还是大学时 做的东东 。。。好久远的感觉 excel 读取wincc OPC DA server
废话不多说 上图 上代码
excel 中加入脚本代码
- Option Explicit
- Option Base 1
- Dim WithEvents MyOPCServer As OpcServer
- Dim WithEvents MyOPCGroup As OPCGroup
- Dim MyOPCGroupColl As OPCGroups
- Dim MyOPCItemColl As OPCItems
- Dim MyOPCItems As OPCItems
- Dim MyOPCItem As OPCItem
- Dim plcVal() As Variant
- Dim ClientHandles(2) As Long
- Dim ServerHandles() As Long
- Dim Values(2) As Variant
- Dim Errors() As Long
- Dim ItemIDs(2) As String
- Dim GroupName As String
- Dim NodeName As String
- Dim ServerName As String
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Sub StartClient()
- ' Purpose: Connect to OPC_server, create group and add item
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sub StartClient()
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- '----------- We freely can choose a ClientHandle and GroupName
- ClientHandles(1) = 1
- ClientHandles(2) = 2
- GroupName = "MyGroup"
- '----------- Get the ItemID from cell "A1"
- NodeName = Range("A1").Value
- ServerName = "OPCServer.WinCC" 'Range("B1").Value
- ItemIDs(1) = Range("A3").Value
- ItemIDs(2) = Range("A4").Value '增加tag2
- '----------- Get an instance of the OPC server
- Set MyOPCServer = New OpcServer
- MyOPCServer.Connect ServerName, NodeName
- Set MyOPCGroupColl = MyOPCServer.OPCGroups
- '----------- Set the default active state for adding groups
- MyOPCGroupColl.DefaultGroupIsActive = True
- '----------- Add our group to the Collection
- Set MyOPCGroup = MyOPCGroupColl.Add(GroupName)
- Set MyOPCItemColl = MyOPCGroup.OPCItems
- '----------- Add one item, ServerHandles are returned
- MyOPCItemColl.AddItems 2, ItemIDs, ClientHandles, ServerHandles, Errors
- '----------- A group that is subscribed receives asynchronous notifications
- MyOPCGroup.IsSubscribed = True
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR"
- Err.Clear
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Sub StopClient()
- ' Purpose: Release the objects and disconnect from the server
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sub StopClient()
- '----------- Release the Group and Server objects
- On Error Resume Next
- MyOPCGroupColl.RemoveAll
- '----------- Disconnect from the server and clean up
- MyOPCServer.Disconnect
- Set MyOPCItemColl = Nothing
- Set MyOPCGroup = Nothing
- Set MyOPCGroupColl = Nothing
- Set MyOPCServer = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- End Sub
- Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange()
- ' Purpose: This event is fired when a value, quality or timestamp in our Group has changed
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- '----------- If OPC-DA Automation 2.1 is installed, use:
- Private Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange(ByVal TransactionID As Long, ByVal NumItems As Long, ClientHandles() As Long, ItemValues() As Variant, Qualities() As Long, TimeStamps() As Date)
- '----------- Set the spreadsheet cell values to the values read
- If NumItems = 1 Then
- Select Case ClientHandles(1)
- Case 1
- Range("B3").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))
- Range("C3").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))
- Range("D3").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))
- Case 2
- Range("B4").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))
- Range("C4").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))
- Range("D4").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))
- Case Else
- End Select
- Else
- Range("B3").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))
- Range("C3").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))
- Range("D3").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))
- Range("B4").Value = CStr(ItemValues(2))
- Range("C4").Value = Hex(Qualities(2))
- Range("D4").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(2))
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyOPCServer_ServerShutDown(ByVal Reason As String)
- End Sub
- Private Sub StartOPC_Click()
- StartClient
- End Sub
- Private Sub StopOPC_Click()
- StopClient
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Sub worksheet_change()
- ' Purpose: This event is fired when our worksheet changes, so we can write a new value
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal Selection As Range)
- '----------- Only if cell "B3" changes, write this value
- 'If Selection <> Range("B2") Then Exit Sub
- 'Values(1) = Selection.Cells.Value
- '----------- Write the new value in synchronous mode
- Values(1) = Range("B3")
- Values(2) = Range("B4")
- MyOPCGroup.SyncWrite 2, ServerHandles, Values, Errors
- End Sub
- Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
- Values(1) = Target
- End Sub
这样就可以把OPC DA server 中的数据读取出来 并按照自己格式 制作生产数据报表了
excel 文件 qq:553016857
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