书上好像使用的状态的映射写的, 这样在List上更加直观
并且由于刚上手Python几日, 对List还是不太熟, 所以对输出有点困难,基本程序结构是正确的, 可以调试来进行阅读
class State: def __init__(self, cleaner_state, left_dust, right_dust): self.cleaner_state = cleaner_state self.left_dust = left_dust self.right_dust = right_dust class Problem: def __init__(self, init_state, goal_state): self.init_state = init_state self.goal_state = goal_state def action(self, state): if state.cleaner_state == "Left": return ["Suck", "Right", ] elif state.cleaner_state == "Right": return ["Left", "Suck", ] def result(self, state, action): if action == "Suck": if state.cleaner_state == "Left" and state.left_dust == 1: if state.right_dust == 1: return [State("Left", 0, 0), State("Left", 0, 1), ] else: return [State("Left", 0, 0), ] elif state.cleaner_state == "Left" and state.left_dust == 0: return [state, State("Left", 1, state.right_dust), ] elif state.cleaner_state == "Right" and state.right_dust == 1: if state.left_dust == 1: return [State("Right", 0, 0), State("Right", 1, 0), ] else: return [State("Right", 0, 0), ] elif state.cleaner_state == "Right" and state.right_dust == 0: return [state, State("Right", state.left_dust, 1), ] elif action == "Right": return [State("Right", state.left_dust, state.right_dust), ] elif action == "Left": return [State("Left", state.left_dust, state.right_dust), ] return [] def goal_test(self, state): for s in self.goal_state: if s.cleaner_state == state.cleaner_state and s.left_dust == state.left_dust \ and s.right_dust == state.right_dust: return True return False ########################################################### def or_search(state, problem, path): if problem.goal_test(state): return [] for s in path: if s.cleaner_state == state.cleaner_state and s.left_dust == state.left_dust \ and s.right_dust == state.right_dust: return None for action in problem.action(state): plan = and_search(problem.result(state, action), problem, path + [state, ]) if plan is not None: return [action, plan] def and_search(states, problem, path): plan = {} for s in states: ''' 初步想法是用0 1 2 4四位数的不同加和保存八种状态 来记录状态 对Python List的了解还是不够透彻, 今后继续完善 n = 0 if s.cleaner_state == "Right": n += 1 if s.left_dust == 1: n += 2 if s.right_dust == 1: n += 4 ''' plan[s] = or_search(s, problem, path) # 不太懂这里为什么要退出 if plan[s] is None: return None return plan ########################################################### def and_or_graph_search(problem): return or_search(problem.init_state, problem, []) def main(): ''' init_state = State(" ", -1, -1) ''' init_state = State("Left", 1, 1) ''' init_state.cleaner_state = input('Please input cleaner state (Right/Left): \n') init_state.left_dust = input('Please input whether have dust on the left (0/1): \n') init_state.right_dust = input('Please input whether have dust on the right (0/1): \n') n = int(input('Please input the number of goal state: \n')) ''' goal_state = [State("Left", 0, 0), State("Right", 0, 0)] ''' for i in range(n): state = State(" ", -1, -1) state.cleaner_state = input('Please input cleaner state (Right/Left): \n') state.left_dust = input('Please input whether have dust on the left (0/1): \n') state.right_dust = input('Please input whether have dust on the right (0/1): \n') goal_state = goal_state + [state, ] ''' problem = Problem(init_state, goal_state) ans = and_or_graph_search(problem) print(ans) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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