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mongoDB geohash index - use prefix base 2bit spilted 2D

geo values must be 'legacy coordinate pairs' for 2d indexes
使用2个比特位, 表示一个坐标的4个象限(例如00, 01, 10, 11). 一个2维坐标会落在其中的一个象限, 对这个象限继续划分成4个象限, 这个坐标又会落在一个象限, 继续分割提高精度. 
相近的两个2D点, 应该会有很多prefix重叠部分, prefix重叠越多, 越相近.


Calculation of Geohash Values for 2d Indexes

When you create a geospatial index on legacy coordinate pairs, MongoDB computes geohash values for the coordinate pairs within the specified location range and then indexes the geohash values.

To calculate a geohash value, recursively divide a two-dimensional map into quadrants. Then assign each quadrant a two-bit value. For example, a two-bit representation of four quadrants would be:

01  11

00  10

These two-bit values (00, 01, 10, and 11) represent each of the quadrants and all points within each quadrant. For a geohash with two bits of resolution, all points in the bottom left quadrant would have a geohash of 00. The top left quadrant would have the geohash of 01. The bottom right and top right would have a geohash of 10 and 11, respectively.

To provide additional precision, continue dividing each quadrant into sub-quadrants. Each sub-quadrant would have the geohash value of the containing quadrant concatenated with the value of the sub-quadrant. The geohash for the upper-right quadrant is 11, and the geohash for the sub-quadrants would be (clockwise from the top left): 1101, 1111, 1110, and 1100, respectively.

