题1:Counter with period 1000
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset,
output [9:0] q);
always@(posedge clk)begin
q<=(q==10'd999)? 10'd0 : q+1'd1;
题2:4-bit shift register and down counter
module top_module (
input clk,
input shift_ena,
input count_ena,
input data,
output [3:0] q);
always@(posedge clk)begin
2'b10: q<={q[2:0],data};
2'b01: q<=q-1'd1;
题3:FSM: Sequence 1101 recognizer
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output start_shifting); reg [2:0]state,next_state; parameter s0=3'd0,s1=3'd1,s2=3'd2,s3=3'd3,s4=3'd4; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin state<=s0; end else begin state<=next_state; end end always@(*)begin case(state) s0:next_state=(data==1)? s1 : s0; s1:next_state=(data==1)? s2 : s0; s2:next_state=(data==1)? s2 : s3; s3:next_state=(data==1)? s4 : s0; s4:next_state=s4; endcase end assign start_shifting=(state==s4); endmodule
题4:FSM: Enable shift register
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset, // Synchronous reset
output shift_ena);
reg [2:0]count;
always@(posedge clk)begin
else begin
count<=(count==3'd4)? 3'd4 : count+1'd1;
assign shift_ena=(count!=3'd4);
题5:FSM: The complete FSM
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output shift_ena, output counting, input done_counting, output done, input ack ); parameter ini=0,s0=1,s1=2,s2=3,s3=4; reg [2:0]state,next_state; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin state<=ini; end else begin state<=next_state; end end always@(*)begin case(state) ini:next_state=(data)? s0 : ini; s0: next_state=(data)? s1 : ini; s1: next_state=(data)? s1 : s2; s2: next_state=(data)? s3 : ini; s3: next_state=(done && ack)? ini: s3; endcase end reg [2:0]ena_c; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset | (done && ack))begin ena_c<=3'd0; end else begin if(next_state==s3)begin ena_c<=(ena_c==3'd7)?3'd7 : ena_c+1'd1; end else begin ena_c<=3'd0; end end end assign shift_ena=(ena_c>3'd0 && ena_c<3'd5); reg [2:0]s_counting,sn_counting; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin s_counting<=ini; end else begin s_counting<=sn_counting; end end always@(*)begin case(s_counting) ini:sn_counting=(ena_c>=3'd4)? s0 :ini; s0: sn_counting=(done_counting)?s1:s0; s1: sn_counting=(ack)? ini : s1; endcase end assign counting=(s_counting==s0); reg [2:0]s_done,sn_done; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin s_done<=ini; end else begin s_done<=sn_done; end end always@(*)begin case(s_done) ini:sn_done=(counting && done_counting)? s0 : ini; s0: sn_done=(ack)? ini : s0; endcase end assign done=(s_done==s0); endmodule
题6:The complete timer
module top_module ( input clk, input reset, // Synchronous reset input data, output [3:0] count, output counting, output done, input ack ); parameter ini=0,s0=1,s1=2,s2=3,s3=4; reg [2:0]state,next_state; always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset)begin state<=ini; end else begin state<=next_state; end end always@(*)begin case(state) ini: next_state=(data)? s0 : ini; s0: next_state=(data)? s1 : ini; s1: next_state=(data)? s1 : s2; s2: next_state=(data)? s3 : ini; s3: next_state=(done && ack)? ini : s3; endcase end reg [13:0]c; always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset)begin c<=14'd0; end else begin if(next_state==s3)begin c<=c+1'd1; end else begin c<=14'd0; end end end reg [3:0]delay; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin delay<=4'd0; end else begin if(c>14'd0 && c<=14'd4)begin delay={delay[2:0],data}; end else begin if(done && ack)begin delay=4'd0; end else begin delay=delay; end end end end wire [13:0]numcounting; assign numcounting=(c>14'd4)?(delay+1'd1)*10'd1000 : 14'd0; reg [2:0]s_counting,sn_counting; always@(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin s_counting<=ini; end else begin s_counting<=sn_counting; end end always@(*)begin case(s_counting) ini: sn_counting=(c>=14'd4 && c<=(numcounting+14'd4))? s0 : ini; s0: sn_counting=(c>=(numcounting+14'd4))? s1 : s0; s1: sn_counting=(done && ack)? ini : s1; endcase end assign counting=(s_counting==s0); always @(*) begin if(c>=14'd4 && c<=14'd15004)begin if(14'd4<=c && c<=14'd1004)begin count=delay; end else if(c<=14'd2004)begin count=delay-4'd1; end else if(c<=14'd3004)begin count=delay-4'd2; end else if(c<=14'd4004)begin count=delay-4'd3; end else if(c<=14'd5004)begin count=delay-4'd4; end else if(c<=14'd6004)begin count=delay-4'd5; end else if(c<=14'd7004)begin count=delay-4'd6; end else if(c<=14'd8004)begin count=delay-4'd7; end else if(c<=14'd9004)begin count=delay-4'd8; end else if(c<=14'd10004)begin count=delay-4'd9; end else if(c<=14'd11004)begin count=delay-4'd10; end else if(c<=14'd12004)begin count=delay-4'd11; end else if(c<=14'd13004)begin count=delay-4'd12; end else if(c<=14'd14004)begin count=delay-4'd13; end else begin count=delay-4'd14; end end else begin count=4'd0; end end reg [2:0]s_done,sn_done; always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset)begin s_done<=ini; end else begin s_done<=sn_done; end end always @(*) begin case(s_done) ini: sn_done<=(c>14'd4 && c>=(numcounting+14'd4))? s0 : ini; s0 : sn_done<=(ack)? ini : s0; endcase end assign done=(s_done==s0); endmodule
题7:FSM: One-hot logic equations
module top_module( input d, input done_counting, input ack, input [9:0] state, // 10-bit one-hot current state output B3_next, output S_next, output S1_next, output Count_next, output Wait_next, output done, output counting, output shift_ena ); // // You may use these parameters to access state bits using e.g., state[B2] instead of state[6]. parameter S=0, S1=1, S11=2, S110=3, B0=4, B1=5, B2=6, B3=7, Count=8, Wait=9; // assign B3_next = ...; // assign S_next = ...; // etc. assign B3_next=state[B2]; assign S_next=(~d & state[S]) | (~d & state[S1]) | (~d & state[S110]) | (ack & state[Wait]); assign S1_next=d & state[S]; assign Count_next=state[B3] | (state[Count] & !done_counting ); assign Wait_next=(done_counting & state[Count]) | (~ack & state[Wait]); assign done=state[Wait]; assign counting=state[Count]; assign shift_ena=state[B0] | state[B1] | state[B2] | state[B3]; endmodule
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