Docker Desktop 官方下载地址: https://hub.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-windows
简单设置一下。点击设置,点击Docker Engine。
{ "registry-mirrors": [ "https://registry.docker-cn.com", "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn", "http://hub-mirror.c.163.com", "https://cr.console.aliyun.com/", "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn" ], "insecure-registries": [], "debug": false, "experimental": false, "features": { "buildkit": true }, "builder": { "gc": { "enabled": true, "defaultKeepStorage": "20GB" } } }
docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:22.04-py3
执行命令mkdir -p /home/triton/model_repository/fc_model_pt/1。
<model-repository-path>/# 模型仓库目录 <model-name>/ # 模型名字 [config.pbtxt] # 模型配置文件 [<output-labels-file> ...] # 标签文件,可以没有 <version>/ # 该版本下的模型 <model-definition-file> <version>/ <model-definition-file> ... <model-name>/ [config.pbtxt] [<output-labels-file> ...] <version>/ <model-definition-file> <version>/ <model-definition-file> ... ...
└── hat_model # 模型名字,需要和 config.txt 中的名字对上
├── 1 # 模型版本号
│ └── model.onnx # 这个是你自己训练好保存的模型
├── config.pbtxt # 模型配置文件
├── client.py # 客户端脚本,可以不放在这里
python export.py --weights yolov5s.pt --include torchscript onnx
python onnx_infer_shape.py --input model.onnx --output new_model.onnx
python prune_onnx_model.py --model model.onnx --output_names x y --save_file new_model.onnx
python rename_onnx_model.py --model model.onnx --origin_names x y z --new_names x1 y1 z1 --save_file new_model.onnx
name: "hat_model" platform: "onnxruntime_onnx" max_batch_size : 0 input [ { name: "images" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [1,3, 640, 640 ] reshape: { shape: [1,3,640, 640] } } ] output [ { name: "output0" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [1,3,80,80,7 ] }, { name: "output1" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [1,3,40,40,7 ] }, { name: "output2" data_type: TYPE_FP32 dims: [1,3,20,20,7 ] } ]
import numpy as np import tritonclient.http as httpclient import torch from PIL import Image import cv2 import time import torchvision import random def clip_coords(boxes, img_shape): '''查看是否越界''' # Clip bounding xyxy bounding boxes to image shape (height, width) boxes[:, 0].clamp_(0, img_shape[1]) # x1 boxes[:, 1].clamp_(0, img_shape[0]) # y1 boxes[:, 2].clamp_(0, img_shape[1]) # x2 boxes[:, 3].clamp_(0, img_shape[0]) # y2 def scale_coords(img1_shape, coords, img0_shape, ratio_pad=None): ''' 坐标对应到原始图像上,反操作:减去pad,除以最小缩放比例 :param img1_shape: 输入尺寸 :param coords: 输入坐标 :param img0_shape: 映射的尺寸 :param ratio_pad: :return: ''' # Rescale coords (xyxy) from img1_shape to img0_shape if ratio_pad is None: # calculate from img0_shape gain = min(img1_shape[0] / img0_shape[0], img1_shape[1] / img0_shape[1]) # gain = old / new,计算缩放比率 pad = (img1_shape[1] - img0_shape[1] * gain) / 2, ( img1_shape[0] - img0_shape[0] * gain) / 2 # wh padding ,计算扩充的尺寸 else: gain = ratio_pad[0][0] pad = ratio_pad[1] coords[:, [0, 2]] -= pad[0] # x padding,减去x方向上的扩充 coords[:, [1, 3]] -= pad[1] # y padding,减去y方向上的扩充 coords[:, :4] /= gain # 将box坐标对应到原始图像上 clip_coords(coords, img0_shape) # 边界检查 return coords def letterbox(img, new_shape=(640, 640), color=(114, 114, 114), auto=False, scaleFill=False, scaleup=True, stride=32): '''图片归一化''' # Resize and pad image while meeting stride-multiple constraints shape = img.shape[:2] # current shape [height, width] if isinstance(new_shape, int): new_shape = (new_shape, new_shape) # Scale ratio (new / old) r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1]) if not scaleup: # only scale down, do not scale up (for better test mAP) r = min(r, 1.0) # Compute padding ratio = r, r # width, height ratios new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r)) dw, dh = new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0], new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1] # wh padding if auto: # minimum rectangle dw, dh = np.mod(dw, stride), np.mod(dh, stride) # wh padding elif scaleFill: # stretch dw, dh = 0.0, 0.0 new_unpad = (new_shape[1], new_shape[0]) ratio = new_shape[1] / shape[1], new_shape[0] / shape[0] # width, height ratios dw /= 2 # divide padding into 2 sides dh /= 2 if shape[::-1] != new_unpad: # resize img = cv2.resize(img, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) top, bottom = int(round(dh - 0.1)), int(round(dh + 0.1)) left, right = int(round(dw - 0.1)), int(round(dw + 0.1)) img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color) # add border return img, ratio, (dw, dh) def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) def xywh2xyxy(x): # Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-right y = np.copy(x) y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 # top left x y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 # top left y y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 # bottom right x y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 # bottom right y return y def nms(prediction, conf_thres=0.1, iou_thres=0.6, agnostic=False): if prediction.dtype is torch.float16: prediction = prediction.float() # to FP32 xc = prediction[..., 4] > conf_thres # candidates min_wh, max_wh = 2, 4096 # (pixels) minimum and maximum box width and height max_det = 300 # maximum number of detections per image output = [None] * prediction.shape[0] for xi, x in enumerate(prediction): # image index, image inference x = x[xc[xi]] # confidence if not x.shape[0]: continue x[:, 5:] *= x[:, 4:5] # conf = obj_conf * cls_conf