Mann-Kendall 趋势定义为所有正的符号之和。如果后一天的积雪大于前一天的积雪,则符号为 1,如果相反,则符号为 -1,否则为零。通过迭代集合中的每个图像。
- var modis = ee.ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MOD10A1")
- .filterDate('2020-1-1', '2020-1-25')
- .filterBounds(roi)
- .select('NDSI_Snow_Cover')
- .map(function(image){
- var imgsub = image;
- return image.clip(roi)
- });
- print(modis);
- function setSnowCover(image) {
- var snowCover = image.select('NDSI_Snow_Cover');
- var snowDays = snowCover.neq(0).rename('Snow_Days');
- return image.addBands(snowDays);
- }
- var snowDays = modis.map(setSnowCover);
- print(snowDays);
- // var snowDaysSum = snowDays.select('Snow_Days').sum().clip(region);
- var snowDaysSum = snowDays.select('Snow_Days').sum().clip(roi).toInt();
- print(snowDaysSum);
- // Map.addLayer(snowDaysSum, {min: 0, max: 30, palette: ['00FF00', 'FF0000']}, 'Snow Days Sum');
- Map.centerObject(roi, 6);
- var afterFilter = ee.Filter.lessThan({
- leftField: 'system:time_start',
- rightField: 'system:time_start'
- });
- var joined = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Join.saveAll('after').apply({
- primary: modis,
- secondary: modis,
- condition: afterFilter
- })).aside(print);
- var sign = function(i, j) { // i and j are images
- return ee.Image(j).neq(i) // Zero case
- .multiply(ee.Image(j).subtract(i).clamp(-1, 1)).int();
- };
- var kendall = ee.ImageCollection(joined.map(function(current) {
- var afterCollection = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(current.get('after'));
- return afterCollection.map(function(image) {
- // The unmask is to prevent accumulation of masked pixels that
- // result from the undefined case of when either current or image
- // is masked. It won't affect the sum, since it's unmasked to zero.
- return ee.Image(sign(current, image));
- });
- // Set parallelScale to avoid User memory limit exceeded.
- }).flatten()).sum();
- print(kendall);
- var palette = ['red', 'yellow', 'green'];
- // 归一化Kendall系数到-1到1的范围
- var normalizedKendall = kendall.divide(100);
- Map.addLayer(normalizedKendall, {min: -1, max: 1, palette: palette}, 'Normalized Kendall Trend');
- Export.image.toDrive({
- image: kendall,
- folder: 'MK_export',
- scale: 500,
- region: roi,
- maxPixels: 1e13
- });

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