--查询数据库中所有的数据库名 select * from sys.sysdatabases --查询某个数据库中所有的表名 select name from sys.sysobjects where xtype='U' --统计整个数据库的用户表总数 select count(1) from sys.sysobjects where xtype='U' --统计整个数数据库用户表的数据行数 select a.name,b.rows from sys.sysobjects as a inner join sys.sysindexes as b on a.id=b.id where a.xtype='U' and b.indid in(0,1) order by b.rows desc ---查询所有的表以及空间占用量情况 select OBJECT_NAME(id) tablename ,8*reserved/1024 reserved, RTRIM(8*dpages)/1024 as 'used(M)' ,8*(reserved-dpages)/1024 unused ,8*dpages/1024-rows/1024*minlen/1024 free from sys.sysindexes where indid in(0,1) order by reserved desc ---数据行数+空间占用语句 select a.name,b.rows ,OBJECT_NAME(b.id) tablename ,8*b.reserved/1024 reserved, RTRIM(8*b.dpages)/1024 as 'used(M)' ,8*(b.reserved-b.dpages)/1024 unused ,8*b.dpages/1024-rows/1024*b.minlen/1024 free from sys.sysobjects as a inner join sys.sysindexes as b on a.id=b.id where xtype='U' and b.indid in(0,1) order by b.rows desc ---查询数据文件大小M select *,convert(float,size)*(8192/1024)/1024 from dbo.sysfiles ---查看当前数据库磁盘使用情况 EXEC sp_spaceused
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