runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest --help
D:\rabbitmq-perf-test-2.18.0\bin>runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest --help usage: <program> -?,--help show usage -a,--autoack auto ack(客户端在处理完messages之后会给服务端返回一个ack确认信息,服务端在收到该ack信息之后才会把messages删除) -A,--multi-ack-every <arg> (每多少条消息返回一次ack信息给服务器端,消费者可以一次确认多条消息,例如,下面是100条消息确认一次 runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -x 1 -y 2 -u "test-6" --id "test-6" -f persistent --multi-ack-every 100) -ad,--auto-delete <arg> should the queue be auto-deleted, default is true -b,--heartbeat <arg> heartbeat interval -B,--body <arg> (使用逗号分隔的文件列表,用在消息的内容中(这里是多个由逗号分隔开的文件名,把文件中的内容作为消息体写入到指定queue中)) -bc,--body-count <arg> number of pre-generated message bodies. Use with --json-body. Default is 100. -bfc,--body-field-count <arg> number of pre-generated fields and values for body. Use with --json-body. Default is 1000. -c,--confirm <arg> (未确认消息发布的最大值) -C,--pmessages <arg> (生产者要生成的消息的数量,译者注:在此次性能测试中,生产者一旦生成了指定数量的消息,就会停止。) -ca,--consumer-args <arg> consumer arguments as key/values pairs, separated by commas, e.g. x-priority=10 -cri,--connection-recovery-interval <arg> connection recovery interval in seconds. Default is 5 seconds. Interval syntax, e.g. 30-60, is supported to specify an random interval between 2 values between each attempt. -ct,--confirm-timeout <arg> waiting timeout for unconfirmed publishes before failing (in seconds) -ctp,--consumers-thread-pools <arg> number of thread pools to use for all consumers, default is to use a thread pool for each consumer -d,--id <arg> (本次测试的编号,身份标识) -D,--cmessages <arg> (消费者要消费的消息数量,也就是指定这次测试中消费者一共要消费多少条消息,一旦消费者消费了这么多条消息,消费者就会被停止) -dcr,--disable-connection-recovery disable automatic connection recovery -e,--exchange <arg> exchange name -E,--exclusive use server-named exclusive queues. Such queues can only be used by their declaring connection! -env,--environment-variables show usage with environment variables -ew,--exit-when <arg> exit when queue(s) empty or consumer(s) idle for 1 second, valid values are empty or idle -f,--flag <arg> (消息标志,多个可以用逗号隔开,支持的值:persistent 和 mandatory) -h,--uri <arg> connection URI -H,--uris <arg> connection URIs (separated by commas) -hst,--heartbeat-sender-threads <arg> (生产者和消费者的心跳发送者的线程数量) -i,--interval <arg> sampling interval in seconds -jb,--json-body generate a random JSON document for message body. Use with --size. -k,--routing-key <arg> routing key -K,--random-routing-key use random routing key per message -l,--legacy-metrics display legacy metrics (min/avg/max latency) -L,--consumer-latency <arg> consumer latency in microseconds -m,--ptxsize <arg> producer tx size -M,--framemax <arg> frame max -mh,--metrics-help show metrics usage -mp,--message-properties <arg> (消息属性以逗号隔开的键值对方式,比如priority=5) -ms,--use-millis (是否收集延迟时间,单位毫秒。默认是关闭的。如果生产者和消费者在不同的主机上运行,那么就将其设置成为true。) -n,--ctxsize <arg> consumer tx size -na,--nack nack messages, requeue them by default. -niot,--nio-threads <arg> number of NIO threads to use -niotp,--nio-thread-pool <arg> size of NIO thread pool, should be slightly higher than number of NIO threads -o,--output-file <arg> output file for timing results -p,--predeclared (允许使用预定义的对象) -P,--publishing-interval <arg> publishing interval in seconds (opposite of producer rate limit) -pi,--polling-interval <arg> time to wait before polling with basic.get, in millisecond, default is 0. -po,--polling use basic.get to consume messages. Do not use this in real applications. -prsd,--producer-random-start-delay <arg> max random delay in seconds to start producers -pst,--producer-scheduler-threads <arg> number of threads to use when using --publishing-interval -q,--qos <arg> (消费者预读取的数量) -Q,--global-qos <arg> channel prefetch count -qa,--queue-args <arg> 队列参数键值对,使用逗号隔开,例如x-max-length=10 -qf,--queue-file <arg> file to look up queue names from -qp,--queue-pattern <arg> (按顺序依次创建的队列名称模式) -qpf,--queue-pattern-from <arg> queue name pattern range start (inclusive) -qpt,--queue-pattern-to <arg> queue name