box = xywh2xyxy(x[:, :4]) conf, j = x[:, 5:].max(1, keepdim=True) x = torch.cat((torch.tensor(box), conf, j.float()), 1)[conf.view(-1) > conf_thres] n = x.shape[0] # number of boxes if not n: continue c = x[:, 5:6] * (0 if agnostic else max_wh) # classes boxes, scores = x[:, :4] + c, x[:, 4] # boxes (offset by class), scores i = torchvision.ops.boxes.nms(boxes, scores, iou_thres) if i.shape[0] > max_det: # limit detections i = i[:max_det] output[xi] = x[i] return output def infer(img_path): """执行前向操作作预测输出""" # 超参数设置 img_size=(640,640) #图片缩放大小 conf_thres=0.25 #置信度阈值 iou_thres=0.45 #iou阈值 class_num=2 #类别数 stride=[8,16,32] anchor_list= [[10,13, 16,30, 33,23],[30,61, 62,45, 59,119], [116,90, 156,198, 373,326]] anchor = np.array(anchor_list).astype(np.float).reshape(3,-1,2) area = img_size[0] * img_size[1] size = [int(area / stride[0] ** 2), int(area / stride[1] ** 2), int(area / stride[2] ** 2)] feature = [[int(j / stride[i]) for j in img_size] for i in range(3)] # 读取图片 src_img=cv2.imread(img_path) src_size=src_img.shape[:2] # 图片填充并归一化 img=letterbox(src_img,img_size,stride=32)[0] # Convert img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416 img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) # 归一化 img=img.astype(dtype=np.float32) img/=255.0 # # BGR to RGB # img = img[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) # img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) # 维度扩张 img=np.expand_dims(img,axis=0) start=time.time() inputs = [] inputs.append(httpclient.InferInput('images', img.shape, "FP32")) inputs[0].set_data_from_numpy(img, binary_data=False) # 输出结果矩阵 outputs = [] outputs.append(httpclient.InferRequestedOutput('output0', binary_data=False)) # 获取 1000 维的向量 outputs.append(httpclient.InferRequestedOutput('output1', binary_data=False)) outputs.append(httpclient.InferRequestedOutput('output2', binary_data=False)) results = triton_client.infer('custom_model', inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) output_data0 = results.as_numpy('output0') output_data1 = results.as_numpy('output1') output_data2 = results.as_numpy('output2') # print(output_data0.shape) # print(output_data0) #提取出特征 y = [] y.append(torch.tensor(output_data0.reshape(-1,size[0]*3,5+class_num)).sigmoid()) y.append(torch.tensor(output_data1.reshape(-1,size[1]*3,5+class_num)).sigmoid()) y.append(torch.tensor(output_data2.reshape(-1,size[2]*3,5+class_num)).sigmoid()) grid = [] for k, f in enumerate(feature): grid.append([[i, j] for j in range(f[0]) for i in range(f[1])]) z = [] for i in range(3): src = y[i] xy = src[..., 0:2] * 2. - 0.5 wh = (src[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 dst_xy = [] dst_wh = [] for j in range(3): dst_xy.append((xy[:, j * size[i]:(j + 1) * size[i], :] + torch.tensor(grid[i])) * stride[i]) dst_wh.append(wh[:, j * size[i]:(j + 1) * size[i], :] * anchor[i][j]) src[..., 0:2] = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate((dst_xy[0], dst_xy[1], dst_xy[2]), axis=1)) src[..., 2:4] = torch.from_numpy(np.concatenate((dst_wh[0], dst_wh[1], dst_wh[2]), axis=1)) z.append(src.view(1, -1, 5+class_num)) results = torch.cat(z, 1) results = nms(results, conf_thres, iou_thres) cast=time.time()-start # print("cast time:{}".format(cast)) #映射到原始图像 img_shape=img.shape[2:] # print(img_size) for det in results: # detections per image if det is not None and len(det): det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img_shape, det[:, :4],src_size).round() if det is not None and len(det): draw(src_img, det) def plot_one_box(x, img, color=None, label=None, line_thickness=None): # Plots one bounding box on image img tl = line_thickness or round(0.002 * (img.shape[0] + img.shape[1]) / 2) + 1 # line/font thickness color = color or [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)] c1, c2 = (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), (int(x[2]), int(x[3])) cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, thickness=tl, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) if label: tf = max(tl - 1, 1) # font thickness t_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=tl / 3, thickness=tf)[0] c2 = c1[0] + t_size[0], c1[1] - t_size[1] - 3 cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) # filled cv2.putText(img, label, (c1[0], c1[1] - 2), 0, tl / 3, [225, 255, 255], thickness=tf, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) def draw(img, boxinfo): colors = [[0, 0, 255],[0,255,0]] class_id =['hat','no_hat'] for *xyxy, conf, cls in boxinfo: label = '%s %.2f' % (class_id[int(cls)], conf) # print('xyxy: ', xyxy) plot_one_box(xyxy, img, label=label, color=colors[int(cls)], line_thickness=1) cv2.namedWindow("dst",0) cv2.imshow("dst", img) cv2.imwrite("data/res1.jpg",img) cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.imencode('.jpg', img)[1].tofile(os.path.join(dst, id + ".jpg")) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': triton_client = httpclient.InferenceServerClient(url='') imgpath = './0.jpg' infer(imgpath)
启动服务的方法有两种,docker 启动并执行命令
docker run -d --name my_triton -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 --ipc=host -p8002:8002 -v /d/test_triton/hat_server:/models nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:22.04-py3 tritonserver --model-repository=/models
后续更新python backend服务端代码编写
我不会triton系列(python backend)
这种情况需要将服务端的model.py中letterbox函数的参数auto改为False,同时修改model.py中超参数img_size=(480,640) #图片缩放大小,当然模型配置文件也需要进行修改
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