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bloom filter 基本概念

由布隆(Burton Howard Bloom)在1970年提出的。它实际上是由一个很长的二进制向量和一系列随机映射函数组成,布隆过滤器可以用于检索一个元素是否在一个集合中。它的优点是空间效率和查询时间都远远超过一般的算法,缺点是有一定的误识别率(假正例False positives,即Bloom Filter报告某一元素存在于某集合中,但是实际上该元素并不在集合中)和删除困难,但是没有识别错误的情形(即假反例False negatives,如果某个元素确实没有在该集合中,那么Bloom Filter 是不会报告该元素存在于集合中的,所以不会漏报)。

如果想判断一个元素是不是在一个集合里,一般想到的是将所有元素保存起来,然后通过比较确定。链表,树等等数据结构都是这种思路. 但是随着集合中元素的增加,我们需要的存储空间越来越大,检索速度也越来越慢。不过世界上还有一种叫作散列表(又叫哈希表,Hash table)的数据结构。它可以通过一个Hash函数将一个元素映射成一个位阵列(Bit Array)中的一个点。这样一来,我们只要看看这个点是不是 1 就知道可以集合中有没有它了。这就是布隆过滤器的基本思想。

Hash面临的问题就是冲突。假设 Hash 函数是良好的,如果我们的位阵列长度为 m 个点,那么如果我们想将冲突率降低到例如 1%, 这个散列表就只能容纳 m/100 个元素。显然这就不叫空间有效了(Space-efficient)。解决方法也简单,就是使用多个 Hash,如果它们有一个说元素不在集合中,那肯定就不在。如果它们都说在,虽然也有一定可能性它们在说谎,不过直觉上判断这种事情的概率是比较低的。

相比于其它的数据结构,布隆过滤器在空间和时间方面都有巨大的优势。布隆过滤器存储空间和插入/查询时间都是常数。另外, Hash 函数相互之间没有关系,方便由硬件并行实现。布隆过滤器不需要存储元素本身,在某些对保密要求非常严格的场合有优势。


但是布隆过滤器的缺点和优点一样明显。误算率(False Positive)是其中之一。随着存入的元素数量增加,误算率随之增加。但是如果元素数量太少,则使用散列表足矣。

另外,一般情况下不能从布隆过滤器中删除元素. 我们很容易想到把位列阵变成整数数组,每插入一个元素相应的计数器加1, 这样删除元素时将计数器减掉就可以了。然而要保证安全的删除元素并非如此简单。首先我们必须保证删除的元素的确在布隆过滤器里面. 这一点单凭这个过滤器是无法保证的。另外计数器回绕也会造成问题。

在很多Key-Value系统中也使用了布隆过滤器来加快查询过程,如 Hbase,Accumulo,Leveldb,一般而言,Value 保存在磁盘中,访问磁盘需要花费大量时间,然而使用布隆过滤器可以快速判断某个Key对应的Value是否存在,因此可以避免很多不必要的磁盘IO操作,只是引入布隆过滤器会带来一定的内存消耗。

假正例(False Positives)

即Bloom Filter报告某一元素存在于某集合中,但是实际上该元素并不在集合中。所以当布隆过滤器报告元素存在的时候(bloomfilter_check 返回1),元素只是大概率存在,但不是一定存在。

假反例False Negatives

如果某个元素确实没有在该集合中,那么Bloom Filter 是不会报告该元素存在于集合中的,所以不会漏报。当布隆过滤器报告元素不存在的时候(bloomfilter_check 返回0),元素一定不存在。



 *  Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Jyri J. Virkki
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  This file is under BSD license. See LICENSE file.

 * @filename   bloomfilter.h
 *  bloom filter for Linux and Windows.
 * @refer
 *   https://github.com/shadowsocks/libbloom
 * @author     Jyri J. Virkki, Liang Zhang <350137278@qq.com>
 * @version    0.0.1
 * @create     2019-10-22
 * @update     2019-10-22 12:12:33
 * Sample Usage
 * ------------------------------------
     #include "bloomfilter.h"

     struct bloomfilter_t bloom = { 0 };
     bloomfilter_init(&bloom, 1000000, 0.01);

     for (i = 0; i < 200000; i++) {
         buflen = snprintf_chkd_V1(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "number:%d", i);

         bloomfilter_add(&bloom, buffer, buflen);


     i += 5;

     while (i-- > 200000-10) {
        buflen = snprintf_chkd_V1(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "number:%d", i--);
        if (bloomfilter_check(&bloom, buffer, buflen)) {
            printf("It may be there! '%s'\n", buffer);
        } else {
            printf("It must not exist! '%s'\n", buffer);

 * ------------------------------------

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

// #include <unistd.h>

#define BLOOMFILTER_VERSION    "1.0.0"

 * Structure to keep track of one bloom filter.  Caller needs to
 * allocate this and pass it to the functions below. First call for
 * every struct must be to bloom_init().
struct bloomfilter_t
    // These fields are part of the public interface of this structure.
    // Client code may read these values if desired. Client code MUST NOT
    // modify any of these.
    int entries;
    double error;
    int bits;
    int bytes;
    int hashes;

    // Fields below are private to the implementation. These may go away or
    // change incompatibly at any moment. Client code MUST NOT access or rely
    // on these.
    double bpe;
    unsigned char * bf;
    int ready;

 * MurmurHash2.c is taken from
 *  http://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/
 * According to the above document:
 *  All code is released to the public domain. For business purposes,
 *  Murmurhash is under the MIT license.
 * MurmurHash2, by Austin Appleby
 * Note - This code makes a few assumptions about how your machine behaves -
 *  1. We can read a 4-byte value from any address without crashing
 *  2. sizeof(int) == 4
 * And it has a few limitations -
 *  1. It will not work incrementally.
 *  2. It will not produce the same results on little-endian and big-endian machines.
static unsigned int murmurhash2 (const void * key, int len, const unsigned int seed)
	// 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.
	// They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well.

