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Openai+Deeplearning.AI: ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(六)_response = openai.chatcompletion.create( model=mod

response = openai.chatcompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, tem

想和大家分享一下最近学习的Deeplearning.AI和openai联合打造ChatGPT Prompt Engineering在线课程.以下是我写的关于该课程的前五篇博客:

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(一)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(二)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(三)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(四)
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering(五)



  1. import openai
  2. openai.api_key ='YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY'
  1. def get_completion(prompt, model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):
  2. messages = [{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
  3. response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
  4. model=model,
  5. messages=messages,
  6. temperature=0,
  7. )
  8. return response.choices[0].message["content"]
  9. def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0):
  10. response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
  11. model=model,
  12. messages=messages,
  13. temperature=temperature,
  14. )
  15. return response.choices[0].message["content"]


“gpt-3.5-turbo”模型与之前的“text-davinci-003”相比在和用户对话的数据结构上有所差异,“gpt-3.5-turbo”模型给对话的双方增加了角色(role), 这里角色会分成3种: system、user、assistant。system和assistant都是ChatGPT自身的角色,user是用户的角色,其中system是ChatGPT的初始角色,用来告知ChatGPT在接下来和用户对话的过程中将扮演什么样的角色,一般我们会这样来定义system角色:“你是一位XXXX,”(如,你是一位律师,你是一位老师,你是一个程序员。。。),assistant和user角色用来保存聊天机器人和用户之间的对话内容。一般情况下为了让ChatGPT能记住对话过程中的上下文,我们会把部分或者全部的对话内容保存在对话的结构体(messages)中,这样ChatGPT就有了记忆上下文的能力。下面我们看一下模拟的ChatGPT的对话结构体:

  1. messages = [
  2. {'role':'system', 'content':'You are an assistant that speaks like Shakespeare.'},
  3. {'role':'user', 'content':'tell me a joke'},
  4. {'role':'assistant', 'content':'Why did the chicken cross the road'},
  5. {'role':'user', 'content':'I don\'t know'} ]
  6. response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, temperature=1)
  7. print(response)

  1. messages = [
  2. {'role':'system', 'content':'You are friendly chatbot.'},
  3. {'role':'user', 'content':'Hi, my name is Isa'} ]
  4. response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, temperature=1)
  5. print(response)


  1. messages = [
  2. {'role':'system', 'content':'You are friendly chatbot.'},
  3. {'role':'user', 'content':'Yes, can you remind me, What is my name?'}]
  4. response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, temperature=1)
  5. print(response)


  1. messages = [
  2. {'role':'system', 'content':'You are friendly chatbot.'},
  3. {'role':'user', 'content':'Hi, my name is Isa'},
  4. {'role':'assistant', 'content': "Hi Isa! It's nice to meet you. \
  5. Is there anything I can help you with today?"},
  6. {'role':'user', 'content':'Yes, you can remind me, What is my name?'} ]
  7. response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, temperature=1)
  8. print(response)

这里我们调用了get_completion_from_messages函数,并传递了对话结构体messages和temperature参数,同时我们将temperature置位1,这告诉ChatGPT可以产生随机性的结果。因此如果我们执行多次get_completion_from_messages函数那么ChatGPT可能会每次产生多种不同的结果的回复。同时我们注意到在最后一次的对话中ChatGPT能记住用户的名字叫Isa, 这是因为在最后一次的messages中存储了用户和ChatGPT的多伦对话,其中也包含了用户的名字,所以最后ChatGPT能记住用户的名字叫 Isa, 而之前的对话ChatGPT无法记住用户的名字,这是因为之前的messages中没有记录用户的名字。



  1. def collect_messages(_):
  2. prompt = inp.value_input
  3. inp.value = ''
  4. context.append({'role':'user', 'content':f"{prompt}"})
  5. response = get_completion_from_messages(context)
  6. context.append({'role':'assistant', 'content':f"{response}"})
  7. panels.append(
  8. pn.Row('User:', pn.pane.Markdown(prompt, width=600)))
  9. panels.append(
  10. pn.Row('Assistant:', pn.pane.Markdown(response, width=600, style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'})))
  11. return pn.Column(*panels)
  1. import panel as pn # GUI
  2. pn.extension()
  3. panels = [] # collect display
  4. context = [ {'role':'system', 'content':"""
  5. You are OrderBot, an automated service to collect orders for a pizza restaurant. \
  6. You first greet the customer, then collects the order, \
  7. and then asks if it's a pickup or delivery. \
  8. You wait to collect the entire order, then summarize it and check for a final \
  9. time if the customer wants to add anything else. \
  10. If it's a delivery, you ask for an address. \
  11. Finally you collect the payment.\
  12. Make sure to clarify all options, extras and sizes to uniquely \
  13. identify the item from the menu.\
  14. You respond in a short, very conversational friendly style. \
  15. The menu includes \
  16. pepperoni pizza 12.95, 10.00, 7.00 \
  17. cheese pizza 10.95, 9.25, 6.50 \
  18. eggplant pizza 11.95, 9.75, 6.75 \
  19. fries 4.50, 3.50 \
  20. greek salad 7.25 \
  21. Toppings: \
  22. extra cheese 2.00, \
  23. mushrooms 1.50 \
  24. sausage 3.00 \
  25. canadian bacon 3.50 \
  26. AI sauce 1.50 \
  27. peppers 1.00 \
  28. Drinks: \
  29. coke 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  30. sprite 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  31. bottled water 5.00 \
  32. """} ] # accumulate messages
  33. inp = pn.widgets.TextInput(value="Hi", placeholder='Enter text here…')
  34. button_conversation = pn.widgets.Button(name="Chat!")
  35. interactive_conversation = pn.bind(collect_messages, button_conversation)
  36. dashboard = pn.Column(
  37. inp,
  38. pn.Row(button_conversation),
  39. pn.panel(interactive_conversation, loading_indicator=True, height=300),
  40. )
  41. dashboard