pattern range end (inclusive) -qq,--quorum-queue create quorum queue(s) -r,--rate <arg> (生产者速度限制) -R,--consumer-rate <arg> (消费者速度限制) -re,--requeue <arg> should nacked messages be requeued, default is true. -rkcs,--routing-key-cache-size <arg> size of the random routing keys cache. See --random-routing-key. -S,--slow-start start consumers slowly (1 sec delay between each) -s,--size <arg> (消息大小,单位是字节) -sb,--skip-binding-queues don't bind queues to the exchange -se,--sasl-external use SASL EXTERNAL authentication, default is false. Set to true if using client certificate authentication with the rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl plugin. -sni,--server-name-indication <arg> server names for Server Name Indication TLS parameter, separated by commas -sst,--servers-startup-timeout <arg> start timeout in seconds (in case the servers(s) is (are) not available when the run starts). Default is to fail immediately if the servers(s) is (are) not available. -st,--shutdown-timeout <arg> shutdown timeout, default is 5 seconds -sul,--servers-up-limit <arg> number of available servers needed before starting the run. Used in conjunction with --servers-start-timeout. Default is deduced from --uri or --uris. -t,--type <arg> exchange type -T,--body-content-type <arg> (消息体内容类型) -u,--queue <arg> (队列名称) -udsc,--use-default-ssl-context use JVM default SSL context -v,--version print version information -vl,--variable-latency <arg> variable consumer processing latency with [MICROSECONDS]:[DURATION] syntax, where [MICROSECONDS] integer >= 0 and [DURATION] integer > 0. Use the option several times to specify several values. -vr,--variable-rate <arg> variable publishing rate with [RATE]:[DURATION] syntax, where [RATE] integer >= 0 and [DURATION] integer > 0. Use the option several times to specify several values. -vs,--variable-size <arg> variable message size with [SIZE]:[DURATION] syntax, where [SIZE] integer > 0 and [DURATION] integer > 0. Use the option several times to specify several values. -x,--producers <arg> (生产者数量) -X,--producer-channel-count <arg> channels per producer -y,--consumers <arg> (消费者数量) -Y,--consumer-channel-count <arg> channels per consumer -z,--time <arg> (运行时间,单位是秒(默认没有限制))
runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -x 1 -y 1 -h "amqp://admin:123456@" -u "perf-test1" -a --id "test1"
D:\rabbitmq-perf-test-2.18.0\bin>runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -x 1 -y 1 -h "amqp://admin:123456@" -u "perf-test1" -a --id "test1" id: test1, starting consumer #0 id: test1, starting consumer #0, channel #0 id: test1, starting producer #0 id: test1, starting producer #0, channel #0 id: test1, time: 138.081s, sent: 31947 msg/s, received: 31999 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1589461/1839134/1895941/1944050/1952494 ?s id: test1, time: 139.081s, sent: 33822 msg/s, received: 33104 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1467838/1550897/1577622/1604447/1655744 ?s id: test1, time: 140.081s, sent: 32971 msg/s, received: 32993 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1467385/1519428/1546238/1561932/1565299 ?s id: test1, time: 141.081s, sent: 29078 msg/s, received: 31683 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1476433/1560186/1592792/1617739/1621775 ?s id: test1, time: 142.081s, sent: 32970 msg/s, received: 31782 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1520371/1611109/1634437/1662345/1675602 ?s id: test1, time: 143.081s, sent: 32971 msg/s, received: 33580 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1480396/1558997/1582107/1601601/1613732 ?s id: test1, time: 144.081s, sent: 33499 msg/s, received: 33631 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1448887/1504363/1528815/1547203/1556099 ?s id: test1, time: 145.081s, sent: 35991 msg/s, received: 34317 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1423745/1486653/1511791/1531865/1541736 ?s id: test1, time: 146.081s, sent: 32799 msg/s, received: 34557 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1411141/1462612/1486979/1505949/1511484 ?s id: test1, time: 147.081s, sent: 34342 msg/s, received: 33651 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1417127/1483281/1502078/1523400/1533298 ?s id: test1, time: 148.081s, sent: 31599 msg/s, received: 32514 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1431218/1497915/1514489/1538726/1557954 ?s id: test1, time: 149.081s, sent: 32885 msg/s, received: 31320 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1475524/1557159/1578444/1615174/1638212 ?s id: test1, time: 150.081s, sent: 31118 msg/s, received: 31392 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 1563363/1643569/1672459/1699971/1703953 ?s test stopped (Producer thread interrupted) id: test1, sending rate avg: 34973 msg/s id: test1, receiving rate avg: 34644 msg/s 终止批处理操作吗(Y/N)? y
runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -x 1 -y 1 -h "amqp://admin:123456@" -u "perf-test1" -a --id "test1" -s 4000
D:\rabbitmq-perf-test-2.18.0\bin>runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -x 1 -y 1 -h "amqp://admin:123456@" -u "perf-test1" -a --id "test1" -s 4000 id: test1, starting consumer #0 id: test1, starting consumer #0, channel #0 id: test1, starting producer #0 id: test1, starting producer #0, channel #0 id: test1, time: 1.004s, sent: 6560 msg/s, received: 5739 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 2804/171079/184382/197525/200432 ?s id: test1, time: 2.004s, sent: 10157 msg/s, received: 10090 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 17199/77096/92523/114764/135740 ?s id: test1, time: 3.005s, sent: 11626 msg/s, received: 11479 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 24540/84468/104340/127107/136572 ?s id: test1, time: 4.005s, sent: 13232 msg/s, received: 12668 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 19636/87173/113783/153005/161371 ?s id: test1, time: 5.005s, sent: 11422 msg/s, received: 12182 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 51308/118220/131615/147402/160069 ?s id: test1, time: 6.005s, sent: 12138 msg/s, received: 11421 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 14493/91343/129409/171277/188008 ?s id: test1, time: 7.005s, sent: 10370 msg/s, received: 10827 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 71728/135410/148423/180399/194773 ?s id: test1, time: 8.005s, sent: 11390 msg/s, received: 11084 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 94059/125762/134381/147827/159826 ?s id: test1, time: 9.005s, sent: 11566 msg/s, received: 11331 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 63993/122145/141687/161723/168559 ?s id: test1, time: 10.005s, sent: 11815 msg/s, received: 12122 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 37179/121867/136183/151568/161614 ?s id: test1, time: 11.005s, sent: 11915 msg/s, received: 11776 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 86412/127634/140837/152584/158874 ?s id: test1, time: 12.005s, sent: 11943 msg/s, received: 12042 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 65459/126079/135909/152968/157344 ?s id: test1, time: 13.005s, sent: 11809 msg/s, received: 11650 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 96057/127029/135531/146032/151924 ?s id: test1, time: 14.005s, sent: 11028 msg/s, received: 11105 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 92369/133962/149412/174774/196739 ?s id: test1, time: 15.005s, sent: 12106 msg/s, received: 12186 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 86460/124701/137172/149078/157246 ?s id: test1, time: 16.005s, sent: 8703 msg/s, received: 8617 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 51196/137118/206512/276654/285505 ?s id: test1, time: 17.005s, sent: 11957 msg/s, received: 11862 msg/s, min/median/75th/95th/99th consumer latency: 90510/134180/148892/240991/298318 ?s test stopped (Producer thread interrupted) id: test1, sending rate avg: 11175 msg/s id: test1, receiving rate avg: 11121 msg/s 终止批处理操作吗(Y/N)? y
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