	const unsigned int m = 0x5bd1e995;
	const int r = 24;

	// Initialize the hash to a 'random' value

	unsigned int h = seed ^ len;

	// Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash

	const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)key;

	while (len >= 4) {
		unsigned int k = *(unsigned int *)data;

		k *= m;
		k ^= k >> r;
		k *= m;

		h *= m;
		h ^= k;

		data += 4;
		len -= 4;

	// Handle the last few bytes of the input array

	switch (len) {
	case 3:
        h ^= data[2] << 16;
	case 2:
        h ^= data[1] << 8;
	case 1:
        h ^= data[0];
	    h *= m;

	// Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few
	// bytes are well-incorporated.

	h ^= h >> 13;
	h *= m;
	h ^= h >> 15;

	return h;

static int bloom_test_bit_set_bit (unsigned char * buf, unsigned int x, int set_bit)
    unsigned int byte = x >> 3;

    // expensive memory access
    unsigned char c = buf[byte];

    unsigned int mask = 1 << (x % 8);

    if (c & mask) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        if (set_bit) {
            buf[byte] = c | mask;
        return 0;

static int bloom_check_add (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom, const void * buffer, int len, int add)
    if (bloom->ready == 0) {
        printf("bloom at %p not initialized!\n", (void *)bloom);
        return -1;

    int hits = 0;
    register unsigned int a = murmurhash2(buffer, len, 0x9747b28c);
    register unsigned int b = murmurhash2(buffer, len, a);
    register unsigned int x;
    register unsigned int i;

    for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) bloom->hashes; i++) {
        x = (a + i*b) % bloom->bits;
        if (bloom_test_bit_set_bit(bloom->bf, x, add)) {

    if (hits == bloom->hashes) {
        // 1 == element already in (or collision)
        return 1;

    return 0;

 * Initialize the bloom filter for use.
 * The filter is initialized with a bit field and number of hash functions
 * according to the computations from the wikipedia entry:
 *     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter
 * Optimal number of bits is:
 *     bits = (entries * ln(error)) / ln(2)^2
 * Optimal number of hash functions is:
 *     hashes = bpe * ln(2)
 * Parameters:
 * -----------
 *     bloom   - Pointer to an allocated struct bloomfilter_t (see above).
 *     entries - The expected number of entries which will be inserted.
 *     error   - Probability of collision (as long as entries are not
 *               exceeded).
 * Return:
 * -------
 *     0 - on success
 *     1 - on failure
static int bloomfilter_init (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom, int entries, double error)
    bloom->ready = 0;

    if (entries < 1 || error == 0) {
        return 1;

    bloom->entries = entries;
    bloom->error = error;

    double num = log(bloom->error);
    double denom = 0.480453013918201; // ln(2)^2
    bloom->bpe = -(num / denom);

    double dentries = (double)entries;
    bloom->bits = (int)(dentries * bloom->bpe);

    if (bloom->bits % 8) {
        bloom->bytes = (bloom->bits / 8) + 1;
    } else {
        bloom->bytes = bloom->bits / 8;

    bloom->hashes = (int)ceil(0.693147180559945 * bloom->bpe);  // ln(2)

    bloom->bf = (unsigned char *)calloc(bloom->bytes, sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (bloom->bf == NULL) {
        return 1;

    bloom->ready = 1;
    return 0;

 * Check if the given element is in the bloom filter. Remember this may
 * return false positive if a collision occured.
 * Parameters:
 * -----------
 *     bloom  - Pointer to an allocated struct bloomfilter_t (see above).
 *     buffer - Pointer to buffer containing element to check.
 *     len    - Size of 'buffer'.
 * Return:
 * -------
 *     0 - element is not present
 *     1 - element is present (or false positive due to collision)
 *    -1 - bloom not initialized
static int bloomfilter_check (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom, const void * buffer, int len)
    return bloom_check_add(bloom, buffer, len, 0);

 * Add the given element to the bloom filter.
 * The return code indicates if the element (or a collision) was already in,
 * so for the common check+add use case, no need to call check separately.
 * Parameters:
 * -----------
 *     bloom  - Pointer to an allocated struct bloomfilter_t (see above).
 *     buffer - Pointer to buffer containing element to add.
 *     len    - Size of 'buffer'.
 * Return:
 * -------
 *     0 - element was not present and was added
 *     1 - element (or a collision) had already been added previously
 *    -1 - bloom not initialized
static int bloomfilter_add (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom, const void * buffer, int len)
    return bloom_check_add(bloom, buffer, len, 1);

 * Print (to stdout) info about this bloom filter. Debugging aid.
static void bloomfilter_print (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom)
    printf("bloom at %p\n", (void *) bloom);
    printf(" .entries = %d\n", bloom->entries);
    printf(" .error = %f\n", bloom->error);
    printf(" .bits = %d\n", bloom->bits);
    printf(" .bits-per-elem = %f\n", bloom->bpe);
    printf(" .bytes = %d\n", bloom->bytes);
    printf(" .hash-functions = %d\n", bloom->hashes);

 * Deallocate internal storage.
 * Upon return, the bloom struct is no longer usable. You may call bloom_init
 * again on the same struct to reinitialize it again.
 * Parameters:
 * -----------
 *     bloom  - Pointer to an allocated struct bloom (see above).
 * Return: none
static void bloomfilter_free (struct bloomfilter_t * bloom)
    if (bloom->ready) {
    bloom->ready = 0;

 * Returns version string compiled into library.
 * Return: version string
static const char * bloomfilter_version (void)

#ifdef __cplusplus


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