified [$2]";
- shift 2;;
- -s|--stringfile)
- echo "[+] String dump file specified [$2]";
- shift 2;;
- -o|--outputfile)
- echo "[+] Output file name specified [$2]";
- shift 2;;
- -*)
- echo "[-] Unknown option: [$1]" >&2;
- exit_error;;
- --)
- shift;
- break;;
- *)
- echo "[*] Input file name to decrypt [$1]";
- shift 1;;
- esac
- done
- if [ ! -e $BINARY ]; then
- echo "[-] Error, File [$BINARY] not found."
- exit_error
- fi
- if [ -z "$DUMPFILE" ]; then
- DUMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- else
- if [ ! -e $DUMPFILE ]; then
- echo "[-] Object dump file [$DUMPFILE] not found."
- exit_error;
- fi
- fi
- if [ -z "$STRINGFILE" ]; then
- STRINGFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX)
- else
- if [ ! -e $STRINGFILE ]; then
- echo "[-] String dump file [$STRINGFILE] not found."
- exit_error;
- fi
- fi
- # Fill DUMPFILE and STRINGFILE from objdump of the *.sh.x encrypted script
- generate_dump
- # Find out the most called function. This function is arc4() and there are 14 calls.
- # Then retrieve the data used in each CALLADDR call
- c=1
- if [ -z "$CALLADDR" ]; then
- # Case when ARC4 offset is unknown and there are multiple candidate
- while [[ $($WC -l < $CALLSIZEFILE) -ne 14 ]]; do
- extract_arc4_call_addr "$c"
- extract_variables_from_binary
- c=$(($c + 1))
- done
- else
- # Case when the ARC4 address is already defined and passed throught args
- extract_variables_from_binary
- fi
- # Retrieve PWD from function call just before the first CALLADDR call
- extract_password_from_binary
- # Create a C source code to decrypt *.sh.x file with previously extracted data
- generic_file
- # Compile C source code to decrypt *.sh.x file
- $GCC -o $TMPBINARY ${TMPBINARY}.c >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "[*] Executing [$TMPBINARY] to decrypt [${BINARY}]"
- chmod +x $TMPBINARY
- if [ -z "$OUTPUTFILE" ]; then
- echo "[*] Retrieving initial source code in [${BINARY%.sh.x}.sh]"
- $TMPBINARY > ${BINARY%.sh.x}.sh
- else
- echo "[*] Retrieving initial source code in [$OUTPUTFILE]"
- fi
- echo "[*] All done!"
- clean
- exit 0

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