Y= X*A
import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import savgol_filter import random def savgol(data: list, window_size: int, rank: int): m = int((window_size - 1) / 2) odata = data[:] # 处理边缘数据,首尾增加m个首尾项 for i in range(m): odata.insert(0, odata[0]) odata.insert(len(odata), odata[len(odata)-1]) # 创建X矩阵 x = create_x(m, rank) # 计算加权系数矩阵B b = (x * (x.T * x).I) * x.T a0 = b[m] a0 = a0.T # 计算平滑修正后的值 ndata = [] for i in range(len(data)): y = [odata[i + j] for j in range(window_size)] y1 = np.mat(y) * a0 y1 = float(y1) ndata.append(y1) return ndata def create_x(size, rank): x = [] for i in range(2 * size + 1): m = i - size row = [m**j for j in range(rank)] x.append(row) x = np.mat(x) return x if __name__=='__main__': n_size = 500 # generate orin data orin = [2*math.sin(i/20) for i in range(n_size)] # generate noise noise = np.random.normal(0,0.2,n_size) # generate data data = orin + noise # method1 use the Scipy Library Functions newans1 = savgol_filter(data, 5, 3, mode= 'nearest') # method2 use the Written Functions newans2 = savgol(list(data), 5, 3) # method3 use the coefficient a_coff = 1/35 * np.array( [-3, 12, 17, 12 ,-3]) newans3 = np.convolve(data, a_coff , mode='valid') newans3 = np.insert(newans3, 0, [0,0]) # Add two data at the beginning # plot filter1 filter2 filter3 # the result is the same plt.plot(orin, label = "orin") plt.plot(data, label = "noise") plt.plot(newans1, label = "filter1") # plt.plot(newans2, label = "filter2",linestyle="--") plt.plot(newans3, label = "filter3",linestyle="--") plt.legend() plt.show()
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