In cryptography, an HMAC (sometimes expanded as either keyed-hash message authentication code or hash-based message authentication code) is a specific type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key. As with any MAC, it may be used to simultaneously verify both the data integrity and the authenticity of a message.
大致意思就是 :
密钥散列消息认证码(英语:Keyed-hash message authentication code),又称散列消息认证码(Hash-based message authentication code,缩写为HMAC),是一种通过特别计算方式之后产生的消息认证码(MAC),使用密码散列函数,同时结合一个加密密钥。它可以用来保证资料的完整性,同时可以用来作某个消息的身份验证。
ionous: HMAC vs. raw SHA-1)
okay- maybe this shouldn't have taken me quite so long to understand, but I've been a little bit confused about the differences between SHA-1 and HMAC.
HMAC employs a cryptographic hashing function (ex. SHA-1) but it wasn't clear to me why the cryptographic hashing function itself wasn't "good enough" -- why couldn't HMAC just be SHA-1.
SHA-1 generates a fixed size output of 20-bytes for an arbitrarily long message; but so does an HMAC when it uses SHA-1. So what's the difference?
Turns out the answer is actually relatively straightforward.
For sake of explanation, assume that you want to declare your undying love to someone you've been dating. You'd love to come up with a beautiful sonnet, but in the end you decide that simply saying "i love you" is enough.
You want the message to arrive intact and unaltered, but you don't care if the contents of message itself are known to the world. Knowing a little about cryptographic hashes: you generate a digest from your message using SHA-1.
That message results in: 'bb7b1901d99e8b26bb91d2debdb7d7f24b3158cf'.
On receipt of the message, your would-be-love recomputes the SHA-1 from the message, compares the computed digest to the sent digest. They match and all seems well.
A sinister rival however has other plans. They intercept your message, and replace the message with another "don't call me anymore", they then generate a brand new digest: 'e267e18f05cb6ea3b10b761bbac21a0f92bb8d0d' and replace your original digest. On receipt your love reads the message in disbelief; quickly calculating the hash to make sure the message hasn't been altered. But the hash itself has been changed so the altered hash matches altered message and chaos ensues.
Things look grim, but you explain to your would-be-love what's happened, and they decide to give you another chance. So that this doesn't happen again you decide to tell your lover from now on, whenever they get a message from you, before computing the hash prepend the text "our secret key.", and you will do the same.
This time that same message generates the digest '8a2c1bfa977478f73dbfab8508bc09360b20b569'
Simply replacing the digest doesn't work anymore. If naive attacker still attempts to use the 'e267e18f...' digest your lover would see that the key + the message doesn't compute. You don't send the key in the message itself, and no one knows your secret key so no one can generate a fake message.
There is however a problem still, and the problem is the reason for the difference between SHA-1 and HMAC.
SHA-1 uses an iterative algorithm. It generates digests by first splitting a message into blocks of 64 bytes and, one after the other, combining those blocks together to generate the 20 byte digest. But, since your message can be of any length, and since SHA by its iterative nature works by computing block after block of 64 bytes there is a problem.
Your rival trying once again to subvert your message could just tack additional data onto your message, and this time use the digest in your message as the seed to generate their own new digest of your message. They don't need your secret key because the key was already embedded the blocks that you built. They can't alter what you've written, but they can add more. Your lack of punctuation has in fact made this even easier.
By simply adding "but please don't call me anymore" and updating the digest to '725fbcbd1e94d03c2e54b01da3944c6385d17e4d' your love will think the entire message is from you even though only the first part was -- and doubly so because of the secret key.
Good bye romance.
An HMAC fixes this.
The algorithm adds one more layer: essentially it takes the hash of your key + message, prepends the key to that hash, and then re-hashes the result. I say essentially because it actually does one other thing to make things more cryptographically sound. HMAC masks your key during the first -- inner -- hash with a fixed constant. Then on the second -- outer -- hash it masks your key again with a different fixed constant. The masking operations result in a different inner and outer key value, and the entire process effectively seals your message, hides your key, and makes it impossible to tack new data on the end.
According to wikipedia no known message extension attacks have ever been found.
Good luck romance.
HMAC支持很多散列方法,比如 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512,各方法的性能上的差距不是很大,如下图:(资料来源:https://xilinx.github.io/Vitis_Libraries/security/2020.1/guide_L1/internals/hmac.html)
How much HMAC-SHA256 is slower than HMAC-SHA1?
Those sorts of crypto performance questions are quite platform specific, and so it's hard to answer definitively. In my experience, I've seen SHA-1 (and hence HMAC-SHA-1) be about 30% faster than SHA-256; Your Mileage May Vary, of course.
Of course, the obvious comeback is "how much is this performance delta important to you?". That rather depends on how fast you're adding/checking integrity tags.
但是Hmacsha1在安全上就有些捉襟见肘了,作为加密基本的sha1算法目前已日渐乏力(There is a known weakness to SHA1 that allows someone to compute a collision in less time than expected:SHA1有一个已知的弱点,可以让人们在比预期更短的时间内计算出碰撞。摘自 hash - HMAC-SHA1 vs HMAC-SHA256 - Cryptography Stack Exchange),尽管Hmacsha1目前仍然是安全的,但是谁也说不准将来Hmacsha1会一直保持在现如今的抗暴力破解水平。
速度上来说:在 64 位机器上,SHA-512 比 SHA-256 更快(因为它们在内部使用 64 位算法);
在 8、16 和 32 位机器上,SHA-256 比 SHA-512 更快。
从安全性上来说,sha512要比sha256相对而言安全度要更高,但是即使是 SHA-256 也有相当大的安全余量。
- // 声明签名秘钥和签名体
- let key = "dGhpcyBpcyBhIGtleQ=="
- let data = "this is a demo"
- // 使用HmacSha512签名 js
- var crypto = require("crypto");
- var hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha512", key);
- var signed = hmac.update(Buffer.from(data, 'utf-8')).digest("base64")
- console.log(signed)
- import (
- "crypto/hmac"
- "crypto/sha512"
- "encoding/base64"
- )
- /**
- * HmacSha512签名
- * message:签名内容
- * secret 签名秘钥
- * import "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha512"
- */
- func ComputeHmacSha512(message string, secret string) string {
- key := []byte(secret)
- h := hmac.New(sha512.New, key)
- h.Write([]byte(message))
- return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(h.Sum(nil)))
- }

ret := ComputeHmacSha512("this is a demo", "dGhpcyBpcyBhIGtleQ==")
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC 维基百科Hmac,虽然也有中文站,但是英文站的资料要全面的多
hash - HMAC-SHA1 vs HMAC-SHA256 - Cryptography Stack Exchange 讨论Hmacsha1和Hmacsha256 孰优孰劣的帖
c# - Difference between HMACSHA256 and HMACSHA512 - Stack Overflow 讨论HMACSHA256 和 HMACSHA512 的区别的帖
ionous: HMAC vs. raw SHA-1 通俗的讲解Hmac
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