  1. context1 = [ {'role':'system', 'content':"""
  2. 你是一个订单机器人,这是一项为比萨餐厅收集订单的自动化服务。 \
  3. 你先问候客户,然后收集订单,\
  4. 然后问是自取还是送货。 \
  5. 您等待收集整个订单,然后对其进行汇总并最后检查客户是否还想添加任何其他内容。 \
  6. 如果是送货,你索要一个地址。 \
  7. 最后你收款了。\
  8. 确保阐明所有选项、附加功能和尺寸,以便从菜单中唯一标识该项目。\
  9. 你以简短、非常友好的对话方式回应。 \
  10. 菜单包括\
  11. 意大利辣香肠披萨 12.95, 10.00, 7.00 \
  12. 芝士披萨 10.95, 9.25, 6.50 \
  13. 茄子披萨 11.95, 9.75, 6.75 \
  14. 薯条 4.50, 3.50 \
  15. 希腊沙拉 7.25 \
  16. 配料:\
  17. 额外的奶酪 2.00, \
  18. 蘑菇 1.50 \
  19. 香肠 3.00 \
  20. 加拿大培根 3.50 \
  21. 艾酱1.50\
  22. 辣椒 1.00 \
  23. 饮料:\
  24. 可乐 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  25. 雪碧 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  26. 瓶装水 5.00 \
  27. """} ] # accumulate messages






  1. messages = context.copy()
  2. messages.append(
  3. {'role':'system', 'content':'create a json summary of the previous food order. Itemize the price for each item\
  4. The fields should be 1) pizza, include size 2) list of toppings 3) list of drinks, include size 4) list of sides include size 5)total price '},
  5. )
  6. response = get_completion_from_messages(messages, temperature=0)
  7. print(response)









  1. import panel as pn # GUI
  2. pn.extension()
  3. panels = [] # collect display
  4. context = [ {'role':'system', 'content':"""
  5. You are OrderBot, an automated service to collect orders for a pizza restaurant. \
  6. You first greet the customer, then collects the order, \
  7. and then asks if it's a pickup or delivery. \
  8. You wait to collect the entire order, then summarize it and check for a final \
  9. time if the customer wants to add anything else. \
  10. If it's a delivery, you ask for an address. \
  11. Finally you collect the payment.\
  12. Make sure to clarify all options, extras and sizes to uniquely \
  13. identify the item from the menu.\
  14. You respond in a short, very conversational friendly style. \
  15. If the customer's question has nothing to do with ordering pizza or \
  16. ordering food, you say:Sorry, I'm an order bot and I can't answer questions \
  17. not related to ordering pizza.\
  18. The menu includes \
  19. pepperoni pizza 12.95, 10.00, 7.00 \
  20. cheese pizza 10.95, 9.25, 6.50 \
  21. eggplant pizza 11.95, 9.75, 6.75 \
  22. fries 4.50, 3.50 \
  23. greek salad 7.25 \
  24. Toppings: \
  25. extra cheese 2.00, \
  26. mushrooms 1.50 \
  27. sausage 3.00 \
  28. canadian bacon 3.50 \
  29. AI sauce 1.50 \
  30. peppers 1.00 \
  31. Drinks: \
  32. coke 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  33. sprite 3.00, 2.00, 1.00 \
  34. bottled water 5.00 \
  35. """} ] # accumulate messages
  36. inp = pn.widgets.TextInput(value="Hi", placeholder='Enter text here…')
  37. button_conversation = pn.widgets.Button(name="Chat!")
  38. interactive_conversation = pn.bind(collect_messages, button_conversation)
  39. dashboard = pn.Column(
  40. inp,
  41. pn.Row(button_conversation),
  42. pn.panel(interactive_conversation, loading_indicator=True, height=300),
  43. )
  44. dashboard




如果我对三种食物的实际喜爱程度分别是:pizza 53%, sushi 30%, tocos 5%, 也就是说我最喜欢的食物是pizza, 最不喜欢的是tacos, 居中的是sushi。当我们选中不同的Temperature时,会得到如下的结果:


 当temperature为0时,模型会100%选中pizza, 而当temperature为0.3时,模型会有2/3的概率选中pizza,有1/3的概率选中sushi, 当temperature为0.7时,选中三种食物的概率各位1/3。所以temperature的越大,随机性就越大。这样解释大家能理解temperature的作用了吗?





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